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<br /> " THIS 9ECURITY INSTR BNT comblrtea w�form covenanu for nadonal use oad aon•uniform�ovenanta cuith 1GNted
<br /> .. • '" variadone by Jurledlction to consdtuce n uniform accurlty lnstrumrnt covcring rcal property. -
<br />;;=Y:,-.�•,��,� UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bonower and Lender covenant and egee a�followa:
<br /> ,.,R.� ...., �. Pnyns�t o�'Prl��p�sl n!:� llnte�fli k'n:�t�ye�eent an�J E�ste Chasgea. I�orrower shall prompdy pay whca due the -
<br /> ��-� ��� prlucipal of and tameet on the dobt ovldoaad by the Note and uny prepaymrnt aad let�charga due under We Note,
<br />-:;,:: -. ��,
<br /> . •� . � � x 2.Funrls 4'ar Taxa+ aad Inann�nee.Subject W appllcable law or to a arlum aeiver by Lender. 0orrower shall pay to _.
<br />-_ �" Leadcr oa the dsy uionthly paymeau ero due under the Nou,uadl We Note is paid!n fbil,A awn('Funda')far.(s)yoarly
<br /> �� taxa and aeeasmente ahleh may atWa prlority over thie Securlty Tnauument es a Itm oa the Peopeny;(b)Yearly leaacitold _.
<br /> :��;, paymeAta or gcouad renu oa tho Property� if anyc (a) Yetuly hersrd or Pr°Ferty inaurenea premlwns: (d) yeerly Aood
<br /> _-.�"-_LL:�.� inaurance pmniwns. �P any: (e)Year1Y �tort6age iasuraace prenafueae. U aay:and(� any euma payable by Bonowes to _
<br /> �"� ' Lender,W axordance aith Wo pmvldoru of paragraph 8.1n lleu of the payment of mortgage icauraace premiume•'Pltesa
<br />```���=:`'� � itema an called'Eacrow Itame.'Lender may.at any Wne,collect and hold Funds in an emount aoi W e:aed the�naaimum
<br />�:�"'`'"'�`' amouat a leader for a fedarelly nlaud mortgage loen may require for Bonower's eserow account uader the federal Real
<br /> Betate Seulement Proadura Act of 1974 ae aiaended&om dme w dme,IZ U.S.C.Sectloa 2601 et seq.('RESPA').unlesa
<br />-u='R�;h;` . eaother law that applla to the Funda seta a lesaer emount IP eo.Leadn may� at any time. oollect and hola Fuada ia an
<br />�`��==_,�-- amount not w escced the laaer amouat Lender may esWnate the amount of Fuada due oa the bsa�a of cureeat datu arid
<br />='=�"'�-� reaaoaable c�titaates ofexpeadipues offbwre Eecrow Items or otheraiee inaccordance adW applicable laa.
<br /> �-���•
<br />����'�'}sf��k� 'i'he Funda ehall be held ia en insdwtion ahoae degoaita ere inaured i�y s federai egeacy.InstivmcataHty.ar cntlty(indud3r�g'
<br /> -'::•..�1���., Lender��f Leuda is sucb an insdwtion)or ia any Federal Home Loan Baak.Lender ahali apply the Funda w pay the Eecrow
<br /> .�';'�,,,�.,�''�a, Itana. Lenda mey not oharge Bonower for holdlag and applying the Fuada�annueliy analyz[ag the ascroQ+ account, or
<br />,�.:���:�, ve�f�h�g We Eacrow IItans.unless Lender paya Borrower lnterest on the Funde aad applicable laa permits Lender to make
<br /> ""="��-� such a oharga Howisver,Lender may require Borroaer to pay a onadme charge for an independent reat atate te:reportiag
<br />_��:`�� seivlce uaed by Leader in ooanectioa adth Wia loan,unlesa agplica6le law provldas otheralee.Ualaa ea agreement is aaade or ,
<br /> "---—� appIIcable laa requires intanst to be pald,Lender ehaU aot be required to pay Borroaa aay iateteat or esrningi oa the Funds.
<br />°���:,n Borroaer and Lender may agree ia wrlWig,hoavever,Wat laterest ahaU bo peid oa the Funda.Lemder she11 give w Borrovnr.
<br />=y:=°_„��y�;� aIthout chargo.ea anuual accountIng of the Funda.showlag credtta aad debita to the Fuads and the purpoao fo�whictt each
<br /> - debit to the Funda was made.The Funda an pledged es additionai aecurl�y for ell sums eecured by tWs Security Ia,°.trumeni.
