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. . — <br /> t:�-1 r� '"' �j» �. ;J, r '[ yi�.��s���;;-.�: ���i�� .,;��tY�trp'.' ,.—.. h*i.�-�---��?� t� � —- <br /> .r��.:. ��� , 4.� 113 . ; -�� ! ` S�5,�- <br /> � `.,�y�� n, . . . , ' ..[...,:.:e'� � <br /> ;.4�K� <br /> '� :iit'� . ..- _. ... .... � . <br /> , n�.y�l�t - �, . .. . . <br /> ., .. .. . � , � - ----- <br /> ' •,. r � - ,� h �. • . a . <br /> ' . `� _ . . . ' _ '. . - .. . . . <br /> ,.. . �.t . " _ ""'_: .. � �d"' <br /> . <br /> � 'X74 Mif�d.)�.o-� ' •�•.�viwJr/N�UD�.S�iil]1WCYir qG�Mn�. . � .���"'"_�'�'�_`.�"�._"����' �... <br /> _ . .... . :.��;1r��i.'�* <br /> ,, .. <br /> _.. .a:: . .. �- - ._::..�...... <br /> . . .—�._-- �, <br /> • �---------_.._.___ __..-------•,^----------- .__...... <br /> ..._.._.._,,._--__,.._----_...... � <br /> ,. � ��_.. <br /> - > ---,--. - , Borro��er may cure s��oh n detau@ end �e!natato,me �rovldad in peraf�resFls 1�, Ey oausing ihe eaUon oi p►ocs�dG►g to bo ,.-�-- <br /> disrt�aaed wtth s �uling that,in Lend�'e yoad faith detaminaUon,precludea todelturo of the Bortower'e intarest in the P►opedy or :+ �'f,.. <br /> t other material impalrment of the P,en we�ted by this �eaudry inntrument or Lender'e n�scurity Interea� Boaowe�shaD alao be tn <br /> detauit It Borroriar,dudnp tho toan app7catton proceae,aare metcdaAy talse or inncarcate Iniormatlon or statements to Lender(or Cp <br /> � . /aited to prov�le Lender with eny matarW UtomuUan) In eonneatlon wlth ths toan evidaneed by the Nota, inctudinp, but not (,i1 _ <br /> •° � Umlted to, roproaentaUona aonoemtnp 8orrowa'e occupanay of tho PropeAy ne a prinoipat restdence. tf thia 800urity �, <br /> Inatrument ls an a leaaehold, 8ortawer ohalt aompty with nii the provialona of the lea�sa. B Borrower acquires tom Udo to tho .� „ <br /> • Property,the leiaehald nnd the tee tiUo ahall not merge unteas Lander egreos to the mar�ar tn wriUng. � <br /> •� � 7. Pratoetion of L.ondor's Rights In ths Rroparty. It sorrower hlla to pertortn the eovenants and agraements <br /> containad In thia Seaudry InatrumenE. or thero la�legtl proaeeding that may elgnMaanUy atteot Lendets dghts in the PropeAy � <br /> _ __ (euoh an a proceading in bankruptcy. proba4e,t8r candctr�aUon or foriclture or to cntorco tawa ar regulsUons),lhen lendar may <br /> . .. do�nd p�y tor whitever!a neceaaary to proteet the vaiue of ihe Pn�pmiy e►��i.s�ida's rlgh�M ths Proprrly l�d�'e ecione � _. <br /> �J � may Indude paytng any eums seaund by a Ilen whlab hae pdority over th�a Seau[ty Instrument, appcaring In aourt, paying <br /> reasonabte attomeys'teea utd entertnp on the Properiy to make repaira.Aithouph Lender may take acUon unde�thta paragraph � � <br /> ,�;;.,�h 7,L e n d e r d o e s n o t h a v e t o d o e o. <br /> � My amounts diabursed by Londer under paregraph 7 ahail become addlUonnl debt of Borrower eeoured by this SecurUy <br /> InatrumenR Unlesa Barrower and Lender agree to other te►ms of payment, theae �rnounta ohali bear(nterest irom the date of <br /> �. dlaburaement n the Note rate and ahai be payabto,with interest,upon no8ce from lcnda to Borrotyer requesUng payment. <br /> ' '� 8. Mottgag� lnsuranCa. N lender required mortgage insurance Qa � condlUon of maWng the loan secured by this <br /> " ' � Sacurlty Inatrument,Borrowe�ahe9 pay the premiums required to maintain the mortg�pe Insurance!n etteat.B,tor any reason,the _ <br /> , � mortgage insurance ccverage requtred by L.ender Iapaes or ceasea to be In eitRCt,Borrower sheU pay the premtums requlred to <br /> 5'f obfeln eoverago substsnUally equNWent to the mortgage insurance previously in efteat. �t a ooat aubstaMla�ry c4ubaiant to the <br /> � cost to Borrower of the mortgage Maurance predousy tn efleet,from an atten�ate mongage k�suror approved by lenda. If � <br /> � • � �• aubatantia(ly equlvelent mortgage Inaunnce eoverage la not avellable, 8orrower shal pay to Latder eao!