�i. _����a�}v� •; `c�.►�,ia�j�r,w{.+a:: tiamy^i;;;t;i ;`*;} 4t •rri�r tr; �, ,1r,. .`_ , o � _._.,_,,..,�;.
<br /> , -- ,+r .,� v� r= .1�: i\ j 5�
<br /> • :i, �:1:; !`,
<br /> .__ `_� i. . : ... . ��tL - ;
<br /> ' ' � .�
<br /> . . . , . �, ,
<br /> 1.; -.7. . . . _ , .. ., . . .� - :, r . .•tsC+dn4t'��,
<br />..� , , ' .-,.,c-,-;i.�.u. ' - . r` .. ._ ..._.u-----�- ^.`_.�_. . ,. ...� . ` n. . . ......_._....____ ,c _ .
<br /> , - _-'., .---.._ .. ..... . _.. .. _ . _ _._. . . p
<br /> . ,� ' ` .. ��'�'�''�i'� ; .
<br /> � • • t. u n.a '��.� '� ..
<br /> � 1tf. YQ!(rg 11Ht1 A8AGti3lHGtiT9. Qtcntot e!►nll pay e�l laYe�end aaans�monm ralntlr�g to Propany N�hen due a+�J Immedlat�ly provtdo L:,ndur
<br /> � Inau ancr prim�m�texea end eeessmente portqlninA�to the Properiy.n�6o lan0 0o tharo o�p ddiautt�tnoso nmou t�eha,ll e�pplltd t�th�i px,�'ment
<br /> �
<br /> � �}�s�,nnsea�m�nte and Insuranco a�re ulrad on�a Proparty. tn Ihe ovan�of Ba1�u11,4ender ehAll hava the tl ht,at Iro eola optlon,ta�pp 1 e
<br /> � tu���9 w neld to psy nny texea a�ngninet s�e OuiidnUane. Any h+nds applled mey,e11.�ndoPO optlon,da npplro�1��evnree urde�o�the dus date
<br /> - the��oi. �
<br /> t0. tH�P�StflH ai'P�PSRW�COt?� ti�f,�Ae9 ANO AEPORTB. 4rnnmr ohall el�to�wyle�dor or�lom�me to dme�a�ar�taonr nheN provlda -
<br /> ,- Pro�e�ilr pnA axarNm,inapact and meke c�o�te�ot�an���ta t�a e�g�ilatu aar�encl��arm�llon eon �In�irentorl�tlnaho and�ecerde ehaii ba _
<br /> sny nasletance requtr�d ily loi�d3r tot Ht,;.��i�• �
<br /> � r-' � � BpoftniRlnp t0 theF t�ps ri�y Addfl On�liy,t3 antot 6haii topotitiri A t3tiiti��tltoh:stGrytW lent!"t.Lu!t�h�pbeR��mniC�lpjl'In�tolendef rttB1f�ldu0�1 t11$etdi�q� - _ . ,
<br /> ' � Qra�itoi'o tinencial aonditl�n or ths Propnrty Tl�a Into�mnuon ehell bo far nucn porlod�,eh�ll tatiaai arantor'o roaorda ef nunh dme,and aitH►1 b�
<br /> h' rendar�d with sunh froquenoy as L.ender may do�lgrtate. NI Intarmel4an lumfahed by arantor to Lendar ehall be true,a�urate nnd cor.��ete In all
<br /> • �� °� roapeetn,nnd etpned Ay Qrantar li lendor�eq�caste.
<br /> ` "* `� 1Y. EBTOPPEI CEHTIFICAI'�9. WIthM teo (t0a daye aftor any roquo�t by Landor,Orantor oh�tl dativer to Lender,or any Intsnded tr�noteroe of
<br /> � wheth e Qrt�ntar pVpossssse�unyolnQme,doto�cea�set tte or countoDn nlma v�ithnro�pe�ro�thop�Obllpatlano nnd,b�nntho n tueo o7��nuch c elmu, .
<br /> dotontoa,eat�oifo or countaralnimo. �rentof�vltl ho oonoivalvaly bound by any toproeentntton that Lender may mnka to the Intonded tranatorao wlth
<br /> toapect to thna mattora In tho evont�hat�runtor lall�to provido tho roquented atatomonl ln o t►maly mnnnor.
