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— zq�.rn�r�"t�, i i y' n � �� '�ti \.`' � ..t .- � — .-. . _._.�.�.�_ ___ <br /> i'rR'E�1rt.'FA'��^ + i�i 1 i-S i '�`l t i S . ��i _ - 1-1.�-.4�t�� _ tl�.� �-, � 1� <br /> .t .� i� �5��`l� �`:_KL� �F�,11 i: '++� �i_i �i _ �_ � ,P. i\�ii'.— . l.t� �i;���� <br /> i`s` ��1,,1t,1� �l 1,.,,� . `, , T.,- ,,,`'.,•, <br /> t. , , 3t� ' � •-- --- r��� <br /> i-=� . «<< ' .. —�' ---,"'`` ------- ��.� <br /> . , �.L..�..� . ,. <br /> : ,- . . .._..__ -- —: <br /> � �: - —� — � ---- , :., <br /> � , �� . . __ . . _ <br /> . _ <br /> ., <br /> �, , ' � .. <br /> � . . . .,; �� _ <br /> . <br /> ,.,. <br /> ��--- . , _ . . - -- � — . — -- <br /> . - - �.. ,.. � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> — . . . _ . <br /> .� <br /> „ a . ,,,. r �, _ °� � <br /> ,��� �.�➢���►�+ <br /> :�, liuznnl nr �h'�►p;,f1y Insuru�uc. Nl+n��►«�cr Khull Arrp tho In�pravr�uentw unw c+►Ititin� .�r hercnflrr rrctited un Ihe <br /> i'rnpe�ty insur��1 aguirtst tuvr i�y Nre, ts;viiedu iihludc�l �vithlu tltr trr�n "Cxt�ncicc) �a�•crz►go" cmil nny athrr t�7zani�, inrluiiing <br /> fi�xHts ur flo�xilu�, fur whlch Lcnd�r r�qulr.�+In�u�un�e. 'i'Iilv��u���c tii�nll ho mnlntnlncd in Ih��a�uminlM�uid fi�r ttw��ctl��dv <br /> tlwt I..c�uicr��i�uiriy. Thc Inhurun�r rr�Fricr prnvi�lin�.11hc l���ur��n�c hh;di bc rha�cu hy I�:vru���rr huh�crt �u t.cndcr'h up�m�vul <br /> ahlrh nhall na1 be anrcatiuncibly wfdiheld. It'Ilnrru►vice fuilv tu nudntalo ruvcra!!c�te�rrihcd ohnvr, Lrnd��r m,iy, m I�.mder'� <br /> ��Pti��j�,ohtain ravern�to t��pau�t i.ende�'e ri�Zhiy in 1hr Nruper�y h►urr�rdmsee wiU►puru,�r�i�h 7. <br /> Mt inruranco piallcEcv airi`�uewats tii►i�tl h��ucc���li►t+t�` t�� I.ende�un�i �hull fnelude a tiluitd�u�i �mntgu�r��uu�r. Ixinlrr <br /> F!w!1 I�av�tt�ri�lK tu{H►k{11�{�►Ikic�:H+nl�et�wnik. If I.rrxler�cv�tdfc�.Hart�+tiver ytiu4l�m+ttq+tiy�tive t��L�rttdrr nfl r�ecripts nf <br /> �+aki�i{un�s anet rttt���l ns�ttr�. tn tha�w�nt at tos`.t3ormwcr�hnli pivc prampt nntirt t+r ihc in.urane��►:Iir�Ct�u�id 1.���der. <br /> 1��.ter�n�Y ttt?�ct�ptcaof of lo�ti!C t1�t tt�de ps'txtt�t2ly b��!�,}r�o�vcr. <br /> Unlc�v l.endee und���►rruwcr�ithrrwlse u�;nea in writiug. insua�nrr prurccds,iwtl b::iippUed tu re+turaticm ur repalr�+f the <br /> P�vperiy dnmugcd,iF the cextarntian or�epai�is c�a�mmirnliy fensible nnd I.ender's srcuriry i.r•nat Irsscnrd. 