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''1¢ _ i zlx_, �.�c�'S_ _' `�:� � � �i{`� tr t�. _ �..�=— _ `_ _ _ __- � :�— _4._ii =_- <br /> z . �. ( <br /> i}i� �Y;�dnlnl� ''_� a . 7[ .. - _ 11'�c_1.. , .:'n'.:� . . . �. _. <br /> i .r` . '.�"' •N7'% � - -.., .T�SH. . ' a.,t,,,.t� . « ';�. <br />:,� �. . . . ° � <br /> '� . . . ' ^ '.� <br /> � :,*` i� _ . . . � . . . ._ . � . -=i'�.-. <br /> f . _�_._ ' P -. " _ <br /> .J. �. _ . ."' . __._.._ .... . . .. ._—_—_'___z—_�_.�_—__�.`—. ._...-__ "___.- —_.- .____ _ _ - .. -. <br /> �� �.�.}.. . ... O• . � - .!..:�.!6 .�� �� ..� � .. I) . r_ ��__^�-=_' <br /> . � . ' _-� !`. . . .. — ----- -- - '-��i�'�-'��-i'-`..,' _ - - --- -- _•�-- � r — <br /> . . .s� .� :._a�- _ _ - � - --"'-_—'._._._... �_.._.--....---- L---_. <br />... ..-=�� � <br /> . , .M�, <br /> �. <br /> _.. _ v-� �"'' <br /> � d- ' • •��1 l �}�,'�y�q '( �. <br /> '"' which ehall noi be wueaaoaably wl�hheld.It Barrower fails eo matataia covetage descrlb�d8bove,T���a .�oyt Lender's <br /> •�,,,� �.,�;�, option�obtaia coverage to pcouct Leader'e rights ia tho Ptoperty 1n nccordaace wiW patagrtsph?. �_ <br /> � � . <br /> At1 taeurance pollcle�snd rcnewale shall be acceptnble w l.eader aad ahail lnclude a etandard mortgage clawe. Lender ehaU _ <br /> n <br /> hnvo tho dght w hold t�xe polidca aad renerml�, lf l.ender require�,Borroaer sha11 prompdy give to Lender all receipta of <br /> - `• ' peid pnmiums aad renewel notica. In We event of loss. Borrawer eheU glve prompt aoflce w the iaaurance carrler and � <br /> -•� � .� Y Leader,I,ender may make proof of loaa if aot made promptly by Sonower. <br /> ..�f�i>�'r.� Ualds Lmder aacl BorroaPeer otheraiae agree in wrltiag�1r�uraace proceeda ehall be applIed w ratoradon or repair of the <br /> r <br /> ���x property damag�d,�f the raeomtioa or npair is economieally feaaible and Lender'e aec�uIty ia not taseaed.If the reswradon <br /> _ i _�,,_j or repair is aot ecoaomica�y feasible or Lendet'a eecurity would be leanened.the inaurauee proceeda shell be applled to the <br /> _---°;:: eutae eecured by this Secwtty Iasvument,whethcr or not thea due,aith eay excaa paid to Borrower. If Bonowa abandons =,.. <br /> , ��. the Progetty.or doa aot msvia wlthia 30 daya a notice&om Lendet that the inaivance carrler hae o�'aed w aenle a claim. ;.,�' <br /> tltm Lender may collect the insuranca procada.I.ender may uae the proceeda to repair or restora tbe Ptopetty or w pay E_ <br /> ': .,�� swas eecurat by thie Security laatruauant.ahothar or aot then due.The 30-day perlod alll begta whm the notice is given. ___ <br /> "' , � '�`� Unlese Lender aad Horrover otherwise a8ree ht aridng.eny applicatIon of proceeda to prindpal shall not eutend or postpone --- <br /> . , er = <br />�":�;���� � the due data of the mosit6ly paymtntn refernd to it�paraS�aphs 1 and 2 or ahange the amouat of ffio payaienta. if uader --- <br />-`�-._�;��: paragaph Zl rhe Propert99 ie acquircd by Leader. Horroara's r l g ht w any i a suran c e p o II d e s a n d p r o x a f s r e a u l d n g&o m. <br /> _ _;k:.i.y� damage w the pmperty pdor to