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<br /> �rtad�1Mat L.cndce trquirca, 'iltc In�arenro cnrticr�mvldleA thc in�ura��cc ahall t�chasen by 8omiu�cr nub�cct tn!„end.r�
<br /> " npi��i�val whlch ehnl!nut ta umrasitnnhly�vlU�tietcl. IP Norrnvcr!'nily t��mcNntc�in covcr,tiF;o dc�rrit+cd nLxwc.�l,cud�r mny,nt
<br /> I,endcrb u4�1tm�.iihtnin crvem�;u tc►pn�tcct l.ci��rrb ri�htx in the l�t��.^ny In n�r��niwtrc wlth pn�-aZt�'s�l�7.
<br /> Ail iyi5uranc���ft1I�CIC4 iiRll t�liC1YQIH bI11I)(1t',llCl'Cp�ubic to l.s:�nicr nn�l rhu11 includo t�slundn�J mwi�uge�Inuyo. Le��der
<br /> • sBn{i 6nva It+e rt�ht tu hi�lil tix��u�li�lca a►i�t rc�wwais. (i'I,r���icr rcquir.9,fi��m�wc��hnll p�vmi�ily eiva t��I.enilcr�+11`ec�lptw
<br /> uf p�kl�rriiu�ny c�ncl r�►viil�tMkei. In�he�vent ut'k��.v,�lcxrawcr shel!give�riKn�H�ti�e t���he{nhiaancc c;�rrler ead
<br /> Lcndcr. i.cndcr m�y mak�pr�nf af lac.9lf nu��iu�da pramptlx by ttorrnwcr.
<br /> Unlcs�+l.cadc�nnd HuRO�vcr othcnvlso�i�}rco in�vritii��,lnyurnttcc pn�rccdv hhnll bo npplicil tu revtamtiun u��r��rcpoi�uf
<br /> �i� �a��iy daii�a�,�i. �f tn�triEc�iati��i►i��rair {o c=+xnh�itECdliy fciltilGtv�Hit�i �r�ttEri�i rc�i��ity Is IIl?j�EitClf`(7. If i�c -
<br /> restorat un or mpair iq no!ccanamicnity fc�sibla ar l,endcrl�hccurity �vouid ho terticncd,tho imunu�cc prurer�l9 shnll bo
<br /> nppitcd io tho sumy ticcumd 6y this Sccurity Myhumem,whcther ar not thcn duc, �vith any cacrxs paid to Horro�vcr. t�
<br /> Harrmvcr n�n►tdanv�hc fh�uperry� or docs not�inv�vcr within 30 dnyv i�naticc Gum 4cndcr thm thc insurwuo carticr hn�
<br /> afPcmd tu r,ciHv n 61nim,lhen l.ci�dcr�nny cultcet tho in.r•umncu pr��cccds. l.cnctcr o�oy utv tlte pnKCCdy t��cyu�ir��resta�
<br /> tho!'rapeny ar to pay sumo sccuFed by U►is Securlty ln.strument,whether ar nol then duo. '1'he�tl-duy periad wiU begin whca
<br /> Iho nuNcc is�ivcn.
<br /> Untcrs I.cndcr nnd Harro�vcr nthcnviso�wrcc in wdlinp,uny i►ppHcntiun of procccdy to priiuipnl ahidl nat cxtcnd ur
<br /> pastpnno�ho duo dato uF�hv n�onthly�aymcros rcFcrrrd to�n paragraphs 1 �md 2 ae chnngo tho nmmmt oF�ho paymenis, If
<br /> undce�nrugrc►ph 21 the Pnipctty iy nryuircd by Londer,Darruwcri�right to nny insuranco pulicies imd pnxxeds resuUinB
<br /> frcvn dumugc tu the property prior ta tho acyui!:ltian sht�ll pas9 ta L.cndcr to thc cxtcnt ot tha sums xccumd by thie Secu�ity
<br /> Instrument immcdintely prior to the acyultiitinn.
