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<br /> �� ,� gayalents rtany rto tonger be requ�ed,at tbe opdon of Lender,tP mortgaga insur�uua coverage(in the amount end[or ttie per�od �,�_
<br /> . . .4 thai Lender requires)plavldtA by an 3nswcx upproved by I.eAder ngaiu bccomes avt+ilabls and ls obu�ined.Bairower ehall pay the
<br /> pnmiums required w maiu�mortgage inswpnce in effect,ar to provlde a iass reserve,un�l tho reqnircment for mottgage
<br /> . 4 insurance end�in accard�nce with any�rliuen a�eement betwan Bomnwer and L.aader or appllcable tnw.
<br /> 9.I¢apa-tbn. Lendei or E�qgeat may make reasona6le antdes upon artd inspecttons of the Property.Le.ndcr shall give
<br /> ' BoROwer aotiao et Wa tlm�of or pr�or w su Inspx.�on spa�3fYInB reasonable cause for tho inspecdan.
<br /> 10.Condemnatlon. 1be prooeode of any awer�d or cllaim far damaga,dlnct or cana�quendal�!n oonnocdon with any �
<br /> . ca�emna9io�oT oifacr taki�g af say pa�t a4'�ha�ra�ty,va faa wraveyo�s�e im !!eu of conde�nnuttfln,ana Qcreby c�f�gteQ�ttd
<br /> � shall be paid tn I.atdu. �
<br /> . In the eveat of a Wiel teking of the prnpeity.the pmoesds st�all be applied t,o ttte sums securcti by thfa Securlry Instrument�
<br /> :�E whether or aot thea dua.wIth any exaess pafd to Borrowa.L►tha avent of a p�ia1�fdng of the I�copaty in whlch the fair mack�et . .,
<br /> vNne of ths Prope�ty immcdiately befon the taldag Is equal to or greater t�an tha amount of tho sums sacurod by thla SxurIty
<br /> c ate
<br /> �� Insi�umem 3mmediately before tbe mSdng, turless Sorrower and Lead�othawise a,�ee in writlnng.the sums socuted 6y this
<br /> ' . . Securlry JnstNmeut ehall Ise naducad by thc amsunt of tha p�ds mutdpl�ed by tha follawing 6acdon:(a)the tat�l aaeount of R-:-'
<br /> _ � „ - � • tite sums sea�red immediately befare the�Chtg.divlded by N)the fetr s�nad�et value of tha Ropaty immedlauly bofore tlie 1�`-
<br />� - � "r� taidng.Any balnnoe shall be paid w Baamwer.Ia the eveat of a panial�Cing at the Pmpesty in wbicb tha fair maricet value of the __��
<br /> ':;:u , ,. .?;' Pcal�►Y immediately befom the taking ls less than the atuuu�tt of the swns secured immediat�ly beforo dee taldng.unless Y
<br /> . Bouower ead Leader otherwise agree in ariting or uuless agpllcablo law oih�wise provldes,du pmceeds shal!be appliad to the �"�'r
<br />'_;;�.?�,�s`�: ° snms sacauod by d�is Socudty Instrumeat whethv or aoi the stuns a�e tha►due. `�•�'
<br /> ,`-r:� If tke Propeity!s abandoned by Boimwer�or ff.after aoilce by Leadar to Boaowea thaz tha candemnor offers to make an —
<br />:. . =�:;;� , award ar settle a�n for dameges.HoAOwer fails to zrspond to Lender wiihin 30 Aays atter tlu dau the ao8oe is g[veA.I�a =� .
<br /> . .".�;�+,t�:
<br /> is�to colloct e�nd apply tbe pmoceda,at its optian.dtt�r oo restoradon ar repair of t➢�e Pn�peKy or to the swns sacund '=��`
<br /> �� ' by d3s Sectuity lasuument,aheiher ar not thea due. -
<br />_ _ .�"", UNess LEUdei snd Bomnwer otheaarlse agroe in wridn8,aaY ap�c��on dP�noaeda m Princl�t shall not e�ctead or postpone �'`:�
<br />`-� die dua date of t�o montblY PaY�ts refeaed to ia pacegeepl�s 1 and 2 orch�nge the amountof aucb paymeu�.
<br />- • -�►� 11.Borrower Not Rdwsed�Forbwrana By Lcnder Not a Waiver. Biaendon of the t�me fa payakat or modi&�oa =-
<br />:..,.}_
<br /> ,�. �°•_�._ ; of amo�on of the suma s�curea isy thls Se�stty Ins�umeat gtanua by I.auDer w eny suooessor in inuresc of Homnu+a snsu
<br />_�;.. : noi operata w nlsa�s tLe liability of the�igina!Ho�rowcr o�Bonrowei's suooessors in inta�,st.Lendet shall uot 6o requir�ed ro _
<br />°t1t���:_ �pmooedin8s agein�t any s�K�oe,cs�3a interest or rafuss to e�tnd dme for payment�ott�xwlse modify aaiast�adan of —
<br />�-'�.�;�£.� the sums secuced by thfis Securety Iusunmeat by reason of eay d�ernand made by dxi original B�rower a Sasrnwa's s�ocGCSOts
<br /> in Int�t.Any forbea�a�aoe by Leuder ia ea�g any right�nmedy shall not be a waivu of or pnclude the eaacise of any
<br />' ���R:=.- rlgDtasemeay. ,
<br /> '°:�`" 5:'*''r 12.Sucassors and Assi�ns Hauad3 Joint and SePernl I.t�bi�ty;Co�sYgners.lUa covma�►ts and agcaEmeats of dds
<br />_ :.;,.�: ��;�•�� ' Socurity InsGmmmt st�all bind ar��bene�ut die su�rs and a�signs of Lmdes and Homnwer. subjec�c to the provi.sions of
<br /> �::�"i".``^ •
<br />- s J�r�,.... paa�gr�pD 17. Borrawa s coveuants aud eigrameats s6aL be joint aud several. Any Botrowa aho co-aigns this 5eciuity
<br /> :�':��,, Instrumeat but das not exeque tbe Note: (a)�S co-sig�ing @is Security Iasnua�eat only to mostEaga giant end oumay that
<br /> _--•_ r Bonower's intaesi in the Pmpaty uadrr the tezms of tbis Serauity Ias�uau� (b)is not pasonelly obligaud to pay Wo sums
<br /> �'?`�`��� saunod bY this Socucity Instr�unm�aad(c)agrees thaz Leada tuud eay oth�Bamuwa d�ay agtoe to e�d.modifY.fa:beer a�
<br />=��r�; make any acoomtnodadens with regard to the tams of this Seaulty Inst�um,entor tbe Nots without that Bouowa's oonseat
<br /> -��s�� 13.La�a C6araes. 1f the loan socnred by this Sectuity Inss�umeat is subjax oo a law wbich sem maaimuna loan ch�rges,
<br />--_----.,��. and d�at law is 5nai�y into�preted so thaz W�iu�st or oYher taaa chargrs collecLed oc m bo colladed in oonnecdna with che lo� _
<br /> -_=
<br />