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.., <br /> :S': '�. \t��wt: �.i`:' .�'..' _ �.._ 1�� ••i ♦ � ' ,.`.i�5� bt � -Y S - ,'.t�It .r.; � � ' � � <br /> , r�,i�:`''�:;.i.= - -.-.^--�",. ,lkt'.'� , . �,d����t� � -r�'`z �} '1..- tj <br /> E__- ��` � .. � �a,.. � -- _ , "a�: � <br /> —` ` �:: � <br /> � _ . : <br /> _�=._,. <br /> � . <br /> � ' �` - - - ,;-�_�_�_:.°:- ---- � -- <br /> � .,, ` ��- .� ... � . . <br /> =��; a . .. . . " ��' _ <br /> w-'i�9fdS�Pi71G�++�� 1 . 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Any bnluncc ehnll bc paid ta Uarrnwee. In tho ovcnt of a�+anii�l tahing ui't�eo <br />_ f'�raparty in whlch thc fnir murket vidu4 of thc I'�rc,pcAy im�ncdiately bePure thc tukinfl I9 teyv thiu�tha amaunt nF Ihe samy �;_. <br /> �:ccurcd immediu�cly beforo tho tukin , unlass parn►wer nnd l.ender mhenvi�o ogrcc In writiag or unlesy nppiiriiblc Imv � <br /> othenvino pruv(dcs,�ho pr�xceds yhull�uppflcd Ia thc eumy secumd by Ihis Sccurity Inytn�men!whcthcr ur�tot tho xufny nro �; <br /> q�en duc. �; <br /> If tho Pmpeny is nbnndoned by Barrower�ar If,nRer noNcc by Lender ta Barrowcr thm Ihc con�icmnc�r nfPcr�ta mnk� -- <br /> nn nwnrd or senle u cln{m fae Jnmriacs.Harro�vcr fuits ta n spond tu Lrndcr�vhhin 3D diryti nfter thc da►o the nndce iq�Iven, R: <br /> Lerder�o�uthotized to rollect nnd opply thv praceeds,ut fus aption.oithe�t���ertarotiun or n:pair oP the Pivpeny u�tn th� - <br /> sums secured by thi�SecurUy Inetnm►ent,�vhether or nat�hen due. <br /> U�icss Lendcr und l3nr�uwcr uthcnviso ng�co in wrUinB,ony nppliriuton ui'procccdv to p�incipal yhnl)nut cxtcnd ar <br /> postpnnc tho dun dato of tho monthly payntenta�nfcrrcd ta In pnrnbri�phr 1 nnd 2 ar chn�An tho nmount af auch pnymen�s. - <br /> 11. Horrawcr Nu! Kelcaticd= HbrbcArAnrc By Leadcr Nat a Wulvcr. Bxtensian af thc timo far payment or <br /> �aadlfic.�tian of nmaflir.ntion of thu sum��ecumd by thiy Sccurity Iastrumcnt gmntcd by l.endcr ta nny xucccyear ln interes� <br /> af Barrawcr shnll nat aperntc ta ralensa thc liubility oF thc arlginn! Harruwcr ar pormwer�sucressare in interest.L.cmder <br /> shnll not 4�o requi�nd to camaunco prureedin�s ngnlnst nny suceessnr in intercst or relUto ta oxtend Ilme far payment ur <br /> �It�enviso modify nmarNxc�tian af tho sumy�ccured by thia Secu�ity Instn�mcnt by ocason of any demand made by the o�isinal <br /> 8orrawer ar Bo�rawork successon ln intencst, Any forbcmm�ce by Lcnder in excrel�ing c►ny�iQht or remcdy shnll not bc a <br /> wnivcr af or precludo tho excrclKO uP nny�ight or remcdy. <br /> l�. Successara and Asslgn9 dound;Joint and 5everu141abilityi Co-signere, Tho ravcnnnt�and ngrecments af thia <br /> Sccurity Instiument Ahuil binci nnd bcnefit the Succoxsors and assigns af l.ender und 8orcawc�.subJcct to tho pmvlsiona af <br /> pam�rapfi 