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; � ..—. ..� ..� <br /> -°.-�-.---� - — ��--;-- —,�_.-.T- �. ,.. �.; � � -r- ` ;. - . <br /> -� • �� `�� �u��='t "4��.'•" y-�„ •.� ...q. • _'!'�•�-: .� ;C� - -ti� -��� - <br /> .� � e ° t - � �r! ¢t1 .� 'r 12 .tr <br /> .. .,p , t`.,',.4, ��.�. .,; . .,.,,��� . <br /> � . . . - .'i�:5���� �r�iij.L. ' . - ;�1��.�" _ <br /> , r i , f . <br /> wAra`. . . � � � :,r. � <br /> ��� ,�1�2 f. . .. .. . . .... . . . .. .. - <br /> ;M;.� �' � �' <br /> .. <br /> • � • �" - - � - �� �_ - --- �- ' - - - •'� _ <br /> �� . - •. . . - ..-- .. ' -�-'- - ` - - -� . , . - <br /> ,� ' .. . ��M�lq6�'pr�a � c• �� :..,.;.w. ..: - . - . .. .---....�.�_ � .. <br /> ,� ' � �rv. <br /> • .-.�. Y� wV 4M.WlNNI�[(�MT�.LHTS%•'.� •.___......_......... <br /> ' . .. ._ ._.� .. • �_....'_""�_�..,__�.. <br /> �. . .�� . � ,� <br /> .. --.. �..__...�..�__... '. �. . <br /> _ -'���..._._........___� <br /> � 0���.8.�.�.v- i.a_.�-..i...l�l - ...�•^�^""' ''__ <br /> .. ._�.� Y_^. <br /> t <br /> .. . • ;.�P'_'-.. <br /> ° � ' TOOE1HEii IYI1'H ali th0 imprcvements naw ot hereaRer erected on 4ho prtrperiy,and a0 euae��nts,apPu�tgsancas, and - ..=� <br /> flxturos now o�hxealte�a Pan oi the property.A11 replacemenls end eddttlom sh�N also be aove►ed by thla Sea�dry InsWmenL �.;•�:,.a� <br /> ° IW ot tha toroQoinp ls retemid to In thla&eeurtiy Instrument aa tho'F�roperty.' C� ° <br /> BORROdYER COVEIVANTB thai 8orrowor b�awtulty sehed of tho estate herehy conveyed and ha the dght to gr�uit and � <br /> � " eonvoy the PropeRy and tha4 ths Proparty ts unenaumberad, exaept for enambrmcaa of record. Bmrowor warrante and vdll <br /> dotend qenora►y the ttlle fu the PropaAy e0elnat ai�da�ms and demands,subJect to any encumbrences of record. 1 <br /> THI9 SEGURITY IN9IHUMENT aombinea unHonn acv�an t s ta naUonaf use �nd non�unitorm covenanta wtth Iimlted � <br /> � vadnttoaa by judadia3ton to conetftute e unitorto saourtty InsUumant covedng roU properiy. <br /> " � UNIFORM COVENANTB. BoTrawer and Lender novenent nnd agree aa tolovrs: � <br /> � 1. Peyment of Princtpal �nd Int�ns� Prapsymsnt md 4to Charpa�.earrower sha�prompty pay when <br /> ' ' due ihe pr{nGpat ot cnd Intczc.�n on tho evldenaed by the Note snd eny prepayment and lata chargea due undor tbe Note. � <br /> ' -_ _- - = 2. Funos for T�itfoTs Giw iOQitP.�iis►G. �Dj'zt':�::a 4::Y or i�e tYlitten weNet by i.�►der.Borrower shali PsY - . <br /> to Lenda on the day monthry paymenta ue dua under the Nate,unt�the Note b pild In tuN, a sum{'Funda')tor. (a)yea►ry � <br /> ' �• �� toxp and aaseaemente whteh may tttain ptiodry ovet thls 8acutity Inatrumant as a lien on the Paopeiiy; (b?yearty leasehold � <br /> , .�„�,° payments or ground nnte an ths Property.M�ny: (a)Yw1Y harard or propeRy fnsurtnw premiwna:ld) YeartY ftood Insuranae <br /> •" � • • pramtums,it any,(e)yaatty mortgage Inauru�ae p►emiuma,I}any;and (�arry auma payable Oy Bortower to lender tn aecordanee <br /> wfth tha provtslona of pareQraph e,In fteu o4 the psyment ot mortgage tn°,.urance premfuma. These ttems aro cailed 'Escrow <br /> • �tema.