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� . ..1a1�1 a . �t �tyr 1 �� u` � _:{ �``'..�;i,ty:Yt���Iti h _1 ti i' �, , `�''---r.��:7. <br /> t� � ���i� �"._�.. . . m,``''�t�� t � �` ' ��j `� �� , . � .,�� ____ _ <br /> ,F.��r 111-, \�4 1 n�� � - �� '•�'`1�� <br /> � i"`.�5����..,{:r � �' . 5�`.'�I'.... .... . . .t. <br /> _ . '�t�i:i.� �'' " ' , <br /> 'k ' f�� 4 "1 . . .,... � <br /> � ,�� , _._._ . , . . <br /> ��a�9i�'- - � � ' � �� ' <br /> �ti•=H- ' ' \Y��' _ <br /> RyCiM��•�k.-Y . I.n�� t_ _ � �_.•�'�.�--�',,..�.�~~"������f'7��wrn"�y�1 .._ ��. ._.....�r�..A,... �. ����.-.. .. _. <br /> . _ <br /> `� ' .-w ...wa .r.Ya� - :��.i .�..,...,._., <br /> '._.:� ..�. ° _ _ _ . , _ <br /> �. .. ' <br /> • �--� -`�- <br /> ���� gaD���Y _ <br /> � p�riads thut Lender rcqulres, 'i'ho Insuran��e cnrrler pmvidinn�ho Insornn�o Klmll hc dmscn hy pnrm�vcr hubJecl ta I,ender�+ <br /> opprovnl whirh r,hull not ho unrensunnt►ly withhel�l. 111�nrr+�wcr falls to mnintaln cavcru�tc dcscrllxd ahnvc,Lcndcr m;�y,ul <br /> I,enderN c►ptiun,��btnln enveraFe t�i p�utrct I.enderN dtth�y iu�he 1'����f�riy in nccordancc�vUh paragraph 7. <br /> ► All insurnnco paHctes roiJ renwvaly ehull bo acceptable tu l,en�tcr wid Fitull InCludo n�tandnrd martgnge cluuse. Lender <br /> xhnli hnve�he right�a t�►l�11he�►tisicx und renct�niv. If t.cndcr rcquircg.Bureuwer ehatl prt�mpAy�;Ivr tu l.cndcr all rccclpt� <br /> af pi�ld prr�uiu�t►y unJ sr�n��vel n�Hiecy- In thc cvc��t uf'luss,llurcnwcr shc►11�lvp prampt rwdre u�the��i�urnnco cc�rricr nnd <br /> Lr�idee, L.c�Wer moy nu►k�prcu�i'nf Ia,!�if not mudo pmmpdy hy a��rruwcr. <br /> Untcss Lcndcr nnd Aarmwcr othenvi�c aBmo in wdting,insurunca pracrds ehnl)bc applicd tu nsturaUc�n ar rp�ir of <br /> tho i'�vprrty damugcd� iF ii►� tc�.t.yra�t�n�r rp�ir is cco�timic;�!!y fe:�:ible and lxnder?��ecu�ity l� not IcL�rnr.l, It'�I�e <br /> rcytnrntiun��r rcpai�is nut eeonomirnpy ieasibte ur Lenderl� security wnuld fx� le�sened.thu insun�nc�pmceedv shuli b� <br /> nNplied to iho Ruois secut�d by thi.r Sccurity Instrume��l, whether or nat then due, with c►ny excexs paid tn Aarrawer.'If <br /> Barrower abandun�tho pmperty, ar day nat uns�vcr �vithin 3t1 di►yx �► nottco from I.ender thnt thr, in�urancc rnrrier hay <br /> atifcrcd t��settio n cliiim,then Lcndcr may c��llcct tho in�ucunce pmcccds. l.endcr muy use the procccds ta rcpnlr ar�rsta�o <br /> tho Hvpr�ty ar ta pAy xums secured by thi.y Sccurlry I�st�umcnt.whethe�or not thcn duu. '1'hc:�U�duy period will bcgin whcn <br /> thc notice!s Aivcn. <br /> Unless l.ender nnd Barn�wer othenviso a�greo ii► wrlting. any npplicadon of proceed�w principi+l tihull not oxtend ar <br /> paytpono tha duo dnt�af Iho monthly pnym�ntx refcrred ta i�Fuuugri�p6s i nnd 2 or chnnF,o thc nmaunt of thv puymcnts. If <br /> undce pu�n�rnph 21 tho Propeny is ncquircd by l.cndcr,porec�wcrl� right ta any insurnnce policies nnd procecds resultinn <br /> fro�n�MmoBo to th�Prt►porty prlor ta thc ucquisition shnll pn�s ta l.coder m tho cxtont nf tho sumti ticcured by this Sccurity <br /> Instru»�ent