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<br /> ° . DE�D O�TRUS'f �
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<br /> � . ____..._.._._�_.. w .�_. ...... .__.__----- __ ._.�..w. �-----._. .. _. A . . ._�_-- - --
<br /> �� RoDorC 8 �ngol BOHHOW�H RobarC 8 SugeZ �u��tint���'+iN����a --
<br /> ,� � D�lorip H RsnQei Dolorie B Sugei un n an a
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<br /> ---4-� � ADAl16li! JIdfDR[i�f
<br /> �` Y �619 8 8ohult■ Road 1619 1i 8obuit$ Aoad
<br /> '`� �r, � 3?oniylas�n. NS 6H8S3 Doniphass, NS 6888�
<br />.•t�'r;�: TE1�RNOIPAliD. IOfNYtFiC71T10NNO. T[t►01t0�ieM0. IDEHflFiCAfMNtW.
<br />,:;,.�,�F.
<br /> '.`;,�' + ----__ _.... .. . ....._...�.... ______..�.-- -__.._. ._ ...- - - - --. .----�_.. _
<br /> rn��sT�a:�ion ee►nk 71ud Truat CompanY C�raad Yaland 8reaab
<br /> �..._ �008 North Nebb Road, arsn8 I�lwna Ni 69801
<br /> �2 _ ._ - - •----- -- — --- - ---•- - •- -- . . _ .____... _ _ .
<br /> �.:�. In ooasldernilon of the toan ar other credlt accommodaticn hnrein�fhr sp�citled and any tuturi aNuuieiu ot�utute Obtfpailone,aa ctat�riid hnratn,
<br /> whicfi may herelnaftor be advnnoed or IncurreA end Ma tn+et herolnaftet menNoned and other pood and valunbls ooneldsr�tion,ths aalpt and
<br /> __�i�� �uHlcdonoy ot whtch�n hanby�aknowlodp�d,QrMt r herody Irrevooabty Oargalne,aette,tranafero, prant�,conv�ya end nuslDna to Truits�,hle
<br /> su soma dn I ne, n et r_-.-.-,- -... . r �
<br /> _,,,;�x�� ln�on I�an�c�nc� f�r�i�.Co�ar►y�Grand�Ioland�Hri�rib�`=��'an�'-Tmland�`�N£ °-�".-" -_ (^�nd�r•),thn
<br /> a � beneilClarfl undtr thls Oeed of Truat,wiih pnwer ot snie t�nd rlpht ot entry and possessian All of Qrantot'e prosent end future eaterts,rtpht,titl�and
<br /> ��-��� Interaet In nnd to the raei properry Aesarroea in Schoetute A whtah ia ettached to thia 6eed of iruat em�i inoarpvretsd 6srein 5yr tnie Toi:��,�
<br /> with all pnse»t end tutura Improvomenta nnd lixturo�:a11 u►nplbto pnrconrl proporty Including without limitatlon nll machlnery,equlpmenl,bulidi�p
<br /> �,,_��,� materiela,and poodo of avary nature(exatuming oonoumor 9oo0e)naw or hereaRer looated on or i+eed in conneotion wlth the ranl property,whett►�r
<br /> °_---=o pr nat attlxsd ro ths IAnd; prlWlepea, hmedilemento, and appurtennnoen Inoluqlnp ull davotopmont rlg�to acaoolptad with the F4aperly,whethor
<br /> — p�+s�li a►�u`va�qiiiniis£�'n'i.;.n-.�t.�its:f'ia�.�li�it 7!!!�i�'!�IIrl:`�t#sYS`�Q!l�s�lLt•��'^O�+lL.►�^_!Si!R�!�!!^!!!i1w Ccaa���e attf�r
<br />__ " reat prap�ny;b�s�a,tfo.ns.t artd Wher fY�ffl88Si;��nt�,l�ouas and prafita;wat�r,wetl,dit�h,roamvotr and mineml Nphto and�cl�a paRalnlnp to
<br />-y—,.�� th�roal propaAy (cumutativ�iy'PropeA�l'�;to hnYe and ta hotd ths PropsAy and ths riphte heaby prant�d tor ths us��nA b�netH ol Tru�tw,hl�
<br /> _ �'�� euowi�son artd aaslpna,untll p�►ymmt In tutl of all Obifp�tlone oeeured her�by.
