.: _ . . -' ,. ,:�'"�'�''iq il''il'C �*�vT-°:'L?S— „xk�°,yp�q. �>��i:.':�::,M`'S`:i'-' —_' ' _ _ �`:i'^�i::;i� r. '�I _ ..__. _ _�__�—_ ._ .
<br /> .U� �d .i a ' - .1t:?t 'yf'.{d�:•�:�. ll"' (�ti ,�o� . '�r�� Yi�i}tt"� �0r� f --
<br /> �; ��,y • � ._ � �.� � `�,r� ,��,�:, -
<br /> ( . . ,i ,' , r <_+:^� ,�
<br /> i �`. � , t�a k...il.lf" f
<br /> . �`.i� i � .�..�*>`i. .-.. 1 . . �. '.
<br /> � .ii... , .. . �� _
<br /> _ . . . _ ,. � .. �o .. : _�.
<br /> , , „ . :.y?�� .. :-
<br /> .. � . :: � , ,��- , .. •. � . ,. ' ' . . .,.�•:�$�� s�=_
<br /> . . _�#I�Y�+�;�8.. . _.___.....,..wRS•''���..___ �.__�i�r-.�¢ofM'1{:�.+vL{. _......_--��—�_.. —..... ..
<br /> ' .. _ � _ __'� �_'.rr�
<br /> -� �.. . �s� �a��°�s ��::__
<br /> ��:
<br /> ' ��. Emin�nt�omaln.Lender te hereby asslgned aU compensetlon,arierds.damagos and other paymenta or re�let(hereinefter �` `
<br /> •r "Proceeds'71n connectton with condemnation or othertakinp otthe P�opoRy or paR 4horeof,ar tor convayance in tleu of condemna-
<br /> Uon.Lender sheit be entitled ttt ita optlon to commenCe,Fsppear in and proseoute In its own name any acUan or proceedirtge,and
<br /> s
<br /> ehait a�so be entitted to maks►any compromise or aettl8ment in conneation with euch taking or damage.in the event any portlon of
<br /> t 1 ell auoh Prcceeda
<br /> ' ' the P�o�ert/Is so take�or damaged,Lendar shail have the oprion,tn its aoie and absolute dlaoretion, o epp y ,
<br /> � after deduatinp theretrom alt costa and expeneea incurred by it in connection with ouch Proce�ds,upon any indebt,sdnesa eeoured
<br /> �� haroby and In auch order aa Lender may determine.a to apply ail auah Proceeda,after euah deducdone,to the�eatoretion of the
<br /> Properry uGoon auah condlUoas as Lender may determine.My epptiaation of Prooeadato indebtednesa ehalt notextond or postpons
<br /> :� ; the duo�ate ot any paymenta under the Note,or cureany de4au11 thereundor or horoundor.Any unappliet!tunda shall be peid to
<br /> Truator. ••
<br /> ��--'' g, p��[otmsnw by i.trt��r.Upon the ocaur�ence ot an Event of Qefauit hereurtder,or if any act ts takea or legel procoe6lnp
<br /> ° '� commenced�hlch materlatly etfeote Lendere fnterest In tha Property,Lertder may in lte own disoretlon,but without obilpaUon to do
<br /> ��� eo,and wltAout no�ce to or demand upon Trustor and without releaatnp Truator frcm any obtigaUan,do any eat whiob Trusta has .
<br /> apreed but faita to do and may aiso do any oMer act Itaeema rtecesaary to protoct tha security hereot.T►usior ahail,immedlat�ry
<br /> � :; upon demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender a�l costd and expenses tncuned and euma expended by Lender in conneatlon with
<br /> ,'� �� added toithe indebtednes8 seaured herebylsde a h a i l not Incur ayllebi�dbecausetof nyjRhen9 It�m yd�ohiomit to��do _.;s --
<br /> . 5 hereunaer. '"-
<br /> 9. H�ssrdous Ma'�Ws.Truator ahatl keep the Froperill tn comptianee with ail eppiloabta Iawa.ordinaneea w►T►qi�r� 5;u`+�:
<br /> rF,.;r.,_.
<br /> , "�� rolattnp to induaMal hygiene or enviroame�tat proteaUan(colieativety reterred to herefn aa"Emrironmental Laws'9. �-�::
<br /> f keep the Properly free from ail subatances deemed to be hszardous or toxia under any Environmental Lawa(co►�eativehl��� ,,
<br /> '�:"s::
<br /> >• . ��� '�� herein as"Heurdoua MateMata'�.Truator hereby warranb and repreaente to Lender that there are no Hezard�a o a��0.and ==_
<br /> _ .... _...,:.�; ��qre Praperty.Trustor hereby aQreea to Indemniyand hotd harmtesa lender.ite directora,otflce►s,emD�oY � -.
