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Upon tha requas!of Lendar,Qrantor ohall deposk wlth Lender eaoh mor►th onatwelftfi(1/12)o}the eadmated annunl <br /> , insuranoe promlum,taxes and assessments pertalnirtg to the PropeRy.&o long as thers fs rto detault,these amouMS ehatl be�plled to ehe payment <br /> of texes,aesssnmertte and Insurance as roqulred on the Property. In the everrt of default,Lendor shall have tha right,at fts eo 0 option,tonpply the <br /> ' funda eo hetd to psy any taxes or against the Oa�lga4lons. My tunds applled mey,nt Lender's option,be epplied In remree ordet of the due date <br /> meroot. <br /> td. INSPLCI'ION OP PROPERTY� BOOKS,RECOR08 AND REPOHT9. Qre�ntor ahall eilow Lander or It�agerna to examina and Inapeet the <br /> ., � Prcpmty nnd examine,Inapeat and make coplAO of drantor's boolcs and reoorda portaining to the Ptoperty from time to tlme. (3fentor ahall provlds <br /> any aaslstartos roquired by lsnder for these purposea. AI�of the slynaturos and InformaUan contalned in arentoPe 6oala and rec,rotds shali ba <br /> . genulne,due,ncaurete and oompiete In elt respeate. tirantor ahall note the aclstence of lender's benoHclat interest i�Ita books end ncorde <br /> pertaining to the Propertfl. AddiUon�stly,drarnor ohall report,in a torm saUafaatory to lsnder,such iMormaUon ae Lender may requeat roBarding <br /> timntor's flnanclaS condtdon m the Property. 'fhe InMrmetlon shall be for such porlodo,cflalt roftact tirantoPa rccorde nt sucn tlmo,and chntl br <br /> rondsrod with such froquenay as tsnder may dea�gnate. All InfortnaUon tumlahed by Orarreor to Lender anatl be trus,aocur�e and comptets In all <br /> �...-__� roapeots,and signed by Grantor B Lender requesta. <br /> 17. F$TOpPBL CHRTIFICATBS. VYtthln ten(t0)days afier any requeat by Lender,Orantor shail daitver to Lender,or any IrKended trnnsfsree of <br /> �;;w,,.,,,vv. Lender's rights wkh respaot to the Obitg�1orro,e ai8ned end acknowledged etatement speottying(e)the outetanding balance on tha Obligationa;and <br /> l , (b)whether CiraMUr poasesses any otalms,defenaea,setoifs or oounmrclalms with reapeot to the Obligationa and,M so,the nature of such etaims, <br /> detenses,set�oifs or couMerclalme. Grantor wUt be oonatusively bound by em►roproser�tion that tsnder may make to tha IMended uansferee wMh <br /> . respeot to thsse mrmers tn the event that GraMOr fails to provide the roquested etatemerrt in a Umety manner. _ <br /> 18. OEFAULT. QranWr shsil be tn default und8���$1�od of Tn�st and the TNStee'e power shali beaoma operativo In fhe evern that tirarttor, <br /> _ _. 8orrower or any guarantor of the Obiigatlons: ,:':�- <br /> �a fails to pay any Obligatlon to Lander Mfnen due; ' <br /> b;faila to pertorm eny ObIlgaUon or breaches any wartanry or oovenaM to Lander coMatned in thia Deed ot Ttuet or any othar present or tuture �"� <br /> " n r feemetl� �� ' <br /> � (o�destroys,Iosea or damagas the Property In any materlai respeot or subjeots tha Property to seizuro,coMiscaUon,or aondemnation: "�_ <br /> u�° d seeka to revoke,terminata or otherwise ilmk Ha I1a6111ty under any guaranty to Lender, •�.0�� <br /> " ,�e•. �e;dtea.beoomes�egeliy inoompetent,la dissoived or termfnated,becomea insohreM,makes en asaienment tor the beneftt ot croditon,falls to �..