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<br /> __ Upon recetpt of poyenent ot tha price 61d� Truatee ehAll deltver to the purchaser 7'�sice's deed conveying t6e _
<br /> �roperty.'Ihe recltals in tho 7ru�tee•e decd ehu11 be pritna tWCle evidcmce of the tn�th of the�stutensents mAde theretn,
<br /> T��.�te�shall ppply tho pmceed+wf tho sple in the foliowing orders(a)ta ail costs and cxpenses uf exe�rl�lnp the pnwer ot
<br /> a�le,and the�xle,Including!ho�uyirrent ut the Trustec'e f�res actuAlly Ioicurecd,not to exceed "�b
<br /> nf the princlpAl eniour�t ot tho uoto nt the tir�ic of tho declurutlon of defnuit,und resisenable nttorneys'fcc.w as perndKed
<br /> by law:pi)t��aU�sums securcd by thl.g Security lnstrumtnti und(c)uny excess ta the penson or pen�ons Iegally cntPtled to
<br /> It.
<br /> t2.itc�conveysnce. Upon payment oP all sams secumd by thix Security Instru�ncnt, Lendcr ahali reyuest Teustce to
<br /> reconvcy the Propeny and shutl surrenQer this Sec�urity Iostrument and a!1 notes �videncing debt secured by this Security '
<br /> InstNrreent eo�'n�stce.Trustce shaN reconvey the Property without wuemnty and witrtaut chArge to the pemon or persons iegaiiy °
<br /> entitlec� to it.5uch person or persons shall pay nny recordutian costs.
<br /> t3.Substttute 1'rustce. I.ender,at Its optton. mn�y fmm time to time remove Trustee nnd appoint a successor trustce to
<br /> eny Trustee appointed hereunde�by nn instntment recorc�ed ln the county in which this Security Tnstrument is recorded. Without
<br /> wnveyancc of the Froperty.the successor trustee shAll succeed to all the title,pawer and dut�es confermd upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> Z4.Request toa Notioes. 8ormwer reyuests that wpies of the noUces of defautt and eale be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> which isthe Property Addmss.
<br /> ?S.lttde�s ta this Security I�st�ment.If one or more ciderx aro executed by Bomower and reoorded together with this
<br /> Security Insuument.the covenaius and agreements of each such rlder shall be incorporated into and ahall umend and supplement
<br /> t�e covenants and agreements ot'this Secudty Insuument as lf the r3der(s)were a part of this Security Insmiment.
<br /> (Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustable Rate YtIder �Candominium Rtder �1-4 Family Ridcr �
<br /> 0 Uraduuted Payment lZider Planned Unit Development Rider Hiweekly Paymxnt Rider
<br /> 8 Bailoon Rider []Ytata Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> V.A.Rider C�Other(s)[specify]
<br /> SY SIGMNQ BBLOW,Borrower aocepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this SecurIty Inswment and
<br /> tn any rlder(s)executed by Borrower and recorded wIth it.
<br /> Witnesses: �.// !/<� 1���/"" (�s!) �
<br /> A.� t1AIH€ -Eonowu
<br /> �:._. . -- �� . .�
<br /> . ���L� �11111 — (s�1)
<br /> ��L:Ii� D. ER�V�+ • -Botrower
<br /> (�� (�)
<br /> -Bomnwer -Bomower
<br /> STATEOF NESRASKA, HALL County sv: •
<br /> The foregoing inste�ment was acknowledged before me this 3RD day of NOVEF+IBER , 1995 , �
<br /> W�g�Y����� �� QRAND IS N0, NEBRASKA in said Gouaty,the dateaforesaid.
<br /> MyCa�nmissionExpires: CEMERAINGU{RY•SMe�INtbnsMi �'
<br /> ���•���N Notasy Publfc
<br /> wce�.�rw.n.��a
<br /> vaye e o+s Fortn 9028 8/90
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