• Lender may, at�ny tlme, coYoct ar►d hold Funds in nn emount not to exaeed the m�dmum amount a lender br a <br /> tsslaaity rdated mortyape Ioan may roquire tor Bortower's escrow account under the tedenl Real EaUte Setttemer►t Pracaduras <br /> ' ' Act ot 1974 as emendad from Ume to time,l2 U.3A.�2601 et seq. ('RESPA'). unloae another{aw Nat ePPUas to the Funds ___ <br /> . seta a lesser amount it so.Lendet mY tln►e, aonect end hdd Funds tn an amount rtot to ezaeed the lesser amoun� <br /> ' ,.,, Lende�may estlm�te the amount of Funde due on the basis of current data end reasortabte estimatea ot expendttures of tuwre <br /> Esctow Items or othe�wiae in aceordenee wtth aAPUceble taw. <br /> 1 � 'Ihe Funda shaY be hetd h an haUtuUon whose d�postts are inoured bye tedetai agenay.insWmmtalRY. or eritlty pncluding , <br /> ' ,� r. � Lender. H Lender la suah an hsNtut►on) ot in my Federal Home Loan Saeik l.ender ohaY�pPly the Fu�ds to pay the Eecrow ._::•- <br /> „ -° Iteme. Le�nder mny not cher8e Barrower tor hotding snd applying the Funda,�nnudly maytu�g the esaow accouM,or verflyina ..;��;:: <br /> . the Eacrow tteira, unlese Lender WYs Borrower k►t�t on the Funds end appqcabio law permUta Lendee to mske such a <br /> . ��� charge. However�Lende►msy require Barowet to pay a one-Ume charge br an independerrt reei estate tax repotting serytee , <br /> .. , used by Lender In connectian w[th this loan, uniess apPltcable !aw providea otherwiae. Uniess N a�reement ta mada or °: c <br /> appltceb�e la�v tequires interest to be patd,Lendet shaU aot be�equired to pay Botrower �ry►in4e�est o� e�mtn9a on the Funds. <br /> ° Bosrows►and Lender may agroe in wdtlnp� hovuevar. t1►at Mterost sh�l be paid on the Funda.l.e�dar ahW ylve to Borrower. �:�r; <br /> ' � .� ,� w[thout chnrge,m annu�accounWg of tho Funda,ahowing credits md debtta to the Funda and the psupoae tor wh[ch each o, <br /> ' . •} debit to the Funda waa tt�de. The Funda aro pledged as additlonai aecurlty lor aA sums aecured by ths 9ecurity Instntment ��w':= <br /> • �� Lender ahaN acxount to Bwrawer - _ <br /> tt tha Funds heid by Lende� exceed the amouMs peimUted to be held by appUo�bte t�w. ��.=..a <br /> tor tha exoesa Funda in accordence wtth the requtrements of appNcabie {aw.if the omount o!the FLnda hdd by Lande�at arry ;�=°� <br /> ., ° tlme is rtot eudident to pay the Eaorow ttenu when due, Lender may so nattty Bomewer tn wdtin9� and. In such oase Botroe+cr �:°�`" <br /> � � shaY pay to lender the�mouM neceaeary to ma:ce up the deftdency. Bortower shc!maka up the deffdenay h no more th�n <br /> .'`� twehra monthly PiYmenta�a!Lendere sole dEacretlon. <br />__ " Upoe payment In tut of a1 suma seaurod by thls 3eaudry Instrumen�lende►shal P�PZN�d to Barower erry Funds <br /> - �: , +.�;� '`�� , hdd by Lender. If.undet parayraPh 2i.i.ander ahaA ei�u�or�ths °rcpaly.l.estt��tler t4!!�e�!