<br /> Menowr,ln fuNher camldu�tton,anntor da�,far Qr�ntot�nd�nntori hdre,npresent�tiws utd afstanf,hereby eMpt��tly warr�nt,cav�n�nt,
<br />.���"y"�� �nd�prN with I�nd�r�nd Truetse and thetr ouoce�sore�nd aealpna ae lollows:
<br /> � �i 1. �O�I8A7lON8. Thif Os�d ot Tn+a ehttl aeaure the peyment and peAormencs of all prnaent and futun Indtbtsdrteae,Il�bllltlta,obifpsttone and
<br /> � cownanU of 8orror�nr or�rerRot(o��mul�tivoly"Obllpstlone')to Lender purouant to:
<br /> � � thl�CNd af T�ust�nd th�toUowinp promisfory nota�nd othu�rNm�nM:
<br /> _..�- ------
<br /> _: r�T..._. _...-��arti:i►MO�r%' e�i�onwJ- � ----wiruRiN• -�...__.ausip�ai°'_' .�_.__���..__�.---
<br /> ta►�w__........__._..._..._.aKr�arruwr...�.._---...��a�e��anHra�s�. .... ._d�±►_YS.._..:�.. ____.. Nuw�+u�....._-- -- -�-- Nuw�i!_._..�...
<br /> 1�=7CiD�" �60.000.00 ll%01/95 �1i/Ol%96 9'1�7." �6��b
<br /> � (b)eu othir pn�nt or t'utu��,wrlttin p8iaementa wlth lsnder ihat iofer epeoltloahy to ttile piid ot Yiuet(whiUiii�x�utid foi th��ma at
<br /> --- dHlw�nt putpoNs than fh�tor�olnp):
<br /> o) Any Quar�nry of oblly�t�onsl 01 o'!`�nr partles pivan to Lender nowar h�reafter ex�u�tod that rMere to thla Oesd ot Truat;
<br /> _ _ _� �d) futun tdvanas,�yh�ther oblipptory ar optional,ta th�srm�ext�nt a»II mada oantemporan�outly with tho exe�ullen of thlo Dad af Truat,
<br /> mRd�ar�xtm�ed on b�h�tl of Rrantor ar 8artoticer. araritor�{ro�e thtt it one oi th0 Obllppttani is�Ilne ot or�dit,ahe Iten of thla D��d o1 Truit
<br /> •hall oontlnu�unlll p�yment In 1��11 at all debf due u��ar tha ilna nalwlthstandinp th�taat thet t�Am time to tim9(but baton terminRilon of th�Itrt�)
<br /> ___-�� no balana�may!»out4�pdino At no time eha0 ths Iien otthis tH�d of Tru�t,nct Inoluding Qum�advana�d to proteotthe tecudty ot thl�[M�d of
<br />:a°--;,� Ttu�1��xa�d m_1a0�,�00��tQ--- ------ -•�and
<br /> -..�.� (��pll amondment9,�xt�nslons,nn�wala,modlBoAtlono.reptaoemonts o�eubaAtutlona to any o!the toropoinp.
<br /> -- � A9 uesd In thle Paraareph 1,ths tsrme Orantor end F3orrowar ehatl lnolude and atao mean n�y�rantor or Qor�owar H mon than ane.
<br /> _�.:�� �. REPA�SENTM10N8,WAflRANTIH81AF1D COYENANTB.Oruntot npreunto,warrant��nd cov�nwnb to l.rndtr that:
<br /> �_� (�) Qrantor haa fh Nmpt�mark�t�bN dU�to th�Prapariy Rnd�hall m�lntaln th�Prop�rty h��of all ti�»�,e�cudy Int�r�at�,qnoumbrAncn and
<br /> otafmf�xoept to�thii ONd of Truet and thoM d�totiWil In 8oh�dul�B,whioh i9�tt�oh�d to thh Owd of Truat md Inoorpoabd htnln k►y
<br />_._:::- ^�'� reierencs,whiah(ir�ntnr agnsa tq p�y and pertorm In a Umety mann�r,
<br /> (d1 finmWr Is in compfimiae in aH rcepeats wNh aif rppti�a�fii fectrrdi�6i6ife Ari[i i68ai�Xhi diid ipgulath3fis�t�Gfudi�,ivit�aut iitn;�tlzi� ti��
<br /> .:iv�;,_'� �.. •
<br />,_jz�.,� n�atlAp to Hu�rclow M�tatat�; �w d�flned henin, �nd oth�r tnvlronm�ntal m�►mro (the 'Envlwnmental lxwo', and n�lthtr th� ��d�rai
<br /> __ - povernmsnt not�ny oth�r pav�mm�ntal or qu�rl powrnment�l�mlty hq fll�d�Iltn on ths P�rop�rty,nor�ro thae any pov�rnmmtal �udlold or
<br /> �- admtntttretiv�aotlone w�th ns to environmental matt�rep�ndinp,or to the beat of ths anntar'a knowlsd��,thn�t�nW,whicb Invohr�th�
<br />--- Prapny� I�Nith�t Qt�ntor not, o ths b�st of drantor9 knowl�d i,any oth�r party haa ueed,p�mr�t�d,rui�awd,dlsoh�rp�d,�to��cl,or ditpo�ad
<br />;,.;,�-�' L of any Hu�rdoua IN�t�rltto as d�tln�d h�rotn,in aonn�ctlon w�ths Prop�rty a1 trRneported�ny Husrdow Mat�r1�U to or from th�Prop�rry.
