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<br /> , " (d) �mntor has the rlpM�u+d Is duty nuthod�d to oxacute end pertorm Ite Ob�igedona under thte Doed of Trust and these aotions do not and ,
<br /> nhall not oor�ltot with tho provfslona of eny etntute,reputatlon,ordinanes,rute ot law,oontraot or other agroement whlch may be bindln0 on
<br /> prantor at any tims; •
<br /> � . (e) tdo aotlon or proraedlrtg Is or ahall be pending or threatened vrhich mlpM materiatiy effeot the Propartyr;and a
<br /> " (1) tirmtor haa not vtolat�d nnd ehati not vlotate any statute,rogulation,ordinenoe,ruie of lew,contract or other agrcement pnctuding,but not
<br /> Qmitsd W,!ho=�povaming Ha:ardous Materlete)wt�loh mtght materiatly afteot the Proparty or lander's righta or intereat In Mo Property pureuartt
<br /> ' to thle De�d of Trost.
<br /> 3. PRtOR D8F.D3 OF TRU8T.(irantor ropresents and wamnm that th�ro an no peor d�eda of tru�aHeating sny part of the Property exaept ae est
<br /> torth cn Scheduie 8 nttnched to thta Oeed of Truet,whict�Grantor egroea to pay nnd peAorm in a tlmely manner. M thero aro any prior de�ds o}trust
<br /> ' thcn Qrontor r.qrcaa to pay ntl amounta ovred,and�eAorm ell obllpationa roqulrod,undor auch daeds of truet nnd tho indebtednesa se�ured thereby
<br /> end turther n9rees thet a default under any prior deed of uus4 ihall bs a defauit under thls Desd of Trust and shatl ertudo Lertder to all rlghts and
<br /> � remedlea oontelned heroln or in ths Obllgatlona to wh►ch Lender woutd be entlUed In ths evant of any other detauk.
<br /> b TRAN8FER8 OP TH�PROPERT1f OR BENEFICtAL tNTERE8T8 IN ORANTOR8 OR BORROWERB. In the event of a oaie,oonveyanoe,Iease,
<br /> �.� ooMraot tor deed or Vanater to any person of all or eny part of the roal property dsscribed in 3chedWe A ar any�rrtereat thsreln,ar ot aii or any
<br /> .-„' ., - �M. b�rteflelat IMerest tn Borrower ar QraMOr(M 8artowsr or tirantor la not a nstutatps raon orpstsona but ts a corporaUon,Ilmlted Ilnbility oompany,
<br /> paRnerahip,trust,or other le8a�eMity),Lender may,�Its optian deoiere the outatanding prinolpai balenoe ot the ObtlgaUone plus aocrued iritereat
<br /> thamon Immedlateiy due nnd payable.At Lersder's requast,Cirantor or Borrower,as the oase may bo,shaii tumish a compiete statement setNng forth
<br /> ..,
<br /> alt of Ita etoakholdeta,membere,or partnere,as appropdate,and the extarrt of their reapeotive owneBhip IrKerosts. •
<br /> d. ASSIQNNIENT OF iiENTB. In conslderaUon of the ObllOatfons,which are secured by thls Oeed of Trust,OrsMor absolutety aseigns to Lendor
<br /> QrantoPs eatato,rlght,tfUe,ir►terest,olaim and demand now awned a heroatter aoquired In ail exlatinp and future leases of tha Propsrty pnctuding ,
<br /> �� extensEona,�ene►vals and subleases),atl agreemeMS tor use and oGCUpanay of the ProPerif►(ai�such leases and agreamenta whstt►er wr(tten or cra�,
<br /> ere hereariar reterred to as the'Leases'),and etl gusrarnias o!Ieasoea'performanoe under t6e Leasea,to8ether with the immedtate and ooritlnuing
<br /> . dgM to aodect and rocafve aIi of the roMS,irtoome,reooipts,revenuea,issues,profits and other inwme of any nawro eow or hereattet due pndudirtp
<br /> • - any Inoome of any naturo ooming due dudng any redemptlon periad)under the Leases or from o�arlsing out of the Proparty indudinp minimum .,
<br /> ' • reMa,addidonet�ents, pe rcerdaga reMS,parlcirp or oommon erea maiMenance coMributlons,tex and insuranoe conVlbutions,defidenay rorns,
<br /> :i�� Ilquidated damagea foil�wirtg defautt in af�y�,aii proaeeda payabte under any poitoY of insuranoe oovaring loss of roMa rosulUnp from '
<br /> uMenaMeblitty oaused by destruoNon or damage to the PrapeAy,ai�proceeda payabie as a rosuit of e lessea's exerolse of an opdon to purohas�the
<br /> .� � Piroperty,etl proceeds dedved irom the tercrtinedon or rejeoUon ot eny teaso in a bankruptcy et other Msolvenoy prooeedinp,end ail prooeads from __
<br /> ' any rigMs and datma of any Idnd whtch t3rantor may have agafnat arry Isssee under the Leases or any ooaupants of the Property(all af tht abavs ars
<br /> �,� hereafter oolteotivsly referrod to sa the'ReMS). Thfs asstpnmeM Is subJeat to the right,power and authorriy gNen to the Lendar to coltect nnd ap !y
<br /> � �' � tha Rer� This asetgnmeM ta recorded in a000rdanoe with eppllatbie state taw;tha 11 en weated by thia esslgnmeM is irnended to be o�o,
<br /> Keated,and choato upon the recording of thls Oeed of Tn.+st,all as provided by applicabia affite Iaw as amended hom Ume to tlme. As ong as
<br /> - < y� �sro is no defautt under the ObligaUona or thts Deed ot Truet,lsnder grants Qranwr a rovooabie Iiosnce to oolieot afi Rents from the Leases when
<br /> � ' due and ro use sueh proceeda in tirantoPs business operationa. Howevar,Lender may at eny tlnrte roqutro GaMOr to deposit eii Rer►ta Urto an ��``.
