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<br /> .�._ " �,� 9.InsptAtl�d'I�ondar or!ta agent may meke reaaonable entri�upon aad inapections ot tho Property. Lendcr shuU give �_
<br /> •, �. � Borrower aotiw at the tlme ofor prtor w aa inspection specif�lns nasoaa b le cs�uae for t he i�upec 8ua.
<br /> c
<br /> `"=="="'"�`�` 10. Caadem�atim.The proceeds oP any awnrd or �1AOm for dnmaga.direct or coa�equendat,in coraaection with aay �+
<br /> y (rr y� candsmnntion or other tnktng of nay pnrt of the Pmperty�or for eonveyar►co,ta Aeu of condemstndon,ase hueby asaigned nnd =
<br />:,�:,:,�u eha11 be paid w LeadGr. �:
<br /> ��""' "' In tho eveat of a utal tektn of tho Pro tha roceeds ehaU be a lied to tho sumi�eared b thle Securl Ineaumeat, K
<br />,=��f�.:�:.: S P�Y• P PP y ry �
<br /> ,����, whether or aot then due.adth any oacesr paid to Bmower.ln the event of a pardal teki�g of the Progerty ia arhich the feir .3_-
<br /> merket value of tho Property imnaediatdy before the Wdag is equal w or g�reata thau the amount of the euma aecuced by this `�'
<br /> _� Secwiry Iaatrumeat lmmediately befom the tekiag.uNesa Bonowa aad Leada otherwise ag�ia aniting.tha sume secured E�_
<br /> by thta Security Inatrumeat ehal!bo reduaed by tho araount of the proceede anuldplled by tde followtng&actton:(a)the totel �.,
<br />-.,-,` -°��. mnouat ef t�e auais aecured immediatdy bcfore the taking.dlvided bY(b)the feir market value of the Proparty immediatety �_-
<br />-:;�;...'..;,y�, , befure the takiag.Aay balance shAll be paid w Borrower.Ia the event of a partial talciag of the Property ia afiioh tlte falr _
<br /> :,,4;:��� market value of the Property Gaaaediately befon We taYiag is less tbau the amount of the evma secused ianueediately lsefon the �
<br />=�Y�.;.;,, taking�ualess Banower end Leader otherwlse agceo ia wridag or unless appllcable laa othawiae provIdes.We proaeeds shall
<br />- '-''°� be applled to the aums securcd by thia Security Iastrument whether or not tbe cums are thm due. --
<br />-.��� _-
<br /> If the Property is abaudoaed by Bortowar.or if.after aoHee by Lender w Bonovver that the coademaor offera W make aa.
<br />:.�:�.�. award or aevIo a claim for damagea�Bosrowa faila to respoad w Lender wlthir► 30 daya eR,er the dsu the aotice is given.
<br />.::F�,:�"' - Lendes b authorized to collect and apply tke pr�fe.at it�o�tton,either w reswredaa or repair of the Ptoperty or w tho -
<br /> ,�,.�� aums sec�utd by ttiis 3ec�uity Iusnvmeab wrhether or aot thea due. �
<br />��;� : � Unlds Lmder ead Borrower otherwiee agree in wrItiag,aay appticaSoa of praaeds w prladjaal e6a11 aot extend or postpone L:..
<br /> z the due date of the monthly paynteata refesrtd w W paragraplu 1 aud 2 or cttange the amowit of auch prsymeat�.
<br /> ?'°°�' 11.Bosra�rer Not Released;Forbars�na By II.atdet Not it Watver.Eutension of tho thae far paymeat or saodification
<br /> :�i�=' -
<br />- _._.��,� of amorWatioa of the suma�by tlds Sec�uity Iastrument granted by La►der u►aay iuccesaor in inungt of BorroWer
<br /> °�°� ahall not operata to nleaae the liabitity of ttce orIginal Borrower or Borrowa'a sncoason ia lnterest Lender shall not be
<br />-�.� � required W cxmaaence procxediags ageinat aay succe�aor in Interat or reR�ae w exund tlme for payment or othera�ri�se modif�r
<br />. ,�;�;3_� � amorti�aHora of the suma se�vred by ttds Security Inatrument by reaaon of any dcmand made by the orlgtaet Borrower or
<br />�-� Borrowes'e successore!n inureat Any Porbearance by Lender ta axereiatug any right or remedy shaU not be a aaiver of or
<br />--:� precIado tha uercIse ot ar►y rlght or remedy.
