. _y.'_'-T3.'�.�.ER�'lA4�X�N-i1t`aTyi;CF�.l.u'LLt+3]LT'R\r.'.rtFrSa'!N(71tr+:•�Sn1':::y!t�•N`���`,�'i'; ,"n�'' . � _ . � i_ ,`,, .• . . . �.. ..�..._,t,,.... .�++. �_'
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<br /> •��`" �lD°�:'�� • . , -
<br /> . , (d) Qrnntor h��tf►e��pht end lo dNiy nuthortzad to �Kacuto and p8�turm Ito(�bNpnt�ann undat tnto[1ce�1 nf Truat and thor.o acticnn do not nnd _
<br /> � oha►1 not conl�tcf��lh the provielone al Nny otatuto,rogutatlon,ordlnanco,rule af ls�y,CCntract or othe►Nproomont�nhlch may bo bindlnp on
<br /> ' Qrentor at any tlrtro; ,
<br /> " (o) Rb actlan or prncendinp lo o�oAalt Ga pondlnp ar Ihrantonad rrhlCh ml�hl mptoNnlly nftoct Ihu Fhoperty;and • r T
<br /> ° (1� t3rantor hn��ol Woiat�d entl flhsll�ot vlotAtp Ony Btatuta,repulntlon,ordlncnca,fU�O 0�(QW,cnnGACi ot othor aproomont pnctu�llnp,but nat ��___
<br /> . �lmlted to,thnz�AwvrNnp HpiQrdoua Mate�lata�whlch mipht matorialty pttact tho{'ropOtty O►I,andotb�Inhta o�Interoot In Ihe IJroperty pumuenl • . _
<br /> _.� to ihlo W�ed of TtueR � =
<br /> . 8. i71t0A��6��P TRUBT� (irnnter repr�ent�snd war�anG9 that tAete tue nn p�[nr dee�a ot ttt�at aitactfn8�nY pa�l of the Propatly excopt an eet .,..
<br /> , _ . : � fortn un Ecriedut�8�tt�r�1 W thts q�ed ot T►ust.uhtch 4�ieu►ror e�rees ta ps�and p�utarm In a Umary mannor. H tho�n era any ptfur oeods of truet , -- ---
<br /> t�
<br /> 10en Orentor e�reea to puy al1 amaunts o�ved,oncl per(orm ell ablleatton9 requlreA,under such dooda af truai artd 1Ho Indobt�dnaaa cxwe�thare6Y
<br /> � � and tu►tnora�roo�ti�at a d6iauli un�r ar�y�ksr ct:�o!l�u=t�h�l�k�e�c�'f�!N en��+��d of Tiusf cind ehell eMltio londer to nll tl�ht0 and � .. � _ --
<br /> romrtdtee eonlo�nRd hoteln ot In tho ObL'petlone to�vhlch Lender wautd bo antltlod In the 6veM oT any other dotault.
<br /> J � 4. TRASi3t'E�iQ QP TiiB i'AOFHR11t QR BENEFtG1A1.INTBRC•9T81N�RANT0118 OR BQRROVY�RB. In tho ovont o1 o at+to,aonveynnce,tease, ,
<br /> � `� contraof for dccd or tranel�r to any pareoo ol a11 or eny paH of tha�aal prapnny described In 6cheduto A,ar any Intoro�t thorofn,or ot NII or cny ,
<br /> benetlatel Intereat In Bo�'•awar or arantor(li Borro�vor or Ornntor I�not a netur�l person ar eroone but lo n corporatlon,Ilmltvd Uoblliry eompany, • ,
<br /> part�orehlp,trust,or othor leeal anUty),l.ender may,at Ite optlon doctere Iho outatanding prPncipal b:Janro of tho Obllg�tlono pluo acorued Interust
<br /> th�roon Immodt �My�0 peYabte. A1 Lendbr's�equeeh Qrontor or 8orro►ver,ao tt�o cuso may bo nhall turnlah a complote atatvment cettinp torih � � _
<br /> ell of Ite urocMll��pd�fn boro�ar partnero,ae approprlata,and the oxMn1 ot Ihelr respeott�re ownetnhip inter9oro• . ��
<br /> g, Agg(pNMBNT qP RFHT9. In aoneld�rutlon o1 tho 06Ilpotlono,whleh aro eoeurad by thlo Oood of Truot,(irantar nbeolutoly o�uignn to LenOer all ,
<br /> arantor'e estete,rl6hb tlUe,int�rost,olalm and Qemend now ownod ot horoallor acqulred In WI oxlaUnp ancf tuturo loacoa af tho PtopertY(inoludlnp _
<br /> extonaiona,�enewNa ertd subteasae),etl aflreemente for use cnd occupanay ot the F�rapeAy(alt uuch leasee and eDroemente whether wrlmn or or�l, .
