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vID�p�T.�fy".1�(pF-���t-�. - ��it�"t� � �'��[> '1-. .- .. ���,,dk}��� z f 'wF�i.4E�. . . . . . '.t, b�.i��ii—.�� -- - <br /> ,z. <br /> •/uh�` •f�'t3��s�� g l`�S 3�<'� .... w . 1J ti�L...C1 � 'S.�-� .. � . . <br /> �fF . 1 f�� ��` ' I . . � .. �t 4f, � . <br /> :.`..:�, .. ,( •� . /n <br /> �I ' , f '" ., . . - � <br /> F• ' _ . _ . .. <br /> } _�_ ,. � .,U, .:�.�?`y^i+"�::y=�: <br /> , -� - --. . - � - " .. F 'rv, t+ut��_ - <br /> � ' d � - �Y��..�"-[�e�.. .M1,w ._..w__�.s�. '�—c—_.. .�-1",.A-.� <br /> �: <br /> .f"'l'Kf.. -.�... _ <br /> ET F��. <br />- _L...�.,. . , F e . ..� .. <br /> • � /�1�/� c �', <br /> �..:>�i� p � ,• 'D� �lll"i�`• , <br /> u . • ulre imatcdiate ss ent�ta�fWl of all eume eos�ued by thta 'a°.'� <br /> , x• Lenda'd prior writ�n consenA Lender may,at iu�op8on�req p y� ; <br /> 8ecvrtty lastrumcnt Howaver.thie opflon ahaU aot be exercised by Lender if a�erclso is prohibiud by federal law ea of the <br /> •'z�=:, ����x dtte oftbie&�curity Itu�namt '� <br /> . If l,eader exerci!es this opdon,l.ender ehall give Boaoaer aoflce of acceleration.'Ihe aoSce ehall provlde a period of aot lesa " <br /> thnn 3D daye from the date tha noflce is delivercd or mnlled aithln which Bonowez muat pay ell su�as aecurcd by tl�is Securlry <br /> ' Inatrumeat If Bonower l�ile w pay thase awna prior w the eapiraflon of this perlod. Lender may iavoke any raaedies � <br />:.�,�.n.�-,.'�.��' �. <br /> permiued by thla Seciuity Iastruraent wlWout tUrtixer aodce or demand on Horrower. :. <br /> ��. 18. Baerowe�s Rig6t to Bdnad�ta If Borrower meeta artain condittona. Bonower shaU have the rlght w dave <br /> -` rnforament oP thle Securtty laatrument discoatinued at aay tlme prior w the earller ofl(a)S daye (or auch othet perlod aa <br />'"'""--;` ePP�cable laa maY sgedfjr for rdnatatesaent)beforo aale of the Prope�ty pnraueut to amy power of eale contaiued in ttde . ;. <br /> - •� .� SecurIty laatrummt;or(b)eatry of a jud�ment enforcLig tLie Security Iastrumea�'I'hose coadidone ere that Bonower. (a) -- <br /> ,••�x"`11-�. ��� <br /> , ,�;��;,�� p a y s L e n d e r a ll s u m a w h t c b t h e a w o u l d b e d u e u n d a t b i e Securi ry Iaetrumeat and the Note aa if no acaleratioa had occurted; G�,�._ <br /> . �. @)cures aay default of any otha covenaate or agceemeata:(e)PaYs all expenea iacuned in eafor�iag thle Secu:ity iasuumeat `: <br />'.--;R:�r:,.. �acludLig.but aot limiud w.reasonable attomeys'fas;ond(d)tekes swch action aa Lender may reaoonably require w aaatue �'i <br />.°�.��*`t�,. . that the lien of Wia Securlty instnunent.Leader's right$ia the Propprty and Borrower's obligation w pay the suma secured by �:_- <br /> s:T�;?�' Wis 3a�u�iry Inatrument ehall condaue uachanged. Ugoa refnetatemeat by Borrower, tlila Security Iastrumeat aad the _— <br />_���^`�, obligafloaa secured hereby ahall remain fWly effecdve as if ao acexlerafloa had ocxun�ed.Hoaever,thie right w rdnatate shall <br /> -;''�•r`,�:�; ' not apply W the case ofaccelerafloa uader paragi�aph 17. _ — <br />`_.::;_.-� _: <br /> „�"�.. ' 19. Sttle o!Note; Change of LoaII �daar.The Note or a par8el interest ia the Note (together wtth thi� 3ecurjty <br /> .:. �r . _- <br /> Iastrwaent)may be eold oae or more dmes cv�tltout prior noHce w Bonower. A sale may reault in a change ln the entIty .: <br /> �_��;�-i�',� (known aa the'Loaa ServIcer")tttat collecta moAtLly payments due uader the Nots and tlils Security InstrummL'Pheib elso �w°�� <br />-y'":"��Y�:., may be one or more cbaages of the Loau SuvIar unrelated to a eale of the Nou.If there ia a change of the Loan ServIcer. E, _ <br />;.•.s: � � Borrower wW be gtvea wrIUaa notica of the chauge in aasordaace with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.'!he notloe =��---- <br /> '4.'�" aW state tha name and address of the aow Loaa Savicer end the address w which paymenb should be made.The aoWx wlll _� <br />�,;::- <br /> _-:.�,t utao contala ar►y odser iafoimedoa requind by appltcabie laa. � <br />-:'�'%v-., - <br /> 2(►. �]a2arQons Su6stante9. Bormwer amail aot cawe or germit tha preaanoe,usa dispcsal.ewrage. or releate of any -- <br />'�_:t•:.