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�-�i\ '_T' _- ----- , Rtt� •�F�11�f7�ewaRS���.,,:LtAe��-ces.e_= .. --- <br /> L 3 y c y �� _ .�.���'� �t ,J1�_i }1 q , �.��y�'ry+.G -' L .5 g 4�� . <br /> ,��^,-I � ��t �.•. �F"',t _iwrt� ����5�`1`� ., � .: .-� - z'�"��= i� �,1 h� �''+`���,� <br /> �• 'i�.���;,k'1 - - �'�� ' \V, ..,, . �y�` � . n\'..��.�A' .1!-�:} <br /> },;�: • ' - --� .� i. —-.-.—�,�:�r. �-- �� <br /> t- . ._�. . e . , <br /> `-- ";a1� `�__ —:: - _ -'`s <br /> :- __ <br /> , - :� \4.: ,� =.. -.�.-��-__. _�,�:.._, <br /> t , � .. � . '�:. . . . . __ .. -_----_- <br /> : _ , � . , ., -.:.,�- - <br /> � . �- _ <br /> ..:.3w.?.�;.--xa.rrsss--.-�_ a — �`�-Y=..��`__ .��N�i-;�^.'�ZL'_:Y�'t"''" � _�'L'+=;C�,^=r:J"J�4V_._: .��i=�;n..,� _ .__-- <br /> .���•�.(i�'��"�. <br /> condcmnatlun uy othce ta�;ln,�oP nny p7rt uf ttin Ntu�ny.or far ronvcynr�cu In Hcu��f co�ulcmnnUnn,u�u hcrchy nyvi�;ac�l nnd <br /> nhaq ho paic!ta l.cndcr. <br /> In �Ite eve��l �ti i� tutel utkin}} us tho i'nq�eity. qta prucecd4 �hi�U l� appllcd t� dte Kunts ncrur�d Gy this Se,ucily <br /> l�iyituuient,�viiett�ee ar�iut lhc:n duc,w[ih utry rxcesy paid cu pw��awer. In tho uvent uf a panial tatclnD�t'th��1'ru�:.ny In <br /> �vhich tha falr marl•et valuu nf thc E�npetry immedlutely ixfc�re the tnAtng Is equ;il to or Etrcatcr th:m Ihc a��tount�►f ths e�ms <br /> casure�l by A�in�ecurtty lr�5t►vmc.nt 1nu�iccfiiutely hofu�tha tuking.unlcss 13ar►�uwc�wid l.rndcr uthrrwlst��,n�!n wdti�i�;. <br /> 11to�utnr�ScCUreil by this S�vuri►y [nstru�rtcnt sliatt tre��duct•tl by tha wnowu oP tha pruce�it�i�witipiicd by tho toilowing <br /> irrutio�i: (a)tho totnl amuunt of tko n►�my�ccu►�d imnicciintcly bcforo thv tokinp.dividcd by(t+l iho fcdr mi�rkct vniuv of tho <br /> f*rc�p:r�y Smmcc3iatrly E:�,tiur. the!a„ing. R:�y t�lsru� :.l�a!!tw�:aW ts� Har:ai:�er. !s�ehe �+ren!of a�nrtl�!t�1nD nF she <br /> Pmpcny in wh(ch Ihc feir mnrket w►lue�►f tho Praperty imnudiately hefarc Iho tnking is Icys ihnn�ho um��unt af thc humr <br /> scci►red Imrite�lii+tcly tkfuro thc tnking, unlcsy UarrAwcr nnd �.cndcr nthcnvisc n�mo in wriNn�ar untc�;x n��rHcabtfl Inw <br /> nihcnvf�c pnyvi�ey,tlio praccccly�;httll ho npplicd t��hc bums secured ny triia Sccuriry Instru�nent whether ar n�t tho sums i►re <br /> Ihcn du�. <br /> ►f thu F9operty ia ubandoncd hy Rnranvcr�ar i�,nRe�nadco hy l.cndar to l3W�rnwc�thut thc cundemnur ufF�rx ta maka <br /> �m nwnvl ur r;enlu�clnin�for dnninF,cs.Normw�r fuila to respund to l.ender wUhin 30 duyn t►flcr tho dntu thc nntico iy Qivcn, <br /> l.cndcr is authnr+r.�ci to collcct nnJ apply Il�c pmrccds,�t its aptian,cithcr ta mtitaruNnn or rc�.