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- "'�,o — — �"�'.`.-. ,, <br /> l�u;`� � �� t 5'�:47�-�- 'r'��� �� , � 1 � <br /> � .. . ...c y ��yt ih„� - _ 'r _� .� .. <br /> ' t � 1� �.Y� ., `� l �P - ('yl�- �ii � . <br /> (11N � - - !.'t - �t;? <br /> � �'i i3��.',�,� . �,-: ' w�.. r t:'1� "'. <br /> ..�.�� ! ,. � . • lQ _ - � . <br /> .:� �. � _ . � , V , - .. <br /> ��'+_ ,.�., . �. .., . •. � __,-"'----./__�_�...1.:.._/,_ ._ .�,�..__._�.---"_-.--.�..:x=......'._'---`���u '. <br /> �._'.-----'--'-"_'--•._... <br /> �� <br /> J!' _.. _ . ♦ . <br /> - ' 97. Trarisiee G9 4�A Pra�oorly or sa Banefiai�! Intavest Ifl ��PeAwer. N aA or eny pmt of the Property+o► <br /> any Intereat In li la eold or tranaferted(or It a beneftctal Intore3t in Borrowa is so�d or tranater►ed and Borrower Is�ot a natural <br /> person)without Lcnder's pdor vrdtton consent,Lender may,at its opUon,requlre tmmedtate payment in fuU ot atl auma eecured by CO <br /> thts 3ecudry InstrumoM. HowGVer,thla opUon shaU not be ana►daed by Lcmder If oxercise is prohibtted by tederal taw ea ot the � , <br /> date ot thla 8sewity lnsteument L <br /> It Lender exeroises thls opUon, Lender sh�l1 give 8orrower notice of aaoetemtlon. Tha notlae shall provldo a podod ot not , <br /> �ess than 30 days 4rom the date the noUc�is de�vered or mallod wfthln whtch 8orrower muat pay ail sums secured by thta � � <br /> Sacudty lnatrumen� It Bonower fello to pay theso eume pdor to the expiraUon of this pedod, Londer may Invoke eny remadtss a <br /> permitted by this 8eaudty Inetruma�t wfthout furtha notlae or demand on Borrower. � <br /> � 18. �Or�ower'8 Rlpht to ReBnetOto. if BoROwer meata aertain aondiUone, Borrower shall have the dght to have � <br /> � � BntotCEmellt of thls $ecutily ii�SGun�eiit dlsCORtittu&� ot :esy!!m8 pdo� to the e2dle►ot (a) 8 days (or suah other perlod as _ <br /> . appltoeble law may spectiy tor reNstetoment)betore sate of the P►operry purauant to any power of cseie coeffiined in this 3ecuflty �+� <br /> w��-- InsUumen�ot(b)eMry ot a�udgment entordng thia 3eeudty InsWmenL Thoae eondtUons are that Boreower: (e)pays Lendar all <br /> " � .•,.s� " aums whtoh then woutd be due unde►this 9eaudly IneWment and the Note as N no eaaeleraUon had occurred; (b)cures any <br /> defauft of any other covenant or agreemente; (oj pays ai�expenses Incurred in entoroing this Security InsWment, Nduding, but , <br /> `' nat Itmked to,reasonable attomeys' faes; and(�takes euoh actlon as Lender may reaeonaby require to esaure that the Ilen of <br /> .' thls 8ecwity tnstrummt, Lender's dghta in the Propariy nnd 8ortower's ahitgatlon to pay the sums seoured by thfs 3eaurity <br /> ►nabument ahalt eonUnue unahenged. Upon retnatstement by Borrower, this Seoudty InstrumeM end the obllgatlona secured <br /> hereby shaU temain tuiry etteedve as H no aoaoteraiton hed oaeurced. However,this dght to reNstata ahail not upply in the aase <br /> . of acceteraUon under para9raph 17. • <br /> 19. Sa19 ot Note; Chetfge of Lo811 $e�'vicer. The Note or a a pardal intererst in the Note (together wfth this • <br /> ; �� Seeurtty tnstrument) may be aold one ot more Umea wrihout pdor noUce to Borrower.A sale may resuh