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<br /> _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER — -��
<br /> Assignment of Rents _
<br /> '�H1S 1.4 FAMiLY RinER is made this 3RID day of HoeiP.! 199� • �
<br /> and is incarpomted inw and shall be deemed to amend and suppiement the Mongage, Decd oF Trust or Securlty
<br /> Dced (thc "Secudty Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "gorcowcr") to secu�e
<br /> Bonower's Note to .� �it,aUl,� Hnildi�g and Lo�n 1lseodati��� r���
<br /> I�hraslm� � F�ral Savings Ban➢�
<br /> (the"i,ender"> ¢
<br /> of the same date and covering 4he Pmperty describe3 in the Secnrlty Instrument and located at: -
<br /> 310 Nesti ?1H Stz+eet. t�ratncl Iel�and. I� 6�A0�
<br /> ��
<br /> I�P�nY Addrcss� .
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS.In addItion to the covenants and agreEments made in the Security Instrument,
<br /> Borrower su►d Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> Property described in the Secudty Instrument,the foAowing Items are added to the Property descrlptlon.and shalt
<br /> aiso consatute the Property covered by the Security Instrument:building materials.appliaaces a�td goods of eveey
<br /> aaturc whatsaever now or hereafter located ia. on, or nsed, or intended to be used in wnnection with the
<br /> Property, includiag. but not llmited to. thos: for the purposes of supplying or distributiag heatin$. cooling,
<br /> ele�:tricity, gas. water, air and light, fite prevantton and extinguLshing ap��atus� sesvrity and access control
<br /> apparaws, pluinbins.bath tubs. watcr heaters. water closets, sinks. rang�+ oves, refrigerators, dishwashers.
<br /> disposals, waSheB, dryers,awnings.storm windows, storm doons, screens;'8linds,siiades.a�rtaias and custain
<br /> �tg,anutwA mirmn,cabinets.panelline and suached floor coverlags now qr hereaRer auacded to the PropertY,
<br /> �li of which, including replacemenu and additIons thereto. shall be deemed tu be and remain a part of the
<br /> P„operty cover�ed by the Sacurity Instrument. All of the foregoiag together wtth the Property described in ttte
<br /> Secudty Inswrrxnt (or the leasehold estate if the Secudty Instnunent Is on a leasehold)a�e referred to in this 1-4
<br /> Family Rider and the Seeurity Instcument as the"Pc�operty.•• .
<br /> B.USE OF PROPERTY; COIVIPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not soelc,egree to or make a
<br /> change in ti�e use of the Praporty or its wning clsssifiration,unless Lender has agreed in wdting to We chaage. . .
<br /> Bonower shall comply wlth all laws, ordinances, regulations and re�nit�ements of eny govemmental body
<br /> applicable to die Property.
<br /> C.SiJBOIiDINATE LIENS.Except as pemutted by fcxteral law, Borrower shell not at�ow eny lien infedor
<br /> to the Securiry Instrument w be perfe�ted against the Prnperty without Lender's prior written permission.
<br /> D.RENT LOSS INSURANCE.Borro�ver shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addIdon to the other
<br /> hazards for which insurance is required by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> E."IIORROWER'S RIGfi'i'1'O ItEINSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Coveaaat 18 ia deleted.
<br /> F.BORROWBR'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree In writingi.the fi�st
<br /> senunce in Unitorm Covenant 6 wnceming Borrower's occ+�pancy of the Property is cieletad. All remaining .
<br /> covenants and agreements set forth in Qniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect.
<br /> MULTISTATE 1 -4 FAMIIY RIDER-Famds Ma�IFr�ddls Mnc UMiorm InttrumsM Form 3170 3183
<br /> �-S71930t1.01 VMP MOHT(3AQE fOAM9-18001671•7281 ��srirn�on AenY��d P�pa
<br /> I�������
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