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<br /> ' t y THIS OEED OF TRUS7,fs mede as of the a7th day ot �t• ,10 ys by artd ania� \O
<br />. the Truatot Carl R Nayan b Qeborah J Naqan . hueband and vife -�
<br /> . ��w.
<br /> 241 S Viae St Grand Ialand Ho 68801-7880
<br /> � ► whose malling add►ess is (heretn"Truator,"whether one or moro�, ;
<br /> "' + Five PoinLe klaak, a Nobrastca Corporatioa � •
<br /> L' � �� the TfuSbBe, • rar.��`
<br /> ' ::.�i P.0. Box 1507 Grand Ialand. ME 68902 �=�
<br /> `"- " wP�ose rnaNirtg address is th�n Np���� �
<br /> • -. , � � the 8eneflclary, Five Pointe Bank �
<br /> . �'=
<br />_ ,, ,.��.•,
<br /> whose maNlreg addresa is 2015 H. Broadrell Grend lalend, Mfi. 68802-iS07 (herein"Lende�. �_+�
<br /> Cesl R Hegen ____
<br /> #,y, • FOFi VALUABLE CONSlDERATION,including l�nder's extenston of credit IdenUfted herein to �
<br />_:; :. : ,��; ' 8, Deborah J Haqaa (hereln"BoROwer',whether one or more)artd the trust hsrein crested. --_
<br /> ��:
<br />� .. the receipt ot which is hereby acknowledged,T�ustor hereby irrevocab�y g►anta,Vanatere,conveys and aasisns to Tntst�s,lN
<br />��:.`��,. ;;• TRUST,VYITH POWER OF SALE,tor the benetit and securtry of Lender,unde�and subjectto the terms artd oon�itl�ans hsrelnat�t Ee! d-
<br />��;;�;;�;,-,� .� �Ldt��i'�e�n�'13).�Siac�tf�One ll). l.ake Davie Aares SubdiviefoA H�11 County.
<br />--�•u"_ s__�: Hebraeka. AD�D Lot Thirteen t13) �Ut Bloak Five t5), in Koehler �lace, en
<br />-#i-;i::=�•:•:.; ' A���t�on to the �iiy of Grena Ialand. �ial2 �iw',�y. iteL�asko. .
<br />- �<�
<br />�..r��;k�"'.'*.>
<br /> - lk" ToQether with ait buildinQs,improvements,tixtures.streete,alteys,passegewreya,easementa,ripAfa,p�ivlteQaa and appurls-
<br /> ��'�Y�� eaneea tocated thereon or tn anywise perfatMng thereto,and the renta issues a�d protita,�evereiona end rernalnders tbsr�ot,and
<br />- °c'N:. i'..�',
<br />�:y,,,_,,-�:;. • su�h personat properiy that io attached to the Improvements so as to conatitute a flxture,Inciuding,4ut not tlmited to,hesUnp and
<br />,. 4• cooqng equipment ertd together with the homestead or maritat intera�is,itany,which interestsare hereDyiefeassd artd vrat��d;ail
<br />��_,::_tia.:. .
<br /> ,�w-. -�- of whtct�,includtng reptacements and addiUOns thereto.is hereby dealared to be a part of the resi esmte aecured�y the tlen of th[s —
<br />+�,sa..,a:�^�� Wied of Trus�t end aIi of Me foreyoing being reterced to heretn as the P�operty". -
<br /> ��
<br />- �` �-� Thta Oeed oi Truat shait secuce(a)tho payment of the principal sum and interest evtdenced by a promlasory note or crodit
<br />?-�:���,v_
<br />�---' °= a�reememdated vatoder 27tb 1995 hav[ng a matudry date ot April 29th 1996 �
<br /> _--�� /��� p�
<br /> =_.:�:t�'S7 �85�V V V�W
<br /> ____s_^�� in the oNalnal principal amount of s and any aed atl modHicaUons.oxtenalone and renewats
<br /> thereot or thereto and ar�y and all future advances and readvances to Battower(or any of them If more then one)hereunder
<br /> �_��== purauant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreemenfs(hereln catted"IVote'�;(b)the payment of ottter auma advanced by
<br /> -�'�s Lender toprotect the security of the Note;(a)the performance of atl covenaMa and agreementa of Truator aet torth herotn;and(�a[i
<br /> s::,:,_>_
<br /> =-_?' • preaent end tuture indebtedneas an6 obligatlona of Bonower(or any ot them R more then ona)to Lenderwhetlier dtrocL tndirecL
<br /> """'"'>'�� absofuta ar conUn ent and whether adsin �ote.guaran overdraft or otherwiae.The Nate.thia Deed o!Trust and a attd eJl
<br /> .=v:';�..•r+ Q 9 bY t!►. AY
<br /> ° --=+p�� otherdocuarrtathatsecuretheNoteorothenxlseeaeautedlnconrtectlontherewith,tneludingwlthoutQmitatlonguarantesa.eecs�dt�► -
<br /> -=-��--�� g�reementa and 8s�ignmeMs of leases and rents.s?�all be retened to herein as the"LOan Doeumenta".
