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<br /> • TO�ETH�R WITIi di the ImprovemenW now or herealt-er�c�reated on the properiy, and a[I eaeamente, oppuRenancea,and -
<br /> tixhtrea now or heraatter�pan of the propaty.AN roptacementa and addltlons ehail alao be cov�red by thia 3ecudty Inytrumen�
<br /> � � A!!of the toreQotnp�a reterred to in lhis 8ocurlty Inetrument ae the'Property.' � '
<br /> 80RROWER COVENAM9 that 8orrower la {awtulty sefzed of the estete hereby conveyed �nd lua the right to grsnt and �,�, . �
<br /> ' aonvay the Properly and that ths Vroperty ta urtenaumbered, exeept tor ancumbanoes of rocord. 8o�ower wamaMs and wIU . .
<br /> detend fleneraty tho tltte to the Property aqanQt�ofatma and demanda,aubjoot to any eacumb►anaea of record. •
<br /> THl3 SECUARY �NSTAUMEM combine� unt4ortn oovenante tar neUonal uso and nornunlform aovenente with Umfted
<br /> , vadaUons by Judsdletlon to aonatitute a unitorm seeurily instrument aovedng reat propeAy.
<br /> UNIFORM COYENANTB. 8orrower and lander aovenant ond agree ae tollowe:
<br /> � 1. Paymont of P�inotpal and Interast; P►epaymeM and Lsta Chargee.eorrower ehatt promptry pay when
<br /> due tho prindp�i ot�nd lnterest on the deM evidanced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds fo� Taxes and Insuranao.Subjeet to appUcabio taw or to a vnttten walver by Lender,Bortawer shell pay
<br /> to Lender on the day mortthty payments are due unde►tho Note, until the Note le pald In tuD. a sum('Funda')tor. (a)yearly
<br /> taxea end aeaesamente which may attatn pdorNy oYer thte 3acuriry Instrument as a Ilon on the Properiy; (b) yearly leasahold
<br /> � hazaM or propaty ftood tnsurance
<br /> �"" , paymenta or ground renta on the PtopeAy.tt�nY (o)Yearly Insurance premiuma�(dI Yeari�l
<br /> '* r'^"`"'� Nremiums,H any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiuma,B any;end (�eny eums payeble 6y Bortower to Lender in aaaordance
<br /> with the provistons of peragraph 8,N 1leu of tha payment of mortgage tnsurence premiums. Thesa items ere ealled 'Escrow
<br /> , ftems.• Lender may,at any Ume,coAect end hold Funds in an amouM not to exceed the meximum emaunt a lender tor a
<br /> federaity related mortgage loan may tequiro for Boi►oweYs escrow account under the federal Real Eatate 8eUiement Procedurea �
<br /> ----°- -. - Ad of 18T4 as smended trom tlme to ttme,12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ('RESPA'). unfess r�nother�aw that applies to the Funda
<br /> . sets a tesser amount B so,Lender may,at any time, coAect end hotd Funds In an ertiouM aot to axceed the leaser amount =
<br /> Lender may eatimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current datn and reasonabia esWnates of expondUures of tuWre _
<br /> . ..� Escrow ftems or othe�wise tn aecordanae with appllceble faw. ��x-
<br /> " ` Tha Fund3 shall be held In an InatlWHon whose deposits are tneured by a tederat agency, inatrumeretaUly,or enUry(fncluding .,,.
<br /> • �; � Lender, B Lend�b such an InsUtWon) ot In�ny Federal Homa Loen Benk Lertda ahaU appry tha Funde to pay the Eaaow ..;-��
<br /> . ftema. Lender may�ot ehupa 8orrower tor hotding snd applying tha Funda,annually�naly�ing the eaorow a000uM,or vatytnp ;,.
<br /> � • the Escrow Iteme, unteae Land�r piya Borrower Interoat on �ha Funda and appUcabts 4w permfts Lenda to nwke euoh a ,'. :t
<br /> , � � aharpa However,Lender rt�y reqttks Botrow�t to pay a onaUme chupe tor�n Indapendent teal eatato wc repotNnp seMce ��.:�,,
<br /> used by Lander In connecUon wlth thl� loan, unleas appticabie kw provtdes othNwfs�. Uniess m �t�ent is �uds or ��+�-
<br /> epppcable kw roquirqs intenat to bt p�id,1.ender shdi aot be requUed to pay Bortawa�ny Interast or wninQs on tha Funda.
