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<br /> � . � . • 17. Yranster of the Property or a�o"�e41c1�i la4ere� In �orP�we�.N ell or enyl P8n��e �P�Y m =_-_
<br /> � ang interest In it Ia soid or traneterred(or N a beneflclal Interest In Borrower Is eold or VansleRed and 8otrower is oot a netural ,,��,
<br /> ' ' pereon)wRhout Lender's prtor written conaent Lender may,at Ite opUon,require Immediate payment in tull of al!sums aecured by :•�1
<br /> ` � thb 3acurity tnaVument Ho�over,thte oytton ehaq not be exoralaed by lender N axemlae Is prohibited by federel law as ot the =
<br /> �.,
<br /> � date of thts Seeurtly tnaUumant
<br /> It Lendor exactsea this opUon,Lender ehalt glve Borrower�odce of aeceleretlon. The nottce shaU provide a pedod of not
<br /> tesa thsn 30 daya from the dste the noUce la deMered or maiied wfthln whtoh Bortower must pay at sums secured by this
<br /> � 3eeuttty Instrumen� fl Horrower felia to pay these sums pdor to the expiratlon of thia pedod, Lender may Invoke eny remedtos
<br /> • � • � • permltted by thla 8eauricy InsWment v�itho!it tuMer notiae or damand on Bwrowa. . �
<br /> � 18. Bor�ower's Right to Relnstate. R Bortawer meete certnin aondEtlona, Borrower ah�l have the dght to have
<br /> entoreemern of tfils 3ecurity Inatrument disoontlnued at any time pdor to the earUer oi: (a) S days(or saoh other padod as
<br /> `�� eppQaabia law may epncHy tor rolnatatement)betore eale oi the PropMy puraunnt to uiy power ot nate contatned tn thia Sewrity •
<br /> ,� Instrumen� or(b)entry ot�Judpment entorc4�p thla 8eoudry Inatrumen�Thoao condPdona aro thn Borrower. (y paya Lenda ali .
<br /> � "� auma whlah then would bs dua under thta Secuttty Inswment and the Note aa N no acceleratlon h�d occurred; (b)euras any
<br /> ' ����� detauR of any other covenant or apreementa; (o) p�ya 0 ri �
<br /> •�. �7 expenaea Incunad In�fordn this Secud inaUument, InGudin ,bul ,
<br /> not�lmited to,rerson�bls attomeya'taea;snd(d)t�kas�uah aotlon�s Lande►nuy ra�omby roqutro to aatun that ths Ilen ot
<br /> '-: ; ; 1h1� Eccudty MabuMCnt, l.rr►der'a dphte !n the PropeA�r and �orrower'e oblipetlon to pay tbe tuma e�eurod by thls 8ecurity
<br /> n.' Inatrumant ehiA eonUnu� unohonped. Upon ntneUt�mK►t Ey Bortower, thts 8eaudry Imtrumant �nd th� obNp�ttona eeourod �..,_
<br /> � ";, i hereby�htp renufi N((y sNeolhn aa ii no sce�eraUan htd occurred. Hnw�vor,thttc dpht W r�in4tate eh�fi not appy tn ths cas� ,�r�y
<br /> ,s. t of�tca�IK�tlon under puaynph 17.
<br /> . ��� 18. Sal� of Noto; Ch�nQ� of Loa� 8�nrie�r. The Not� cr• �paAW Inte�est b tht Not� (topether wtth thi� �
<br /> , �,,�;.,. 8�auriry instrummq m�y bs satd on�or mon tkrt�a wtthout prlor noUee to 8onoxrer.A ate may roauft In a ehinps tn the entriy __�_
<br />•;'_ �-.�y� (knowo u th�'Losn 8�nlaer'D that eoN�at�monthy paymmU due urtdei th�Not��nd 4hte Ssoudly Instrument Thsn tlw may ---=
<br /> ba one or mcro aM�npen ol the Lxn 8enia� unrelated to � e+ds af th� NoU. If then ta a oh�ngs o!ths Loan 8eniaer, ��.
<br /> `''•� Bortowa wlil ba pNan wrltt�n noUa�of tht ohtnps In seaotdancs with panqraph 14�bovs and�ppNa�bb law. The noUae vvll ��:
<br /> "` . .. �j �.
<br /> aute the name�nd addraa�ot ths esw Loan 8arleK and the addreae to whtah paymente ehoutd bs made. The nattos wAt alao
<br /> ` ` aontatn any othe►k►tarmatlon requirod bY apyIlaebfe Iaw. ".�
<br />°�== � �R� �� 20. H�rdoui Subshne�s. Borrowr ehad rtot aauae or permlt th�presertce,uss,�apoaW. �g�,or raiea� ot �h�-
<br /> _., i;.,
<br />._ yJ,'.. �t'£;=. � —
<br /> any Ha�ardoue Subatencea or� or In the Propary. Borrower ahafl not do,nor�qow u►yone etee to do,u►yth(np dteoUnp the _
<br /> ��{ ...,�; Properiy that Ia In vlo4tlon o!�ny ErnkonmenW Law. The prerxdinp two aentenaes ehtll not�ppry to the presence,uae, or i
<br />