immedii►tcly prlor ta the ncquisitian. <br /> B. t)rcupuacy� Preservntion� Maintenance and i'ratectlun ut tho Properlyi �lurrower'9 l.onn Applicatlon; <br /> I.caschulds. Barruwcr shnil uccupy,estnblixh.nnd uso tho Pitapcny na Banrwcrk princlpai residcncc wlthin sixty daya aflcr <br /> tho execution aP this Seeurity Inatrument and shall cc»>tinua to c�ccupy tho 1'mporty u.K Banowerk principul reyidence For nt <br /> Icust ono yenr ufter thc dato af oreupnnoy. unless Londer othe�visc ugnea in wdlinQ, which canscnt nhull not be <br /> umcu.9onnbly withheld,ar untess c;xtenunting circumstancos exist which uro lwyond Barmwerb control. 8orrowor shall nc�t � <br /> destroy�dnmano�+r impnir tho Proporty,allnw tho Pmpeny ta datedarutc.or cammlt wustc an tho E'raperiy. Borrawer Khal1 <br /> be in dofnult if auy fatfeituro action or prucceding. whethcr civi)ar crlminal.ia begun that in l.ondorl+gocxl fi�ith jud�tnent � <br /> cauld result in forfoituro of tho Propeny ar athenvise mnteriuily impair tho lien crcated by thia Security Gn�tsument or <br /> I.eadcrl�sccurity interest. Borrower moy cure such n detuult and roinstntc,as pravided in p�ragruph c�ucin�the uction <br /> or procceding to bo di.r•missed wlth a niling thut,in 4cnderti gcx�ci fnith detormiaruion.prccludes farfuiturv uf tha Horrawor:v <br /> interest in tho Property or other mntc�9u1 impnirmeut of tho Hrn crcuted by thls Security lnstrument nr l.e�dcr�security <br /> intcrevt, Bortowcr nhall Also bc: in dafuult if Borrower. during tho lann npplicntion praceq9, gavo materlally fniso ar <br /> inaccumto informatian ac Ftatementr ta Lender(or fAiled to pravido Lender with nny mc�tcrial(�fi�rmntion)in connection with ' <br /> tho loun ovl�ieticed by tho Noto. includfng, but not limfted to. repmsentattans canceming Borrower'x cx:cup�ncy af the ; <br /> Pro�crty ag n prirtcipnl cesidcnco. lf this Security Iii�t�vzment iw ori�Ica�chold.Borrowor Khnll comply with ull the provisiony ' <br /> of tho If Borrower ucquircy fco titlr tn iho Pri�}wrty,tha lea.gehald and tho feo titt�ehnll not mcr�e unless Lender agreeg <br /> to tho mcrges in wrIting. <br /> 7. Frotection oP Lcndcr'A Rig�1Cs in tho Propc�ty. lf Batrowar fnils ta perfarni Qic cuv�nantn nnd �grcomcnts <br /> uonu�ined in this Securlty Inswmont. ar thero ts a ieaoi praeeeding ihm mny significantiy c�ec�t �c���i� 1n tho <br /> Propeny(such a9 n procercling in bnnkn�ptcy.prnb:►te.�'��r candemnatlan or fortoieuro or ta enfarce Ic�wa ar regutntions),ttre� <br /> I,ende�mny do and pay fur whutever is neccssary ta protect cha valuo af tho Property und Lcnderk riEhGy in thc Praperty. <br /> t.