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<br /> 'IY1Lili7'llt:tt WI'�'ll up�ho Iu�pr����r.mcnts ni�w ar hanaftcr ercctc�l un 11�c prupcny,mxl�QI en4rmcntN,up�urtciuu�c�.y.wt�! :
<br /> iixtarey nu�v �►n c���ca(icr n pari uf' 1ho pra�SrUy. All rcpiuccnta►ts nnd nd�liiiunv shail ni5c► hc c�►vc�t�d 1►y thih Sc�:u�ity '
<br /> Instru�nv��t.All�}1'tl�r f«���;uln�1�,��firsc.i tu in INis 5�ri�ri�y tn�t�t�ment nq the"PrupeHy." �
<br /> ittltittO\Y�?tt t'UV1{N�NTS thut[l�►rr��wcr I9lnwfully tai�c�l ul'IRo c�:tuto hcrehy cvut�oyri�und ltuv IAc riZ;tN to geu�it and
<br /> canvcy thc 1'mp.rty nnd that thc Pm�setty ir unc�icumb�md, cxrcpt firr cn�u�nhrnnrc�nF rc�v�rJ, eorec�wcr wnrrants ��id wpl
<br /> ctefcitd�,rnrr��lly ilie titlu tu thu!'ru�xtty nfsulnrl ull clill0lV UIk)�CII1IIIliI9�nutycet tu i►ny encumhrcmerv�,P rernnl. ;
<br /> 'fNl�SI?t'Uttl'1'Y !NS'�'tiliM['sN�'c��mhl�ic.r t►uili��-nt�uvtnuaty fi,r nu�i�mal urc unJ �iumuniti►rui�v�vcnantq aith Iimitcd
<br /> vu�lt�titma by.�url5dieti�n tu�ututitutC:�unlfi►1'm KCCU�ity inrinmte�tt c�wc�'1o����d ptu��ty.
<br /> LIN{t�t3KA1�Y)VKNAN'1'S. kk►rr►�wce una l,c�ulcr«�vcnunt ur.J u�nc n.r fi+ll�»vx.
<br /> i. f��►a�nr�h �t P�iu�cl�l c�id Intc�cstl ��'��a�mcnt aad Lnto �ha��. Hti►n-uwc�• hhi+tl pr�1mpily p�y tvhen tiue tl�o
<br /> prinripal nf�md liucre�t�m�ho drht ev�dcnuc�l by thc Nuto and nny prcpaym�nt nnd li►tc chu�tZev duc undcr tho Natc.
<br /> Z. H�nrlv Par 7'axcw and Invuronee. Suhicct tu appticadlr (uw.►r[a u wriuen�vuiver by t.ri�ie�, 8o�'a�cer ehall �sy tn
<br /> L�cudcr un Iho dny�nanthly payntcnts urc duc undcr thc Nutc,unlll Iltc Nptc iy paid in full.i�num 1"i�unds")fi�r:(u)yc.►rly tc�xes
<br /> and utir�srmcnty which miiy uuuin�irlorfty ovcr this Security Instrument i�v��lien an Ihc Pr��perty:lb)ycnrly Icasch�id pnyments
<br /> ��r pry�u�cl R�tti un tiic P�aperty, if nny;(rl ycarly h��uni or pn�perty in�u�ancc premiumv;(il)ycarly Quud i�surunco premiwns,
<br /> if a�+y;(cf ycurly mnngugc Insurume prcniiun�v, if imy; und(�nny s��my payublc by 8urruaer ta l.endcr, in nrc��rdunrc wlth
<br /> the wn►visiuns uf paru�raph H,in Iicu uf Ihe{�iiyment of moriguge insurance pmmiums. Thcso items i�ro catled"Escru�v[temy."
<br /> l,ender moy, nt uny timc, r��ilect und hoid Fwids in un umount not tn excecd the m.�ximum nmaunt o lender firr a Peder�►ily
<br /> rcli�ted mun�ago luan may rcquirc fi�r 8arruwcr's escra�v account under the federul Real Esu�te Sctdement Praccdure9 Act af
<br /> 1y74 a�nmencled fmm timc to Umc, IZ U.S.C. 5crti��n 26111 et seW. ("R�SPA"), unles.r•i►nothcr la�v that uppiics ta thc�und9
<br /> �scts n Icss�r iunn;►n1. If r���. Lcndcr may� at unN tlmc, c�licct und hnld Funds ln iin um�unt not t�excccd d�c Icsscr aninunt.
<br /> Lcndcr may c.r•timatc ttie nmrn�nt af Funds du� �m thc br�.viF uf current dati► nnd revyannblc estimntcv of expenditurcy��f futu��c
<br /> L�scrmv Itcmv or othcrvi�c in l�ccordu�tco with�ippNrublc Inw.