�n�lep a aele o!the • - <br /> ' prope�ty,shafl�pply eny Funds hdd by Lender at the time of acqulsNion a sate na a aredit agahst 1he suma eewred by this <br /> _:'; t� • secudry Inswment. <br /> ` : ,ry'�rr' 3. Appllcation of P�Ynts. Untesa appBceble law provldea othawiae, �11 payme�a received by Lender under <br /> e <br /> `��:`;:i:;�>:x�r. P�9�Pha 1 and 2 shaA be eppped: first, to anY P�Ym�ent charges due under the Note; seoond to amaunto payable under <br /> .,:::,-.,.. �g�ph r � ro��e; pdrtc�l due;and last. to any Ut� ehnr�es due undar th�Ptota <br /> -`""�,, �,• .,� 4. Charges; Uena Borrower shaY pay ap taxes. assessmenta�chuqe�. lhes end impoatttons ai6ibut�ble to the <br />__.��.i�;:,,_.,,,�;: Proparly whtch may attaln prtoriyl over thta 3ecurity Instrument.and Ia�sehdd ptyments w ground r�ts.H�rry. Borrowet shaB <br /> ..r„''-.'� pay these obBgtUona k►the manne�proNded In para9raPh 2. w H not p�ld in that manne' Bomowr ehaM WY them on tlme <br /> --�� . :" d{rectly to the paaon owed payment Borrower ahe/prompUy tumiah to lenda aN notkes of unounte to be patd under thia <br /> -:~"--:�;"�•w': paragtnph. It Borrawer makes theae payments �reatN. Bortower ehaY prompt�► fumish to lsnd�r �ocatpts svldendng the - <br /> ';.� �� � ente. <br /> '�`."�•--:`:r''' . �Bertower ehaq prompUy dlaohuge any Nen whteh haa pdoriry over thb Seairlty Instrumertt unteu 8orrowa: (�)aprees in <br /> •'"'o'�����N� <br /> :_y-=„�-,_.:�� wrltlnp to the pryrna►t ot the a6Yp�tton ascured by the oen tn a m�nn�r�xept�ble to Lender; (b)cQmesta In qood hith the <br /> °:r r.::°i1^,,;�:! Gen by. or detanda aQainat enforcement of the Ua�M� lagat Prooeedn9s whtch in the tendda oP�oP�m P�+►ent th� <br /> ���-,1���.1 entorcement of ihe Yen:or(o)aecuroa iran the holder of the Yen m agreement saUataotoq►to Lendr subwdinatk�q the Yen to <br /> � _ �;_;_=-..,s:� thts Searfif► Inatrament B Lender ddenNnes that any Part o}the Piroperty 4 aubJect to�Nen wh�h msy�Lln prlaity ovar Ws <br /> r_�:,=-- — Seauriry Inshumert.lendx may giro Bortower a noUce Identitytng the Nen.Borrower shall sattsf�t the ian or t�ke one or more of _ <br /> _�_:y�,=;ery_'u� the a�iar►s ae!tortfi above within 10 d�ya of ffie givhg M noUc�. <br /> =n�:���:.�; 6. Hazard or Propa�Ry�Insurance. Borrower ehaN keep the tmprovane�Aa now e�dethy or haredte�areoted pn ffie <br /> -..;,�;�.�� �P�Y�+�e9elns!toss by 14e� haxards IRduded wIthln th0 ttYm 'atendod ooYertge• Nd Ny other hssatds.hdudinp � <br /> -`=`;��a tloods or tlooding.for whfah Lenda requhes 6n3urance. fits Insurence shoY ae rtwMafr►ed in the �mowds md for the perloda <br /> —_;i,_�'� that Lender ce4akes. The tnsurance cartler ProvT8n4 the Insurcnce eha0 be chosen bl►Barower s�bjed to�dera aPPro'�at <br /> �� wb[ch etiall not be unreasonaby wtthhe►d• It BoROwer fa9s to maintetn coverage desafbad aDora Lenda muy. at Lertdera <br /> -_:.;w,�;zr;_.'- opUon.obtatn ooveRpe to proteat Lender'e dphts N the PropeRy►In accordnr.e wfth pntap�ph 7. <br /> .