<br />--- "'--"�= Trustor covenanffi and 8greea wtth Lender as 4oilowa
<br /> —_--�� 1,ps�nt ot lnd�bt�drt�st.A�i Indebtedneas secured hereby ahatl be paid when due.
<br />-_ - _�"�� 2 ti9�.Tructor is the owner of the Properiy,has the dght and euthoNty 4o coaveq the Properiy.and vrarrerda that the Iten
<br /> _-���� created bereby ts a Brst and prior Ilen on the Proparty.except tor Itens and encumbrances set torth bp Trustor in wdtlrt�nnd
<br /> _y�-��fi�:� det(vered to Lender before execudon of this Deed o!Trost,and the execu�on and deiivery ot thia Deed oi Truatdaea rtot vtotate eny _
<br /> _,�,�,'"�"'�a°''� aonVect or other obltgaUon to whlch Trustor is sab,+ect --
<br /> -_-=- 3.Ta�ns,Anwmmts.To pay bafore delinquency ali texes.speclal assessmerns artd aIi other chargea�pafnat ths propert�r ��-
<br /> _ - - �ow or hereafter tevied ��
<br /> .-.. '�•,�, 4.I�wr�ne�.To keep the Properry Insured against damage by ffre,hazards inctuded wiM9n 1he term"extended tbverape".end `-
<br />- - '� such oL►ner harerds as lender may requlre,in amoartts and with compantea axepteble to Lender,namfng Lender aa an addiUonal ��_�
<br />-- � s �amed iruured,with loss payabte to the Lender.in case ot toss under suCh poliCie�,the lendet ls autho r i u d to ed Jtta;Coqect end
<br /> - � eompromtse.aIi ctafms tt�ereunder artd shati have t7rs optton otapplyfng eli or part otthe insurance proceeda(i�to any indebledneas ����
<br /> • ��� secured herehy artd in auch order as Lender may determtne,(iq to the Trustor to be used tor the repairo�restoratfon otthe Propery ���`•
<br /> �u'� or(fi�tor em/othe�purpose or obJect eatlstactory to Lender whfiout atfecdng the f ten of thia Oeed of Truat tatAefutl M�ount�6eured -
<br /> - � hereby before auch paymern ever took ptace.Any applicatton of proceads to indebtedness shail rtot extend or posfpone the due _
<br />- - ` date of arry paymer�ts under the Note,or cure any defautt thereunder or hereurtder.
<br /> s b.Ete�w.Upon wrttten demartd by Lender,Truator ehail psy to Lender,ln such manner as Lender may designate,auificter�t �
<br /> '-��' suma t�enabfe Leader to pay as they become due one or more of the foltow(ng:(i)all texea,assessments and otAer chargea a�ainst
<br />�- the propery►.pp the premiums on the property insurance required Nereurtder,and(ii�the premlums on any moRya�e insuranCe
<br /> -- -_-;._.- required Ey t enaer.
<br /> _. 8.H�tna.R�patn and Canpflana w[th I.�rn.Trustor shali keep the Properly in good condiUon and repatr.shall -,
<br />= promptiy reFalr,or ropta�s any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed:sha�i not commR or permtt any wante or
<br /> _. detertpratlon of the Properiy;shalt not remove,demottsh or subsffinUaliy atter any of tite improvementa on the Properiy;eMlt not •
<br /> ��. �ommiL sutfer or pem:k any act to be done In or upon the Property in vtolaUon ot any taw,ordinartce,or regu►atioe;end ehall pt�y aru!
<br /> promptiy di�charge at 7rus�r s cost and expense ail liena,ertcumbrancvs and chargea Isvted.Imposed or assesse0 eQatnst!ha ..
<br /> .� property or any Wut thereof. ,
<br /> ..• n
<br /> r � �.i . , �� ��
<br />