<br /> " BorrowK ond L�ndK may �yrN In wdthp, howww, thd IntKUt eh�i b� p�id on th� Funds.L�ndw �h�I �M� to Batrow�, �_�`
<br /> � " . � without ahups, �n annu�l aacountinp of tht Fundt,�howinp ondits�nd d�bftt to th�Funds md tM purpos�for whtoh eaob ,Yt
<br /> d�bit to th�Fwtd�wat matN. Th�Fund��n pNd��d u addHiomi s�curity(a dl sums soatnd by th�8�curfty In�trumen�. ��,.=_
<br /> ' ' if th�Fund�hNd by Lmda axoad th�amounu perrt�llt�d to be hNd by�ppYoabt�kw. I.x�dw�h�A acaount to Borrower �.
<br /> � • tor tho�xcas Fun�s In accad�na�witb th�r�quk�menb of ipplla�bie l�w.If th�unount o1 the Funds hNd by Lender at any —
<br /> , . .,� r tim�Is not eufflcint to p�y th�E�orow It�ns whm du�,LendK msy eo noUy 8orroww In wrftinp,md. In iuoh ass Borrower �-_
<br /> _ eh�i!p�y to LendK th�amount n�ouNry to mtke up ths d�Acimay. Bortower shaN mtke up ths defldenay In no mon than = _
<br /> � 4� + tw�ivo mentny p,ymsr�U�at landw'�sol�dlsanUon. ---
<br /> � Upon p�ym�nt tn!uW of d sums s�ound by this S�ourfly Instrument, Lendx sh�l prampUy retund to Borrower any Funds --
<br /> .� .�,• i�aid by i.«�a.r. if. ur�aar p.r.yraph zi,tanaa eti�ii a�r�uka or sdo ihs€'raFssiy�t.txs�s.aslet!e!he a�en^r!��•^t t�+p ,
<br /> �` • Property, ahul appy�ny Funda hdd by Lender at the ttme ot aaquEslUon or sala as a cremt ap�fnst tho sums aeoured by thta �
<br /> .:�'� , .,._ �* Seaurity Inehumen� `
<br /> `• ,,,;.�•; .,: � 3. Appl 1 C t t lOn o f Paymen t s. Un l e s s app Y c�b i e {�w pro v l des o t hawtae, e0 p t y m e nts recelred b y Lender unde►
<br /> ;-�������'�."�' ` paragraphs 1 and 2 ahe�be appGed: that.to�nY P�PaY►n
<br /> _, „. ent ohergea due under the Note;second,to unounta payable wde►
<br /> _h:.•�v,��.,
<br /> .•>?�s,-��'�. paragraph 2;thiM,to IMere.at due;fourth,to princlpai due;and Iast,to arry�te ohupea due under the Nota
<br /> -__,.� •�;��� 4. Charg�; Uen9. Borrower shell pay aU faxes, assessments, oharqea. 9nea and impoetttona atbibutable to the �°
<br /> _, .,� Properiy whtoh may attaln pdority aver thts Secwity Instrument,and leasehofd payments or 9round rertts,M u�y. BoRawer ehaq -
<br /> �;�.;%�'�`'�'�� pay these obltgatfona in the manne►provided in paragrapA 2, or H not patd in that m�nna. Borrower ahaY pay than on time
<br /> 9:i.,y�� dtreoty to the persan owed paymeM. 8or►ower eheN promptiy fumtsh to Lendar aY noticas of amauMs W be paid under thta =
<br /> P�9�Ph. R Borrowe� makea these paymenta dMecty� Bortower shaU prompty tumlah to I.ender roodpta ev[denaTnp the
<br /> -� ,';,�.t,, paymenta.
<br /> .: ' '.,'a:�� Borrower aheq prompty disohnrge any Ben whioh has pdodty ova thla Seeurity Inatrumant uniesa Bortawer. (�agreea N►
<br /> .-;•,�;
<br /> --"��^`� wrWnp to the payment of ths ob11g4Uon secured by tho Ifen in a mann�acceptabte to Lendeq (b)contests h�ood taf�the
<br /> -° �,xns.��
<br /> _„_,;:��„���•. Ilen by,or detends agalnst aiforoement of the Yen in, IeQal proceedGiga whkh tn ths Lander'a opinlon operate to pre+rent e
<br /> -,;,�,��� eMorcemnnt ot the Uen;or(a) eecurea irom the holder of the Nen an agreemeM aatlsTRatay to I.eader subordinaUnB the Gen io _
<br /> ___:-�-:::_:�,�� thls Security Insdument.lt Lender detamhes that�ny pert of the Property la subJect to a Yen whtch mRy attatn pdodty ove�thta
<br /> __--- 8ecurtly Instrument, lander may yke Borrower a notiae identlNtng the Ilen.BoROwer shaY e�ttsty the Aen or inke one or more of
<br /> _-'���� the adlons aet todh a6ove wfthin t0 daya of the gNirtp ot notica. -
<br /> 6. Hasard ar P�oporty Inauranao.Bomowe�sholl keep the improvementa now e�dattng or herodter erected on the
<br /> - Propeny insured ngainst taas by 4rs. hoaards Induded within the term 's�dended aoveaDe• ertd �ny other h�erd�. indudfng -
<br /> -'-r�� Qoads or tloodtng,tot whtah Lendx requkea inaurance. Thts ineuranoe ahaY be melntained in the tmounta and tor the pertoda
<br /> _ --°�:.:.�e�: thst Lende�requtres. The Inaurence caRie� providinp the insurenca ehaN be choaen by 6urowe►aubJect to Lenda'e approv�!
