ac ,� � � z . t •<.:,�:=; , t.. ._vLwr.::��'�.-,_-r,.
<br /> zS� e{3i��- u��N T�?�Y 11 \C���' ��41Ti���1JL,�t.,t�' ..5! `i�4 \1 �. v1l�r:��� L � .� � � ��{���� n = . _ -_°__ - ..-. �_.
<br /> � 1 (l{,{ L ("��i S ti'LY? �,IE ,r 1 \ �_l tA^. 1 1 \l{� !l y�f� � h `�1\ ' �iy .
<br /> 17 ��;�i� �-( .. t Vl 'S . � T � �' . C..i,�Y � -�t` `t�t��'
<br /> � �\�� z � , �' ;}, �}�1'•t�.
<br /> a�_ _��; _,� i , i ,�r _ � :=\;�� �
<br /> '� _ ^r�'�a ' ._ ._ . �:' _. -�--�._..'�`----,
<br /> � J� ��:r'~_ _ _ .�
<br /> j � --''� �-`' __. _
<br /> y �� t<o �, o , � . .. _ " . ' �� - -
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<br /> ,�����.QI`dl��:t� _
<br /> `�YHIlat'1i11ti Wi'Pil c,li ttw(n►prave�nea;s n��v nr h�r�aft:.rcc.cted on tho pmn:.rty,and ctiil¢acGtnet�ta,u4�{�urtena�ts.�es, -
<br /> nn�l flx�ur�s nc►w or h4r•.af��r n nlrt af tho pmp�ity. All r�pl�cneznGH a�ut nd�iltlor�s shull uls�bi covcrcd by thi9:�ceuriry
<br /> Inattunuut. All uY tho forcguli�fs rcfei�ed tu in this Securily Instn�ment ay the"Properry;' -
<br /> pC1HRQ�VfsR C'�Vl3AlAN'TS�hat(�a�uaer Is la�vli►11y setsee!rP the estuto hcrohy cunvcyr�l und huv tho ripl�t tu�rant
<br /> pnd canvoy th�i'raperty and that tho l�mpeny Ia unencwn�ei��pt for cncumbra�zces af recurJ. Durrwvee wnrr�u�ty n�td
<br /> �viil�iefettd�er�e�ly tlte dtl�tn�h+r i�tr��sty P�;aintit nll claiaw E�nd�icmundv,s��hJect to uny enramhmikeR+�f rc�ard. _
<br /> THiS S�CUR(TY [NSTRCtt��tW'C cor�binau uaifos�u c�vcrmnta fi�r auUan41 usr and ann•uniform snvcnc�nte �vith
<br /> 1!3»ite�l v�Fk�tlatt�by J�rl�dlcilrn to ct►n.�titut�a unlfrml�urit�lasuument cnverlag ren!properly. _
<br /> ��Ml�t�°�l+1 CnVFNAPI'1'ti. E�nm�w:r wull�emlee c�venant aud ncrec�c�v fufluvey: _
<br /> 1. Pf�y�nent ot P�Incl�in!an�dnter+:sp P�paymiul and Luto Chargcs. Hurro�vcr shnll pmmpdy pny�vhen duo tho _
<br /> p�lnci al of and intemst an thu dcbt avidenrcd by the Nat�und uny prcp��yment anci lauo chc���ev due under tho Note. _
<br /> � Flmds far 9hxes und Invuen�tcr. SunJcct ta appilcnblo I��v or to a writtcn waivcr by l.cndcr.Hmrowcr ehnll pny to
<br /> L.endrr�m the Qny ma�uhly pt►ymcnts nro duc�mdcr tho IVate, until th�Nato�s paid in NII,i�sum("F1mda")fur:(+�)ycnrly
<br /> u►xcs nnd assessmcntq which n�y attain prli�rity ovcr this Security Nstn�ment ay n lion un tho Pnipeny;(b)ycurly lcasch�ld -
<br /> p�ynun�a or graund renta an tUo Ropeny, iP any; (c) ycarly huzacci or pmpcny insurnnco premlumg; (d) yeiuly tlood
<br /> Insura�rc premiums, if any;(o) yeurly mortgnIIo Insuranco pmmium�, if any; nnd (i)a�y aumy Qayabtc by 8nm�wcr tn
<br /> 4cndcr� in uccordtu►co with tho pmvislans of paragrnph 8.In licu of tho paymcnt of mongago insuranco promiumy. Thcso
<br /> itcn�s aro rulled"Hscruw Item9" l.cndcr mny,at nny linto.collcct and hald FLnds in un amoant n�t ta tho miucimum
<br /> amnunt n tcnder far n fedcruUy related martg�go taan may n:quiro fur Barra�ver'� escmw account undcr tho f�dernl Rca!