°��'�•: � {W hsurance polictes �nd �+enewals shaN be awxptabla to Lender and shal indude n aUndud moitga9e cteuae. Lender <br /> � 'F=='.:•� ahaN have the dpht to hotd Ne poYdas and tenewats. H t�ender nequtrea�Bonower shal P�PiN 9Ne M Lender eD recefpia ot <br /> =�-;�-,��:.... Patd Pr�luma md renawa!ootice�. in the eveM o!bss�Bomower aha4 8ka Prompt notloe to the �naurance carrier nnd Lcnder. <br /> �a; :.,,..�.._ <br /> __;•�=�.� , Lw�der may mfke P►cof of toas H noi made PromP1N bY mower. <br /> ���. . Unless Lsndor�nd Bartower otheewlse e�ee b writlng� N�suranoe prooceds ehal be�ppGed to re�tornUon or repaU ot tha -- <br /> :.- •�.r y,�� p�ope�ty demsged.U tAe restorc�tlon or repair b economtcaiy teesible and lenders securHy ts not the resiatatton or _. <br /> repair la not eoonomlca9y teas35fa or Lcmders secudty woutd be lesaened,the tnr,u�artce proeeeda ahaY be applled to the sum� <br /> e� <br /> - . ' " ��:�� secured by thts Se�urtty lrtstrutn e n t. w h e t her or no t then due,with an y excess p a t d to Borrowes tt Borrowet abandans the rc ._ <br /> , ^ ;f. ProPat�l,or does no!answer w[thin 30 days e noHce irom Lender that the tnsurae�ca eanler has oAred to aettte a cla4n.then �`�:: <br /> Lender may eo9eat the inaurance proceeds. Lender may uae the proct�ds to�Ir or restae tAe ProPettY ot to pay sums <br /> .. � seeured by this SecurltY Instrument whether or not then due. The 30�day period w➢1 begin whan the nolloa la given. <br /> Uniass Lmder end Borrower othenvfse agroe tn wtitUsg, anY BAPllatton a� pr�ot;eeds to pihciptl shaD rtot wd�ttd.ot <br /> - � poatpone the due date of the mw►thy paYmeMs referted to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of the paymeMa. H <br /> c�.. � under peragraph 21 the Property ts ecquked by Lender. Bartower's dgM to any insuranee po�otes md proaeeds resultlrtg irom - <br /> _-�y�� � damege to the PropeMy pdor to the acquiskion shall pass to Lend� to the meteM of the mma Ey thta Seairih► Instrument <br /> �eb a►la to the aaWisftton. <br /> � - � 6. Oceupan�y, Preservation. IUlatntenance and Proiection ot 4n0 Properiy. esorrowere i.oan <br /> .., . .. Appiieatlon; Leas6holde. Borrowe sAa7 ocoupy.estabAsh. and use the Properiy as 9ertow�'s p+indpai restdence withln <br /> - sbdy days aRer the exeaution ot thts Secu►ity Instrument artd shaU comhue to oxupy the Ropaty ea Bmro�ver's ptlnctpa� <br /> resl�enoe to�at levst one year after the date ot ocwpancy. unless Lender othervrtse egrees in w�ting,whtch eonsent shaY not <br /> - b�unreasonabty wtthhdd or urttesa e�denaadng dreumstances mdst whtch are be�ond Bomowers ce�etrof. Borrower ahap not <br /> destroy,damaya or Unpatr tAe Prope�ty.aflow the Property to deterio�ate,a commit waste on the popeAy. 8omo►rer shali be(n <br /> detswft N any todeiture Qc4ion or proeeed�ng, whether eND or aiminal,t� Dcgun that N Lender's goad tafth judgment aoutd resuft <br /> in todeituro of the Properry or etherwtse matertal[y impak the lien created by this Seeurtty tnstruma�t a Lenders se�xtr[ry Interes!- <br /> �9�auNO pAS� vayo z a s ���'!1� <br /> ssts� <br />