tn a ahenge in the entiry . . <br /> � I ` po�own as the'Loan 3ervlcer')that eolleats monthly payments due under the Note end thts Sewrity Insttument There s[so may <br /> ' ba one or more changes of tho t.onn 8ervicer unrelated to a eale ot the Note. H there is a chon8e of the Loan Servtcer� <br /> F ; Borrower will be glven wdGen noUce ot the ahange in accordanca wfth paraSrePh 14 above and appUeable taw. The nottee will <br /> . state the aeme end address of tha new Loan Seiv[eer and the address to whtch paymenta ahoald be made. The notice wUl also <br />� � contsir►any other Intom�aUon requt�ed bY ePPAcebta law. ��.;. <br /> �� 20. Hazetrdaus Substancos. Bortower shail not cause or permit the presence.use,disposai,storage,or release ot c r� <br /> any Hazardous Substenoes on a in the Property. B�rrower shail noc do, nor ailow enyone etse to do,anyttAng aHeating the '`��' <br /> '` ; p�operty that is in vlolation of any En v f mnmen W L aw• The pre c e c II n g t w o s e n t e n c e a s h a U n o t a p p y to the presence, use, or ,,,-,,- <br /> �� atorege on the Property oi smatl quenU@es of Hererdous Substences that ere general►y►eao9nized to be epprop►late to nortna� ,j,1 ,: <br /> J�'�� r�ldcnUal uses and to rt�atMenence at the Propedy. .4:. <br /> `:."�; 8 o r r o w e r a h a N P ro m p t h► 9 N e L e n d e r wrflten nottce of an y IrnesU g aUon. daim, dert�and, tawauit or other actton by any .. <br /> _,�,.�, <br /> °� � govemme�at or regulatory agenay or pfirata perty ImoMing the Properiy and any Hamrdous 3ubstance or ErrvkonmeMal L a w o t ���- <br /> _— <br /> ° - whloh BoROwe►hes aaWd imowledge. B Borrower leama, or is notHted by any govemmenml or regulatory authority, that nny �_v <br /> �, 1�+ necessnry, BorroWer eh�ll PromP1M teka aU -_ <br /> • . � .Y removai or athc nune�'� oi �ssy tSazs�dos� Ss�lsnce sKec�rs8 P►�'�ttY '--. <br /> neceasary remedial acdons In accordence wRh Environmer�tel Luw. � <br /> '° As used in this paragraph 20. 'Hazardoue Substences' are those substances daftned ne toxlo or ha:erdoua subatar►�a by -- <br /> . �. ��� Envlronmentai Law and the topowln9 substan�es: gesotfne. kerosene, other 1{ammabie or toxb petroteum producte, toxJo <br /> -�;.. pestlddes and her6iddes,volatqa soNent6,maYerlals canmining asbaatos or tortnatdehyde.and radloactive materlata. As usad tn <br /> paragraph 20. 'Environmerdal Law• means tedarat laws end Iaws ot the juiadletlon wh�e tha PropeAy b looated that re�ate to <br />•�•,y' <�r.:� health,eatety ot envkonmentat proteaHon. � <br /> T:���4�, <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAMS. 8ortower and Lender turther eov�ant artd agree aa toUowa: _ <br /> . :,• ••.0 . — <br /> 21. Aaceleration; Fiemedles. Lender shatl gtve eotice to 8orrower prior to sccaleretton ____. <br /> ��-�->���=� followtng Borrow�r's braach of any covenar�t or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not <br /> �' � ��r::� prior to �cceleration under paragra�h 17 unless appltoable law providea otharwise). Tha notiee <br /> _�=:��z��=.�.