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t�'t4 t � ��.�� �;i�f�1.`y17� . D a 01\r -!: V �l. _ .t.�lla�:�'!'� - 4ltLy'!f �,i� , \ i�,p�. .- -� T.- �--��-. .�... .. .:, <br /> - . 1- i ..t�,`.: ' \ a �� 1 . '-a Ist :\} - t'. _ "�ta' v�1`[, .d � 1 <br /> �—.y '�.'-'---- :� i�=�� �C�� I '.�\� . . . F.a�`` �i,.� <br /> � _� � �: � � . } _ ��i� � � � <br /> �`�. � t� `� �1 <br /> � . ,.. <br /> �.- ... . . <br /> t -_:�� � � . <br /> . - r-.- <br /> F-�' -_:-.__----- <br /> � _ .- <br /> � �� . �\_ : . �.- - - \Jl�`--.- __ -. <br /> , �..-.-. Y). . . i. " _'- '.. .._ `�1 .. � _��.p�Y¢7�ii.c <br /> � -r-i.`� �• - '..�-:.�-�� - �.-:t:.n`4+. �:3��' e�."�..��.''"--- ' — - <br /> ....=�1� ��1"� �'...:.:.+w..-.�.'ti.:�:.��...�..�.....�.+.� .��- �_a�'.`.. ..�W...�......._��L�_.._.v.....i...�....�.�:�.C_�.� .... ........_ _ <br /> rp'HI•A , �' <br /> � <br /> _ .�� � <br /> � <br />..'_ I .. , ..� .� ,... <br /> ��tl ���� <br /> lY.Teuu�l'cr u�Wo!'�o�rlv m�n 11eneR��in1 IaQe�•cat In Um•ru��er. li'ull ur t►nv putt nt'ihe 1'�'uperty�►r uiiy luterc.rt in it <br /> i�{�u1�1 ur 1r;i��y1'cir��d t•�r If o tMacficlal intcrrst in Hnrn��rcr i�nt�id ue t�iisi�ferred wid Hueru�ver 1K ix��e ninurcil�rrrn++u►withui�t <br /> I.cndcr'n rri�►r �veUtcn «ui.r•cnt. [.citdur u�ay, ut Ity ���tlun. rc�ulcc ImmrcHiUc p.�ymcnl in Qdl uf ull �+ui�w �rcnrcrt hy this <br /> Sccuri�y l�utrum.nt, Nuwrvcr. dds optiun�hi�il nai hc cxcrri�c�til�+y txuJrr IP�xri�.�hc Ir pruh!bif��J by 1'cdcral law n�i�F thc datn <br /> uP�hlw Srcurity inrtn�ment. <br /> If't.cnctc�•cxcrciscr thir updun,t,���tJce s6u11 F,ivo l�urrawrr naticc��1'ar�rlrr,+liun.'1'h�nulire r:hull p��u�l�la n pi��tud��F nut <br /> Ics.y lhun �U ciuyy IYum ihe drue Ihu nuticc fy detivcred ��r n►allcd wt�hin wUl�l� Rur�'u���rr musl �ay alt tiumv securcd by thiv <br /> Scrurllv I���ln�mcnt, li p��rr�����cr tidly tu pay thcsc sumr prla�ti�thc capinuian aP thi.r�nri��l, l.rn�l�r nu►y iuvuku uny�.:iucdi�.�r <br /> �naincct hy thir Sccurity fn.strumcnt�vtthnvt furthcr ttsHir�ar�l�rt��n�i�n�li�►�i�+wet• <br /> iE�. itar�o�er'� t3i�ht tn E:eltt;tate, if �+t�cn+,�er nteetfi ��rrtnVn crnKtitkes�y. 8�►fr�►wer �l�all h����e Ihr �I;�ht t�► !►avo <br /> ent+,r.•r«unt ��I'tl�ix �ueity l�utrwiuut discuiuh�ucJ ut tm�• timo�rl��r t�► thc rarUcr uf; 1u? R itc�Y� (��r +ueh uthcr period us <br /> nppliciihlc (u�v ��iay xpecity far r�:in,tate�»enq bcfore 9nle ��f the Hmprny purruimt u� c�ny �uwe� of anle ruutufncd io Ihir <br /> Sccurity Instrument:ur(t+)eniry��i'n Jt4d�nunt enfirrcin�;this Sccurlty hislrument. 7'huse rundid�mv iae thnt purn�war:tul pay� <br /> l.cndcr ol!suniv wbich ihcn wauld tm duc undcr this Sccurity lin�nmicnt i�nd�hc N��tc as!1'no urccicruUun hud urrurrcd; lh) <br /> curc.r• any dcfoult��I'�my .�thcr cuvcnnn�x��r o�rccmentti;(c) puye ull cxpcmcy I��cur�•cd in cuf�►rring �hi� Scr�uity Intitrumant, <br /> inctudlng.but nut ifmitcd u�, rcuc�mahle nUnrnc�y' fccs;und(J1 u��ev nurt�ucdun ur• l.eitdcr mny rEasu►tubly reyuirc t�►ucwu�c <br /> that Ihe licn at'thl:c Sccurity Intilrument. Lendcr x rightti In rhe Pmpeny und Florr��wer'e ubU aNau tu�;ry thc sumy�ecurcJ by <br /> thls Sccurity lnstrumcnt ehnll runthiuc unrhungcJ. Upon rcinstiucmc��t by Hurrr►wcr, t�ii� Sccurity In.rirumcnt und thc <br /> ubifgutfuns serured hc�eby�hall renwin Nliy ef'fectivo u.