<br /> , .,• ,.t, a000unt maintalned by tirantor or Lender at Lender's Institut�an. Upon detauR in the payment of,or In tha performance of,any of tho�b��8a�ona
<br /> Lsnder mny at ks optlon take possosalon of the Property and have,hoid,mnnnpe,leese and operate the Propariy on terms and for a pedod of time �_�
<br /> that Lender deeme proper. Lender may proceed m cotteat arM reoeive all ReMe from the praperty,end Lender ahail have fuli power to make �;�-�
<br /> - � � alterations,ronovatfons,repal�s or replaaemerns to the Properiy as Lender may deem proper. t�ender meyappy a�l Rents In L,endePe sole d[saaSion E�-_s��-
<br /> � �• to paymeM of the Obtigatlona or to the payment ot the cost af euch alteraUons,renavatlons,repalB and repiaoaments and any ezpenses incidor�t to -
<br /> :3 taking and retnlMng possession of tha Property perlodfcaly and the managemer►t andoperatlon of the Ptoperty. Lender mey keep the Properiy �w•'
<br /> ° p ropsriy I n a u r e d a n d m ay d t s c h a r g e a m r t a x e a,c h a r g e a,o l a l m a,a s s a s s m a r rt s a n d o t h e r I l e n a w h i c h m a y a o c r ue. Tho expenss and ooat ot theas �i_
<br /> ' aaUons may be paid trom the Rerns reoetvad,and any unpald emouMS ahel!be add¢d to tha prindpal ot the Obligatfona. These amouMe,togsther ��
<br /> . _ .
<br /> • - .: with othucosts,shell bsoome part ot tho Obligatlons sewired by this Daed of 7ruat. ----_
<br /> - �� - `• ,y ' 6. LEASES AND 07HHR AGRE�MENTB. QraMOr shap rtot take or tail to teke any acUOn whic9�may cauea or parmit iiro twi�iins�iios or ihs --
<br /> • t wlthholdinp o!any payment in oonneation with eny Lease or other agroemerit('AgreamonY)pertehin8 to V�e Proparty In additfon,QraMOr,without -
<br /> '�"'� LendePa p�tor written consent,shall not(a)oolleot any monlea payabte under any AgreartreM more then one mor�th in advance; (b)modltY enY
<br /> '��`�': Aprosmu� (o)asalgn or ailow a Ifen,securriy ir►terea!or ottier encumbrance to be plaoed upon Grantor's dgMs,Utle end IMeroat tn and to am/
<br /> ' `' ApresmeM or the emourna payable thereunder,or(�terminate or cancal any Aereemer�t axcept for the nonpaymer�t of nny eum or othsr msteriai
<br /> ; •• � ; ��� . broach by the other party theroto. M tiraMOr rooeives at arry tlme any written oommunloatlon asserNaB a detauit by(iraMOr under en Aproement or _
<br /> �. � purport[ng to terminate or canctd any Agreamer�L GrarKOr ehall prompliy fo�wand a oopy of euoh communicaUon (and any eubs�iue�t
<br /> oommunications mlaUnp thereto�to 4ender. All sueh ABreemerds end tha emouMe due to GraMOr thereunder ere hereby assigrt�d to Lendsr as
<br /> _...„Q,�-•. . �. �, additlonai security tor the ObligaUona. �
<br /> 7. COLLECi10H OF IHOEBTEDN�SS FROM iHIRD PARTY.Lartder ahali be er►Uded to�or re4dro QreMor to notlfy eny third paAY(�noludir�y, _
<br /> but rtot Ilmtted to,lesaeee,tloenssea,govemmeMai authodtios ertd Insuranae oompanies)topa y Lender eny Indebtedness or obl(�ation owtng to
<br /> _.. , - �.�r � Gtreunor wNh napept to!hs Property(oumulaUvely°Indebted�eash whether or not a detauit sxism u�der thla Deed of TrusL Grentor shail dillQer�tty �_
<br /> �.^ .- .� cotteat th�Indebtsdnsss awinp to Cironmr from thsse third partlea uMll tha 91ving ot such notHicatlon. In the event tha!QratKor passes�ea or rooeives