�, shall specNy: (a) th� doiaui� (b) tho aatfon requtrod to curo the detsuf� (c)a tlaRa, Rot loss than <br />-_.:�,_��;;� 30 daya from th� date tho notiao ts given to 6oreowep. by which tho dofault must bo curod; and <br />��:��'��� (d) that fallure to curo the detault on or betore the d�to spacffted in th� naRic� may rosalt In <br />�-'�='�=� acceleratton ot the auma secured by this Security Instrumont and sala of tho Prop�rty.Th� eotic� <br />_-W?;::':; � ahatl 4u�ther IMorm Borrowar o!tha rigM to �sinstato aRer accoior�tlrn and tha rtpht to bring s � <br /> �'���" '- y aourt acttoe to ewa�rt tho non-existanae of a deiault or any othor dotans� of Borrorr�r to <br />=__+�,-�w�.�." <br /> !.,�� aceeleratton and sala. If the deieult 1� not eurad on or before the date spsalfied In th� Hotice� <br /> -='''�'�� Lsnder at Its nption may requira immodlate �eyment tn iutl o! atl sums�vcurod by thls Security <br /> �=��� � Instrument without furt�er demand and may Imrolw tho power of sab �nd any ather ramadlos —_ <br /> .... .r.�.-�ra._ <br />.:ti,�+Q"RJ�i�. _ <br /> permitted by appitaabte taw. Lendor ehalt be entitled to colteat all oxpon�es inourrod in pursu ng <br /> �=-r� the ren�odles providod tn thla paragraph at. In�fuding. but no! limited to. reasonablo attomeya = <br />-�;�o-��•:`�� fees and costs of titiv ovidence. <br /> _--�;-;�-:f�:r�. <br />:�,:�.,,; .�.� � If the power ot salo ts tnvoked� Trustee shall record a �oUce ot default tn eaah county n <br /> . t�-'.�,. <br />- :..���, • whlch any part of the Property ts located and shail matl coptos of such notice tn e manner -- <br />`-�����- =- ; prascribed by appilcable law to Borrower and to the olhor persona prescribed by applicable law. �� <br /> "- . ., $� Affer the time requtred by applicablo law, Trustee ahaU glve publlc notice of eale to the persat�.s �_'•� <br />/,'� � '� and In the menner pesseribed by applicable law.Trustee. without dernand on Boreower, shall s�ll �::: <br /> . i'� the Property at pubtic auctton to the hi8hest bldder at 4he time and ptaao and uader the 4erms s-,= <br /> � deaignated In the notice of sale in one or more paraels and! In any ordor Trustee determtnea. ''. <br /> - � Truetee may postpone sale of atl or a�ry parcei of tho Property by public announcement at tho <br /> � � • time and ptaae vf any prevlously scheduled �sale. Lender or [ts destgaoo may purchase the <br /> Property at any sale. <br /> Upon recetpt of paymer�4 of the prfce bid. Truateo shall deltver to the purchaser Truetee's <br /> � !!�'� -�------ J��.a ....w..e�iws �I.e Osnnn�lv. THo meifaln (n th�Trustao�s daad shatl be nrima faele evtdenae of <br /> _--------_ ..00.. .......�i...a �.._- --�-•-•- - -- ------ - <br /> •� ths truth ot the statemstns made therein. Trustee ahatl apply the proaeeds of the sale In the � <br /> . followirig order. (a� to ali costs and expenses of exerctstng the power of sale, and the sate, � <br />`- �• tnaludle�g the peymeM of the T�ustee's foes actually incurred, no!to exaeed�hree <br /> 96 af the principal amount of the <br /> noto at tho 41me of the deciaration of detault, and reasonable attomey's feoe as permtited by Iaw; <br /> ,: (b)to all sums seaured by this Security InsUumsn� and (c) any excess to the person or persons <br /> ' legaliy e�4itled to It <br /> , F1316.LMQ(7/93) Page 4 ot S � <br />-_;� <br /> 95153 <br />