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S? �'�,1.. <br /> - --'- "-a ��_-__. <br />-- ':'; .• i. ��� DEED OE�RU�Y _,- <br /> �...� <br /> , : �;.,_ <br /> , .. (�,�y:= <br /> �:';h-:ti,1:r`,s, �O � � Paul M pfeifer. Huabsad a�ad ife ` -- <br /> .,.L*.� . �<•i:. psul Ds BEeifer -- <br /> - � _ ,':.b - �oaa R Pfo9.iest Joaa lf Pleifer. 8uabaad aad �Pi�e pC <br />-^��t. \ �- <br />�;�u4::_ .,. � <br /> � .., �. <br /> -�:;::�`.� :?.° <br /> �: ±�;�... .. . AAbAESS- <br />;;;`,•.;..':•:'�, ��� � 9009�Olads�oa� Cirhl� . <br /> 9007 Gladstoaa Cirais araad =siaa8, NS 68803 <br />�,,. a:u�a zsieua., NB 68803 �►s�p�xa — <br /> r�i���to. ���a. •�w�o�iw. � <br />-`=i?�;•;. .. ���y� � rnusT��ioa Hank Aad Txusb Caampaay Graad Isiaad Braach <br />_;,�...::,: - .�. Z008 Nosth N�bb Ro�B. Graad isiaad I18 68801 <br /> ==-�A;,.•�i;.•� �'- � <br /> -_•,--��,...,�•�� ; . In aons�dmaaon oi 4iie�aan at ait�r crai!!mx�stl�n her!�inafler specifled and anY future advances or fuwro ObligaUona,aa deftnM ero n, . <br />�.•*_:n.;�•:�: .� whfch may hsninaRsr ba advenced or incurred and ths trust herolnsfter mentl�ende,��oth�►�����v��d���e�� <br /> '��,L.:� �ss��>+�u aufHcienay of which ere hereby acknowtedged,GreMor heroDy trrovocably bar9 <br /> W:.Y:-�Ir1 . .'F <br />-�..�r;',�.,,,''� asore and assig �In trust,for-- ('Leender°j�ths <br /> �r Un on Hank an� Trust Co an Grand Is and Sranah Gxan Is an NE <br />�°°��°�":-'��--' benefldary under thta Oeed of Tnist,w(th power of eale and dgM of eMry and po�sston alt of QraMOr�s proasnt end tuwro vatats.d9ht,dtle and <br /> .�e+ {��, deseribed In Schedule Awhich[e a�ehed to this Deed of T�uat and fncorporated hemin by thts roferoncs,together <br />%.�,.,,. ; Irnereat i�and to the ro�t ProPer�l <br /> , .n,..,y <br />� �;.;3s wlth atl prosar�t ar►d tuturo ImprovemeMS and flxturoa;ali tangibte pereonai property Inciudtnp wNhout Ilmitatton aIi mnohlnery,eQutpmer�t,bui ng <br /> - ��!�'� mateflals,and qooda of every naturo(excluding conaumer goods)now or hererdter looated on or used in cortneotlon with the reai properly,whether <br />�:-'�'"��"�'. or nm atNzad to the Iand; Prlvliegea,hmeditamer�m,and apPurtanances inotuding all devalopment dgMe aasoclaited with ths ProPortl6��eT <br />_�_��=;;:�;;� pnw[ousty or subaoqueMly t�anefened to U►e Praperly from other roai property or now or heroafter suECeptlbte of Van�er from thio Properry <br /> ---.--.��"`-•'��,� the ro�al p�psrty(cumWadvety'ProPeKYI to have and to h d the Property and�the�ig�herobf►8 tMed tor ths uas ersd beo��NatN�h Is <br /> "-�:�� auooeasors and essigns,untit payrr�ent in tuli of ali ObNBatlona seoured heroby. <br />--.,`r�� turthsr aonsideratton�l3rardor does�ta QraMor end firar►torb heirs�ropreser�ffiWes and easl9na�heroby expreaslY wartant�oovenant, <br />_ -- -= and egres with Lender and Ttuatee end thNr suooessors and assigns as toflowa: <br /> �-�_=,��s 1. OHLiGATI0N3 Thta Dsed of Tn�at shali aecuro the paymertt nnd peAormanoe ot at�PreseM end Muro Indebtednes�,IIablli�es,ohtlQMforts and <br />- --_��� oovenama o}8orrower or tiraMOr(cumulsUvsty'Oblipatfons')to Leader pureuauit to: <br /> — a)tMa Dsed ot Trust and tM toltowiny ptomi natea snd other a9reemeMs: , <br /> -- -- - {,� _ . <br /> . ;1K�t1►riE:�_, ` t�t�►lY'�T ' �iC9'A1�MIBt�bll'l7k� . � . � ` � }� <br /> �w+�,�.,� <br /> S� $94,500.00 li/81/95 01/01/96 1 999 6460 <br /> _ -�.� <br /> __-".°��� @)all other preserit or iuturo,wrltten agreemema witA Lender thet roter epecNicaliy to this Desd of Trust(whrHtK�ncuEW Pot t!N�art�� <br /> .__ ._`:,;��al diK�t�nt PurPos�stha»1M iorpo1n91� <br /> =�r�l�+� (o) any Quarerriy of obiigetlona ot other partles given to Lender now or hsroaJter executed that roters to this Oeed of Tros� <br /> � (d) future advartces,whether obligatory or the same exterrt as M made aontemporaneousty with the exeoution of thta Deed of Ttuat, <br /> -==:}�`�:3"': mnde or extendsd on behatf of(irarrtor or Borrower. tiraMOr agrees that tf one ot tha Obtlgatlona is a flne ot crodit,the IEen oi this Oead o4 Trust <br /> -_���_.