17. BarmwerH covenimis nnd ogmeme�ty shatl De Jalnt nnd severui.Any 8omnver who ca•Hinos this Sccu�ity <br /> Cnstrument but does not executo tho Nato: (ti)is ca-signing this Secudty Insuumont anly ta m�rtga�}o,�rnnt imd convoy thnt <br /> Horrowcrl�interest in tho Property under tho tcrnig af this Secu�(ry lnstrument; (b)iy not personully abllgnted ta pny tho swna <br /> Fccurc.d by this Securlty Instrument;nnd(c)ngree9 that Lender�u�d i+ny ather Borrowcr mny agrco to extend,mociitj+.forbcnr <br /> or�nakc� any accummalationa with reRurd to tho terma of tl�1s Secudty Instrument or the Nate without thnt Horroworls <br /> cunseztt. <br /> 13. l.oan Charges. if the tottn secured by thix Security lnstrument is Eub,�ect ta a luw whlch sat»mAximum lann <br /> chnr�ey,nnd Ihm tuw is finntty interpmted su thut tho interest ur nther loun chnrgos collected or to bo rollected in connection <br /> WItII tI10 IOUfl pXCCC1i 1I10(�CIi11�ItC()Ilmits,then: (a)nny such lonn chnrao shnU bo reduced by tha fu�nount rteres�snry to reduce <br /> ll��hnf$c!W 41l4�'[4�4[���IIl�l;�!f►�!1�94!S�9�IPL�A�y�-l��£�!!�fti�!!3$4Il44Yi3'lY�2ll�!8.,`CE�d�m�liC�l�tis��k�l� - <br /> refunded ta Ba�rowor. i,ender mny chaose to mnko thin re4md by reducin�tho pdnclpal owcd undcr thc Notv or by making ii <br /> direci pnyment to Borrawer. ii t�rolbnd reduces principul,tlae reduction�vill bo treutcd o��pnnlnl pmpnyment wlthout nny <br /> prcpay�ncnt chur�o undcr tho Nuto. <br /> :�. '�.Ssi�c�. r'�ii�itfh{ico i'v i3'virisi�ici Psv'i�cc��ru1��i i�t{S ucciiii�ji inliiumaltf a�laii �7e glvCn L�f IdC3iveflllg 1�p!�lp <br /> mniting it by firxt clasq mail unless applicable la�v require9 use of nnathor methfld.Tho noticc ahnll bo directed to tho Proporty <br /> Address ur uny other uddreys Harrawcr designatos by natieo to Lendcr. Any notica to Lendcr shull be given by firat c1a.vN <br /> . mail eo L.endcrh uddress dtated hcroln or any other nddrews Lender de�ignatoy by notica to Bonpwcr. Any notico providcd far <br /> In thiH Sccurlty Instrumc�t shall tw deLmcd tU huve bE;en give�i tu Hurrower ur Lende� who� givcn as provlded in this <br /> pnrngrnph. <br /> 13. Governing Lawi Soverubiflty. '1'hls 5ccurfty lnstrument shull be govem:d by tedcml low and tho !nw af the <br /> Juriadlctian(n which the Prapeny ii+locnted. In tho ovent thut uny provieion ar clnuso af thi�Secu�iEy Instrument or Iho Noto <br /> coriflicts with applteublo luw,suefi eantliet�hnll nut affeet othc�r proviafons of thia Seeurity Inatrument or tho Noto which e�u� <br /> bo givc�offcct withaut tho confdicting pmvlaion. 'Ib this cnd thv provislona of this Socurity Instrumcnt nnd tho Noto nro <br /> dcc�arcd to bo sovcrnblc. <br /> a6. Bor�ower's Copy. 8orrawcr ehAll be given onc coafurmed capy of tho Noto and of'this Secur�ty Instn�ment. <br /> 17. 