-. <br /> �+� � pay debts as they beoome due,Hlas a petidon under the tederat bankruptay laws,has an Imoiuntary pelWon in bankruptcy flled in which tirantor, ���:. <br /> �, �, Bortower ar arry guarantor ia narrted,or has property teken under any w�t or proqx�at eaur� `�� <br /> (� ailows�ooda to be used,uansported ar stored on the Property,the possesaion,Vansportetlon,ar use of whtch,is Illagei; • <br />, �+ - (g)ailows any party other than Qrento�or Bortower to easume or undertake arry Obitgation without tha written oonearrt of Lender,or �,.;.;_ <br /> ' (h) causes Lender to doem Itself Insecure due to a signiflcant decline k►the velue of the Property;or if Lender,in good feith,tor erfy reason, .. <br /> .t beilevea that the prospeot of paymaM or pettormence Is impalred. <br /> � � tY. RIGMTS OF LENDFR ON DEFAULT. M there!s a defauit under this Oaed of Trust, Lender shall be entltled to exerdse one or moro of the - ""'` <br /> „r� ; following romedles wtthout notloe ar demantl(exoept as required by law): <br /> � � (a)to declaro the Obltpattona Immediatery due and payabte in fuli; �'u� <br /> . , )to ooilect the outstendtng Obifgatlona with or without resorting to jud�fai proceas; '�� <br /> �o) to roquiro tirar►tor to delhrar end meke availabte to Lender eny pareona►Property or Chatteis oonsdtudng the Propeny at a plaoe roasonably ��_- <br /> � oomronient to tirentor and Lerxlar, ��-• <br /> • ��� (d)to eMar upon and take poasession ot the Propsriy without applying tor or oblaining the appoirnment of a reoelver and,at Lander'a option,to — <br /> appotM a reoehrer without bond,wMhout ftret bringing suft on the Obllgatlotre and wNhout othervriea meeting arry smbrtory canditlons rogarding -- <br /> ,_., Y receivere,it being trrtended ffiM Lender ehetl have this aorrtraotuai rlgM to appolM a rocelver, <br /> _ ' " (e) W employ a managirtg ager�t of the Property and let the eama.efther fn Trustee's own nsme,in the name ot lender or in tha nams of <br /> 4�'=� � '•:�° ` �raMOr,antl teceive the�rs.irroomea�issuas and profifs ofi me F�i�S�y and appiyr ihs�.atl�r�r�rss�cn!at a!!nes�..a:y Cl�r$x 8nd , <br />- •. expensea,on acoourn ot ths Ob�igaUona; <br /> -. (�to pay ury sums in any fortn or manner daemed expadiarit by l,endar 4o proteot the security ot this Oead of Truat or to curo any detau(t other <br /> '.. then paymern of IMerost or pdnclpei on the Obl(gatlons; <br /> _�`u�, �� (q) to torodoss this Oeod af Trust JudiGNiy or non 1udtolaily and to dkeot the sele of the property through exeralse of tihe power ot eaie as <br /> ;�,;�= rotennosd In paragraph 20 hereof In aaa:ordanae wkh appltcabie law; <br /> (h)to setoff tirarrtor's Obligatlons againat arry amouMa owad Qrantor by Lsnder tnciuding,but not ltmtted to,monles.kretrumer►!s,end depoatt i <br /> ;�-z:�" ��,= ��:' : aocourns mair►fainad with Lendar u any currently exisdng or fuwro affll(rte of Lertder,end <br />`_��.� :,;, p)to exerciae all othm dghta avaitablo to Lender under any other wrkten agroemarit or eppltcabie taw. — <br /> � ,r LendoPs�fgMa ero amutative end may be oxercised together,saparatey.end in any order. In the eveM tfiat Lender tnsUtutee an eotlon seeMnB the <br />., `" r000very of any of the Propsrty by way ot c prejudgment romedy In an aoMon agalnst(irantor.tiramor waives the posttng of any bortd whioh mfgM <br /> =,��,.., • olhenxlae be uirod. Landsr or Lender'e designse may pwchase the Property at eny se�e. Proceeds ot an TnisUe's eels Aerounder shatl be <br /> YJ � ' a�nd�n'doc m�axoeed�the�arnourtt w�hich mey be ptovi�ea�oPi�ian�e�°d o Ti��seoontl mupa�yment of the Ob18eUo e eecured heroby�iM,to tl�e <br />:`��";����•�� • payment oi junfior truat deeda,mottgeges,or other tlenho►dare,and the batanoe,it eny�to the pereon or persons Iegeiy entltled it�eroto.1'he property <br /> ='��5.'