the aaluialdon shall paas w Lender to the w�teat of the sums secured by thia Securlty <br /> Instrumeat�amedlauly pdor w the aequlai8on. � <br /> .. `�``^;�'�. _ �, p�1p�aY� pr�s�tian, 1VIaInteaance and Protectioa of the Property, Borrowa'a Loan Appllcat[on; _._ <br /> Les�se$olds.Boreower shall occupy.establlah�and use the Property as Bortower e p:ludpal resideac�atthin sixty days atter �., <br /> n::x� ` the e:ecudon of tbia S�urlty faatiwarnt and ahall contiaue to occupy the Proparty es�orrower a prladpal resideace for at <br /> e_ <br /> � ��- .;: leest oae year after the date of occupaaay.unlesa Lender otherwise agrees in aridng,afiich coaaeat ehall aot be uureaaonsbly - <br /> �'�•�R u;. wtthheld.or ualeas e:tenwtiag eircvmetences ex�t avhiCh are beyaad Honoaer's control.Bonoarer shall not desttoy.damage - <br />-�����'��' ot Impair the Pcoperry. all�ow the Property►w detarlorate.or commit a►aste on the Property.Borrowa shall be in dofault lf any <br /> �s•�.�;"a . forfeiuue actioa or proaeding, arhether clvit or�rimi�a�i. is begua that in Lender e good faith Judgmwt could rasutt ia <br />��;�-°; forFdwre of the Property or otherwlae r�iateeiaily iiapair the llen crcatcd by thia Scciu�ity Ynstrument or Lmdu'a saurtty _ <br /> L;,: Interesa Borrovrer may aue such a default aad relnstate.aa pmvided W paragraph 18.bY causin8 the acdoa or pmcading w <br />-'�;�-=:�-� be dismiased with a ruling that,ia Leader s good faith determination,Precludes forfdture of the Borcower'e iaurat in the <br /> °��� !'ragai�ar atka araterle!4mg�rment of the lien created bY this Secueity Iastrumeat or Lender'e necwiry intereat.Boaower <br />_- y rt.�� aball alao be in default �f$onower.dnT3a8 Wo loan appltcatioa process.gavc materlally false or inace�u�ate�ncormation or <br /> etatemanta to Lmder(or feiled w provide Leader aith aay materjal luf'ormaHon)�►conaection�rith the loaa eviderued by We <br /> �=R;ti�� Nou�iQCludin8.but not i�aited w.rePnaentadone comoeming Borrow�r'a occupaacy of the P r operty aa a p r d u dpal reaidence. <br /> _.�L':in_ 'T <br /> _ �„�n;, �tt�s gecu�ity Instru�ent Ls oa a leaaehold.Borrovver sheU comply wIt1►ell We provisions of the leese.If 8oaowu acq ea <br /> •- c_, pee St(e to the property,the leasehold aad the fee dtle ehell aot merge unleas Leader agces w tho merg�t fa�vriting• <br /> �•;�;.��,�,� <br /> ��e�s,�s_ •_,�� 7.Proteetlan of LtadeYa Righb in the Peopa'ty.If Borroaer feila to perform the coveaanta and ageemeate coataiaed ia . <br />.�:�:��:.���! t61a Seauiry Instrt►meest,or there is a legal ptocadia8 that may sIgniRcantlY affeot Leader�s�m�me rrop�►(�u�n 8s a <br />._=���$:� procad;ng ia bunktuptry,probate.for condema�stioa or forfeiNre or w mforce taaa or ngutattona)�then Lmder may do aad <br />-�-�"-.��a� psy for whauver ia aecasary to ptotect the value of the Properqr aad Leader'a righta in the Properiy.Lender's aqlons may <br /> --:�.'�.