<br /> ' 10. O�FAULT. Qmntnr shntl be in detault under thlo Qoud of Truot nnd tho Tru�tao'o po�vor nhau boeomo oparativo U thfl ovom thm drnnto►, , •`T:
<br /> •, r Borrower or any puarantor ot the QUll�atlono: __
<br /> � � a fallu to pay any Obllputlon to 4enAer when d��e;
<br /> �b� talis to peAorm�ny Qbtlpation or bracphea any warrAnty or aovnnant ta l�nder oontalned tn thts Oeed a1 Truet a,anY atner preaent ar firtur�
<br /> reemeM; ' .
<br /> �.� �destroys,tosss or dama�a�the ProAeriy In any metarlal ro�poct or aubjeota tho Fropony to aei:uro,ctmllacatlon,or condomnsHon; . .
<br /> - . d seako ta ravo}ro,torminato or othonvise Ilmll lto IIabIQry under any pueranty to lendor; �4'-� •
<br /> � += � ��) d1�9,t�aoomae lspWty Incampotent,Is dlcsoMad or terminated,bocomo�Insntrent,make9 an n�lpnmont tor tho Donofit of orcdlroro,tnl�e tn
<br /> � i p�y�i�Ots ne they Ceooms dua,tUeo e potNion under thb tederal bankruptoy Inwa.P.ae an Involuntery petitton In denkruptoy til�d in whlch(�rantur, ,,.,�::
<br /> 4�
<br /> , ;* _ 8oaower or eny punranta�Ie�emed,or has propetty taken undar any writ ar proc.�s af court; j
<br /> Q nilawa paocle to ba uso d,tmne�,o R�d or stored an the PropeRy,the posaessfon,transportatlon,or uso of whlch,in IUsgal;
<br /> r: i i �Q �powe pny parry otherthan Ornntor or Horrower to assume or undo�tnke nny Obligatton without the written 000sem o f l:on dsr;or
<br />` ,, r w °. (h; ctua�a lender to doem Itsett insoaura due to a elgni8canl dsclino in tho value o1 the Property;or t1 Lenctor,In goo9lnith,tar any roason, ,�`�-:
<br /> beil�v�othat the prospect ot peymont ot partartnance Ie Impaired. -'��'`r�
<br /> .,-�,�,
<br /> - "� ' ' ' tY. RIQHr9 OP d�NDEN ON I�EPAU�t H thero le�a dalault undet thla Daed of Trust, Lendet ahetl be entltied to exercis�oas or mots of the �_��_�-�
<br /> � :
<br /> .�;•,� . * toltowlnp romedtea wlthout notiou or do�nund(exoept a�caaulred 6y law): pa��=_
<br /> a) to deolare the Ob1�8atlono Immedlatery dua end payable In tu11;
<br /> . ` -f_ � ) to cotlsat the outetendinp Ohilgntlo�a with or wHhoul rosorting to�udlcisl procoas; �,..;
<br /> � • '-� �o� to roqulre(irantor to dolivat and mako uvaltabta to 4ender any�onraonat propeAy or Chettole conctitutine the Property at s pl�w rwsonabty ��__,
<br /> � ' convartl�nt to Qranmr and Lender; 1or or ebtnlnin tAS olntment of e reeetvar and,at L�nder'e optlnn,tn ��
<br /> ''�� ' ' - ' (d) to enrot upon and take poaseaslon o1 the RropeRy without appryln� fl �PP _-
<br /> �� � � eppotnt a noalve�Nttheut bons,without Nrot bringing euit an the OEtlgttlons and wlthout otharyrlse meetlnp any etatutory eontlittona ree�rding _�
<br />__��Fr*,� nc�iverti It he►np In;�nded that t+mdor nhall Aave thle contrnatusl�IgM to appolnt a rooeNer; _
<br /> ; ;,,;,• :; e( ) to emptoy e manayinp neent of the Proparty and tot the enme,oither In Trustee'e own nem�,in th�nam�of lend�r or In th�ntms c" ` ,
<br /> �� i�rantor,anA reaiva tR�nnta.lncomea,lasuo�and profito 01 the Ptoperty and eppty the samo,atter payment of all necessary ct�ur�ee an:.