<br /> QrRntor ohall rtot commit or permit ouch�otlom tp ba takan i�the tuture. 7he t�rm'Ht�ardaue M�terltls"ahall m�an�ny aubatance,mat�rl�l,or
<br /> � -��•� wast�whleh la or b�oomee nput�t�d by tny povarnmsntal authoriry Includinp,but nat Iimltsd to,(!)petrolwm;pl)idabt�or nont8�bt�aobatos;
<br /> �"' '�. (III)polvohlo►�nated blphenyts; pv)thoss eudatances,mat�rlale or wastea d�uipnet�d oe a`hasardouf subat�noe'punuant t�S�otion 811 of th�
<br /> Ct�an warir Aot or Ilated pursuant to 8�otlon 307 ot the Glren Wabr llnt or any amendm�nta or r�piio�monto to th�a� �tatutoa; (v)thoae
<br /> ' ! oubatancea,materlals ot wastos dotined ae a'hezurdou�waeto'pureuant to Soatlon 1004 of tt�m R�eourae Coneorve�tton and Recovary Aflt or eny
<br /> ' • ! amendmente cr replaoammte to that statute;end NI)tnoss eu batancea,meteriata or wast�e detirt�d aa w"he:ardoua tubstancp'purouent to
<br /> ` •�� 6e�tton 101 of ttie Comprehomlvq Environmentel Fi�sponao,Compensatlon end Uablllty Aot,or eny emendm�nte or replQammta to that atotut�
<br /> ot eny other simllar atat�or lndoral st4tute,rule,tepulatton or ord►nanco now or heregfter In ett�ot. Qruntor ehall not t�asa or p�rmlt tho aubl�ase
<br />. . at th�Prop�rty ro a tanant or aublanaM whose op�ratlona may rosuit In contaminntlon o1 tha Proporry wlih H�uu�ieus Mnterlata or toxlo
<br /> . .. oubstu►c�a;
<br /> ,;�. (o) All�pplloable lawe end regulotlona,Inotuding,without Ilmltetlon,the Amorloano wNh Dioabilltles Act,42 U.B.C.Seotion 12101 61 anq.(and all
<br /> . � ., repulAtion�promutp�t�tl 1h�reundor►ond all=oning pnd bulldln0 Ipws flnd reputatlona ratatlnp to tho Prop�rty by viAua o}any f�d�al,�t�t�or
<br /> _a=..: � m�nloipal�uthorlty wllh�urladlotlon over the Property,pr�aently are end ehall be obsmQd end compll�d with In WI mmhrial tap�ah,onc9 all
<br /> w •• rl��nq,llancrs,p�rmlta,and c�rtiiloah9 of ocoupanay(Inoludlny but not Umlted to:anlnp varlances,lpsclu�xo�ptlona 4or nonoonforminp un�,
<br /> �- 4�� � md 1Utl Intp�otlon�pp►oval�),whothtr t�mporary or p�rm�ntm,which ar�mat�rlal to th�ut�u�d 000up�nay of 4h�Prop�rty,prot�ntly an�nd
<br /> �hall b�obUln�d,pna�Ned�nd,whor�nece�u�ry,ren�wecl; /�
<br /> IPNCbt t m CormAUOn T�enno�op�t,Ma p/�a�oe��eoo�wiaic� v.a•�m o U� �•_.. _ ._
<br /> 'n
<br /> . ..1 ---------- °�---s�r= .�._.s,_„^_ . _ .--------- -°�--_..__.�.._,._..._.
<br />- , .7:.. __ _ .�_��-�-_.�.... � '�.'.__"_'""�"'___." .r�..._.. L17J""'"-_-•_•.-• .__.—s--���n,-..... -� .
<br /> .. . . - — .- . . _ . . .re..J'l.r"_ - .. __'_ _�
<br />