�, Ha�ardoua Subataaces on�r fn the Property. Bo�roaer ehall aot do. nor atlow aayone else to do.aayWing affecNnA tho = <br /> =Y;"�:�'' Ptopeny that is ia violatiou of aay BavIroamantal Laa.The pre�ediag two aenunas shall not apply w the presence.uae.or <br />,_?.�'_.T�',� cwrage on the Property of smell queatlties o!Hbzardoua s'ubatanca that are geaeraiiy rcoogniud io oe+�pprirpruita t��t3�ai ° <br />�;�,ti�,� : s�esideadal ases and w maiwtenance of the Property. <br />-s.h.ii ir��.. <br />=R�,;�, 8orrowet ehall promptly give Lender arlttea aodce of any inveadgatton, clsim.demand�lawauit or other acdon by any <br /> _�;;-,:•:,, ' goveramental or regulawry agency or prlvaro party involving tho Ptoperty and any Har.arQous Substance or Eavlronmattel <br /> ,``-.':''•�a• Law of which Borrowor ha�s acWal kaowledge.If BorroWer learaa,or ia aotIfied by any govemmemal or regolatory authority. <br /> - 4M1y�`�°"�.� that any removal or otha mnc�diation of azry Hazardoua Subntance a�'eqing the Ptoperty is aeasaary. Borrov�rer ehall <br /> ��`""��ti,�� <br />,;x,r.,:�;_ promptl}r take all neassary ranedtal acdona ia accordance avIth Envlroivaentel Laa. <br /> __•.:.c:�.�� <br /> „,;�,;�_�� As uacd in tL{s paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Subatances' aro those substanas de8aed aa Waia or herardow aubstancts by <br /> ---� -_--�� Enviroamental Laa aad the followutg substenca:gasoliae.kaoaene. otb�et flammable or toxEc paroleum producct.w=Ie <br />-_-_ --- pesflddd end herbfcldes.volatile solventa.mateslal�containiag asbesws or foriaaldehyde.end radioacHve mnurials.Aa uscd <br /> �; In this paragaph Z0�'Bavlronmental La�'means federal lawa aad lac�taa of tho jw�la8iction where the Property ia located that <br /> — � reUste w or envirunmeatal protxtioa. • <br /> � - NON-UMFORM COVENANT3. Borrowa ead{.emder fhrther covenaat and agee aa folloWS: <br /> ----- 21.Acede[a$aa;R�attdtes.Leadet�hc�l�ive notIce to Borro�ra prior to aaxleratioa folberia�8orrowTei's breach of aay <br /> cavenaat or apreemeat tu thts 8esutfty Iastrameat(but aot pdor to�celeraHoa unda ptrastaph 1?tialaa apiiaabk Itw <br />---�j;�� � Qrovida ot�ise�.The notiee ahaU speciiys(a)tLe ddaul�(b)the scdon reqidred to cuee the ddwtt�(c)a date,not las than _ <br /> =-� — 30 dsys fi�om the date the aot[a is¢vm w Borroxu,6y whtcb tho ddwlt muat be a�red�and(d)t6at failure to ciue tUe ddault <br /> - = on or bdore the date apecilted in tAe nattce may ra�tit in acceluatioo ot tbe s�ms secured br this Security Instrument and�ale <br /> - ot the Propertr.The aotice shai!tiutber Intor� Bacrowv of tbe ri=ht to eeinstste alter acoeleratton aad du ri=ht to 6rit�s <br /> -----_.._- court aetiot►to astzre the non�dstmce of a dd�lt or a�r other ddease of Borrower to a�teration aad ule.Itthe ddanit i� <br /> - aot ctaaf oa or bdare the date spec�fed ia the Qodce,Lender at fb option may requin{mmediate N�meat tn tiill ot dl eams <br /> —= acured b�r ibis Sscuctty i�erument wdthout ttutha dem�ad aud may invoke the�wxer of aale attd my other remedia permitted <br /> --_-�—__ Dy aPPltpble law�.I.ender ahaU be entlNed to colle�t all expenses incurred in parsuiag the c�edIa provIded ia this pssa�raph <br /> -._--- _= Ei,includin=,bert not timited to,rwonabte attomey�'fas 4ud costs oTtitle evideace. <br /> -"'-,-_�—: �:•^. <br /> '=.:;� 4-. <br /> �;� ��- <br /> _-:-�� �=_ <br /> : �• �s <br /> �"`':r� �1R��FamUY"FMIIR/CI{WC UNIFORM(flaTtiUYEMT FORY 37� OYJlO tPay�6 of e Pay�s) _=- <br /> : ;_,_::_�_,�• <br /> _:�i MEBRASKA EC827L Rav.iW1N1 �.,_ <br /> ., ._ - �ti�-: <br /> . . <br /> �� . .. . . . <br /> � �� �. <br /> .. ._ .�, ..r. • - •. <br /> � <br /> 3��� <br /> q:,�.�_..,;..i�• �, — —_°�= ,. � — <br /> --- - — — - --- -- --- <br /> — --— - --- <br /> -- -- -- -° ---- —� <br /> .�.�:R " � .� .a .,�� 1� r ..�,,, -`�---- -- : <br /> w � t. • - . .{.�.�=�- {',Y.��.I►i+.&�r.- _ • � .._ -. <br /> .ry���'i. � .. . .. , . 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