<br />`"�`�'� If the Funds hetd by Leadar excad the amounta permiued w be held by applicable taw,Leader ehaU acoount to Honower for
<br />--___:�:.� the eacasa Funda ia aaardance arith the requirementa of appllcable law.It tha amount of the Funda held by Leader at any
<br />_�����r� tIate ia aot eu�dmt to pay the Eecrow Itema whea dtu.Leader may so aonty Botrocver ia aniting.aad.in auch caao Bosrowcr
<br /> -_------ shall pay W Lendar tho azaouat aecessarSr w meke up the de8dency.Bo:rower ehall make up the d�Rdency ia ao more than
<br /> - = twelve monthly pay�xteate.at Lmder e aole dis�on.
<br /> :=;�;���:.� Upoa pnymaat ia Nll of a11 suma aecured by tb3a Secwity Inamiment,Lender ehall promptty nflind W Bo:rower aay Funds
<br /> '`��° held by Lender. If,undar p�ragaph 21.Lmder shell acquire or sell the Properry,Leader.pdor W the aoquid8on or eale of
<br />.''-�•��.���j�:
<br /> _ tlie Property,ehall apply any Funda held by Leader at tha Wao of acquiaidon or sale aa a credit agaiast the sums secured by
<br /> a"P-°�!!=',�� . tlila Securlty InsVUmeAL
<br /> LL���'�•.r_ri] 3.AppUca4lan ef Paymeuts.Unlesa applicable law provides otherwlae. aU paymeata recetved by Lender under peragraphs 1
<br />-``�="'-`�"•"�:� and 2 ehall be applied:flrst,to any prepaynaeat cherges due uudez the Nom;sxond,to umounta payable under puagaph 2;
<br />----—= third.w laterest due;fourth�W prludpal duc�aad last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �.�s 4.Chai�es,I3ms. Borrower shari pay all texes�aesesamenta, ohar8ea+Saes end lmposiHons surlbutable to the ProP�9
<br /> - abich may attain prloriry over this Savrtry Iaatramen�.and leaaehold paymeata or ground renta,if any.Borrower ahail pay
<br /> -- —= thae obligatioas ia tho maaaer provlded in para�raph 2.or if not paid In that maeaer, Borroaer shelt pay them oa tiane
<br /> .��--.�--�,■ ditectly w the persoa oaed payanea�Borrowar ahall promptIy ftunish to Lender all aotices ot`awounta w ba paid under th�
<br /> ------. = parageaph. If Borrower melces thsse paymenta directly. Boaoarer shell promptly fl�mlah to Lender recetpta evidenciag the
<br /> - payaieata,
<br /> �orrower ehelt promptly diacharge aay llm wLich f�as priorhy over this Securlty Iastrumant unlesa Bonower: (a)agees in
<br /> .: _T arlWig to the paymeat of tha obligatlon secured by tho llea ia a manaer acaptabie w Lender;(b)coatc.sts lu good feith the lien
<br /> _ - by,or defeads agataat eaforcemmt of the liea ia.lego] proceedinga wbtch in the Lender's opiniou operata w pca-r�ut We
<br /> - enforeemeat of the lien;or(o)aecurea from the holder of the 1[en aa agreement snd�actory to Leadet eubordiaatiag We llen'to
<br /> - tlils Stcurlty faewmeut If Lenda determlaes Wat any part of the Peogeriy is subject to a lien which mqy attata prlority ovu
<br /> --- ttila Security(aatrument,Lender may g�ve Bonower a aotice ideudtying the liea.8orrower shall sadsljr th�llon or take one or
<br /> -- more oPthe actioae set forth above withia 10 daye of tho givMg of aoflee.
<br /> - ..- S.H�rd or P[operly Insut7tnoe.Borrower ahall keep the Improvemenb aow a�dadag or hereafter erecud on the Property
<br /> �� insused againet loss by flte.hezards iacluded auitLin tha term'extended coverage'and aay other he�ards,iaduding flooda or
<br /> —_--�.-�� flooding.for which i,vader requiraa insuraace.Thia inauraace shall be matatained ia the amounte aad for the periods that
<br />-=-_�.,- •�•� Lender requires.'[he iasurance cairler pmvlding tha insurana abaU be choaea by Borro�ver aubject to Lenda's approval
<br />.__ _---�,; . .
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<br /> '��..ai:� a(p��F�R111Y FMYA/FNLYC UNIFOAY IN�TRUA/EMT PORM 301� OWDO�pECB88L RN. p08/0919'
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