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<br /> L - = 10�'4�'S °�==
<br /> _ . _ _�: �
<br /> ' � 16. Futun Advarta�.u�n,requ�st ot 8orrower, Lender may,at ita optfon,make additional and future advances and re• �
<br /> ' advancea to 8�rrower.8U 1b v411C�d'�nd readvance�,wlth interest thercaon,shait bo oocured by thla Deed af Truot At ao time shali
<br /> •�c the prinoipai amount of the indebtednesa secured by ihfs Daed o}TrusG not Includinp sums whiche erf s r�ea�te�he oecuriry ot this
<br /> Oeed of Truat,oxceed the orlDinal principat amount atnted h6reln,or 5 9
<br /> ' 18. Misc�tlsneauo Proyulosa. °
<br /> (a) Banow�r Not R�tos�ed.Extenalon ot the time tor payment or modification of amortlzeUon of the aums secured by thls
<br /> � Oeed of Yruat granted by Lender to any succesaor In interest of Borrower ahail not operete to reloase,fn any manner,tne 1labitiry
<br /> � � • ot the originat 8orrower and Borrower's 8uccessors in Intorest.Lender shali not be�eQulred to commence proaeedinpa agai�et
<br /> • suoh succaosor or rafuee to extend tlmo tor payment or otherwise moditi amortization of the aums seaured by thls Oeed of Truet
<br /> _.,,,;, by�eason ot any demands made by the original Borrower and 8orror�or's successors fn interc3s�
<br /> �,_ , (b) Lmnder'�Pow�H.Without aHectinp the Iiablily ot any other person Ilabte tor the payment ot any ob1lQaUon hereln
<br /> --��� mentioned,end without aHeating the Ilen or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any pnrtion ot iho Property not then ortheretofore
<br /> �'�"'"�k released as security tor the tull amount of aIi unpaid obitgatlons,Lender may,from time to time and v�ithout aoUce(i)retease any
<br /> t,,,. peraon so liabte,(fq extend the maturiry or alter any of the terms ot any such obNgaUona,t���f 8rant other indulpenCes,(iv)reteaae
<br /> or reconvey,or cause to be►eleased or reconveyed at any dme at Lender's optlon any parcel,pordon or all o!the Prop�Ry.
<br /> • ;, # (h teke or release any other or 8dditional 89curity tpr anj►opligatipn herein mentfoned,or(vi�make compoalUons ar other
<br /> �b arrengemems with debtors In rolatton tfisreto. , ,
<br /> � (c) Forh�arane�by Lend�r Not�Waiv�r.Any torbAeranae by•l.ender In exercising any rfght or�emedy hereurtder.ar �_=:n-
<br /> . �� :x .
<br /> � otherwise attorded by appitcab►e lew.shait�ot be a waiver of m p�ectude tho exerciae ot any such�ipM or�emedy.The —",_
<br /> - '�-� procurement ot insurance or the payment ot taxes or other Itens or charges by Lender shall not ba a waiver of Lendet'e riphtto -
<br /> �' accaierate the maturity of the Indebtedness secured by thfs Qeed ot TNBt �
<br /> . .iTJ,
<br /> � ,r: .�' (d)Succeaon�nd Aso.'�na 8ourtd;Jolnt and S�r�ral LlabtUry:C�PUans•The covenants and agreementa hereln con- .
<br />��`=''�� ��,_;,�� tafned shait bind,and the rights hereunder shail inure to,the respective successors and assigna ot Lertder and Trustor.Ail -����-
<br /> coyenanta and sgroomonts of Trustor shatl be joint and aeveral.The cepUons and headings ot the paregrapha of this Oeed oi �°
<br /> ` • -� ' �:� Trust are tor convenfence only and are not to be used ta interpret or detine tha provlslons hereot. �gny notlee u
<br /> " • "� (e)R�qu�at tor Nottees.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice of deteu►t hereunder end a copy �,*.�,t__
<br /> � ."4�� `� �` of sale hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Truat at the address set foRh above In the manner preao►lbed by =�
<br /> ' app�tcabie taw.Except for any other noUce requlred under appltcable taw to be given in another manner,any�otice provtded ,.
<br /> - yje• �
<br /> �;<�,.,;�.�s� tor in this Deed ot Trust sheli be given by maUfng auch notice by oenitied mail addressed to the other pardes,at the eddresa set �
<br /> "!�� ' torth above.Any notice provided for in thfs Deed of Trust ahatl be eHective upon matling in the manner destpnatad herein.it
<br /> -,;,�•t Trustor is more than one pereon.noUce sent to t he a d dr e s s s s t t o r t h a b o v e a h a l l b e n o U c e t o e i l s u c h p a r BOna �,_:
<br /> ���` . ;: (� Intp�eUon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabt0 eMrles upon and inspecUona of the Properiy,provtded �
<br /> � �'''�: that Lender shati give Trustor notico prior to any such inspeation specifying reasonebte cause therefor related to Lender's
<br /> ` �� ° interest in tho Property. � -
<br /> '`�- �'��=���� '� (g) Rtconv�yane�.Upon payment of ail suma secured by this�eed ot Truat,Lender shall�equest Trustee to recortivay tha
<br /> 'r'`" ��'• Prope�iy and shali surrender this Oeed of 7ruat and ail notes evtdencing indebtedness secured 6y thto Deed of Tru�tto Tmatee.