�►i�of tha F'mperty ur t��thc <br /> 'sumx sccumd by this SccurNy Inrtn►ment,whcthcr or nut tRcn duc. <br /> Unless Lender nnd Bommver athcnviso ugrce in writinB,nny opplicotion of pmceedc to principal shnll nat extend ar <br /> pust{x�nc the due dntu nf tho monthly pnymen�9 roferrcd ta In pnngraphs 1 lmd 2 ar chnngc thc«mount of such pnyments. <br /> 11. florrower Not Rete�.4ed; d�urbca�anw Uy Gcndcr Not a �Ynivcr. BxtenSinn of the timv for puymcnt or <br /> maclipcatian of nmarUr.utian of thc sumg sccu�d by thi�;Securt�y Instn�mcnt grantcd by L.crtdcr to nny succcstior in intcrc.r•t <br /> �f Ba�ro�ver ehnll nat operptc to roten�e th�liab�iity nf thc orl�Zinal Ham�wcr o�Har�awcr'v Hucccssom in �ntemst. l.endcr <br /> Rhuq nut tx� mquircd ta conimcnco procccdinge against any eucceysor in interest or roPosc �o extcnd Hme for paymcnt ur <br /> othetwiso malify nmonir.ntlon of thc�ums sr.curcd by this Sccurity Iu�tfumcnt by rci►san of nny dcmund mado by tho arigianl <br /> Borrowcr or Bnrrowerk surcessurx hi intercsl. Any fbrbeurnnce by LT�ti�er in exe�cising uny rfght ar remady shall not b�a <br /> wnivcr of or p�+e�ladc the vxerciso af any�i�ht nr rcmedy. <br /> lx. Successnrs and Ar;slgns Dotmd;Jofnt und Secerul l.lAbltity;Co-yigrnc�:�. 1'ho cuvo�icmts imd u�;rccmontti of this <br /> Sesudty Insuument shall bind and benefit the successor.i imd iissignv of I.encier nnd�lormwer,Kubject to tho pruvistans of <br /> p�v�qrnph 17.Borrowery cnvennntx und ngreemen�ti ehull be jolnt nnd �averal. Any Borro�vor whu cu-qi�na thic Security <br /> YnRtn►njent but Aaes nnt oxccuto the Naie; ��)is catiiQning thly Serurilv Instrnnicnt unly to martgagc,gru�it und cunvey that <br /> Barrowert�interest in tho Pri►perty undcr thc tcrms of this Sccudty Instraimenr (b)iA not pcn;onnlly obligatcd to pay thc sums <br /> sccurcd Gy thia Security Inrirumenr und(c)ngrcc9 thnt l.endor i►nd imy athcr Bann�vcr mny agrcc ta extend.madify,farbcur <br /> or mnko nny nccommodntian9 with rc�;ard ta tho tcrm9 af this Sccurity lnstrumont ar tho Noto withnut thn! Ba�-rawark <br /> amscnt. <br /> l�. l.oan Chrrqev. lf thc taan sccurcd by thi� Sccu�lty lnstrument ix FubJect to a la+v which xet� mz�e�,n+um luan <br /> chtuges.and ihat luw is finally intcrprcted so thnt the intercst or ather laan chargea Galiected or t�be collected in oonnection <br /> with the lann exceed the perrnittcd limits,�hon: (o)nny such laao chatgo�hnll ba rcduced by tho umaunt necessary tn mduce <br /> tho chargo to thc permitted timit;ttnd(b)imy xums idmady cullecte�l fruni Bc��TOwer wl�Ich exceeded�rmitted lin�lts wfll be <br /> �eli 10$miotv�'r. �.Cndermtry c}taosc fv mtdcc iM3 Tvfitmi#ry�edttclri8 i�'io priric�e�oii+cc#itnc#cF ii'i3 c'�6iv dF e�t Yirm#ifig p � <br /> direct paynunt tu t3unower. !f n rell�nd�+ecfuecs�rinci��l,tho reduetion w111 bo t�:ated nx A pnrtinl pmpuyment tivithatu any <br /> prcpayment chtugo undcr the Nato. <br /> A�1. 1Votlee9, AnY notire ta Horrawer pruvidcd fnr in thie Sccurity lnslrument shaii bo IIivon by delivcring it ar by <br />_ '!I!�!!���I�1KI EIR-CA RI�II WIIlA9 A�1(1I��I0I6W fCf�UIIC`J USSO Of MODU.f 111C�Il0fI.TFa iu�tuo shall bc cUt+cctedto tFio Property� ---� . <br /> Ackla-�s or any other Borrawer designntes by notico to Lendor. Any n�tico ta L.ender shull be given by first clna9 <br /> muil to Lenderk adilrese stac�d herein ar any ather udd�evs L.endo�designntes 6y aotico ta Honnwer. Any naticc�rovidccl far <br /> in this Sccurity InStrumc�u shufl bo deemed ta hnve been 6iven to Horrower or Lender when given as protizdtd In thie <br /> parag►�aph. <br /> • IS. tioverning I,Aw; �verAhllity. 