<br /> _. � �ensest on acaaunt o1 the Obt��►tlono; ���,��p�ed of Truat ot to curo any detault other
<br /> ��`{' _�� (� Eo pny any eums ln any tari�i op manne►deemed oupe�i�i b3i���?��
<br /> ,-�- thRn peymmt of Interast ar principal on Mo Obilgatlona; Mrouph exucise of ths powet of oat�aa
<br />'•'�}iT�;�:' �' (p1 to f o rea tosa t h l9 D e e d o 1 T r u a t J u d l c l a lry o r�n�u d l c�a l y n n d t o d l r�o l t h s s at a o1 the pro po A y
<br /> nhrenoeQ In�urayraph 20 heieolln a0000rdanco with opplicable Inw;
<br /> � _, _. ,,_ _ QI)t0�Ititrt�amor��""s�^��'m�"������'��bY V�t�noludlnD,but not umtted to,montea,Inatn,msnto,and dsposit
<br /> a000unta ms�Melnsd�vith i.endnr or any ourreritly oxlating oi tutute aNUiete ot l�ndW:nnd ,
<br />-- ::�•��:� p)to exsrclao nll ut�er Nphto avattable to l.ender undor nny other wNtun aaraamsnt ar applloabt�taw.� '" '
<br /> "'m I,�nda'�rf hh ea cumutulw�nd msy bs sxorolsed topethai,eepnratety,and In nny order. tn the evant thet Lendsr InatltutsA�n aotlon sosklnp the
<br /> �-�� otho�wli�ab�ti�ulr�d Pr4end ri oy under e de8lpnas m y purcf�ase tho prop oRy st�nny eeto,�P�ooeeda of an�7ru������uleyh n�ndircihi°I b�
<br /> '::.-a�w�• . q
<br /> �:-���. � eppli�d first,to th�oost�and�xpensa ot exercfeinp th�pawst o1�ala Rnd o1 ths sd��Includlnp tht payment o the Tru�r�'�t�n aotutihl Inourr�d
<br /> ��—'���: Rnd not to�xaed ths amount whloh may be provtded tor In thla Oeed af Tast,aaoond,ta poymeM of ihe�bllpatlom ncund h�r�by 4h1r4,to th�
<br /> �'.��,-. p�ym�nt o1 Juntar ttust d��df,mortpasta,or othot Ilenhotd�re,and ths bAltnce,If eny,to the pe►non or ptrcona t�pally entlqed tMnto.�A�prop�rty
<br /> =���:� ar any paA th�r�o1 msy bo eotd In onepa roel,or In such paroetr,m�nmr or order as lender in Ite tol�dtaarstlon m�y eteot,�nq arts o�moa
<br /> �/rr� ex�rclsn of th�pow�r h�rNn prant�d�hall n�t extinpulnh or exhauat tn�powar untess tho eMire propsriy Ia sold or th�obllpattone�r�p�id n tuil.
<br /> — n �0. TFIU9TEfi'9 p(8RCi88 OP POWER OP 8AL8 ON QEPAULT� Upon c1�f�ult by Qrantor In paym�nt of any Ohilpatlom e�curb h�r�by�uo a0
<br /> _ may d�otan a11�ums 4eoundo'�suoh ttmi asitlin m y De requlbed Oy Itw tolowsnaracordatlon fof 4uch ttotic�i diau i d�na noi►c:o�i hin+i�
<br /> � t h e P�o p��y. A m r t h e I�p s e
<br /> -- p�sn pM�n Rs th�n requlnd by taw,Trusb�,wNhout d�m�n d�n a r a n t o r,e h�i l�1 1 a u n h a z o p a�t.e l t h�r t e e w h a�o r i n W p ar�t�{+�rat�,Rnd in�uc
<br /> o rd�r�a It ot l�od�r msy dehrmine a��publio auatton to ths hlpheft bidd�r. Truat�o may postPon�the sa��01 tl)ot pr�y portlon of th�Property dy
<br /> publio�nnounament Rt ths tlms�nq p 1ac�01 uts,anA lrom tlme to t ims t her e n n�r m�y p fl st p onet��e�l�b y publto�nnounwmmt�t th�tlmt and
<br /> _ _______� p�ac�1lx�d hy the preadinp poseponemen�. Truate�ehetl dellver M suoh purchassr Ite dad eome b��or ol ���pr n�on the«of,w sold but
<br />- - _� without tny ca��n�m cr w�nenty,�xptes9 ar Impliod. The rocitale in such�le�d of any ni�ttor9 ot f h ts�eha0 W oonclusN�prool o�th�
<br /> truthlulnes�1h��o1. My Wnon,Inotudinp Onntor,T�uat�o or Uendor,mAy purohase et suoh ant�.