<br /> � aro horonttar rotorrod to ae the•l.en3en•1,and all puarantlea af leasee9'po�rmanoe unQer the Leaaes,ropethe�wlth tAe Immedtate and aontlnulnp . , ,
<br /> NQ�t to colteot and rocolro a110l iho ronta,incomo,rocoipto,rovonuoa,loauon,p�olito a�ci othur Incnmo ol aiy nnturo now ar horonflar du0(��cludlnp
<br /> any income a1 eny nature oominp due du8ng ony rodemption parfod)under the Leaae�or fram or n►Iainp out of tha P�oporty inctudln minimum •;�`�'�
<br /> � �ente addlttonal rento,perwnte�e rento,parklne o�common erea mulnconanaa contrlbutlona,tax und Innurance contrlbutlonn,doflo�onay ronta, �
<br /> � Uryulaatod dumapea fotlowl��detautt In ony l.aase, ell prooeeda payahte undor ony potloy o1 Inournnco covorinfl 1oa�of ronta�oauRinp Irom _ ,��._-, '
<br /> untenantebllity oausect by destn�atiun u�da��aau lu lho Propeny,all prooeede payabte ae a ronult ot a leunee'o oxarelue of 8n optlon to purChase the .=1�.—�.�
<br /> Property,ell prnceeds d�Bvod Irom tha termin�tton or�oJeotion ot any Leaso In e hankn�ptay or other InaoNanoy pronoadlne,aed all praoeudo t�or�i . �y�;�__,_
<br /> • sny dghte and etalma of any klnd whloh arantor mny have c+flatnet any los�oe undor tho L.onson pt sny occupanto of the Property(nt1 oi the ebove era , .- --
<br /> " hereetter collectivery rotened to na the'Rentey. Thle aeal0nment le subJoat to tha r1Aht,Fowor end authoriy Blvon to thb lendor to eoilsot nnd app1y . �-;�y'�'�.,�N
<br /> � ths Renf.i. T h ta nss ipn m e n 4 l e�e o e r d e d I n a o c o r d a n c s w i t h a p pltaabte state taw;the lien creotod by tht�ausfDnment la fntended to 6a epeoltio, ���
<br /> peAeoted,and ohoaU upon tha ranordlnp of this Oeed of T�uat,all an provided by app�loAblo atate law uo amended from time to tlme. A91ong e�o ;, ��` - ____ r�
<br /> thoro la no Qetaut!under ths Obtipatlone or thle Deed o1 TrueL lendar granM Ornntor a�evoonbte Ilcenca to collem nll Rente hom the Leasaa when .�;,
<br /> due and to use euch proceedt In(irsntar'e buolnesa opo�attona. Howavor,I.ondar may et any time requlro�rentot to dapo�H all Renta into an ' :;; •�'�
<br /> �� a000unt malntain�e:i by�rantot ar Lr ����at Lender's Inttltutlon. Upon d�tauN In tho payment ot,or I�tho peKormanoe ot,any of ths Ob1lp�tione, - � , _
<br /> Lendr.msy at it�optlon teke possssalan o1 the Proporty end heva,hold,manaao,leaso and oparnte the P�opeRy on terma ena(or�perlod of tims i•:�_:<:___
<br /> that l.ender deeme proper. 4endn msy prooead to oolleal and reaetve all Rento trom the proporty,and l.ender ohatl heve tuil pour�t to maks ': _
<br /> � atterationa,�enovattons,repaln ot roptaaements to the PropeAy ea Londor may Weom proper. Lender may apply all RentA In I.ender'o soU diear�tton �;'�'�.._.�__
<br /> to paymenl of the Obtlpationa o�to the paymeM o11he oost ot auoh alterstlone,ronovnt►ono,ropalre and rop laaemonts and any eM nsea incident to -;�,� .:�;�;�;�n
<br /> ee tho Ptn ,„
<br /> ' ^ } qkinp end rot�lning posseaston o11he P�roparty periadloalty and the neneDemeM end opoietton af the Propeny. lendar may P Pen!► ��
<br /> proparfy Inaared end mey dte9herps any taraa,chargea,ctalma,assawrrtento and other Itene whlch mny aaarue, The expenae and oost o1 th�as ---
<br /> � � ,. taton�may be ps�d from the Ronr reoeived,and any unpald amounto shall bs added to the prinolpal of tho f?bllpattone. Thea�or�iount�,tOQoth6i
<br /> i ' w i t h o t h�r c o st�,ohall become parl of the Obll qetlane a�aurod by thle Deod o1 Truet.