<br /> ., '. � �i any auccesaopre to Lender's IMerest from and egainsst any arM all olalma.�e8�•loasea a�d itabtlkt�s aristrs�YHE F�EaO 8 ��.
<br /> ;.:,... .• ; •�.� the presence,use.d(sposal or tranaport o f any Ha=e r dous M a t e r i a t s o n,u n d e r. f r om or about the Properiy _-
<br /> SURYNE RECONdkYANCE OF THl3 DEED OF TRU9T. , tovlded thst Trostot °`" �
<br /> " 9i tp,Aulpnm�nt at R�nb.Trostor hereby asslgnsto Lender the reMa issues and proflta of the Property�p �;1�
<br /> ' '" '���; shall,uMil the ocourrence of en Eveet of Detautt hereunder,have the right to cotlect and�etafn such renta.laauea and proflts sa thsy
<br /> become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot an Evont of Oatautt,Lender may,eHher in peraon or by agent,wlth or without ;�
<br /> -� �'�t �� bsieping any acHon or proceeding,or by a recetver appolnted by a court and w(thout regard to the adequacy of its securitr�enter =
<br /> . upon and ffike possesalon of the Property,or any partthereof,in its aw�name or in the name oi the TrusLee.and do any eata whfch tt _-
<br /> �,. ' , deems�ecessary or dealrable to presenre the value.ma r k e t abiit t y or rerNabillry of the Properly.or any paR Mereof or IMereat theretn, _
<br /> - � � tncrease the incoma tharetrom or proteet the securBy hereot and,wnh or without mking possess�e�°�8�mep/��8coate end -
<br /> .-• �-
<br /> - otherwtse colteat the rents,Issues and proflta thereof,inc�uding those paet due and�anpatd,and app y
<br />-�=��;..�_•._:����_. expenses of opera�on and colleoUon inctuding attomeys'tees�upon any IndeMedneas seoured hereby,all in suah o�d�raa Lender
<br /> - � ��,-_,J�, ��g��rn$A�aring uQon and takinp Qossession of tha Property,the coltecHon of euah rerns.issues and pr�a d�n
<br /> appltcaUon thert�af as etoresaid shail rtot cure or wetve any detauft or noiice oi daiauli 8vreunda�ar lss���:'
<br /> •t... . y responseto suah detauitor purauantto such no�ce ofdefauit and,notwithstanding the condnuance In Pcssesa�or�athe Praperry or
<br /> r�� y'jj,���� the collectlon,receipt and eADticatlon of rents,issue�or proflte,and Trustee artd Lender shail be entfUed io exerctao every ripht
<br /> "`' provtdedforinanyof theLoan Documentsorbytaw up�r►occur►er►ceof anyEvent ofpefault,inaludingwlthoutitmKatianthedBMto
<br />_�.tis.`�_7�•
<br />.'�- �`�_:; � exerciae the power of eate.Further.Lender's�ights end remedies under thia paragraph ahall be cumulative vrith.�nder.Truatee
<br />=`'`'' Itmttattonoa.Lenders�ighteandremediesunderanyassi8nmentofleasesendrentsrecordede9a�^at�P�P��Y'
<br /> --:.:��.3a�-_ °
<br />_;;y��-�,;�. and the recelver shaQ be lisbte to account onty thosereats acwally►ecei .
<br />.,,,�„--��: 11. Ewnts W�uM.The following shall corssmute a�E�►ent of Oe'(eult under this Deed of Trust
<br /> � -��� �•�F (a) Faiiure to pay any Instaiiment of pdncipal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when du�
<br />_��;:%'�:� —
<br /> —._�._, (b) AbreachotordeffiultunderanyprovisioncontatnedintheNote.thisOeedofTruat,anyoftheLoanDaam►en crenY —
<br />;.-�:;._� other Iien or encumbranoe upon the PropeM:
<br /> -�=�-.��� (c) A writ of ezecuUon or attachment or any simUar procass shali be entered ageinst T�uscor wMch shall become a Ilen on
<br /> "°�-vi� tne Property or any portlon thereof or irrterest thereln:
<br /> �_{ ���_� (d) There shail be Nled by or against Truebr or Borrower an aoNon under any present or tuture tederat,affite or other
<br /> statute.law or�egu�ation reladng to 6ankruptcj��nsolvertCy or other relfef tor debtora:or there ahati be appolnted any trustee.