<br /> �'�-'z� /2, C�rreo�ry� and A�signs Round; .igint and Several Ifa6iUty= Co-sig¢as.'Ihe ooveaeata and agreaaeats of tLia
<br /> °�,-��� Securlty Iastiument ehall biad and beneflt the sucassora aad asalgns of Leader and Bosrower,subJect w the provisioas of
<br />_ ~`'� paragraph 17.Borrower'e covenanta aad ageeemeata shatl be joint aad several. Aay Borco�rer who �o-�igns ttiis SecurIry
<br />--=__� Taatrumeat but doea not eaewte tho Nota(a)ia co-signing thia Saurity Instrument anly to mor�age.gcant and convey tl�at
<br /> -___-=� Borrower'e iatecest in ttte Property uader the terwa ofthis Security Instrum��@)is not pmonally obligaud W pay the sumt
<br /> --,'�«�.'.�� secured by this Saaulty Iashvment;aad(a)ag�s that Leader aad eay othar Borrower ainy agee w exoead.modtijr.forbear
<br /> :Q� os make aay sacommodatioas aith regard to the oerma of thiu Secudty Inaorument o:the Note wlthout that Borsowa's
<br /> - �� con�mt
<br /> -----_°_� !3.Lamtn C6irge8.If the toaa sxured by thie Seauity Ine�vmeat ia subf ect to a law which seta masImum loan chargea.aad
<br />�.``""`�"� that 1aw is Rnally iaterpnted eo that the inure�t or othcr lonn chsrges coAected or to be co9ecud in oonnaKion wlth the loaa
<br /> --�—� wtcc�d the permiued 1Lwiu.thaa:(a)any such loan�harge aha11 be reduad by the amount aeasaery to reduce the c2iarge W
<br /> the permime�!llmit;and(b)az►Y suma already collected lirom Borrower which eaeeeded Ixtmitted Ihaita wUl bo rettu►ded w
<br /> --- Borrowa. Leader may choose w make thia eefliad by reducing the prtndpat owed uader t3ie Note or by meldag a direct
<br /> = paymeat w Borrower. If a reR�nd nduas prIncipel. the nducdon will be treau,d ea a par�faal prepayaeeat without any
<br /> � PnPaytnmt oharge under tho Noto.
<br /> -- 14.Nottas.Aay aoHca w Bonoaer provtded for in thia Sewrity Iastrumea�t eha11 be given by dellverIng it or by mailiag It _
<br /> - by&at clasa mail ualeu appllcable law requirp use of anotha method.'Ihe aotIae shnU be d3rxted w the Properry Addras
<br /> • or any other addraa Horrower deaigaatsa by aotice W Leader.Any notice W Lenda s1m11 be givm by 8rat claaa meil w
<br /> __��, Lender e address stated herdn or any other address Lmder deaignatea by AatFce w Botro�vc. Aay notiee provided for ia this _
<br /> Securlty Inatru�ent sttalt be deemed to have bean g�ven W Borrowa or Lender arhen glvcn as p:ovided ia thla P��P�
<br /> 1S.GO�►emit►�Law;SEVUabfllty.Thie SearIty tnahumeat shall be goveraed hy fedaal Iew and the iaw of the f uda�ctton
<br /> — in wbich the Property ia located.In the eveat that any provieioa or clause of t2�ia Securi;y In�trtimmt or the Nou coatlicta with
<br /> appHcable laa,such conflict eha11 aot nB�Ct other provialons oF this Securlty Inntr�meat os ihe Note wtdds can be givea effcct
<br /> ait}tout the con�licW►g provleion.To this aad the pmviaions of this Security Iaatrumeat aad the Nou are declared to be
<br /> ----= severable.
<br /> 16.Bonurve�s Capy.Borrower ehall be given oae conformed copy of the Nou and ofthia Secudty inatrument.
<br /> - -= 17.Transfe�of tbie Pruperty or a Beueftdal Interat in Botrotiver.If all or any pert ot t�e Properiy os any int:aest ia it _
<br /> _- _-----� la sold or trawfarred(or if a beae9cial laLenst 1a Borrower is eold or tranalL�re�and BorroccPerr is aot a aatural person)without _
<br /> ��K� �
<br /> �r
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