<br /> a �8A8E9 IWD OTt18R A3R8FMBN1'6. Qranto�ehatl not teke or talt to t�ka�ny sctlpn whloh may causo or pormlt 4hs t�nrdntllon or t h�
<br /> •� wlthholdln�of�n�paymsnt In ooanomlon with any I.eaeo or mher a8reement('A�reemonY)pottaJning to ihe Prope►ry. In addltlon,Orantor,wlthout
<br /> � mod� �n
<br /> I�nd�r'e prlor wr tte�conaont,an�ll not: (a)oolitot enY monles payeble under any Agram�ni morn thnn ona month In advan„p:(b) ty y
<br /> _ �, ��_���G y�,r.�����_y.s�or Wher encumbtanae to t»Olaced u�on QranMr'8 rlahte,titla snd In1a�ost in and to any
<br /> ' . : Apro�m�nt or the amounte payabl�thareunder;o�(c�j terminnto or aancel any 11�reemont except tor me nonpaymerrt oi anli�u�+v�v�:�:�t� —
<br /> ' bnach by th�othtr p�rty th�nto. It Or�ntor�eceN�a at any time any written communlaatlon assertinp a dafauM by Grantor under an Aproem�nt ot
<br /> � purporilnp to tarminat� or atnal any Apreem�nt, arantar shetl promptty forv+�rd a oopy of suoh oore�munloatlon (end any �ub��uent
<br /> . _�_ cvmmunloatlone nlWnp th�reto)to I.enclir. NI euoh AproemenN and the amounto duo to Orantor ther0uncie��ro hereby asslpned to tsndar��
<br /> - —� •_ 11.11Ri0n�t s�tau�ily tor��i'oiipa�ivn�. nQ1ud1
<br /> � s.�pl.LBCTt01�OP INDBBTEDNE89 FiiOM TNIAD f1Aq�l. i.end�r�hail bs�rttitted ta notliy ar r�quira tirantor t0 naNly any thlyd RaAy p M1� e
<br /> but not Iimlttd to,leeaee9,Iiosns000,povarnmantal authorltieo and inautanoe cnmpanlea)to pay lender any Indebtedneaa or obflp�tlon owlnp W L�
<br /> •��� arantar with�eapeat to the P�opsAy(aurnutativety•Indobtodnoaa')whother or not a detault exlate under thle[)oed of Truot. arantor shetl ctlllptntty �
<br /> oolteot the mdebtedneaa owinp to({rantor from triese thlyd pertlea untll ths plving o1 auch notHloatlon. In ths event that Orontor poes�ss�a ot reoelws
<br /> • •�;: pas»ealon ot�ny instrumant�or oth�r romittenceo wlth raapect to tho Indobtednean lotlowlnp th�plvinp of auch noUticntlon or N the Innt��imtnri or _ .
<br /> othar remittanoea oonFtitute th�pnpaymeM of nny Indebt pneaa oi tho paym�nt o1 atyn endors�hs Ins�trumMtatand oth~imltta�ncarto�t+md�a -
<br /> 6unh I�etrument��nd other remlttenaea in trust for lendar e aA hom Ita othwr prap• �v-
<br /> _ ,'"'."i:� • anA immod!at�ly provld�lendsr wlth pottealon ot the Instrumenta and othor r�mitt�nwa. t,�ad�r ohall be entltled,but not r�qul;�d,to coll�ot(by
<br />- tesel procadlnes or otharwlc�),exbnd Ihs time far paymem,Cam9romiss,sxohanp�or releea�any obllpat or oolt�teral,or othtrwl�a�riU�ny of
<br />_,'��i;:�.,�. , � tha Ind�bt�dMtf whether or not an�veM oi detault exime und�r lhis Apreement, L�nder sh�ll not bs Itebla to Crantor tor any Qatlon,�nor,mlitaks,
<br /> - - � amlalon ar d�t�,yp�rtainin�to th�aotlon�dtscrl�d U thts par�raph or any�.�mapu asulting thfretram, Notwlthatandlnp th�fan�olnp,nothinp �
<br />`�:�`� !• h�rNn�hall oau�l.�nder to b�d�emtd�mortpaDealn•pn9a�saion.