� nccintw muy L�ctudn�wyli�n any sum9 secured bv n Iten which hA,9 prio�ity Pver tMA Securlty Instn�ment.appenrin$ <br /> in caurt.puying�u�annblo nttomeys'fea9 nnd entering aa t�c�Peoperty to ir�nke m�u►ire. Althcwgh L�ondar muy take aeuon <br /> undcr thie pnrnAraph 7,Lcndcr does not havo ta da�a. <br /> Any tunaunts diabun�ed by Lcnder under thie pnrugmph 7 �uhull becamo additianal debt of 8arrower�ecured by thia , <br /> Security imtnm�vnt. lb�lexw A�rrawe.r und l.endcr agrce to other torm9 af pnymcnt,thcso umoun�9 ahall benr intcrest fram the <br /> dnto of diehuraement nt tho Nato ruto and shall bo paynble.with inte�est,upan natica fcom Wnder to Ba�rower�+cqucating <br /> p�ymant. � <br /> 8> Mortgagc lo$u�Ancc. If Lcndcr rcquimd m�rtgage insurcmcc ns n condition of making tho laun sccuncd by thia <br /> S:curity Instrumeut,Horrawcr ehc►11 pay tho prcmiumy teNuircd ta mni�tnin the mortgn�o inaurartco ln effcet. lf,for iu►y <br /> rousan, tho martgago insuranc� cavern�e rcqulred by Lcnder Inpre.r• ar cen�os to bo in offect. Bona�ver shall pay tho <br /> premiumfl requlred to e�t+cain covorago substantialla• cauivulent ta tho mortguge in�umnca pmviauAly in effect. ut a cost <br /> substnntinity cyuivnlent¢��tha corit to Borrower aY t�r mariguga Insurunro previously in offect,from un aitornuta martgnge <br /> insurar ap�.,ared by I.andor. If Rubstnntinlly cqulvaleut ma»gugo insurcuuo coveraBo ia not availablo.Borrower ehall p:►y ta <br /> l.endor each tnontd n sum cqual ta attc•twolkh of tho yo�tly martgnAo insumnca pmmium boing pnid by 8orrower when tho <br /> inaumnco cavomgo lapsed ar cuc�ed ta be In effect. I..CIItIOf W�II 1LCCCpI,U[+0 Qrid fCtQlil lI1CS0 PAy111C1A1A Q.9 A I09A(CSCNO IO IICU <br /> os►itiortgage insurtutco. imss resorvo paymcnts muy na longer be required, at t4-4 optian of Londor� if mort�age insurunc� <br /> coverugo(in thv Amount�.�d for thaperlcxf th�t I.onder rcqulres)pruvlded by an insurer nppraved by Lender again becames <br /> nvailablo a�d ls obtuincd.8onowcr ehnll pay tho p�emiums rcgulred ta mnintnin murtgogo imur�ncu in offect,ar to pravido u <br /> loss resorvo�untli tha requircmcnt for morigago lnsur�nce end�!n accardc►nce with nny written c�rc:oravnt bcstwcen 8ormwer <br /> nnd Lender ur npplicnble law. <br /> 9. lncpectlan. L,cndor or Its n&cnt mny mnk�rcasonablo cnt�los upon and lnspcctions oi tho Praperty. I.ondcr ehnil <br /> glvu Horrowvr naNco nt tho timo of or prinr ta un inspectlon speclfyl�g rca.gonablo causv for the inapcction. <br /> 10. Candemnutlon. TIfO QI'OCCCtIN QF AIt}i QWAi(I O�CIAim for damngcs.dlrect ar can� conncction wlth c+ny � <br /> 9lnalo Punliy-•Fhnnlo MaNFYtddb Mac UNIFORM IN9TRUMF:NT--Uoifoan Cbvcnnnte 9P10 /paRe 9 nJd poges) j <br /> Lta»taR�e ewm�s cam�.toa■ <br /> to Orda Colk 1�600�13�70oJ Q YAM Ota701•fl91 <br /> — :�t.f j �T+qi,r.�+--+'�- "Y''`�,�n,.-IiS y z.l— � — �� �_��—_— <br /> 'e:..i m��L�i ,.... 4� .�'a�� r.i L .�_ ��..� T — <br /> 1 Y�?I��+ „�r.•� . . .�. <br /> - � 1'D w - �'.�t. <br /> � � u!ia`��i tn ,"�-t M-i 1!��yi:`itA �."` •• • ., ,.'e�S�2_- ---- <br /> .i�y�{F 4: '{. � y' _ _ i;. - . . - -' A4{{4..4-�� ()i.4�rh �.� ,- . <br /> 7 ...+ t� �. II �� �Y.. �T �� � <br /> '"i � .� _ .• . �' ''r� �� r= �- . '� �11,-�-: - <br /> fT,�r . . . , >.� ` ���:� . <br /> :e. .' � ' � , ,. . ' • -`,,..� � i.. , �rt�—.'.. , <br /> • '`:ti�, . . ,. . _ - a. � � ► . t- <br /> � . . . � � y,�'l ty,. --- <br /> { .. ' • '3' c.h ,�i .. �;�a.r . <br /> � � ..� . . 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