<br /> • pagaesalon of any fnstrumer►ta or other remitfanoea with rospeot to the tmiebtednesa foltowing the giving ot such noUflcaUon or R ths InstrumerHs or
<br />- . 3,� .' oth�r romfltanoss oortatftute ths propnyment of eny Indebtednesa or the payment of eny Insuranoe a oondemnation prooseds,Grarnar ehail hold _
<br /> �'t;��""• such InaUumeMa and other nmittenoes in truat tor lertder apart fram Ma other pro rty.endorae ths kisW mer►ta and other rsmitmnoea to Lender,
<br /> -.. ' end immediabty provide L,ender wtth po�sssfon ot the tnatrumerKe and other rem tMmoea. iander ahalt bs erditlsd,but not roqutrod,to ooibat(by
<br /> .F��;j'n}-. ' tepai Prooeedinge or otheiwiee).sxtend the tlme tor psyment,wmpromise,exchanpe or reieass arry obltgor or collateral,ar othorvvise eettte any ot
<br /> ths kMebbdne=s wA�thsr o�not an evarit o?datauR axtsts under this AgroemeM. Lender Bheil not be Nable to GraMor tor eny actlon,ertor,mfateks,
<br /> �"��'�:�'r� omiesion or deiaypertaiNng to the acUons described In thia paragraph or any demagea rosuldag therefrom. IVotwithstending ths toragoinp,nothinD
<br /> =°�";� �r; hs»in ahtli causs Lender to be deemed a mort9agoain-possession.
<br />- �;`':�`: " S. USB AND MAINiENANCE OF PROPERiY. Gtrar►tor ehall teka aIi aatlons and meke any ropaha needed to meiMain tha Properry in�ood
<br /> - " j e o n d f tl on. Gra�KOr shall�ot oommk or p ermk any waste to be commftted with respect to the Property. tirantor shali use tfie Properly aoleiy In _---
<br /> °`''y�'� comp!lenoe wtth epplicabie Iaw and insurenae pol ides. Orantor shait not make any alteretlons,add Poons or improvemmna to fhe Property w l t hout '_-
<br />-' � ``"' LsndeYs prior wrritten consent Wfthout IlmWng the toregoirtg,all akerationa,additlons and Improveme�ts made to the PropeKy cheil be cubject to °°-°
<br /> -,�,�;.<,;.
<br /> ---�+*►rr the beneflcial Interost betonging to Londer,shall not be romoved without LondePs prlor written oonser�t,artd shalt be mada st Grantor's soie oxpense.
<br />_ -"�fa�41t^T_._:ti.__.
<br /> --=-�=��.-�;eT�, 0. L08S OR OAMAQE tirantor shalt bear the ernire dsk of any losa,theft,destruotton or demsge(cumulaUvely'loss or Oamage�to the Properiy or ___
<br /> _^--��� any poNon tl�ereot iromar►y onuse whatsoever. In the evoM of erry Loss or Damaga,tirantor ahali,at the opUon of Lender,repair the aHeated _--.
<br /> J„ ;�.-�- Propertyto ita prevtous aonditlon or pay or causa to ba paid to Lender the deaease in the telr meAcot velue ot the aHeoted Property. _-_
<br />--���•`�`� 10. tNSURANCE The Property wiil be kept tnsurod tor Its tult Insurabie vatue(reptacement aoat)ngainat a1i ho�suda tnduding Ioss or demaye
<br /> �;°��_z�s�. ._� cauesd by flood,earthquake,tomado and flro,thett ar other casuatty to the extent requlrod by i�ender.firantor may obtatn Insu�on the PropeAy -
<br /> _ ,:;�;:�;, irom sue�compa+nles as�p acceptable to Lender In ite sole disexeUon. The inBUrenoe poliatea sheU tequiro the Insuranoe company to provida _
<br /> , .,ah ( l+sndsr wfth at teaat days'written notice betore suoh poitoles are eltered or oanoella!inar�y manner. The insurartas poilotes ehall
<br /> - _ _ �._; neme Under ea a loss payae and provide that no eat or omisston M Qrantor or any other person shali aNeat the�igM ot Lsnder to be petd ths
<br />