<br /> -�;, A. U88 AND MAIHTBt�tiiNQB OP PRQPEqTY. Qr�ntor ehell t�ke ell acUOn»and make any repairs n�sded to matnteln th� Rrop�rty In poad
<br /> condition. Orantor ehtll not oommlt or p�rmlt eny waste to be commlttod wlth r�speal to the Propetty. Qr�ntr�r ehail ute th�ProAeilY to��►Y�n
<br />— ''' � comptlano�with applloabl�law end Innuranae pollclos. arantor ahall not make sny afteratlono,addltlone or improvem�nte to th�Pr�operiy wlthoul
<br />�_��;y;'�� I.mdir'�pdor w8tt�n oonsent, VYfthout Ilmttinp th�taropolnp,all albrattone,addittono and Improvement9 mads to th�M�top�riy ahall b�aubjtot to
<br /> th�bon�tlolal Int�re�btlonginp to L.end�r,ahell not be remaved withoul Lendar'e prlor wrltten aanemt,and ahall be mads et Orantor'�sob e�p�nH.
<br /> _,a�.,. ,� Y. L098 OA DAMAti& Qrantar ehatl benr the sntlre riok of any lo�,theh,�ieatruoiton or damaDe(oumulativory"loaa or Damaae')to the Prnperty or _-
<br /> �� •Y � « ,, pny poAlon thoroot trom any oauss whaNOOVer. In the evant ot eny Loa�or Oamepa,arantor ahall at ths optlon o1 tsnd�r,r�prlr ths atf�oted
<br /> "!""" ' •'"� " Prop�rty to It�pavtou9 oonditlon ar pay or aauae to be pald to londsr thY d�orease In the teir market valus of ths affeoted Property. __-
<br /> -"-'dt-:��. 10. INSUFiMlC& The Prop�Ay w�ll b�k�pt Insund tot lu tull inaur�bts valua(nplAameM ooal)apAlnat ail he�arda InctuAlnp�os3 or dam�Qo -�--- — —==-
<br /> ��� caues4 by Iloed,earthquok�,tom�do�nd tire,theN ot othsr oasualry to th�ext�M rsqulrecl by Land�r. arantar may obtel�Ine�uanq on ths Prop�rty � _
<br /> �.��'�'� ' 4rom suoh oompanle�aa�!aaaMabt�to I.onder in Ite eole dlsarotlon. Th�Innuranae poltalee ah�ll roquiro tfi�Insurence aompany to pravlde
<br /> '== lAnd�r with at I�a�t•---- ��•--�--- •� day�'wdtten notlas beton ouah polialo�an wlts»d ar aancelted In any manner. Th�i�euranos polloi�s ah��l =°-
<br /> • �'�� name t�rtd�r a a lo:o p�y�d and provld�that no aot or omlaalon ol0rantot or any other peraon�hu�l AHeot th�r18M of l+�ndsr to b�p�ld th� ___ __ _
<br /> `�' Insur�na proa�do p�rtalninp to ths loaa or damap•of the Property. In the ovont nrentor fsllo to acqulro or malntaln Insur�nos, Lender (after �-----------_.__
<br /> ' provldinp notia a�may b�nquU�d by Inw)mAy In tte dlsoation praoure appropriats Inauranca ooverepa upon th�PtopoR�►and thv Ineurancs aoat ���e��u_
<br /> -,---� ehtll W an ltdvana payabl�and boarinp Intorast ng describad In Pare�praph 23 and saourod hereby. aranta�4ha�1 futnioh t�ndor wNh wldmea of ---�..
<br /> } inaur�na�Indloatinp!h�aqulnd cov�rRp�. Lender mey sct as attomoyIn•taat tor Qrpntor In maklnn and atMlnp claims undw�mur�na�potbi�s� ;
<br /> " oanos�ilrtp any polloy or�ndoninp Cireptor'a name on any drafi or neqatlable tnetrym�nt dr�wn by any In�ur��. AII�uob Insuranco potlol�a ehall W -� �
<br />.� . �' � immodipt�ly Roslpnsd,pl�dptt!+�nd detivared to Lender ae furthur seourity tor the Obllpatlon9. U+th�event of losa.QraMor shdl(mm�dl�t�ty plv� �1?