�IP nu uccrlemtian hi�d arcuned. Ha�vever, thiN right tu relnstute hhuli <br /> �at upply in tho ccise nf uccelemdan undcr paruQ�uph 17. <br /> 19. Sale uf Nutei Chiioge of�.onn Servicer. 'I'he N�tc or n panii�l interest in Ihn Nuto (togethcr with this Seciuity <br /> Instrumcnq nu►y ln snld c►nc��r nmra timcr without prior nnticc tn k3��rnnvcr. A xulc muy rexult in u chango 1n thc c!uity(kn��wn <br /> ns thc"l.c►un Scrvfccr")thut cullectti munthiy puyaic�itq duc undcr ihc Nata nnd this Sccuri:y instnimcnt.Thcrc adsu uiay l+c onc <br /> ar n�urc chAnges of thc l.usm Scrvircr unrclatcd t�>u sulc uf thc Nutc. if thcro ia i�chango af�hc Iw�un Scrvircr, Horrowcr wfll bu <br /> givcn writtcn natico of'thc chanAc in nrcarduncc with purag�aph 14 ubavc iu►d npplicnbic lu�v.Thc natico wiU�tutc thc numc nnd <br /> addresy��f tho new l.onn Serviccr und tl�e +iJdres.r• tu which pAymcntq should bc mado,Tho notice will aisii canUdn i�ny nther <br /> infarmutiun rcyuircd by apptiaible luw. <br /> Z0. Hna�rtloua Suhstances. Barrowcr shnll nut causc ar permit Ihc prescnco, uso. diaposul, rtaragc, or rcicusc of uny <br /> N�nznrdaus Substnnccs ore ar in thc Nraprrty. Horro���cr shaU not da, nar ullow anyune rise to da, unything nffectin�t the <br /> I�r��peny thut is in violntion�►f uny Bnvimnmentul la�w.Tho prcccding two sentcncc:+xhall nat upply ta tho prescncc. usc,or <br /> starogc on�he Praperty of r,mall quantttiea of Ha•r�vdous Substunce9�hat nrc gcnerally rcco�nizcd ta bo npproprintc t�oarmal <br /> rcaidentiul usov und tu muintcnuncu af tl�o a'ivporty. <br /> l3arrowcr nhull proniptiy give l.endor�vrittcn notice af�u�y investigatian, clulm.demand, lawsuit ar athor aciian by any <br /> governmentul ar reguliUory ugcncy or privuto purey invalvin�thc Pr��perty und any Hcuunlous Substnncc or�nviromi�cntul l.�av <br /> af which Bortawer ha�uctuW knuwlcd�e. If H��rrowcr trarns,or tF nntifiocl by uny�;overnmental or�rgulutury uuthartty, thnt <br /> uny removul ur uther rcmc�liation c�f unp HezurdouA Substanco af'fccting tho Praper�y is ne�;e.r•s�►ry. Rorrawcr shali pramptly tatco <br /> all ncccssnry�mediul nctians in arcorciuncc with Bnvir�nmcntul lanv, <br /> As used in thfa pnra�iuph 2t1. "Hazurdaus Sub4tunws" u��a thase subwtances definui nr• tc►xic�►r hiuurdous r;ubstancea by <br /> Envlr�mmenusl l,uw und the fallawing substanee�: gasoline, komsene, uther Ilammnblo nr toxic petraleum praducts, toxic <br /> }xsticidea nnci hrrhicidec. voludle rnlventa� mntcriuls containin��.sbestas ar fontr,ildehydc.nnd rudiai►ctive materials. As usecl in <br /> thls pvrugraph 20, "Environmcntal t.nw" mc.lns Ccdcr�il inws nnd IuwR of thc Jurisdictian�vhcro thc Prapertp is luuttixi tiiat <br /> relnto to heatth,�fcty or cnviranmentW protecilon. <br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVliNANTS. Hnnuwer und 4ender fl�hh�r cavenunt und agrea us follows: <br /> ZI. Aercicratlon;ltemedles. l.ender shull aivc noticc to ilormwcr prlar ta a��ccicrutlon full��wing Dorrower'Fl brcach <br /> nt 9ny envennut or uunxment in t�ls 3��curit_y las2avmcnt (but aot priar ta acccicrution undcr pAragrnph 17 un1�,9 <br /> uppllr�blc Is►�r prodlik.s olhsrwixa). The aatice