�'�+ orerry paR ffieroot may be aold in one pauoel,or In sueh peroels,mnrtner or a�der as Lender in its aole dlacrsUon may eteet,and ons ot moro <br /> -�r.��`�.';�`�j74�� exerdaes of the power herofn grantad sha�l not exdngufsh or exhaust the power uniess the enUro property Is sold or ths obilgetlone ars pafd n tuu. <br /> —�::�.�,�s��,� 20. IAUSTF.E'S E�RCiBE OF POMI�R OF S�Al.E OH DEFAULT: lipon defauR by(irentor inpsymeM of any Ob1lgaUona eeourod Mroby.Lsndet <br /> _..:.,,�.�„� mey deciaro ali numa securod heroby immedtately due and payabis and ehall oause Lo be filed ot noord a written notice of default and elsaUon to sell <br /> — :��� the Property. Aitsr the IaQse ot suoA�me as than may be requlred by taw 1o11owing racordatlon of such notfce ot default,and noUoe ot aels havtng <br /> - �%��.s� been qtvan as then roqu�red by Iaw,Tn�atee,wtthout demand on Grantor.shNl selt such PropeAy.elthe�as a whole or in separ�e paroeta,and in such <br /> z:r:� ordar aa tt or lender may dstsrmino at public audton to the highest bidder. Truetee may postpone the eale of all or any portton of thsproysrty by <br /> °�*���=.=�" pubtia ennounoement at the Ume artd ptaca of saie,end trom Ume to 8me theneafter may poatpone the seie by publto anneunoement at tt�tt�e$rtte and <br /> z„z;��� piace flzed by the precedtng poafponemeM. Trustee shail deilver to such purchescr ita dead corneving tha proporiy,or poNon theraof.tso sold.but _ <br /> w�hout any oovenaM ar wartaM�r,exproms or[mpiled. Tha recimis in sueh deed of any matt�re o!faat or athe�wise shali be oondusive proof ot the <br /> �'�;�=� VutMuinses theroof. My peraon,including(3rantor,Trustee ar Lender,may purohase at such sale. <br /> — _ 41. RE�UFST FOR NQ7ICRS:tirarrior requesta that a oopy of ar�y nottee af default and a copy of nny noUce of aale heroun�et be meited to each <br /> �v� person who ia a paAy hereto at ths eddresa ot such person set toRh heretn at the eame dme and tn the sama manner requfrod ae thouph a aeparats _ <br /> '.`""-�„�1� . ro4ueat theroof had been A�ed by each such pereon. <br /> ,-„e,:;�:,_.. 2t SECURRY INTEiiE�T UNDER TNE UNIFORM COMMERCULL CODE. This Oeed of Trust ehe0 be oonsidered a Rnertcl sffitement end a <br /> ;;_-;_����� flzturs filUg purtuant to ths provlsiona ot the Unitorm CommerolN Code(as ectopted In tha stnto whero tha roal propeRy Is locater�oo�vadng flxd��es, <br /> -.:t; -�,�.�; • chattyia,and aer8cies ot personal P�PeKY now owned or hereaker att�hed to or to be used in oonneodon wkh tha PropeRy togsther wtth any and aIi <br /> =• "�• ropinoemeMs thareof and nddktons theroto(the'Chattets�,end CiraMOr heroby graMe Lender a securi!y IMeroat[n euch Ch�tela Tha debtor la the <br /> `.!w' . ;;:��� t�er�r described ebove. The secured party is the Lender deaeribed above. Upon demand,Qrantor sFiall make,ezecute and deliver sudf searity <br /> -_.