<br /> I.endvr w�ltten notle�and lender le authorl=ed to meke proot af tons. Eaoh Inauranoe oompany la dlreoted tn make pa�m�nta dinothr to Lender ��`�;
<br /> �na�•�nf te t.ncur and c9rantar. i.emter ahati havo tho rioM,at its aoic aptlon,to aPply nuoh monleo toward the Obtlpat ona or toward th�oo�t ot �.�"�`"° �`'
<br /> " R reCulidlnp and reatadnD tho Proporly. My amounts may at landor'0 Opt10f1 b0 ApptlOd in the Invomo order af the due dnbn ti+er�bf. --.� r: _----r___�. '
<br /> �t.ZONINO AND PAIVATE COVENANTB. Orentor ohell not Initipte or conoant to any chanpe In the:onlnp provinlona or ptivate covananta afteotln0 w;v�� � ¢'
<br /> ' � � �he us�of th�PropeAy wlthout 4ond�r's prlor wrltten conseM. H avantor'a u4o of the PtopeAy becomae a nonconforminp use under ony zoning "�'��'t_ti. •
<br /> provlalon,Ora�ntot ehotl not aauee or parmlt auoh usa to ba dlaeontlnuad or abnndoned without the prlor writton consent of Lendsr. Qrantor wl�l . ,• .. ,.• �
<br /> ,.3+�'� Imm�dlatsty provlds L�odsr wRh wrltton notia of pny proposed ohanpea to tha:oning provislone or prlvate covenanta etteotinp ths Praperry. �s�.a,.
<br /> .�,�,,,., � �
<br /> ;,,,, /�. CONDBMNATION. Qtantor shstl Immedli►tety provlds Lender with wrltten noticb o1 any aatual or threatoned oondemnatlon or�minsnt domaln . �°„;,��,`,+� ,�; ,,
<br /> proos�dlnpp�rtalnin�tu the Ptoperty. All monlea payabte to qrantor trom suoh condemnatlon or takine aro�epre�elayal f a�ased to Lender and ahall Ge 4
<br /> � • appllod ilroi to ths payment a1 4onder'e attorneys'lees, lepal o�peneon and oth�t coata pnoludfng ) In conneotlon wlth tha �
<br /> condamnatlon or eminent domaln proceodlnps nnd then,et tho optlon of lsndor,eo the poymanl ot tho Obllgatlonu or tho roatoratlon or repalr ot the �
<br /> Property �
<br /> 13. I.�N08R 8 Rt�NT TO COMMENCB Oii 0@FBND lE?QAL AGTlQNB. �runtor ohull Immedlataly provido Lendor with wrHton notloo of any aotual •
<br /> or Ihreatened amton,ouN,or other prooeadlnp efteoting fhe Propeny. Orontor heraby appolnta L.endar as Ita ettornoyIn•taot to aammance,IMervenv
<br /> �• In,and dWond euch aoUonn,sulta,ar other legai pr000adinpo and to oompromiG9 or¢Bttle any claim ar controvarsy pertulnlnp theroto. Londer ehall
<br /> not be Nablo to ar�ntor for nny aotlon,error,mistake,omisalon ar delay pertaining to tho aotlonn doscribed In thlo paregraph or any damaaea
<br /> " � reflulting theretrom. Nothinp aontainad hereln wlll provont Lendor irom takin8 tha aotlono deacribed In thla paragreph in Ite awn nnme.
<br /> � 11. INDeMRIFICAT(ON. Lender sha11 not ea�ume or be�eaponolble tor tha perlormunco ol any of�rantar'o oblipatlonn wHh roopeot to tho Prcperty -
<br /> �inder uny cl�aumotancen. (iranto�shall ImmediatetY provlde Lendor wllh written notice ot and Indemnity and hold Londer and Ita ehareholdero, .
<br /> dlrootoie,oHlcaro,emptoyaee and aDents harmlaes lrom nll otalmo,damsgos,IIablNtlea(Inctucl�n0 atlornays'toos nnd topnl oxponaoo),oouuoa of
<br /> � n�tlon,acttorie,aulte and other lepa(pr000edlnpe(aumulatively'Clatma')pertalninp to the Rroperty(Inctudlnp,but not Ilmited to,those Involvinp
<br /> H�tardouo Motorlala). Ornntor,upon the raquest o}Lendef,shall hlro legel oounset to detend lendet lrom euch Clalmo,end poy the attorn�ys'fsea, -
<br /> � lepal expsnw9 and other ooate Inourred In aonneotlon th�rewNh. In tho atternativ�,Lender ehall bo ontitled to employ ito own tepel couneel to datend .
<br /> suoh Gaima af arantnr'e oost, drantor'e obllaation to Indemnity 4andor under lhia paragt&ph ohull eurviva the terminatlon,roleaea or forecic�uts ot �
<br /> " ; thla Ooed of Truet, � (`(� •
<br /> . �vNeo�,e �Formnirontecn�oiofl�e..mn.�anoroq �aoolo��•�ron P��aotC. `•_.---- .
<br />