11'the restornUun ur <br /> rcpair fa na1 crm�omlciilly fcn�ibin ur L.cndcr's nccurlty �w�uld bc Icsses�cd,�hc Insur.u�cc priKCCdr shail hc appllcd t�i thc nurn9 <br /> sCiur�d by thiy Sccuriiy Inytrument, �vhcthcr��r n��t th:n duc. witl� �my ex��r.r �udd lu Qorruwcr. If l�nrn►wcr��handons tlto <br /> Propeny, ar dues nut uncwcr within 3U duyc u nuilcc Fmm l.cndcr tNiit tho insuri�n�ti rircricr h��v ufPcrcd to scuic a clidm,thcn <br /> I.endr.r mny callect tho insurance pr��recJs, l.ender may use thr. prucccdx t�� ren;i{r ur restt�re thc Prupeny ��r ta p<ry numa <br /> securcel by this Securiry In�tromem.whelher or nm then duo.The 3A•day perlud wlll begin�vhen the nnUre i�given. <br /> Unless l.c�dcr nnd Sorrrnver othenvise agree in wriNng, iu�y upplicad��n of p►cucc�is t� princip:il shull nrn extend �ir <br /> pustpanc thc duc dut� of the mnnthly puymentw �ef�rred t� in p.►tnHr�phN 1 mid 2 ��r�hun��tho c�m��unt af thc paymenta. If <br /> u►tdcr paragrc�ph 21 thc Property is ucquircd by l.cndch Dnmawcr'y right t��any insuruncc pnlicics nnd pr�cccdH resultina frum <br /> damngo to the Praperty priar ta thc iuquisitian shnil pass to l.cndcr tci thc oxtrm ol'ttw sums nccured by thix Securiry Invtrumcnt <br /> immedintely prlar tu the urquisitian. <br /> 6.tkcupancy,Pr�ervntlon, Mntntennnce nnd�raicctlon of the Pmperly; Burmwer'x Lai�n Applicution;I.c�ehold9. <br /> Borrower shall uccupy.estublish,emd use the Propeny as Sorrmver'x prinripal re�idenco wlthin xixty dAyv after tho execution s�f <br /> thie Security I��strument und shull continuo t��accupy the Pmpeny as Borro�ver's principal residenee Far nt ane yca�aRer <br /> tho datc of accupancy, unlesc I.ondor athcnvlsu c��ecs in wrfti�g, whicl�cansent shafl not bo unreusonably withl►eld. or unl�as <br /> ente�uutin� c�rcumstances exist which ure beyond earmwer'v c�mtrol. 8��rrawcr vhiill nut destrny, dam��o rn• impair tho <br /> ��naperty. ullow tho Prop�ny to deteriornte, or commlt wnstc an the prapeny. Narrawcr Ahnll be ln default it'any fort'ciu►ro <br /> ucuon or prcuceding, whether civil �r rrlmi��z►1, iK began thnt in Lrndrr's gcxxl fhlth jud�ment could result i�forfeiture of tho <br /> Praperty or athenvisc matcduily impnir the licn creuted by this Security Instrument c+r I.ender's sccurity intcrrst. 9arruwer may <br /> CUiO tiUC�l A aC�AUII Al1tI ICItlti1F1�A,�s pmvlded in pnrn�raph 18, hy eausing the ncUun or prc�cecding to bo dismissed�vith u�vlin� <br /> that, in Leti�der'H gond fuitti dctenninution, prccludes forfoiturc of tho Rorro�ver'ti interest in thc E'raperty ur uthcr muteriul <br /> impuirment of the lien crentod by thiR Security Instnimcnt or l.cnder's secudty intcrest. Barrawer shuil also ht� in dcfnult if <br /> 8ama�ver.Juring the loan AppficAtion pmoess.�ave mut�:nlly f'alse�ar irtttccurato informntian or st�tenients ta Lcrtder(or failvd <br /> to providG Lender wlth n�y mAteris�l infrr+�ntion)in cnnnccUon with tho loun evidenced by the Nate, includin�;.but nat limlted <br /> �u,r�gr�ensaliuns cosxeml�g Het��ec'�occ�s�;ui t!