-� � �Y - agroemarda(ao such term Is deflned In sald UnHorm Commerctal Code)as lender at sny Ume may deem necessary or pro�er ot requlrod to graM to <br /> .;. . Lender a perfeated securfty irtterest In the Chattets,and upon tirantoPa faUure to do so,Lender ts authoriied to s18n eny suoh agreement ae the aQerit _. <br /> _ ''�_ of Grantor. (i�cu�tor hereby authodzes tender to flls flnandng statemerds(as sueh term is deflned In sald UnNorm Commerdet Codo)wfth rospeot to E <br /> ' � - the Chattets,at any Ume,wkhout the algnature of Grantor. (3rantor wlil,havrever,at any1 nme upon roquest of Lender,slgn swoh Nnanctng statemerns. -°� <br /> - - Qrantor wilipay eil flling tees tor the flNng ot such flnancing sffitemeMs and for tl�e reH g thereof at ths times requlred,in the optnion of Lendet,by �; <br /> ' " aeld Unifarm Commeroiat Code. H the Uen of thfa Deed of Trust be subject to anY sea+rriYegreemeM coveflng the Chattela,then In the eveM et any �;. <br /> � dstauR undar thia Deed of T�ust,ail the right,ttde and Irnerest of GteMOr tn end to any and all of the q�atcels(s hereby esstgned to Lender,togathor �. <br /> ' � with the beneftt of any deposits ar payme�na now or hereatter made thereot by(irantor or the predeoessors or suooessore In tltle of Grantor tn the �•� <br /> � �R8lM8UR8EMENT OF MAOUNT8 E7�ENOED 9Y LENDER. Lender,st Lendarb option,may expand funds pnduding attomeys'tees and Iegai <br /> expense�)to rrform any aot required to bs teken by QraMor or to exerdse arry d9M or romedy of lsnder under thia Deed ot Truat Upon demand, <br /> ",=-;�'� Granmr s hall mmed[ately roimburse Lender tor eil such amouMa expended by lender together with iMerest thereon at the lower of the highest rate <br /> -- Y desodhed In arry Obii atlon or the hlgAest rate allowed by Iaw iro�m U�e date ot � e��Iw the E.�re��mbu�e�nNMTh���� <br /> ..� ......�aa� <br /> ...-._.-�,—��"'a incittoeo in ute avnnmari v�w"nynuvi�o i�mvii�cTiv w�a�i:�o oow�w..� uw..w....�.�.....�.�.p.�..�..�.�.. _= �_..___�__�._._ -°" _ . <br /> .- beginning of pubiicatlon ot noUae of sale,as herein provided,or In the everK lender sheli,at ka sole opUon,permR arer�tor to pay eny part of tha <br /> � Qbitgatlons after the beginning ot publicatlon ot noUca of anle,as heceln provlded,then,Grantor shail pay on demend ail expe�ea incurred by the <br /> �� Trustee end Lender In connection with safd pu011catton,inoluding reasonable atromeys'teos to the attomeya for the Trustee and tor the Lnnder,and a <br /> reasoneble tea to the Trustee,and this Deed of Truat shall ba secority for ail sach expenaes end teea <br /> � • � ?�t. APPUCATION OF PAYMF.�1T3. NI paymeMa mado by er on behelf af C3ramor may be epplladagainst the amourna peld bv Lender pnduding <br /> attomeys'tees and teget ex�enses)tn oonneciion with the exercise of ks�IgMs or romodtoa d�oribed(n thts Ooed of Trost end tfien w the paymeM <br /> otShe romefMng ObllgaUons in whatever order lsnder chooses. <br /> 2�6. POWER OF A7TORNEY. tirar�tor heteby appoInta lender as Ms auomeydn•tact to endorse tiraMOr'e name on eC instrumeMS and other „ <br /> documer►ffi pettaining to tha Obligationa or Deed of Trust In eddiUon,Lender shell be erniUed,but not requlred,ta perfotm any eotlon or excarteer►y , <br /> dccument requlred to be takon or executed�b�yGraMOr under this Oeed at Truat LendePs pertormanca of such acttan or executton af sucf� <br /> documeMa sAall not retleve Qrantor from ar►y Obliget�on or cure any deteuk under this Oeed ot Trust Aii powere of attomey descrtbed In tAls Oeed ot <br /> . . Trust are ooupied with nn Interest arfd are Irrevocabie. <br /> • II8. RUBROOATION OF IENDHR. ttmder shali be subrogated to the�ights of the hoider of any previous Ifen,security fMeres2 ar ertcumbranoe <br /> discharged wkh tunds advat�ced by Lender�agardtess of whether these IEeos,sea+rity intereata or other encumbranoes have been released of reoord. <br /> �. �tPHEBt�c m FomJU�onTea+no�og�u�.ux.(a/tel&+1 Ie0018A7.1789 Pqqe�ae <br />