<br /> Thc Fiund� shidl bo hcld io nn institutinn whose deposits uru insu�cd by n fc.�lcral agency. inst�vmcntulity. or cntity
<br /> (includi�g Lsndcr. if l,endcr ia�such an lnstitu�ian)ur in uny P�dcrul Hamc l..�an Bank. l.crtdcr sliull iipply tho Fundy to puy th�
<br /> 8scrow[tems. Lcndcr m�y nnt churge Rorrowcr fi�r hnlding and Applying tho Fund9.annunlly amily7ing tho escrotv acc�uunt,ar
<br /> verifying lho Bscrow Items,unlcss I.cadar payN B�ir�owcr intcrest on thc Funds und appltcablo Ic�w pem�lte I.ender to mnko such
<br /> n chnrgc. Hawcvcr, l.�ndar a�ay rcquire 8o�ruwer to puy a one•time chnrgc f�r nn indcpendent rcal est�te tux n�porting scrvlw.�
<br /> usecl by I.ender in cannection with thiA IUAtI. unless Applicablo Inw pruvidcs athenvlse. Unless an ugreenient ie mndo or
<br /> appHcnblc lu�v requircv intercgt ta ne pnid. I�endcr shall nat bo reqtdred to pny Rarro4ver uny Interest or ca�ninga an tha Funds.
<br /> 8amnwcr und L.cnder muy agree in�vrltinn, hawevcr, thnt interest shnll Gc pai�l on tho Fu�tda. l.cnder shall 6ivo ta Aarrower.
<br /> withaut chnrae. nn nm�ual ru:caunting nf tho Funds, showing credits i�nd dehitx to thc Fuade and the purpaso far which ea�h�
<br /> deblt to ihe Fur�is way madc.ThC�unds i�ro plcd�ed oy ndditianul secudty far nll eun�secu�ed by this Sccutity Instniment.
<br /> If tha Fundy held by l.cndcr excecd thQ amaunts permittal to bo hcid by iipplicnblo luw,l.endcr shall nccaunt t�8arrower
<br /> for tho exe:s9 Fundg in aec��dnnce with tho re��uirements of applicublc In�v. If Iho utnaunt af tho Funds held by l.ender ut m�y
<br /> tlme is nat eufficlent ta pay thu Bscrow ltemv whcn due. i.cndcr may sa nutifj+Bar�o�vcr in wr3ting.artd,�n such cnse Rorra�ver
<br /> ehull F1� ta Lender thv omaunt nccess.lry ta mnke up the dcsciency. Harrowor�1►uil mnke up the deficicncy in no rnore Ihara
<br /> twotve��anthty pAyments,at Lendcr's sale discretian.
<br /> Upan payment in fuil oP ap aums Fecurect by this Securlty Instrument. I..ender shnll pramptly refund ta 8arrowce uay
<br /> Fundv l�eld by Lendcr. If,undcc pt►ru�traph 21. I.cndcr shnll ncquire ar seU the PropeKy,l.ead�r,prior to thc ncquiaitian or sele
<br /> � oi tfio propartp.si►aii c�piy anY�u�s i�oid'oy t.vndcr ai tiro iimo u€�.�►iiria3a���na��a�3t�=3ss:!s3�r.�s�.:��i�:
<br /> this Sccurit}r Instrumcnt.
<br /> J.Appllcation a!i'ayma��s.Unless uppllcnbte luw pravidcs othenviso.i►11 paymcnts received by Lendcr urtdor parngraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall ho i�pplicci: first, tc�imy prepaymcnt chnrgcs dua undcr thc Notc; Fccand,ta umaunta payahlo undcr pnrngrnph 2:
<br /> third,to interest due;faurth.ta principal duo;nnd luat.to uny it►to chargc9 duo undcr tho Noto.
<br /> 4.ChArgCVi l.Icns.aoreowcr shail pAy all taxes, c�ssessmcnts, ch;vgcs, finco i►nd impasitions nttrlbutnblo to thc Property
<br /> whic;�m:►y attain priariry uver tMs Sccurity Instrument. und Iea�.SChald p�ynunts ar uraund reNA. if any. Ha�rc►wer sholl pay
<br /> thcsc abligAtions in tho mnnner pruvldcd in pan►grnph 2.or if not paid in that munncr. Durra�vor ahnll pay thcm nn timo cfi�rctly
<br /> to the perFOn a�vcd payment.Ha.ROwer shall prompdy fl�rnish to l.ender Alt i�aticca of umaunts to be p.nid undcr this pur�rnph.
<br /> If Hc►rrowcr makey ihcso paymenta directly.9»r�v�ver sliull pramptly flirnixh 20 l.endor�cccipGg evidcn:��g tho puymcntR.
<br /> �ornn�ver shall promptly djsch�rgo any lien whlch hns}�.r3arity over this Securlty Instrument unle�.o�3or��wer:(u)agrecs ln
<br /> writicL,�to Iho puyment af the abldgntiun secu�cd by 1hv lien in m m�nner ncccptnhlc to l.eniler;(b>cancsts in good fuith tlie lien
<br /> by. ��r dofcndA aguinst enforcement oi'tho lirn in, legAl pracecdings which in the Lender's api»ian aperatu to p►�event iho
<br /> enforc�nunt of tho ticn;ur(c>sccures from t!�c�oldor��f the lien a�ag�cemcnt endsfnctory ta [.cnder�ubardirn�dng thu lieo to
<br /> this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt. If l.ettdcr dcterminey chut uny purt af tho Praperty ix eubJcct ta a lien whicfz a�a,y attnln priority aver
<br /> thiy S.curity Inrtrumcnt.l..cndcr�»ay givo Haaawcr a nutico icicntifjrin}�thc licn. Honawcr ahUll sAtisty thc licn or tnko ona ar
<br /> niarc of tho nctinns�ct farth nbavo within 10 daye af tho givi�s of natice.
<br /> Farm 30Z8 81DO
<br /> vcpo x oi e
<br />