<br />'•,�.:,,� ::
<br />_�`�,�°'�'';. _ • Truatee shail recomey the Property without warraMy and without charge to the pe►son or persons lepaily erttided thereto.
<br /> ',,;;;..,'�,`,•?�. ' irusfior stusii�i&y 8ii GG.�ot ts;COSdBl3on.4!sny. • -
<br />_5 �_ ;,� .,, ` (h? Personal Property;S�cudlf►AQnom�nt As addiUonai seauriry tor the payment of the Note,Truator hereby grards
<br /> >' . ,,,`�_; ; , Lemler under the Nebraska Unitorm Commarclet Code a secudry intereat irt ail fixtures,equipment and other peraanel property
<br /> �s��```i��� �. uaed in connecUon with the reai estate or imp�ovementa loceted thereon,and not otherwlae declered or deemed to be a part of
<br /> _��+:'-r�i�''�' q�e���e�te secu�ed hereby.Tfiis insVUment shali be conshued as a Secu�ity Agreement under satd Code,and the.iender
<br />�����?;f���`� � shall have all the�Ighta and remedies of a secured party urtder sald Code In addidon to the dghts and remedies areated unde�
<br /> "'—"'` and accordod the Lender pursuent to this Deed of True�provided that Lender's�ighta and remedlea under this parapraph sha�t
<br />=���` be aumulative wfth,artd in no way a limltatlon on,Lender's righffi and remedtea under any other securriy apreemeM aipned by
<br />,"`;!�="�'��i:,�' Bomower or Truator.
<br />__::c,.:,`=��'S`Y"'�' (i) Ums aed Frfcu�nbranus.7rustor hereby war►anta and representa�at there Is no dafauit under the proviaiona ot any
<br />- _-�ttr.=-=s�m mort9age,deed of t►ust tease or purchase contraet deacribing all or any paR ot the Property.or ather aontract,ioetrumentor
<br /> __°--�m aqreement consdwUng a Ilen or er�cumbrance agatnst all or any pan of the Properly(cotlective�y. Uena'�,existlnp aa ot the
<br /> .�
<br /> ����� date ot this Deed of Trust,and that any and all extaUng Uens remain unmodlfled except as disciosed W Lender in Trustora
<br /> M�r��� � written disclosure of Ilens and encumbrancefl provided for heroln.T►uator ahail tlmely pe►form ail ot Trustor's obli�atlona.
<br /> ----�-�-:�� covenanta,represerdatlons and warranUes under any and ail exisftlng and tuture Uens,ahail prompUy.torward to l eedercopies
<br /> ��s o1 all noticea of detautt aent in connection with any artd ffiI exisUng or tuture Uens,and shall not without Lender's prior w�itten
<br /> � -- conaent in any manner modNy the provfstona o f or a Uow a n y t u t u r e e d�►en c e s urtder a�y existin q or tuture Uena
<br /> "�"-"�""T (p Applte�Ho��d Pay�e»nts.Unlesa otherwise requtred by law,sums paEd to Lender fiereunder.inaludirtg wlthout ItmltsUon
<br /> -_--�__�� payments ot principat and InteresL Insurance proeeeds,eertdemnatlon proeeeds and rents and prof(ta,ahall be appliad by
<br /> - - — Lender to the amounffi due and owing irom T►uetor and 8orrower tn such order es Lender in ib sote diacretion deemadeslrabie.
<br /> --`-- (k)gNrKSbIQty,tt eny provtsion ot this Qeed of Trust eonfltcts with appticabie taw or is deetared ir�valtd or otherwise
<br /> --��---_= 9iven eftect without 1ne conNictlng provislon a��a�o in s e a m e�v�oria�or�,ot thisthQeed oei Trust and the Note re deela�to be --
<br /> se+rerebla
<br /> -� --�«�.� p)Tirats.The terms"Truator"and"Borrower"shall include both singutar and piusal,and when the Trustor and Sorrower
<br /> °-°—�� are the same person(s),those terms as used In this Qeed ot Trust shall be interchangeable.
<br /> ..-:�� (m) Qoramk�y ta►w.This Ceed of Tnist shati be govemed by the lawa of the 3tat�of Nebraske.
<br /> --u'��<-7� Tiustor has executed thta�ead o1 Tiust as of the date written above
<br /> ��«:�.
<br />_�_.1�..16_�!��D�j�F.7G.s' �
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<br /> "°��`�a:��::'� Carl agen � Huflband _-
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