<br /> F.sinto Sc�illemc�t Prn�cdurev Act af i974 av nmended frmn Umo to dntc,12 U.S.C,p 2601 et seq.("ItESPA"),unlcss unathcr _
<br /> ICl1V AIAt AppIICR ID lIIO F�1RtI9 SCL9 U ICSSCt III1tOUfl1. I�sa.l.cndcr nny timc,collcct iind hoid[1►nds in wi cunoum not tu
<br /> excced tho lesser omount. Lcndcr mny estirnmo thc amaunt of FUnds due an tho bnsis of currcnt dnto nnd rensonnblo
<br /> estimntas ai'oxpcnditures of tl�turo liscra�v Iccmy or othcnviso In accocdurtco with opplicnbtc law.
<br /> 7T�c hUnds Fhall bo hcid in iin in9titutian �vhoso dcpasits an�Insured by c►fedemi n�ency, instrumcntnlity,,or entity
<br /> (including Lendoh if l.andor is auch cu�insUtution)or in nny Pcdcml Hamo I.aAn BAnk. Lcrtdcr shnll upply thc�+unds to pny
<br /> tho �scrow Item9, l.ender mny not chnrgo Barrower for holding and applyi�g tho FLnds,nnm�ully nnnlyzin��t�e escraw
<br /> uccount. ae veiif'ying tho Bscm�v Itemy. unlc.cs I.cndcr payA Aolrowcr intemst on the FLnds und upplicnble liuv permits
<br /> l.cndcr ta mako such A churgo. Ha�vcvcr,Lt�nder mny n:qulro Harrowcr to puy o om•tlme chn�c�'rr un lndependent�eul
<br /> cstato taa rcportins scrvice used by Lcnder jn conne4don with thle laun,unless applicublo law provicM1:v rihcrwlso. Unless un
<br /> �agrc;.m�nt is madc or nppfielblc latv rcyuir�s intcrost to b�paid,Lendcr etmll nut bo c�eguirrd tn p�y Borr�r.uet any�intsre�t as �
<br /> c.�vnings on thc NUnds, Hanower nttd Lender mny ngree in writing,hawever.thnt lntercst hhall bo patcl on the Fl�nc9v. l.cnder
<br /> shall�yivo to Homawer,wlthout chnrge.nn annual accnunting of the F�mds,showinA credlts nnd debits to the fl�nds nnd eho
<br /> pwp�sa for which cuch dcbit to the 1�unds�vns mudo. The Minds tuo pledgcd us addiHonal sccudty far nll sums secu�cd by
<br /> this S«curity le�ytrui»ef►t.
<br /> !f the FLnds held by l.ender exccetl�,�a nmaun�q pcm►itted to he held by applicahie Imv. 4ender Ahntl account tn
<br /> Aormwer far the eacess Funds in uccoiclu,ma with th�requircnients of appUcnblo low, If tho nmount of tho�nd.v held by
<br /> I.vnd�r ut ony timc la nat suFfiri�nt to pay the Escrow Items whc�duc.l..endcr mny s�a notifj+8orrnwcr in writin�.itnd, in
<br /> nuch case Barrowar ahnil pay to L.�nder tho amount �ecessary ro makc up the deficicncy. Dorrotiver nhn!! muke up the
<br /> oc�c�cac�#n itm t►R.n��tflfii tiVetYo�ic�fli�itj��hiytiiBnta�at�.ciidc�$t�6{�i�i�
<br /> Upan payment in tUll of all�ums secuit�d by this Scrudty lnstrument,Lender sh�ll pramptiy c��fund to gonawer any
<br /> Fl�nda hold by Lendcr. Ii'.undcr para�raph 21,l.ender shall rtcqulro ar sell th�Property.Lende�.prior ta tAo acquiFlslon r�r
<br /> --- -
<br /> sula of tho Property�shnll apply nny F1�nds held by I.ender nt the dmo of acquisition or Fulo ag a cmdit uguinst�ha sums
<br /> �eciitixTby tlsv-Secutlfy Idsfrutrleal. . -_ --- - ---
<br /> 3. Applicatton ot Plryment�. Unlcss applicublo lAw provides othenvisc, nQ paymcn�v recoivcd by Londer undcr
<br /> pa�flg�ophs 1 und 2 ehall bo nny prep:►ymcnt chn�cs duc undcr tho N�to;second,to umounta payablo undtr
<br /> pura�raph 2;third�to interest due;founb,to principal due;ctnd lcut,ta nny lato chnrgcs duo undcr tho Noio.
