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<br /> �f. �OI.LtCY1CN COS'f'S.To th��xtmtpermktsd by law,Grantor ip»es to palr t,�nd�r'�nasonabl�f�o�artd cott�,ineiudtnp,but not Iimibd to,
<br /> faie�nd oott�o!�ttunry�/nd oth�r�p�Mi(indudl wittaut Iimfutlon p�ratpali,ol�rk�and contultent�),whsth�r or not such attam�y or apmt t�
<br /> an rmptay»r of L�nQ�r,whtch tr�tnoumd by L�n�r In ooltvatinp�n �mount du�or�ntoranp any rlpht ar r4msdlr unH�r Mln DNd ot"7wft,
<br /> whNh�r a eKit�ull ts�roupht,tnciudinp,but not tim to,all t��n�ao�b Inaurrad on tppad,In binkNptoy,md�or poKaudamant ooil�ction
<br /> a0tion�.
<br /> �. �MTW,RlLE�E. land�r m�y roUas�Ita Int�r��t In apo rtbn of Mr Proporty by IxscuNnp and r'cordlnp orto or moro Partl�!DNds o!
<br /> fiioonwy;na withaut aN1C1irt I�Intattt in th�ramUnlnp�Alon ot tM Rrop�rty. NotRlnp hfreDln aNtti b�d�sm�d to�o�p�,s�nd��}�antor
<br /> �nY ot tb Int�r�st In th�Prop�r�y(oxo�pt a�t�qufr�d und�t var ra�h 88,aor ifiill I�nGr bi oL11 atsd to nbaa�n ih p�
<br /> t�fn d�huk unWr tht�Dad o!Tnnt. 1ri�Ii�n md Ncur Inbrosl cnitoe ey tth(�ed af Truat nmt►n in�tP�ct wit�i n�p�ot to thai portlon ot th�
<br /> prop�rty,ao Wtlnb In tho t�Nd of TNtl,tht4 la not tM suD�iet of thbor�ny ParHtl Dsed of R�oonv�yana
<br /> �. MODMICRTION AND WMIER. iM modltlor.tlon w wuvar of�nr ef tirantor'�Oblinatbns a L�nda'�ri�hri unda MU ONd of Trutt moM 0�
<br /> oontdnrd In a wrlNn�N�n�l by I�d�r. Lmd�r�t�y p�rferm any of 6orrow�r'�or Onn�4r'�0l�II tttom,dd�y or fu!to�x�rof�any of Itt�Ighn ar
<br /> �r.rn!R�vmr.rtt�Irnm fSftnMr rn enynn�et1►r.t th��t�rrnMr r.riMae+t c�er..!n n rlrh�r.r et the!!��}h4l�atlone or d hte. A wa}ve�en one ocoa�lon ehzll
<br /> not danaiftaA�a w�ivar an an otMr oeot�ion. 3rantw's Ob!�1padono urtdn�t�Deed of Truit th�l not be��i}Lert4er amtnda,eompromi��,
<br /> �y a�np�n�t�Borro�w�oxr o�i��rdm�i�o tNa���n of th�Obllptttaiu bNonping to any(iruitot,Borrow�r or third paA�r or an�ot ft�r(phh+i0dn�t
<br /> dNm�d�w�rmd Ltnda sfi�li haw th�rtpM�t arrytin�i�itli�sr�eifti to�tnWa�u+pa�iMct po�Ao m��no�i�tnc�of anjr o!ih�Obllp�Uons�h�l not b�
<br /> �C EtlNTITUT!'IRU�Tld In aw of tM dotlh.(n�btlk��ntuau u aot or abwna of fH�TruaEw irom th�tbd�whs»th�aat p��y It IocRt�d
<br /> cr In caN t1N ba�id�r of th�Oblipallons�h�ll dNl�tau►y_r_I��°m�li hKibY 0�►b�d f�ut�pow r t�o appotnt in Adn�wb�titut�tn���tor�sud
<br /> a ewv VuttM In hi�plao�afd K��d,tM h01dN O!th� �bl
<br /> TniftN,�red tM wb�dWta trutb��h�ll,wMn IM�d b�oortN suoo�uor to vl�phb of TrustN h�nund�r ae�d�►s am��hfli l�oom�vt�tW tn
<br /> h!m ter ths pu�oxs end o4jeate o!!!t�Qesd of��tr�ell the paw�r.dutles artd obl)piUoi+�hanln conferrod t�n the Tmstee.
<br /> !1. dltCC�OR�AND AtSKiNS. ThI�DWd o!Trust WWI b�b(ndln u n and inun to tho b�aNit of t3nntor�nd L�nd�r�nd MNr rap�otiw
<br /> eue�ara�e�. s.�uete��r�n':ro�adtft►nt�t�ro,R�'tWt►el. .. ':a,t���s srtQ dewlxs�.
<br /> ate
<br /> 3Z qOTlCEl. as olh�rwlN r�qutnd by law,any noqw or atl�r vommunkation to b�provtdW undH thla DNd ot Trust fhall b�In wridnp
<br /> and a�nt to Up�p�rtta a!eM edd�i dnorlbW In thl3(1Nd of TNK or wch otMr�ddra�as ths putla m�Y destynat�In writin�trom tim�to
<br /> ttm�. M1r suoA notlo��o pIwn md Mnt by flnt oiaa mdl�post�prsp�id��hut bR�rrNd ptwn tl»�adNr oi thrN(9)day��woh noNo�t�
<br /> wrn w wMn�d by tl»p�rson ta wt�om suoh eotlos It6Nrp�iwn.