<br /> -W=°-� receiver or tiquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part ot the Property,or 4he�enta.�ssues or profits thereof,or Trustor
<br /> �n ._�--� or Bonower shall make any generai asstgnmera for the beneflt of creditora:
<br /> �--���� (e)The�sate,transter,lease,assignmen�conveyance or turther encumbranae of all or any part of or any tMerest in the
<br /> ----_.;;g,�� pert�itt�ed to execute a l�ease of the Prope„rry thetdoes not conta ni an optfon to purc�hass and thetean o which does no!exaeed
<br /> -.,�
<br /> - ==-=-- orte year;' --
<br /> -�-J,� (�Atrandonment of the Property,or _
<br /> ;� (g) ItTrustorisno2anirtdividual.theissuanca.sale.trenater.assignment,corweyanceorencumbrartceotmorethanatotal
<br /> ="�"����� ot�--percent oi(if a CorporaUon)ita issued and ouffitartding stock or pf m partnerehipj a toffit ot perceM of
<br /> ��� pSAnsrship interests ddring the period thia Deed ot Trust remaina a Ilen on the Properiy.
<br /> �.r ��. R�n�sdie�/�Npon QdauH.tn the atvent ot any Event of Detault Lende�may,withoat notice excePt es required by _
<br /> -=�2`_� .� law,dec�are all irtdebtedrtess secured hereby to be due and payabte and the samo ehail thereupon beconse due and payabte
<br /> -j�;�y�� without ar�y presenbnen�deman d pro t e s t or notice of an y kind.Thereafter Lender nnay. -•-
<br /> ���-_�^��"' � inter�t in�th Properiy o b�e sotd anid the P P��g�����1 n the ma ne pr�o�vided in U�e Nebreska Truat Ceeds —
<br /> �.:;,�'':�' -
<br /> .:�-::c� ac�
<br /> ' (b) ExerciseanyandatlrightsprovtdedfmrinanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylawupanoccumenceofanyE��eMOfCetaut� —
<br /> , _ �` and �•-
<br /> ��� (c)Commence an acdon to foreclose Mis Oeed ot Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or speci8caliy enforce any of the
<br /> - �'�� covenanta hereof. -���--`•
<br /> � � � No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exctusive of any other remedy hereln.in the _
<br /> � _� Loan Qocumenffi or by law provided or permitted,but each shalt be cumulative,shatl be in eddfUon to every other remedy given ���:
<br /> hereunder,in the Loan Doeuments or rtow or herealter existing at law or in equly or by statute.and maY be exercised cont�rrent�Y.
<br /> �_^.:�� � independentty or sucoessively.
<br /> . . __� f
<br /> 13.T�bt.The Trustee may�esign at any Ume without cause,and�r�may at�y�mte�a�dn�d w���u��Ro'8ny
<br /> :�*: � successor or substitute Trustee.7rustee sr.an nos caiiauie io a�r va�•�.••ry••••,°.e-.-.=-.-.._�_.--- -
<br /> - �� purehaser of tho ProperlY.for any loss or damage un►ess due to reck�ess or willtui misconduct,and shatl not be requlrod to take any
<br /> action in connectton with the entorcem&nt of this Deed at Truat unless indemni8ed,in w►ittng,tor alt cos+�s,compensatbon or
<br /> ' expenses whtch may be assoctated therewith.l�addiUon.Trustee may becar�e a pureheser at any sa�e of the Properiy Uudfclal or
<br /> - � under the power of sate granted herein);postpone the sa►e oi ali or any portion oi the Properiy.as provided by Iaw:or sell the
<br /> • Property as a wAOle.or in separate Parcets or I�b at Truatee's dlscretfon.
<br /> 14. Faas and Etptnsp.�n t�e ever►t Trustee seils the Property by eze�c�se ot(sower of sate,Trustee shall Ee enUtled to epp1Y
<br /> any saie proceeds firat to paymer►t of all costs and expenses ot oxercising power of sale,including ail Tntstee's tee9.artd Lertde�s
<br /> and Trustee's attomo�s feea,actuaity incurred to exceet permitted by appttcable Iaw.In the event 8onower or T�ustor oxercises any
<br /> �tght provided by law to eure an Event ot Oefeutt Lende�sha�l be eMiUed to recaver irom T►ustor all eosts artd expenses actualiy
<br /> Incurted as a result of T►ustor's detauit irtcludinp without timtffition all Trustees and attorney's fees,to the extent pennitted by
<br /> _ ap��tcable law-
<br /> �
<br /> ' � �
<br />