�ia�•� shafl oorninua uMtl payrtteM tn tuli of alt debt due under the Ifne not�withatandtng the feot that irom tlme to 8me(but beforo tertntnaUon ot�e Ilrtej <br /> ,: .�i� no baiancs may ba outstendfrtg.At no Ume ahall the Ikn af this Deed of 7rust,oot Inoiuding sums advanoed to protent tt�e sea+r:tY o!We Deed of <br />-- �' �z.. Ttust�exoeed 5 189 000.00 _—;and <br /> �"Y=.t.�:' (e)all emeedmsnta,exteeaione,renewats,modifleatione,repincements or substltuttonato anyof the torogoing. <br /> r ILs uxd�n thla peuag�aph 1,the tertns Grantor and Borrower sheil include and also mean ar►y GreMOr or Bortower R more than one. <br />--- �.-'<.'>�. " � REPRESENTATIOt89�1AIARRANTtEBIUID COYENAHi'S.Qrarttor ropresente,wanants and oovenar►ta to L�ender th� .— <br /> "��.':. (a� (irentor ha9 tse simpte marketable tiUe to the Properiy and ehali mainteln the Properiy troe of ali Ilena,seouHty IMeresta,encumbranoea end <br /> _ �.�. ."� claima exoept for 1his Oeed ot Trust and those deawtbe4 In Scheduie B.whtch is attachad to thts Deed ot Truat and(noorporated hereln bY � <br /> , , } � referonoe,which tirnrKOr e9roea to P8y and partorm In a dmely men�er, <br /> � �. ) (3rarKOr Ia In oompliance In ffiI respeote wtth ali app�icabte tedera�,smte and Iocai�awe and regutaUona,including,wtthout Ilmitatlon,thoss �` <br /> roiatin g to'Hamrdous Meteriets," as deflned heroin, and other emrironmer�tat matteB(the 'Emrironmer�tat'), end netther ths taderei �°� <br /> � .,�,,�,�3s'`-�� govnmmeM no.r..ani��e��m environm�engmt matte aendi�nD oai to the �tbest of the Q�i's I�cnow�led e�8�rea ean��which��aNe the ". <br /> _� � ��J r us �Yi ��~: <br /> - � .� � Property�Nelther Granta the best of Grentor's knowted8e,arry ather parry nas used�generaieci��eiaa�+..+i�.ae�..��..--,-..._,.---- e- <br /> ..�-���"� a af afry f�laiardous Mate�lals es def(ned hereln,In eonneotlon with Me Property or transported ar+y Herardoua Matertata to or from the ProPerty <br /> ° �� (irantor sh�ll not commit or permi!such aaUonato be taken in tho futuro. The tertn"Heurdous M�mrl�shait�ean amr ss+bs�nas.m�edel.or <br /> vraste whloh is o�becomes rogutated byar�y govsmmerimt autho8ty tnctudlnp,but not Iimited to, eum; i)iriable or nor�triabie asbe�os; , <br /> ,`, (�iq polychto�inated b(phonyts;pv)thoso substanoea,materlats or wastes designated sa a'hezardous subatance'pureuant to Seation St 1 of the <br /> Clean Water Aot or Ils4ed pursuar�t to Seotlon 907 of the Clean Water Act or any amendmerns or roptaoemetl�8 t0 th0.S9 BtMYtE�;(V)ihOSf <br /> subsmncea,materints or wastes deflned ea a'hazardous waste'pursuant to SecUon 1004 of the Resouroe Conservatlon and Reoovery Aat or any <br /> amendments or roplacemer►ts to that atatute:and (vl)those substancea,matedats or wastes de8ned sa a'hasaMous subatance'pursuaM to <br /> Seotlon tOt of the Comprohenahre EnvtronmeMai Response,Compenertfon end UabIIHy Aot,or eny emendmenta or ropiscemema to that ateRuto <br /> or any other simltar state ot federaf statute,rule,regulaUOn or ordinenoe now or hereatter in effect tireMOr ahali not leaso or permit the auDlease <br /> of the P�operry to a tonant or subtenant whosa oparationa may rosutt in oomaminaUon of the Property with Hazardoua Materlals or toxto <br /> substanoea; <br /> j ; (oj Ail applicabte 16�ws end teguisttons.inctuding,without timitntlon,the Amerioana with Oisabititles Aot,42 U.S.C.Snotlon 12101 et seq• (end atl , <br /> roButaUona promulgated therounder)nnd alt:orting and bultdLtg laws and rogutaUons rotaUrtg to the Property by vlrtue of any tedarel,state or <br /> •• t muniolpa�authority wtth Judsdictton over Ne Propaity,proseMly aro and ehall be observed and compifed wfth in ati mate�fal rospects.and ai� <br /> dgMa,itconses,pertnKs,end oertiNoates of ocapancy pnctuding but not Ilmfted to:orting varlanoea,spedal excepdons tor nonoontorminp uses, <br /> srtd flna!InapeoUon apArovals).whother temporary or permansnt,whloh aro matedat to the use end 000upanoy of the Property,prosentiy aro and _ <br /> ., shatl be obtai�ed.Preserved and,whero nscessary.renewed; <br /> . .. �- LPN�it 0 FortnAtlon TeehYqtOgtea.Na(4/�D/84)(600189T�9789 Pqq�1 ot 6 - <br />