<br /> 4. C6aree9; I.ienr+. 8arr�wcr s1inU pny t►11 tnxes,A9SC98I11011�V� chcu��es, f�I1CA Ai1fI Ifll}1I13�Np08 IIlItIGJiliIflO �O 1AC
<br /> P�rperty�vt�ich moy at[ntn prlority ovcr this Sc;cudty lnstrument,and lenschold payment�or gmund renta.if miy. Borcower
<br /> fihA�I�lAy(IIC.SO ObII�At�QjIB in tha mnnnsr provided ia paragraph 2,or if nat paid in thut mnnncr�BOJTOWCi BIItLII pA}/ttlClll OD
<br /> tiwe dic+ectly to tho per�on o�ved payinent. Horrower ehali promptly Nrnish ta t.endcr all aatices of amoun��tn bo puid undEr
<br /> this paragroph. if Horrawer mukes these payments cU.sectly,Boreawer sh�ll pramptly fumish to l.ender��ecoipts avicknsing
<br /> thc paa ment9, ,
<br /> �orrawcr;�'tall prornptiy dischyugo su►y�Tae��whlch hny pdority ovcr thiA Sccurlty Inst�ument unlcsa Horrawer.(u�a�rces
<br /> 1�,�a�nNng to thu payment of tho obligation securcd by tl�o lien ia u mnnnCr acceptab;o to l.amder.(bD contestx in$cad fuith tho
<br /> lien fiy.or defeixts aRainst cnfarcement af the lien in,tc�al pmcceditigs which in tho L.cnderb apinion oporatv to prcvcnt tho
<br /> cntorcemcnt af thc lion:or(c)secur+*.s fram tho haldcr of:�10 lien an ag�eemont eatisfactory ta Lender FubaTdinadng ihe lian
<br /> ta this Cccurtcy[nsuument. lf l.cnder detcrmines thnt nny�u�rt of tho�4vs�rty is subJect ta n lien which muy uttain pdority
<br /> avcr this Secunty Instiument,l.endec mny give Horrower o notice tci�:^*��'��.ng thc Hcn. AOIYpWC!NIIAII FUtISfy lh0 IIC110i lRkO
<br /> anc or mo�+�of t�:ncUons set fartt►alwve wlthln 10 duys a��he givin�c�f natico.
<br /> 9. HazaM or Property Iasut�u�a �arrower shidl kecp tt�o impravemonta now oxlsting or hercutler crcctcd an tha
<br /> � Pm{�rt�r fnsured ag�lnst los�by firo.hs�,ards includcd within tho tcrm"uxtcndcd cavcr.¢;o"and c►ny athec h�n�ds,iocli;ding
<br /> fl�d.v or 11aoding, for which Lertder reg�d�+eA insumnco. This insurcutco ehnll bo maintuined in �ho t►maun4n And far tho
<br /> Fotm 31f28 9140 (Pafio 2 of b pngr�)
<br /> �—���,d,-.��=,,,.Q� =-=a=��,:--—� —
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<br /> 3Sis7r`.,� �.�W, . ,..����{ r. " . , �.T .'� ��'�.� �� �.��� �uwr� —.
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<br /> �, �: . '•"-.-5�"f*'.'�l•r•' •.-+.., *., i �� �.
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