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<br /> ' urt of the Pra or any lnterest in it
<br /> �`-';:� ` 19.Trstnsfer of the PropertS'ar a Bene�iclal Interest in Borrower.lf all or any p P�rtY
<br /> ,��...�g• is sald or transferred(or if a beneficial interest tn Eurrc>wer is sold or trnnsfened und Bonower ia not a notural person)without
<br /> Lender's priur wrtttcn cansent. Lender may. at its option. require Immediate puyment ln full af ali sums secured by this
<br /> ""�','-� Securiry in5trument. However,this optian shal l not be exercised by Lender if exercise in prohibited by federal law as of the dute —
<br /> � � n�� of thls Securiry Instrument.
<br /> • �•;• If Lender exerclties this optian, L.ender shall�ive Bcxrower noticc of uccelerutinn.The natice rhull pmvidea period o not �,
<br /> tess thim 30 duy.r• from the dutc tli� notice 1�; dclivered or mailed within a�hich Sc►rrowcr munt puy ull �urns secure.l by this —
<br />-°-�,••?i.,�^ 5ccurfry Inrtrument. If BE�rrrnvcr fuils ta pay thcsc sumti prlar ta thc expirution c�f thix period. [.ender muy�nvakc uny rrmcdies —'
<br />- , ., p��mic��a n thix Secudty lnstrumcnt withaut fuehcr naticc or demund on Barmwer. _
<br /> ^ -,_�._ 18. �urw�wer•e� Rtµ81 tu [ieln.�tt+te. If Batmever mcet� cen+iin conJitians. Borrawer shull huve the right to i�uve �
<br /> � enfiircement of tMs Security [nscrument dis�untinuuJ+�t aiiy ilmr prior to the eurlier ofc (al S duys�or such othcr periuJ us
<br /> `�� upplicuble luw may �pecify far minstutcment)befure sal� ��f the Property purEUant to uny pawer of wile contuincxi in this =
<br />"�� Security Instrument:ar(b)entry af u judgnxnt antorcing thi+5ccurity Instrument.Those canditinns are that Barrower: (u)pUyx _
<br /> Lender ull sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Nate s�if na ucceleratian Mad occumd; (b)
<br /> ��� cures uny defuult of eny other covenan�g or agre�menes;(c)pay�ull expenses incurred in enforcing thts Security instrument. °
<br /> ;.�-�.i including. �ut not limited to,reasanable attorne�s'fees:and(d)takes such action as L.ender may ceasoiutbly reyuire to assure
<br /> ;�r.. , that the fien�f ti�is Security lnstniment, I.ender s rights in the Property and Hormwer's abHgation to puy tha sums secured by _
<br /> this Security Instrument shall conttnue unchenged. Upoa reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insm►ment and the _.
<br /> .��:t - obitgatlons secured hereby shall remein fuUy effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this nght io reinstate shall
<br /> `'t�:• - not apply in the case of acceleratlon under paragraph 17.
<br />" '"?'` 19. Sule of iVatet Chun�e of Loaa Servtcer. The Note ar a partial interest in the Note (rogether wiih thts Security
<br />"�"'� Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prlor notice to Bormwer. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> -�� as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insuument.There also may be one
<br />-_�� or mare changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Nate.If there Is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wi��be
<br />:l�i�� given written notice of the chun�e in acwrdance with paragr'aPh 14 above and applicable law.The notice wlll smte the name and
<br /> �-A�� address of the new Loan Servicer and the addmss to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br />` :'``� information cequited by applicable law.
<br />_ �, 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.use, disposal,storage. or release af any
<br /> - Hazsrdous Substartces on or in the Propercy.Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. unyt1ung affecdng the
<br />'_-=,''�a—��`- �� property that is in violation of any Environrnental Law.The preceding two sentences shal! not apply to the presence.use. or
<br /> -----= storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that ac+e genetally rerognized co be appropnate to normal
<br />--��--�� residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> - Borrower shalt promptly give L.eader wntten nottce of any investigatIon. claim,demand.Iawsuit or other acflon by any
<br />'-���� governmental or regulatory agency or private pu'ty involving the Property and anY Hezard�e u�blst�ance or E�nvira��ca1�w _
<br /> _-s��� of which Horrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns, or is notified by any g � ry �3'•
<br />_
<br />