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<br /> TA�6TFIE?R WITif all the improvomcnts naw un c�rcaRee er..ctcd an tho prapcny.urtd all rnsemente,a�pustenttnecs, -
<br /> and fintu�es�iuw on c�rcnRer a pan c►f thr. pn�per�y, All r�pincementq nnd ndditiunq xhull nka t►a cuvcrc�l hy�hir+5ccarity r
<br /> Insteunicnt. All uf the forcgning Is rcfcmcd tu in thie Secueity tnsm�ment n.v U�o"Prnperiy." �:
<br /> HpitltU�Y81t(.Y)Vf'SiVAN'tS ihat R�irruwce is IGavQ,liy sclsed�f t,tic�st�tc h:mhy r�mvoycd and hns�he rfyht tu gewtt �
<br /> and eumey the Pra�ccty un�th�4t the Nnpcny is►�nencumt+cred,exrept[ur cr�cunibrunec�of rcrc+rci. N+�rniwcr wurtnnts and =
<br /> �vW dciertd�cner�lty tho Httu m tho�perty sgeinst a1!e{NS+t�►a�ni cleu�•sul',1�<<"'�y�II��hn�n`�"�'f�"c'��. �'
<br /> TH15 S�CURI'fY IN9TRUA9KN'1' combines onifom► cuvr�iant� for nuHc�nyt u�r. end nun•uaifi'�'m �'°ti'Cn°��g �vith �
<br /> tl�uited vnriaa�ns by juri�dtctia�to conetit�te.►s��!lae����.e=urity lastn�n�n1�+vering renl progetl�r. _
<br /> UNlF01tM C't�V13NANTS. Borro�vcr nnd L.endcr covcnant and agrce u9 fiillow�: n whcn duo tho �
<br /> !. ppymc�t�!Nrtnrlpxl snd Interrsts N'repuymer+t and 9.ate Charges. Burrowcr�:hi�ll pr�mptly p y —�
<br /> prinu iFal of nnd Intcrost on tho det+t cvldenccd by tho Nate eind nny prepnymcnt nnd Inte rhnr�cy duc undcr tho IVatc. �
<br /> 2, [�llnds�ur'Ibxes and Ins��rance. Subject t�applicuble lc�w or ta n written w�dver by l.ender.H�m»ver nhaU�my tn �_.
<br /> i.endcr an thu dny manthiy paymenty ure duo undcr tho Nate,until the Noto ie pnid in tlill.u hum("�nd�") t'ur:(��)ycnrly —
<br /> tnxcs nnd assessmcnts�vhich mny aunin priority uver this Sccudty Intitrument c�.�a lion on tho Pfaperty;(b)�J�yc rlyyflood =
<br /> payntcnts or gcuuns! rcnts on tho Property, If nny: (c) ycnrly hnxtvd or pragc�ty insurnnco prcmltuns; __
<br /> insumncc prcmiums, if nny;(a) ycarly mort�ugc lntiumnce promiums, if noy; and (t) any sumq payublc by Sarawcs to
<br /> l.cndcr,in accordnnco with tho pmvielany af parugmph H,in licu of tho paym�nt�f martgago fnxurancc premiums. '1'hcso
<br /> itcros arc called"�scraw Items.' l.cnct°.r may,ut i�ny time,colicct c►nd hold�Lnd9 in an nntount nat t�oxcced the maaimum
<br /> nmuunt n lendcr fur u fedcmlly rcicued martgu�;e Iw.in uiuy requirv tor aormwer4�escrnw accnunt under tho federsl ltenl _
<br /> Hstatc Settlomcnt Pcoccdures Act af 1974 ns amcnded frum dm��to timv,l2 U.S.C.�2G01 et xeq.("RL'SPA"),unless nnathcr
<br /> ta�v thnt applics tu tt►c F1mds sets n Icsscr urt�uunt. If so,I.ende�moy.nt any ti�t►o,collect nnd hald FLndv in an umaunt not to
<br /> excerd the l�sscr amau�t. Iw.nder moy osUmuta the amou�t of Funds duo on tho haglx oi'cumcnt dutn ond �eti:;onablc
<br /> cstimntes of expenditures nf ft�turo�scrow Itcros or othenvis�+in accurdcinco with applicubla Inw.