<br /> !�. SEYENADIi.1fY. WMt�ponibk�Nohpra�,t�on sf thb DNG Ot Trwt ohdl b�Int�rpr�tld w at to b��tl�aUw and valld und�r applkob(�
<br /> ��1�:ar�y proviNon of thb ONd o!Truat viol�l�s dN law or b un�ntorowbN.th�rat ct th�0�!ot Trutt ehul ooMinw ta W vaild and
<br /> S�. APPLICAdLE LAYN. This ONd of Ttun ahUl b Qovxrt�d by tl»lawt af tM aab MrMn tM nal Prop�rtl►b tooited. UnNss appllablr kw
<br /> ��MI�CkU�NE�to��to�f riWlotlon and v�r�w of Ny oourt wMa�W by L�nd�r�In It�wb dbcx�tlon�800abd tn thtt staq.
<br /> md prot�t�xc� a� b �lhtt tirrn ts o}th��wna.t3nMOr w�hm pnwntment,d�m�nd 4or payrrMnt,ncMfo�of di�t�oeor
<br /> p! nqufr�d ylaw.NI�r�no�sto�ruitor in thi�ONd o?Trutt shdl fndudv di pe»ons elpntnp b�tow. N thers la moro thtn ona
<br /> Gtintor,fh�ir Cbll�tlons�hall 6�JoiM and Mwrat.Thts O�sd of T�ust npnwnft ffi�oompi�i�tnbprab�und�rstortdfn�b�twNn Qrentor and
<br /> �. ti0 7�11 RD AA RIQNiB. aondidans l�nat.
<br /> or�oorii�to�m�od��o!a�r►y��o�f th�ia D�wdao�T n;ln�t�ndi ti eob� df shsc»t!o ir�8�d to�im�i a�ixp�t�ant�Li�wlll not�walvaa
<br /> 97. l�RESERYAl10t�!OF I.IABU.f1Y AND PIOlORITY.Nlithout aH�cttnp tt►�ItabUlty o!Borrow�r.Gru�tor�or ury pu�rarttor af!h�Obllpation ar anY
<br /> othK p�non(�xaopt a p�raon sxpre��y roler�!d f��rftinp tor t�e psym�t ertd prrformanoa a!th9 Qbllyatta���nd wMhout alf�.�sirt�Mo�pMs of
<br /> tand�r wHh rNp�ot to any Prop�rty not�xpn�tly�in wrtti��uM wNAout ImpdrEnp In my way th�pAodty of this ONd o!Ttun owr tM
<br /> Inbntt of anypran aoqufrod o- r itrst wtd�nad by noordNp wbspu�nt to tt►�noordlnO of this DNd o9 Tru�t,L,mdwmay aitl�r bdor�ov afar
<br /> 1M maturtty ot th�06II�tbna,�d without raUa a oo�n��rotws�any p�rwn ll�ble k+r prym�nt or patorm�nw oT ii�or�ny p�A of tM
<br /> OWipttlons; mak�any n�mui2 dbrinp th�t�rms of P�ym�nt a p�rtormu�a of ill ot any part ot th�Obt1DaUona,�xwae�or rNrain trom
<br /> �x�rdNrg a w�lw sny�At or nrtNdfl that L�rtWr may ffaw und�r tha DNd of T �odpt addfdonat e�ourity_af any Mnd fo� d ttN
<br /> �,�;a reLaw a o�nermw aod wF�t�ry�i o►P�P�nY�����• �Y P����a��D��
<br /> any Trttu�st oi�tny�tur�tn th�Rrop�ly ohaTl W d�r►�d�by aoqutrinp wch inteut or noadtrep ar�y wleNne�th�nof�to haw oon�snbd to vl or
<br /> any won 1�tions 6yr t�nd.r.
<br /> �. fJEFF�SANCE. Upon tMpaym�nt u�d pNfam�in fuU ot alt ot th�Obltpatlons,L�r►d�►wlll azKUb and dNiwr to t�rr�or tho�docum�nb
<br /> tla!may b�nquirW ta nINtN thts Qs�d of Ttust of noord.titaMOr thtll bs r�apont(bt�to ptyr tnyoosb of noordatWn.
<br /> s0. CONdTRUCt10N LQAIZ ❑Thit Dqd of Tnnt fs�oonstrut�ton motf�ap�undrr tM UnHorm Comtn�rcf�l Cod�,to Mcu�s an oblfpatlon
<br /> Inaumd ia th�oon�truotion of an fmpror�r�artt on land,trAludlny tM�oGut�itlon oons of tand. Thl�O�W ot Trost s�curos a oons7ucUon loae,and R
<br /> , will b�wbj�c!to tl�brmf c}a oonttruotton loan apram�Mbetwpn ti►anter�nd Und�t.My maNriai�,aquipm�rrt or wpptNs u�d or InantMd for
<br /> o�T�ni�aomtruatian�d�vNopm�nt,or opeatlon of tlis Rop�nyr�wrMtA�r etoad an or off tM Prop�Ay�ahall�Iw b�subHet to ih�INn d thH Dad
<br /> �0. WMIER OF MO�AESiF11D MiD OiHER Ei�MPTlOYiS. Qr�rKOr her�by waiws a11 hom�sUd and othK uc�mptlons trt tM Propwry�o which
<br /> tiraMOr would athwrie�b�NstitlW und�r r�ny applis�bts taw.
<br /> QraMar�Ia�owl�dp�sThst Q►antm has nad�ur►Eeretends,and ayroato th�terma tnd oortditlona ot tht�DNd at Trutt.�nd aoknowl��naipt of
<br /> �, �n�xa�tco�tyolwn�.
<br /> .� DaNdWs i�t dayol 2idv�b�r. 1495 . .
<br /> ` ?aul Y p i r �roq Joan 1� pf�ii�s
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