<br /> 6. (kcu�A�icy, Preser vAtlon, MalntenA�ice nod Protectton af tho Prapeetyi Do�mwer•x l.aan Applicattan;
<br /> I.CASCI1pI119. p�m�wer shull uccupy.establiwh,nnd uno Ihe Property ay Qarrnwor�+princlpal revidenrc widtin tiixty daye attet
<br /> tho oxeeutiun of this Seea�i►y Instrument nnd shidl conNnue ro cxcupy �ho Prupeny ay Sanower�pcineipnl�side�►cu fnr nt
<br /> lenvt ono ycur aftcr tho dnto of accupattcy, unlcss l.cndcr athcnvisc Aprecs in �vriting, whinc �bnscnt shnll not bc
<br /> unreasunnbly wi�hheld.o�unless extenunting circum�UUtces oxist which nre beyond Barnnverl�eantroi. BorrowPr�shalt not
<br /> destray,dumoFe nr impair thc Rapeny.�iilow tho Piropc:ny tu detc�Ioroto,or commit wn�ta an ihe Pmpeny. 8anowcr�.hnll
<br /> bo in default iY uny forfcltu�v action or procccdi�g,whcthcr clvil or crlminul,ia bc�un thut in Lcndcr��ood falth judgmcnt
<br /> coi�ld resutt In fortcituro nf tha Property or otherwiso matcriaily impa�r th� ilcn crented Ay this Secudty Instrumcnt or
<br /> Lendceb fiecudty fnteresG 9ormwer may curo such n default und i�.instnto,av pmvided in paro��aph !d,by causin��he actian
<br /> or pra:ceding ta be dismissed wlth c+rulin�thnt.in i.endor q gaad fulth determinution,precludes forfcituro of Ih�parra�vcr+�
<br /> interest in tho Propeyty or other mutorinl impairtnent of the lien crcuted hy thiA Securlty Instrument or LenderF� secudty
<br /> into�st. Bannwcr shull alsa bo in dcfuult if 8om►wcr. durirtg thc iaun upplicatimi proc�.v.�. guve mntcrlully fulsc ar
<br /> lnnccumta infammtion or statemcntH ta I.cnder(or f'uiled to provide Lender with i+ny materinl infannution)ln connectton�vith
<br /> thc loan avidenecd Ay the Nate, including, but not limitcd ta, representntionv conceming Bonowerti t�ccupuncy ot' thc
<br /> Prnpchy c�s n principul residenco. if this Securl�y instrument is an u leasal�old,Borrowcr shall comply with nll tho pravistons
<br /> of tha leaxe. if Hnrmwor acquirv9 fce title tn thc Pmpcny,tho len�ehuld nnd the fea title shail nat merge unlc�.w l.ender Ag�cev
<br /> M the merger in�vrilins.
<br /> 7. 1'roiectlon o!l.ender's Klghf� in the f'roperty. If Norro�ver fnila to perfonn thc cavcnnnts und ugrecmcnts
<br /> eontnincQ i�1 tt�is Sccu�3ty instrumenl, or thcre is �icgai prcxceding thnt mny si�ntfienntty nff'ect LenQer�rightti tit tTto
<br /> F'taperty(such ae n pnx�ce.ding in bankniptcy,pmbatu,for c�ndenmatian or forFciturv ar ta eof�rco IAws or rcgulations),then
<br /> l.cnder may du and pay for whntevcr is ncccssrary to pmtect thc valuo oP thc IPro�any nnd I.endcr4�dghte In tho Propeny.
<br /> Leender�actions mnv IncIudn pa_vI�.u�y xums sr.cured 6v u Ilen��hich hav arloritv uver ttils Securltv Inxtnuncu�.ngpenrinn
<br /> --- •in caun,{usyla8 rca�in�bl$utlomc�e'fees und entedn�on tha!'�iperiy to is�atte t�epairs.Alahcwgh l,cscler�ay takc nciian _
<br /> under this par�grnph 7,I,ender does not hove to do�so.