7Fangter n�the Pro�►eMy or n HeieeSlrlu!Intere�t in 6orra�vcn If all or any part nP thc 1'roperty ar any Intcrest In <br /> it iK sold or tmnsferred(or if A benoficiul intorest in Bunower Is sald or trnn�ferrcd nad Hurrowor is not n Rutuml porson) <br /> witl�out l.endcrh priur writtcn consent,Lendor its clpt3on,reyuiro immedinte pi�Xment in fY�ll af nll Ruma secured by _ <br /> Wy�ecurity lasirumcnt. Howcver.this option shull not bc ex:raised by l.endcr iP cxcrr�se av prohibltcd by fcdora!la�v ns oti <br /> thc dn�o of thiA Sccurlt,y lnstrument. <br /> If l..ender oxcrciRes thi9 aptlon,l.onder ehall givo Banawor natico��f nccolerntian. 71�o noticc�1�1 pruvldv c��crlod af <br /> not leas thno 3Q days irom the dnto tho notico fa dolivored or mailed within��•hich B�rrowor must pay n9]sums secured by thia <br /> Securlty instrumc.n:. Jf 9orrower fnils ta pny theso sums prior to tho explrutlon of thlx periad, l.andor muy invoko any <br /> , remediospertnitted by this Security Instmment withaut tl�rlher natiw or demnnd a��Harratiti�cr. <br /> 18. ktorrower's Milght to Relnstate. lf 8orrower meeta cenain conditions. Horrower shnll hnva tho right to huvo <br /> enfarcemons of thifl Security Ina*r.•:ment discontinucd at cury timo prlor to tho onrlier of: (n)S dAys(or such other pedod as <br /> � 51ngM PamHy-E1�nnNMsdEkddk M�a UNIBOAM INS'�RUMF.NT••Unitomt Govcaanis 9(!0 fpnRc 4 nJb pwRcs) <br /> .i <br /> ��, ' �---__ �r�,.,,�5 — �-- - <br /> � } 4 <br /> -�}� �, , , ,: ;���f���� �; � � --- <br /> zn ,�.�3SF i '�`hI rk'+� �n 4� �t� , ,F , n y.�. " ,.� '•`�'P�` '^";� _�°` <br /> °r. � r i«�✓.-�-��I./n ii'�i+xe.yl .-1W �.�Y_ � � ko f.�� v ..[+7'7 —. . <br /> �- y . �. . ' . . . r fw� `'� '�,i�,.r 3 �':� ��m <br /> �'��µ` ,!' �''� � !i .�- - . .i.`, � ' {t �.. _�j'r`[`r' .:,:}'`oY._9`r - � -. <br /> _(i t i" -'J . .,. - �', - , „- ' J� -: -_ ,�A - � I�Fl M- . �. . - <br /> �f {� Q�_�. <br /> �� • A..L` a� .rty - ' . _ . t � � f Y 4 . .`r j'�� <br /> ;y+r'�'`r�'t1�M�7'�������'t �.. . ..r .. •n'.y• - .i' �'.'R 4 i.'!..��..�f..< I �.ia�r• �u,�+a� ,� - <br /> �f� 1?AL YLI.S� .t. ��� , ,. � . .���� r�� -- <br />�.,��:�- }' .1�, .{ ..t . .;. . ,,• _•, '�� „ r ss.=;-� <br /> r .t`'L .�. .r. , ;.{, , i,r� .s.. i9itr--- <br /> _ .�t. . , . . _ . ,' . �� • . ,� . • Y i'�� s��• ;� v -=__=-- <br /> ` � �'�`, �» .�,s <br /> � � ' . ..,_ .. .. _ �� .. _ !�-... . .. .�-S�:q. � � �� • 3 ��y}���q.-: <br /> .�+ . . . 1 �.' a•,%~J��• - .� v�t . 1 _1'•_ .� � .. ,.���+ 'y� --_ <br /> _�1� . . . : ` . .,s -= •-�;.;�t�t i� -'P tr i r"•-� -. , ' � ._._. <br /> � "7A � ,.e}" r . ' � - — - <br /> ��dr`�'�tl- f.l�r�'�y.,�'�s;hR, -.rt� a 1�. <br /> �-.nh-�� ' . • '� � �y i� � �� +JS� ��' � { • � .`�..i ti� x __ - .,..<.. <br /> ,__=�'�_�t ';.'t�n7�•,'riT1.f:t17��khLY;��'v:.'i'l�'�.':�;':T_,.:'".. . ' .. � .. " �' ..�.... -_ _-___--___—_— __ <br />