►rnonth a sum equal to �;,� <br /> onetwelAh af the yeatly mortgage insu�nce premtum being pafd by 8ortower when the Insutance coverage lepsed or eeased to _ <br /> ' � be In eNect. I.ender wlll aceept use and retak�theae payments as a losa resave In Iteu of mortgage tnsurance. Lose reserve � .. <br /> � .� � paymer►ts may no tonger be requirea.�t tha opUon of Lsnder,tt mortgage insurance aovmage pn the amount artd tor the pedod _�.�,.., <br /> r � that Lander requUes) provtded by en iisurer approved by Lender ageln becomea evailabia end ts obtained. Borrower she;l pny �'��- <br /> � j� the premhtma required to mel�in mortgage tnsuranca In eHect, or to provtde a ioas resene,untU the requirement tor mortgage , ._• <br /> . � �� Insurance ends in aecordenae witb any writttten agreement between Bomower and Lender or appCesble iaw. -,�, <br /> w <br /> ' � „ � 9.InSpeCtion.Lender or(ts sgent may make reasonebte entries upon and Nspaetlons of the Property. Lendar shell gire h�: <br /> ' ` Bortovrer ooUca at the tima of or pttot to an inspectton spedtying reasoneble cause tor the inepection. ��;,°"` <br /> �' 10.Condemnatiore. The praceeds of eny awerd or ctatm for denu►gea, d4eat ar consequenttai, in oonneation wfth any �;��_.., <br /> ' � aondemnatton ar ather taki►► of an of the Ptoperiy, or tor eonveyenee In Ileu o!eondemnation,are hereby asstgned and `"=_- <br /> � 8 Y P� L'"�;.v <br /> :--%-: "'. shaY be patd to Lender. °� <br /> �•�,�;�. in the erent of a totel fatdng d the Prope�ty. the proceeds shatl be ap�led to the sums secared by thEs 9ecurity ��-•- <br /> .., . Instrumen� whethe�o��ot then due. a�th any exeass patd to BoROwer. In the eved of a partlat teSdnp of the Properly in which <br />`,;,��;:.'' �- ltso!ffir[rs�.et�sAss oi�ts�ropefi;�aly h�!4rrg i�►e M�dng� equal to or greater then the amourn oi the auma secured <br />-,.-'`,.� ,���� by thls Seaudty Inskumert tmmediatdy before the taking, unless Bortower and Lander othe�wlse agree in wdtlnp, tbe sums <br />,:;Y;;. .� seared by this Seamity Inawmant ehill ba reduced by the amount of the proceeds muitlplled by the foAowing fincUon: (a)the <br />�V�,,. �.,;^:.,.�; totel amount o}the sums sewred immedtatey betore the teWng,dhrtded bY @)the talr market vatue of the Properly immacllatdf► <br />-•-':�,.�, .�,,�,;. , before the teldng.My balenae ahW be paid to Boirower.ln the evart of a partW taWn9 of the Property tn wMoh the telr nwrket <br /> :::� � ,f. valua of the Properry Immedlately betae the taking is less then the amourn of the sums seared immedletety betore the teWng. _ <br /> '' - �'L`�-�ti�: ' untess Borrower end Lend� ofhe�wise agree in wriHng or unless appYcable taw othe�wlae provtdes, the proeeeds sha11 be - <br />..--Q�'_�w.• q� . <br />•,;.:�t,_. . appGed to the sums eecured by Mta Secu�fty Instrument whether or no4 the auma aro than dua <br /> _�'�'�� If tho PropExty ts abandoned by Bomower,or tt,atter nottce by Lendef to Borrowet that the co�demnor ottero to meke an � <br />-:�:;;:..."_,� xty <br /> - award or settle a c!a!m tor damages,Borrower talls to respond to Lender withtn 30 daye after tha date the not[ce !s gNen. <br /> -_vT,,,�„r,, . Lender la autboriied to coqeat and epPN the proceeda, at tts opiton.either to restoieUon or repair ot the P►operty or to the <br /> "•,�� sums secx[red by thla Securtty Inatrumeat.whetha or not then due. ��� �p��s to pdndpa� shaii not e�dend or <br /> -�_:�:.�aas�._ Un�ess lendar and Borrower Wherwlse apree in wiitlnp� enY eDP <br />---��:�:n2Y..T_1�i <br /> poatpone the due drte of the monthy paymente mfennd to In paragrepha 1 �nd 2 or ehange the amourn of eueb payrt�ants. <br /> _,�;.-��.� yt. �orrowor Not Reloasod; Forboara�co By Lsndor Not a WaWar.Extenston of the tima for paymant or <br />'�'�� modtfFcnt[on ot emorthaUon of the suma seoured by this Security�nswment granted by Lender to eny succesaor in tntueat ot <br /> _--.