<br /> The f�ndv sh�ll bo held in nn inwtitudan �vhas�dopasitA cu+u insured by a fcder�l agency. instrumenuipty,or entity
<br /> (inctuding Lendor.if i.ender is s�ach un institution)oe in nny Fedceal Humo l,onn Bcmk. Lcnder shull upply tho�nds to pay
<br /> tha�scrow Itcros. Lvndcr mny nnt chargo Borrowcr for holding und applying tho flmds�anaually unAlyzing tho excrow
<br /> uccount, or vedfj+ing tha Bscrow Ttems, unlcss l.endor paya Borra�vcr intcrest on tho Funds nnd nppilcublo law pemnite
<br /> l.cnder ta mnko such a chnr�c. Ha�vevcr,Lcnder mny rcyulre 8orrawcr to pay A unc-timo charge fur un indepcndent[eul
<br /> estnte tax rcpnrting scrvico u�cd by Lcnder in conn�ctlon�vith this laan,untosy applicnble law pravidey��thcrv�+iFO. Unlcss an
<br /> ugrccment te mnde or upplicnbtv law rcyuiros intcrest ta bs�paid,L,cnder shull nut bG rcquired to pay aorro�ver any intcrest or
<br /> etuningb on tho Fundq. 8otrowcr nnd l.andcr may u�ree in writing,hawcver.that interect ahnU be paid an tho f�unds. l.cndcr
<br />- shnll give to Aorrower.withm�t ehurge,un annunl n�cauatin�of tho Flindy,r�howing crcdits nnd debite to tho Funds and tho
<br /> purposa for��hich ct►ch dcbit ta tho Funds wos mndc. Tho Funds�ro pledgccl as addittonal sccurity Pur atl sums scrunYl by
<br /> thie Sccurity Iavuument,
<br /> If tho Flmds hcld by Lendor oxcecd tho amaiinth permitted to bo held by applicablo law� i.endcr shul! account ta
<br /> Borrower for tho oxsews fi1►nds in aceorduncc wlth tho ccquirementa of applicublo It�w. If tho nmaunt uf tho pUnds hcld by
<br /> ��,.��;���s,�i'f�cient to puY tho Gscraw Itoms when duc,l.endc�muy sa natify 8 oj�fi�&��ti.i��i�n
<br /> such cn.eo Barruwcr Khall pny tn Lendcr the amount nccess�►� ta make ap tfio deficicncy.
<br /> dcticicncy in no cnnTe thAn twolvo monthly pa.�cnts.nt l.cndcr, Folc discrrcion.
<br /> Upvn puym��t in fl�ll of nll sums scc��•3 by thiq Security lnstnxm£nt,i.cndcr�hull prampdy a'rllind to Hosro�vcr any
<br /> ' ���a���. �€.����'!.�.t,�tt�.auiro or sotl thn Pro�ny.I.endcr,prirn to cho ncc�t�isidon or
<br /> aulc of tha Pmperty.ehnfl appty nny Punds hcid by L.and�;at ttta tima oi acqulstROl1��B�IIp A�a C 'i�ll�D$8�51��'g
<br /> sccuned by this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3. Appllcatton of Paymenta. Unless applicuble Inw pravides atherwlse. aii paymente cecoived by l,onder under
<br /> pnragrnphs 1 and 2 shali lw n�plied:flrst,to uny p�+epuyment chnr�cy duo u�eder tho Nato;sccond,ta amoun�9 p�yablo undcr
<br /> pamgmph 2;thlyd.t�interest duo;fourth,tu pllncipal duo;nnd last,to any lato ct�nr�as dua under the Nata.
<br /> 4. ChAr�es� L9ens. Borr�wer shaQ puy ull tnxes, nasc�.wmcnt�, chnr�vs� fines c►nd impositions attributnbto ta tho
<br /> i�ropeny which may attain pdorUy uver this Sccudty]nstcument�tu�d Icaseholcl paymente or gmund renu+,lf ony. 8orrower
<br /> shnllptty theso abligations in�.`�;mcuincr provtdcd in �rngroph 2�or if nat paid In that manncr.Horrawcr shail pny ihcm an
<br /> thi�parng Aph.���rmwc mnkc.9 hcso p}•�nts dlr ctly BorniHCr rihh 1 pmmpQy fumish t pl.c dcr rcceipte avi�icnc ng
<br /> tho paymcnta.
<br /> Batmwcr sF�all pmmptly dlschArgo any licn which hns privrity avor thia Scc�arlty Inytrument untess Horrower.(a)agrccs
<br /> in��r�dng ta tlw paymcnt af tho obligutian securcd by tho!i:^in u mnnner aoceptublo w Lettdcr;(b)contcsu in good faitlh tho
<br /> Iten by.or defcnd.9 uBnbsst cnfarcomcnt aP tho licn in,Ic6at;�roceedinge whlch in tho Lendcr'x opinfon aperAta ta ptcvent tho
<br /> onforcemont vf tho licn;or(c)recurc9 f'ram tha haldcr of tho lict�an ugreemer�t satiafactory to Lendor eubordlnating tho lien
<br /> tn thls Sccurlty Insuumcnt. !i'i.cnilcr dotcrminc9 that any pan of tho Prapc�ty is subJect ta a licn which may attaio pdority
<br /> ovcr thls Sccudty Inswmcnt,l..ondcr may give Hon•owcr n noticc identifying tho licn. Hanowcr sr�'1 satisfy tha Uen or tnko
<br /> ono or maro of tho actiona set forth nbovo within 10 dnys of thc�iving af notico.
<br /> S. HWZwrd or Property ln.curanoe. Fforrower a1�A11 kccp tho impmvcnlenta�e�tir•cxisdng nr herct�'ter crect�d on tho
<br /> ,,,� Propeny lnaurcd agulnst la�s by Cua,hazurd�+IncludeQ within tho tcrm"extendcd cavc*�go"und uny uther huu�rds,inctuding
<br /> ` fl�ads or flaod!^�, far which I.ender requi�s inAUmneo. Thls insum��.� shAil bo mAintulned iz� r,"�v umounV+and`cr she
<br /> Ebtm 301H 9190 fP�ige 2 oJb pagrs) •
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