<br /> -r=��==--_=_�.� which ahail not ba unreasonably wfthhetd. Ii 8orrower faqa to m�fnteln cove�pe deaalbed above, Lender may,at Lendere
<br /> �-�"-'°°�"�'�� optlon,obtein corerage to proteat Lenders dphts tn the Properiy in accordance witb paragrtph 7.
<br /> `�--'�N;�; AII insurat►c�poAdes and renewds sh�U be aaaeptable to i.ender and ah�N tndude a aqndud nsortqaps ckuae. L�der
<br /> �s:�,a�, . sha�hsve the e�pM to hald the polidea and renewats. It Lender roquirea,8orrowar eheY promptly�ve to L�nda aU►eceipta ot _-
<br /> _:j°���� ' patd premiums and �enewal noSeea. In tha evertt of loaa,Borrower ahep gNe prompt noftoe to the Inaurance cartler and lender _
<br /> - -; ,,�4; . .� lsnder may make proof ot�oas!t not made prompUy by Sorrower. _-_
<br /> - - • .y��� Uafeae Lendx and 8ortawer athe�wtae agree tn writlng, tnsurance praaeeds shali be appIled to reatotatton or mpatr o!tha
<br /> - � Property damaged, M the reatorat[on or ropak is eeonomiceily teasible and lender'e seeurily is not leaeened.M the restorstion or =�__
<br /> � �.-�':� repatr ia eot ecanomfoaAy feaslble or Lendets securtty would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sums ._
<br /> .. aecured by thts Secu�tyr Instrument, whether or not then due, wlth eny enaesa patd to Borrower. if BoROwer abandons Me E__-�
<br /> ��� Properiy, or doea�ot anawer within 90 days a aotice irom lendar that the Ineurance cartler has oNered to settle a•dalm,then -,:•
<br /> , � Lender may coUeot the inauranea praceede. Lender may use the proaeeds to repatr or restae the P�operty or to pay euma �,''}'
<br /> .- � soaured by thta Secudty Inatrument,whetha or no!then due. The SOday pedod wlll begtn when the norics is ghr�.
<br /> � ,. ��.. Unless Landar md Bortower otherwtae agree In wdting, a�ry appQcatlon o! proceeda to prNcipai sheli not e�dend or
<br /> • postpa�o 1he dua date of the monthly paymenta reterrc;d to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or ehenge the amouM of the payments.if `
<br /> ���y under paragraph 21 the Property la aaquired by Lander, Bonower's dgM to eny tnaurence popclos end proceeda►esuttlng trom �
<br /> . , ,�x,� damage to the PropeMy pdor to the aoquisftton ahaii pass to Lender to the extent of 1ho sums by this 8ecuriry Inshumant
<br /> -_��rs� immedlately pdor to U�e aoqulatUon.
<br /> - ---- -- 6. Oacupancy. Preservatlon, Malntenance and PrcteoUOn ot the Propony; eorrowers �oan -
<br /> . � Applicatlon; L68i86hOld9. Barower ehali occupy,eatebilah, end uae the Properiy as BortowePa prindpa�restdence wlth(n
<br /> sixty days afte�the executlon of thls Secudty InstrumeM and sheil conUnue to or.cupy tho Property as Bortower's pdndpai
<br /> residence tor st least one year atte�the date ot occupanoy,uniesa Lender otherwise agrees in wdting,which consent shall not
<br /> be unreasonably wkhheid.or unlese e�denuating drwmstencea exist whlah ere beyond BorrowePs coMrol. Borrower ehali not �
<br /> , destroy,damage or impalr tha Property,aUow the Properry to dete�iorate, or comMt waete on the PropeAy. Bortower shai be trt
<br /> • detauft if eny forfefture aetlon or procec3ding, whether dv0 or aiminal,is begun that in I.ender's good fafth judgment couid resuR
<br /> in tor(ekure ot the Properiy or othe�wise matertaly Impair the Aen created by thta 3eour(ty Instrument or Lender's securiry interest.
<br /> ' '� ' �ais.u�o��ss� aa�z a a �. �-al—�,.[
<br /> .; �, es�sa ;
<br />