�•"'� laclude psyiag eay sums aecund by a llen whtch haa prlortty over tbis S a a�r i t y faatrw�neat. aPP�B in oourt, paying - <br /> ---�' reaaonablo auosaeye' fea and entaring on the Properry w make repaire. Although Lender may tak�a acflon uada thia <br /> —= paragaph 7.Leader doa not have w do so. <br /> ------— Aay amounta diabursed Ey Lender under thls paraSRaph 7 ahall beoome addiflonal debt of Bonoaer aeouted by thfa Seauity <br /> Inshvmea�.Ualeas Horrower and Leada agee w otha urma of paymeat.thae amouata ahell bar intaroat R om the date of <br /> � disbursement at the Note race and ahall be payable.vvlW intereat,upon aoflce from Leader w Horrower requating peyment <br /> — - 8.Maet�e IawnRCa IS Lander required mortgage�nnurance aa a condttion of makiag the toan secured by thfs Seauity <br /> _ • Instrummt,Horrovra s1u11 pay the preaaiuma nquirtd w meiateia the mortgage fnaurance In eBect tf.for afqr reaaon.the <br /> _�� .= mortgage iasuraace covaege cequired by Lender lapsa or¢eaees w be ia effea.Horroarer ehstl pay tho premiums requIred w <br /> -- obtain ooveraga substaatWly equivateat to the mortgage ias�uaace prevlowly in c�'ec4 at a cost substaatlafly equivaleat to the <br /> - aost to Borrower of the mortgage inawance pnvioualy in effect.from an aleernate mortgage iasiuer approved by Leader.If <br /> --�.,_..-��'° tubstaatially equivaleat mortgege ipsutaace covereSe le aot avaiiable�Borrower ehaU pay w t�enda each moaW a aum equat <br /> w one-tweifth of tho yeuIy mort$age iasurauce premium bdqg patd by Borroaer cvhm the iaeuranx coverage lapsed or <br />__-�,r,,,,�� aaaed to ba in effect. I.ender aW accepi.uae and retein these psymmss as a loss resmve�a IIeu of mortgage ineuranca Lvas <br /> = naerve paymenta may ao longer be the opflon of Lend�.if�aortgage insnrance covamge(ia the amouat and for <br /> -=�`� t}te perlod that Lender requires)provlded by an inaucer approved by Loader agnta becoaus available at►d is obteiaed. <br /> _ -_�.�`s.� Borrowet shall pay the premiwne required�to mainte�n mortgage insurnaee in effect.or w provide a loas raerve.undt the <br />'_.,������ reguiremeat for mor�gabe•inauraace ends ia accordanca with any aciuen agreemeat betweea Borrower aad L.ender or <br /> appllcable taw. ' � <br />�:�ec;:_=��r,�, <br />-�___�__�..� � i. <br />: r POR0130Q1 OWaO lPa�9 of e Pa9n1 <br />__s«.��� Ste�qb Famtly-FNIIAfFMUtC UM1FOFiM INSTRUMENT OW 0 <br /> NEBRASKA EC889t wv.08�09191 <br /> ---��-s� . <br /> ..� . <br /> . <br />_ ... .., ` ,. - <br /> . .. . . <br /> . . ... _... - <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . ,— <br /> - _..__� s <br /> � <br /> - - - -- -- ---- --- -- -- - - - - - <br /> �.- ---- - - - --- --- -- -- , _ - - : , <br /> � --- - . . . �- r:.c.- a.. . � <br /> ; 1 •• . .. .. . .-e��'�i9 .!t°.�'A'^,C°..' . " o . <br /> �... ..•.t�;t?i �. . . ._ <br /> .,', .,[ � . , .. . ...��•�l'-��xi�j' �r.�,+_=s:.�:+•� <br /> v��i�`�i-_'��'t ' . - . .. �. ..� - . . .:t='�7k'�_� �.� .._`:.. . <br /> ,'+'' ; , � ' .� , � .. �i��� .. -- ' <br />. . _ " . ., � ' . +. _ , . . , <br /> • ' _. • . . . . . . . _� . <br /> , .. _> . ' _ ' . . . ` " , . '. " . � .. .� . - � <br /> � � .. . ' ..o� ` .. <br /> - _ .. � .. .. - � . . ' .." <br /> . 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