'ltds Secudry Irsuumcnt ahall bc�govemed by fed�rni law and tho luw aF tho <br /> jurirdiciian in which tho Property iy locatcci. In tho ovcnt that any pmvisian or nlauso af thi�Sccurity Instrument ur tho Noto <br /> conflic[.v w(th n�plicnble law.such conflict ehaq not nffcet uther provlslons of this Sccurtty Instrument or tho Note�vhich can <br /> �o Aiven offcct withaut ttw��vnflictt�g pravisian. �IIII9 C1UI 1I1C pfOVI8IQ11R Of ltti S Security Instrumant und t;h�3�into am <br /> • c�:�clacrcl to ba Fovcrnble. <br /> Ib, Bwrrowct•s Cop. Aanawcr�;hall ho�ivcn ono canfpmicd capy of'tho Notc ond of thin Sccurlty Inytrument. <br /> � 19. 'Ih�s�er ot the�aperiy ar q BenctictAi lnterest In�m•rowcr. lf nil ar nny part af tho Pra�crty or uny intcrost in <br /> it is sold or trm9fcrced(or lf u bcneficlal intemst in 8orcowor iA saltl ar tmnaferrcd and Harrawar is nat u naturnl persan) <br /> wit2�uut 4sndcrl�prlor wrltten consent,i.end�r muy,At itx apUon,m.�uiro immetiiato puyment in full af ali yums secured by - <br /> tNs Securiry Gutrumcnt, tlowover,this option ah�ll not bo vxcrcised by iRnder if vxcrsisv is pmhibitcd by fcdc*.sSQaw ny of <br /> cho drto nf this Sc�urity Instrument. <br /> If Len�lor oxercises thi9 apdon,l.ender ahall�ivo Harrower natice of accolerutlon. The aotice shi►II provldo n perlad af <br /> , nat less thAn 30 dwys from the data tho nadco iA delivcr�d or m�ilecl withln which�orrowet must p�.,,v a►II auma r.ccurod by thiR <br /> Sccurlty Instrt�ment. IP Horruwcr falls to pay those sum9 prior to tho oxpirntlon of this perla�,6.ender mny invako nny <br /> " a.:mediespermitted by thia 5c�urity Instn�ment withant f�+rther naticv ar domond on Hareawcr. <br /> 18. Barrower's Rl�ht to 1telnstAte. If H�rra��:r meeta certnin candltlor.s, k�arrowor ahall huvp tho r,ght to httvo <br /> ��fo�ement af this Securlty lnstrwnent discontlnued a:�iy dmo prlar to tho esir�i�r af: (u) 5 dAyA(or�uch athcr perlal uo <br /> . • <br /> . Singto i�unlly»Ebnnlo Ms:/ireddte 11lac UiV160R!1!LVCTRUMF.NT-•Unifami CavenuW 9190 pwgo d of l�puge�) <br /> � , <br /> —---�,,,;�_,-- - <br /> __ ��rrr�xw,�a� +� - _e -----�-- � <br /> _ �. �PC��� �43''���,;t'��`- ��s"`.�--� <br /> — ' __ �s�in_y�xaw �nyw�� '�,e� � �' — <br /> ���s,��tB�/�` ..ia'1'�r_ ,W+il�'s5 J 7i7tr L a � _. <br /> r f �t Ar'�}'� �t��� �i..�xr' <br /> ---- --.�� _ - 4 r.�� [_�i��C��ft�'; �.�.,,:_,�_.�.._ -- - -- <br /> x.++\v s.. �ewe+��r[}p�.,� � � -– <br /> � R� '1 w J 1 f�•1 I•T• Ji'�L r��� i7^flQV*1RJg <br /> _ �. "Y�3flY���i�'�,yZfR ,��, '� � ���u r�X�-s,�u�.� . �__� . <br /> 'i' <br /> nv�r'*�nr-+�af,u��°�: r��f � � r Y r�7;1P�i�1E'S7IA��' 4�.�Cil.,.,., — _ -- <br /> - -a�.�?'�".n:�.-.r.. �t- .ti�er�r.f.7Y..xer_- .n yr,rt�_r• r vr=�=!�.e;ir.?�'vr.::a�Ts^��i-.:- . - <br />