�Prc�t3���srinclpg!r�lcicttr�. if t�#s°�..-�tr�ty 1s�trumn-nt#�on a <br /> 1FUSChnld. Bar�ower shull cumply with nll the provisf�n9 af tho ica.s�. If 8orrowcr ncquirca fco titlo to tha grupeny, Iho <br /> luuchold und tho fee titlo yhnU nat mergo unlcss l.cndcr�recs tu tlic merger in wrlting. <br /> 7.i'o+ot�tlon of Lender's Hitt6tb in thn Pronerty.If Hnrroaer fnils to Qerform thn ec►venunta nnd ugr�menty rnn�ni�cat In <br /> � thla Seradty la�s;rumcnt, ar thera is a Icgnt proceeding thnt mny si�nificantly affect [,en�ter'r► rig8in in titu Fmperty isuch n�A <br />' praccecltnA in bankruptcy. prab��ttc, far candemn�tiun ar forfeituro or to enforco li�we or f�egulntlu��s)� then Grnder muy do ana <br /> pay for whutevee is nece.�smy to pratcct the valuo of the Propor�y cuid L,ender's rlghte in tho Property. I..ender's uctions m�+y <br /> includo paying uny sums svcurcd by A licn whict� In�ti pdarlty avcr thiR Sccu��iiy Instrumo»t. appc��ring in aourt. p:�yln8 <br /> [CASURAbIC AItOP�ieys'fees nrxl entering c�n the Property ta mnko repaire. Althaugh l.onder muy t�ke t�ctian undcr thiA purAgmpl� <br /> 7�Lcndc�dacs not hnvo ta do rco. <br /> Any omounts dibbursal by L.ender under this pnrn�rnph 7 shall becamo additimial d.6t af Burrower sccured by thia <br /> Secu�ity iastrumcnt. Unicss Harrawer cu�d l.ender M�ce ta athcr tcrn�s af pnyment. theso umounts ehull bcar lnterest iram tho <br />: �lato of disbur�cment nt Uic hoto rute und shull bo payabl�, wlth latcrost, upon Rati�o f'rom l.endcr ta Harrowor reqacsting <br /> puymcnt. <br /> 8.Murtp�Age InsurAnee. If'l.cnder rcquired mottgngo insuruncc��s c►wndiNan nf making the lann securcci by thix Sci:uraty <br />� Instn�mcnt, ►iorrowcr �hNl pay thc prcmiums�cquircd ta mainmin tho martgnga Insutun�o in cPfect. If. for any re�son, the <br /> moflgago insnrnnro rovorc�gu cequired by lxnder lapsas ar cenae.9 t�bc in effect.Bc�rrawcr shali�u►y tho prc�niums reguir�d tn <br /> abtAin caverngo subsim�tia:ly cquivutent ta tho mortgago insurnnct�proviausiy i�offect,�t u cast hubstantittlly epuivutant to thv <br /> cast to Harrowcr af tho marlgAga insursincu proviausiy in cffcct, f'rom an altcrnntu martgugo in9urer nppmved by l.ender. lf <br /> BUOStAiItlAlly�JUIVAICpI OIOn�A$0�IISUft1ItC0 COVelY1�C IR I10i AVA�IAbIC.Bo�rmver ehnil puy to L,ender e:ech manth a sum cqunl to <br /> onc-twclRh of tho ycarly martsagc inauranco pmmium being puid by Barrawcr whan thc inAUranco cavcrago lapscd o�cc,�u:cci to <br /> bo ln cfFu:t. Lender will ascopt.uso aad retAin theso pnymentn uy A I099 reservo in �tCU OP Il101t�il&0 IObpiitnt�. LOSS fCSCNp <br /> Farm 9028 fl�fl0 <br /> P�oo a o�o <br />