������� 8ortowet shdl eot operate to release tha Itablfity ot the origtnal Bortower or Bor►owePa suecessora In Ir►taresL Lender sheM not <br /> ° be requlred to commance proocedinps ageJnst eny sucxessor in interest ar reluse to extend Ume for paymeM or othe�wlse <br /> modiy u�tbn o!the aums sec�rred by thta Securtty Inetrument by reaaon ot my demand made by the odphwi Bormwer or <br /> -=`�`�� Bortawer's oucc�aors in interett. My torbenranca by Lender bn exerdstng any dght or rerrtedy ahaA not be a walver of a <br /> — .:�� <br /> �,�..�r- ______`� Preolude the oxecdse of any dght cr remedy. - - <br /> _ti�-_�� 12. Succ�ssoris and Asstgns �ound; Joirn and Sovor�t Uabptty; CaWgners.Tha covenams and = <br /> - a�ecmienta ot this 3ecurtty Instrumeat ehatl bind and benefit the euccessora and�eaigne of Lender and Borrower,subject to tha <br />- -_-_— provtsions ot parap,raph 17. Barowa's eovenantn and agreeme�rts shad be joint and sevenL My 8ortower who co-at�a thb <br /> =��,��'� 3ecuriry Inatruma►t but does not exeaRe the Not� (�Es co-sfgnin9 thia Security Inatrument ony to moKqage,prant�nd oonvey <br /> —��.--- s,�.� that Borrawer'a IMerest{n the PropeAy under the terms of thFs 8ecurily tnadumenk (DI la not paaonaliy ot�➢gated to pay the <br /> ����� sums eeeured by thle 8ecurtry tnstrume� and (o)agroea that Lender and ury other Bortower may agree to aoctend,modHy, <br />=-,-�:� fotbear or meke nny eccommodntona with regard to the tertns of this Secur(ry instrument or the Note wtthout that Borrower's _. <br /> _=_�.�.�, conse�. -__ <br /> -- "' "-' `' �9. Loan Chargea tt the toan secured by thb 3eaurity Instrument is subJect to a law whtch seta meximum loan =.. <br /> �. r.:..�., . <br /> _: : .- chergea, and that taw ts fln Int � <br /> aly erprete�f eo that the tMerest ar othe�toan aharges coQected or to be ooltected(n eonneeUon �-:- <br /> `"`:��.�.' :��.��' wIth the tean exceed the penNtted �ita.then: (a)any such loan uharge sha9 ba redueed by the amount neee.asary to teduce ��-.'-•': <br />- the charQe to tha pmmltted WN� and (b)eny sums eheady coqected irom Bortawer which exceoded penntCed limite wiii be ��-� <br /> ' � � _ ,:� retUnded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thfs retund by redueing tho prfn�tpal owed under the Note or by maldng a - <br /> . .�. dkec4 payment to 8orrawer. lt a reNnd reduoes pdnctpai, the reduoUon wG! be treated as a paAtai prepaYmeM withoat any <br /> • �� : prepaym�t charge under tha Note. <br /> 14. Notieea My notlee to Barower provtded tor in this Security InsWment ahaU be ghren by deUrertng It or by maOU�g it . <br /> � .. ,�� � by first ctass meY untess appIlca6le law requicea use ot enother method. The notice shaU be dfrected to the Property Address <br /> _ ��,""� . or any othe�addcesa Borrowe�deslgnates by nottce to Lender. Any notice to Lender ahap be gNen by ftrst alass mn(1 to <br /> -- - �----- ------ - - • �.rt�� �...�i...r.• t�...v. • s..l.....wfiwn tn Anninwrar Anv nntlm mevldad te�In thls � <br /> . f� --- Securiry InstrumeM shall be deemed to have Deen ghren to Bo�or Lender when gNen as providsd in this p�ragraph. �• . <br /> ' ; � 18. Govemtng Law; Saverablltty.This 3ecurUy Insbumem shall be govemed by tederal law end the taw oi the <br /> juiisdidton in wAlch the Property is keated. in the event that any provEsion or dause ot this 3ecurtty lnsbument or the Note <br /> . ° aoMUets wilh appqceble Iaw. such conffiat ahaV not affeot other provtstons ot this 8ecudty Instrumetrt or the Note whtch can be <br /> gNen eftect without tha confficNng pro�tslon.To thEs end the provistons of thki Secueity InstrumeM end the Note are dedared to <br /> be serarab�o. <br /> 16. BorrOwer's Copy.Bortower shalt bo gben one eontortned copy ot tAa Note end o!thts SeairUy�nstrument. <br /> - Ft31&LMO(7/95) Pego 3 ot S .L-� <br /> ":l 83193 � <br /> .o <br />