d�lia!! epecliy: (�)the cietault; (b) the uctiaii requlr�l to cure tR8�ael�tulti <br /> (c)a dnte� not Icss than 30 do�N from the dnto tho nollco is Aiven ta Barrower,by whlch tho default must be cured;And <br /> (d) tlhfit tAllure to cure ¢he det'AUIt on or befare the clute specified in the natice muy rctiult in acccierntlon of tho Fums <br /> Hecured by thls Security Iact�rument und rs�Q�oP thc PrapcMy.7'he nutice shull fuMher Inform dorroNCr ot tho rtght to <br /> refnstatp ancr nccclerattan uncf the rlght ta bring n courl uction to �.s.cert tho nan-existe�ece og� default ar uny other <br /> defenco of Ilurruwer ta uccelerutlon ond sule. If the dcfnult Is not cvred on or bcforo the duto spccifled In 1ho notice, <br /> I.enaer, at [te uptton,mgy requiro immediutc pAymtnt i� i�ull a�t nll aums secured by thls Sccerliy'Insirument withaut <br /> f1�Mhcr dc�nand and mey invoke thepo�ver af sAlo nnd c�ny other remediev pt�yvnittcd by ppplicabtc lnw. l.citder ehall bo <br /> entitled to callect ail expcnss.w fncurred in punsuln�q tho reinedics pcovidcd In tht�puragraph 21,inctuaing,but ant limitcd <br /> to,rcasanable attorncys'Pec.v nnd caste pf titto evidence. <br /> Ii'thepa wer of�le ts iuvaked, Trustce shall rccord�natico af defnutt in cnch coun0y tn which any part ai't�ti� <br /> IProperty fy lrcuted and shall mnil�apic.w at euch nailce In tho munner pr�cr�'hed by applicnblo IAw to llorrc►wer and ta <br /> th�othcr pensar�.v prescrti�d by uppllcAblo low.Af�cr the tlmo requlred by up�alicuble law,Tr�i�tco ehull Rivo publtc natice <br /> at ss►le ta the pertion9 and in thc manncr pr�sc�i6ed by applUrubte luw.'l'rustce� without dcmuad an Borrawcr,Rhal!scil <br /> the Nroperly nt puhlic auction to tlie hiqh�st bldder ni tho time uud�luco ond undeP�I10 1C17119 t�C.9I�nated In the notir.e a! <br /> sbic b�a�ee or more pnrcela und In��y ardnr Trusteo deter�nin�cw.7�ustco mny pavtpano sulo of uli ar nny purcci oY iho <br /> Pruperty by publlc t�nnounccmcnt cit 1ho timc nnd plucc af a►�y prevlausly schedalcd Aulc. I.endcr or itx dc9ignco mfly <br /> nurchaso the Properiy at any eale. <br /> Fotm 3028 �J190 <br /> Papo 6 M a <br /> — � *�t'R'/y,�i�r.- ---�--��7�E -- <br /> .��_. --�wad^li%I�SiFll�1 Y���� 1 i ii l��,•-"'.i��+ � ... <br /> � � .K,x nr e;'i .�� � <br /> Y - �i�.'M'f..:�Y��`'.�� t�,;m�1 ,►y�-r-- ., ' ?j.;�. ----- :�.,�3^'✓� - ... __..Y <br /> ` _ � ,i ' ' 1^r..s irf �r {y 7�' } ����'� � <br /> �_:���r�yt,�' 1 v � ryd'�ti .. • '� a� ..1� ' E�+%'t�7�' i �' � r -_ <br /> f. �'.+ �.- �. <br /> ----- ,,sr�s� 9l ,. f ;iE1tJ ! .. t,� r+�. ' � �ky' µ �� "It= � Y 1 <br /> ,r�r it��.� a'.f� .� :it a� . �y+ ` � }"•' <br /> � �7 c►�''� .t:l�`�flif s . <br /> l L�+-�;�+����ry�. � .+�����F��.yP�s�s•yr- ,w,- r� f r�l 7.► '� �j t'l�{'�i- '"_ <br /> ��i ,��v � �� -� . � : � .�. h <br /> �cY��+�l�C���'��.i,�ti'f� "Y y° tr ''��y��*rY�t' �xX' ''+' •. • `� Ef tl) --- <br /> r,�,# �t.•��: <br /> i��3i� 1 .Lt 5+.� -♦J..-.� ix r:i�.�,t � . . . a.. . .. �.��,e�F'i!.�qi �� ___. <br /> �'��w�4�y�,s�� � y�»,'��•' ' �� -f �L • � • ' , �. 1t�,�.Y:_ ._-_ <br /> ��'y]NIY yJ� �y1/�Y �p,,.� 1� 7 .c�., iY. -v .,� '� rl..i. _ ��nva.- <br /> �,�.� 1a .. .` .�.�/:T�� �1F.77 �Y���.,"�isi'���j._ ��,.r�.�.� -! . �� �'�' �.� ' —_- _ -_-_ _ <br />