<br />�, _��:� ��p�Ep�;�PO�I�I�DT:=C�ES�`h�Qdd�ia o1 iu�ch pireon ao tonn heiin s iho sa�ailmo indy n ui�i sa o mannarr iqur ed ai thouph id A��
<br /> requ�a'ltheno)h�d bNn tit�d by�Aah�uoApercon.
<br /> _:��:.�.f 2Z. �EDIIRIIY iNTEREBT UNOER THB tlNIFOHM COMMERCIAI.CODE. This Da�d o1 T�u�t ohall be oonelderad�tinanoln stKt�m�nt and•
<br /> —!� ilxtur�11ilnppunuant to th�provl�ion9 01 th�Unitorm C.ommorolal Cods(�f adopt�d in th�atat�wh�r9ths nal prop�rty If Ivat�d�covarin�1lxtun�
<br /> -�:m��� • ohetnts,and�rtictss o1 psrQOn�l prop�rty now own�d o►hsreafter�ttached to or to bs uad In oonn�aibn with tho Prop�rH tog�ih�r with any and al�
<br /> __�-.��� r�ptaqmsnt�th�roof and sddltione thereto(the'Ch:�ttEl�°),and Qrantor harsby prana lendet e cecudty Innr�ri In wch Chatt�U. Th�d�btor 1�th�
<br /> :;����� t3rantor desadb�d abcw�. The aeaurod party lo tha lvndar deaorlbad abova. U n demnnd,Qwrtor chall m�lc�,execuU�nd dotivet tuch�souriry
<br /> ppr�emfnS�(�s wch term la defined In sald Unlform Commeroial Gade)as L�n �r at eny tlme may de�m neaaary or prap�r or�sc�ulrod to pr�nt to
<br /> -_� L.�nder a podeot�d 80aurity Interest In the Chariete,and upnn OrentoT's telluro to do so,6�rtd�r ta quthorl�ed to slpn�ny auch�praemon!as ths�ysrrt
<br />°�� af armtor. Or�ntor h�r�by authorizea lsnder to fite tlnancinp et�terri�nw(aa ouch term le ddlned In oald Unlfarm Commrtcl�l Cado)with napoot to
<br /> __--- tho Ch�tt�ls,at any time,wlthout the oipnsturo of�rantor. (irantor�vlu,howaver,at any tlme upon roqu�st o1 Lend�r,at n tuoh tlnonslnp st�Um�nU.
<br />,.,_� (it�ntor wiil pt tll fUl fo�9 tot th�tllinpn o1 thln�OoaA olpTwet b0 eubJeol W any aacurit�y tMr�mint aowrl°s U►i OhattNi ht�hm to thi��1 at�y -
<br /> r�k s l t��+r m�o r►u n•r"a�.�c a i.. u m.«. eq
<br /> ����y�' _ - d�fautt und�r thia Pwcl oi Trust,all the ripfli,t�tto and trttereat o f f i r�►n t ot i�-►e+n�i t 3�Y:�s�d«f!°!!!r�-`2�����+!�'b y'!�°-�t°L�r�u.i�N l t _--`
<br /> 'rn';; :.u. _.
<br />. • � � �;�; with th�b�ndit o1 any d�pofit�or p�ymsnte now or hnroafte�maQ�thrreof by Qr�ntor or ths pred�assor�ar cucoeswro in tkf�of Orantor In th�
<br />'-��� �qE1MBUR9EMENT GP AM011NT8 aPEN0E0 BY LENDHR. Lond���et�rf ht o pomid ot Len�deT undir fhli uQNd o Tiu�t�Upon d m�tpitd�,
<br />