<br /> Any umaunta disbur�cd by I.cndcr uncier this paragmph 7 shall hecome ndditlanc�l debt af porrowor sccurcd by thi9
<br /> Security Inst�umeni. U�tiless 8arruwor tmd I.ender a�rec�ta ather to�ms of paymcnt,theso mm�unty ehc�il hei►r i�iterc.rt Fi�am iho
<br /> dntc af disburc�ament at tho Nota rato ui�d shnll bo pi�ynblo. with intcrest,upon notic�from Londcr ta Ho�rower tcqnosting
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> 8. Mortqage Insurance. if l.endcr roquimd mortgn�o insumnco n.s u condition af muking the lann seeun:d by this
<br /> Sec�ulty instniment,Borrawee shali pciy tho prcmiuma mquired to m�tintaio tho mart�ngo insuranco in efPect If, far nny
<br /> n;�son, the mongc+go i�surnnco caverngo rw�uired by l.esnder Inpsos ur ccs.�:s to be in effcct, Burmw�rr ehall pny ihe
<br /> promiums neyulrai to w1"�Snin cavcrnge Fubstnntinlly cquivalcnt to tl�e mort`�r�ac insurancc prcvlausly in offcct.�t n east
<br /> fiU491(lflN[1II)I CI�UIYAIC7):GU IIlC CQ91[Q AO�fQWCP E�:hv mort�ago insumnco pre�•lously in effect,from on altern�to mortgoga
<br /> insurcr np�,rovcd by l.cnAer. If subs*.ahdnlly cqiaivalcnt mart�ogc�nsurnnco cuvcrogc ia not i�vaiinblo,Barrawcr shall pay to
<br /> 4cndet e�ch mpnth a swn equal to t,��:-twe111h of thfl ycurly mo�su�n intiuranccs premium hoin�pnid by Horr�war whcn Iho
<br /> iinuruuco cavca�ge lup�ed ar ceused tu 6u in ef fect. i.crzdcr will i�caept,uso cuid a-etain thexe puymentA ati n lass reservo tn liuu
<br /> aP martgagc i�suta�co. l.asg�crva paymc�ts r:�:tv an langc�Ix�rcqui�d.�S:ya aption af I,cndor,if mortsago inst�ranco
<br /> covc:mgo(i�qic amaunt und fur th�perlwt thiit tr.�*dcr rcyuires)pruvlded by�1:�inyurcr uppruvcd by l.�ndcr ogain bccamos
<br /> nvnilablu und ig obtaincd.Bo�rra�vcr shnll pAy thc pmmiums rcqr.',r;d ta mnincnia:�tartgagc insarnnw in offcct,ar ta providc n
<br /> lass rcsrrve.u�til the rcqui�ement for mortgu�o insurnnce ends i�,�ccnrdanco wath any wr?C;e�.�ngreement behvecn 8orrawer
<br /> and i.e���T�or ar applicablo law.
<br /> 9: lnspecilan. l.cndcr ar its ngcnt mny mako rcn�anablo entdcs upon�utd lnspections nf tho Proporty. L.cndcr�shail
<br />, �ivc Horrawcr notico at thc time af ar prior ta w�inapcctian epcctfyl�g rcu.�an:�h�u cnusc for tha ins�cctina.
<br /> 10. 4'ondemnaL�i.w. Thc proccedn of any uwiad ur cluim far dumugos,dircct ar ranscqucntial,in rannccdan wlth iu�y
<br /> SinEla N,vniiy--FannblllodFYeddio 111ac UNi80NM iNRTRUM6NT--Unlfami Covcnmuy 9/9U /pcic�?-;6 n;��er1
<br /> Crcat Uatra Buamco�Rame,frc,i
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