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<br /> � � `' . . 9 5-� 9.t1'�54n �-�iy=
<br /> . ;.. Borrower mny cure euoh a detau[t snd retnatate, aa provlded in parapraph 18,by aeusinp the ectlon or pmceeding to be ���;.
<br /> ' f• diamlaaed with a miing that,tn Lender's good f�tth detem�inatton,precludea tcdelturo o4 tho Boiroware intetes!In the Propariy or =-�R•
<br /> • `• ' other mntedal tmpntrment ot the Nen oronted by this 3ecuriry InsVument or Lender'e sewrfty InioresL Bonowo�ahatl elso be tn �:_`�;
<br /> . . detwtt N BoROwer,dudng the toan cppJtaUton prneasa,gave mptedalry teiae or inacourate Intormatlon or statemerits to t�nder(or :'
<br /> tenad to proNda Lender with eny mateAal IntormaUan) In canneoUan wrih the to�n evldenced by the Note, induding,but not �"'-�
<br /> Ilmited to. representattons cortceminp Bortowets occupency of the Praperty as a prGta[pel resldencv. if thEe Secwiry
<br /> ' lnatrumeM ia on a leaeshold, Bonower ehaQ compfy with �II the provlslona ot the Ieaaa It Bormwer acsZutres tee tWe to the . .
<br /> L�,���� �� PropeAy,the Ieaseboid and the fee Utle ahatl no!merge unlsss Lender agrees to the merger in wdtlng.
<br /> .. 7.Protectio� of Lender's iitghb M tho Property.�t earower taCs to pedorm the covenenta and agreemeMs t;�:,R�
<br /> eontelned In this 3eeurNy instrument, or there is o lega!proceeding that may slgnl9canUy affect Lender's dghta In the Praperty ^ n
<br /> ; �,�� (aueh as�proceeding in benkruptcy�Prol�ata tor condemnatlon or forfefture or to entorce tawa ar regulatlons),then Lender may _•
<br /> do and pay br whatever is necessary to proteot the vffiu0 of the Property end Lender'a dghta tn the Property. Lendere adbns
<br /> �i"'`.� may tndude paytn9 ar►y sums eecurerf by a Iten wbloh has pdortty over this :Jecurity Instrument, apPeadnB in couA� PsY�9 Y
<br /> reasonebte attomeya'teea and eMe�Y�g on the Prope�ty to make repaire.Atthougb lsndw rrtay take aa@on under thls paragrapb ` ..r^
<br /> ��•�. 7,Lender does rtot have to do so. ;;-
<br /> , :� � My emounts dlabursed by Lender und�paragreph 7 shell become addtlonU de6t of Horrower eecurad by this 8ecurit�t ',,°,
<br /> InatrumenL Untesa Borrower and lender agree to other tertns of paym�t, these unounts sheU besr tMere3t 1rom the date of '�
<br /> '. . �� dlabursement at tho Note nte and ahafl ba payable,with intereat.upon noUce from l.ender to tiortower requesUng payment. �-_-_
<br /> ��. 8. Mor�guge IiiBUP�neo. !t Lcnd�rcgnked nsortgsga tnsurz!noe cu� conditlor� of mak(ng the toan secured by thts =`
<br /> '� ' ' .. ,� • 8ecurily Instrument, Borrowe►eh�Jl pay the premtuma requircd W malnteh�the mortg�ge hsurutas(n eftect.tf,tor any �son,the �+,.
<br />.�::•��. , . ••.ti . mo r tgape i n a u r a n c s e o v e a�e r e q u i ro d b y L c n d e r t a p a o s o r c o a s e s t o b e h e ft e a t,B o r ro wer shW p a y the praniuma ro q ulred to
<br /> obta(n covempe oubatantlaNy equMdent to the mortgage insurenca prevtousry In eflect,at a cosit subatenttalry equivalent to the '�`_"�-
<br /> i ,;, . t a
<br /> -..c,:,,. rr�
<br />,:;�;�,. _ , , cost to eorrower ot the mortq�ps inwnncs proviousy in eftect, trom m �itemne mortQaQe tnsuror approved by Lender. (t _=
<br />