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<br /> 16.Borrower'e Copy. Borrower st�all ba gtven ana oonfotmeai aopy af�he Note i�is ccun eat ��_
<br /> 17.7Yaasfer at the Pe�pertY or a Beneficia➢Interest in 8an oacer. IQ ull or any pas!at the Propaty or any in�rest in it!s �-'
<br /> sold ar ocansfc�rred(or if a beneiicle9 faterest ln�on+cwa�S sold ar uensfemed and Ho�owar ia not a namral peason)�out -
<br /> � l,ender�s gtior writt,en consent,Lemder may,nt it� on,require iinmedlate ym eat la full of dl eums secured by tbla tity
<br /> „ , In�t Howaver.thls ap�on shall not ba by Ykndar if e�cercise is pmhibited by fedcrel taw as of tha date of tdfs
<br /> Security In�i
<br /> � u I�nda exerclses thisopt[on,i�der sha11 gtve Bmrowa notica of aoa�bon.'lhse aodcc shell provide ap�od of aot lesa
<br /> • than 30 daya from the da�e tho i�. �� vcrc,Q'Or taffi1�aIthin which Bonower must pay dl sums secured by ihiis Socurlry
<br /> s
<br /> .. JnStrumeAt If Barmwer fails t9 PaY�•�HF�?��'th�expieatlon of tiiis peflod.Len�ier nay invoYe eny er,mc�ks�r��iued
<br /> by thls Socurity Ins�t witRa�t�tKtllpc,nq1io4 qF{�d on Borrowct. .
<br /> . l�.Borro�rer's Rt�6t to iteisrA�te.`..If "Borr�ret.� ceimin oonditlons. Bomowrs shall have the right eo 6ave
<br /> .*�,._-----,' cnfoaxmc�►t of this Securlry Insteun►ent discondnued at eny dme prtor to tha ear�ter of:(a) S days(or such o�a palod ag
<br /> �. appfiCabla law may�for reinsteument)before sale of t6a Pioparty p�uusuent to any poaer of sala oont�ned i�this Sx�rlry ,
<br /> �a��{ Inss�umenx or N)enui+o Aludgment aeforcing thia Secueity�t'tltose condidans are tbat aoimwa:(a)payeLe�Mer all
<br /> ��� s�s whicd thw would be dua innda ttila Saurlty�t�wd the Note as if no ecakratton had oecuned; (b)c�res anY
<br /> . �;, defautt of any othu cava�aats or a�eeraeata: c)PaYs eU eap�ns.,s lacumed in eafarc�g t�S�rlty In�u��. �d�►�.b�
<br /> ( ^n
<br /> •�. not Wnited w.reasonablo euoineys'foes:and(d)t�kea sitch action as Leuder ma reasonably requlre to ass�ue that the liw of t63s
<br /> � �� Soc�uiry L�ument, Lei►da's rlghta ia the Aoputy m►d Boaower's ob to pay the surns sociuod by d�is Socurlry .y,
<br /> ;�.f.°. Ic�s�umwt shall coatinue anchanged Upon reinamtemwt by Bonower� Sea�i Insaumr,�t and die obllgations sacurod � -
<br /> ��' , :�, der�by st�all re�pain fnIIy effcctive av�f ao ecceleradon had oocutsed.I�Yow�ver�t6is rlgtit tn reinstate sball nat apply in t�e case of �,�
<br />-�+� � • ' aooekiatian underpara�ph 17. ��
<br /> " .,. -,,.;.:,: 19.Sale ot Note�Change ot I.am Servtar. '11is NoDe or a pattial Iateiast in Wa Note (wgether wGh �ls Seauity -
<br />_':i�..;''.4,�. Insuumeat)may+be sold ono or mom dmes wUhout prinr nadoe to Boimwer.A sale may result in a cbe�ge ia tbe endh►p�►uwn - -
<br />.�.f:..� "..� as the"Loan S��)d�at wllecls awntbiypaymeuts due uadez ihe i+Iota and ttds Sr�nr�gr tasirumeat 14�+a a1s� nqy ls�mee or _
<br /> �,�},�,�;.�� more c6angas of tha Loan Sesvloes�nrelatod to a saie of the Note.If tbere ls a e of tke Loaa Savlar.Boirower wIll 6e -
<br /> ,. . given wrium no�oa of the change in eooardanoo wIth pa�agraph 14 above andap l�pb law.'lhs anti�oe will smte the nart�e and
<br /> t address of ihe new Loan Se:vlcer ead the sddress to which pay�nenls sho�ild be aaade. 'IUe aa�ee aID uiso ana�►any othe� �,
<br />_��.>;;.�:,�.'�� _ iufaima8ont+equiredbyapplic�lelaw. !_�
<br /> . ., �. , ?A.H�us Substaaas. Bomawa shall aot cause or pannit tha paeseaoe,�se.disposel. sartaSa. or �+elease of any ---
<br /> .�.,,r:_';�; Ha�rdous Substanoes on a in the Anperty. Bonnwet shall noi do�nar allow aayone else to do�anyd�ing affect�g d►e Pmputy -
<br />�, �w.; that ia in vbladon of any�Hnvhnnmeatal Iaw.1Le preoating two�shall aot apply m the p�,nse��st�Be on tAe
<br /> :s;4�'a,. , propaty of small qvaut[t�s of Ha�doas SnbsPanoes that�e generally�eoo�,od to be appmpria�o to aaa�al resideati�el nses __
<br /> -;•' a•;� and to mainte�mnoe of d�a Pmpetty. e-
<br />��K,�L� Bomnwer sdall F�mP�Y 8�ve Leada w�iuea notice of any invesci�ation.clsim,demand.lawsnit a other acdon by aay -
<br />-�-=�`;�<:.' govaameaml a re eB�Y�Pu�P�Y invulving the Prapaty and aay Har�rdaus Subslanoe or EavIs�on�aeaml Law
<br />„::T;�*,._ �. of w1�Bc�mwu�acwat 1a�owlodga If Barower 1eams,a is aoilfied by any govaamen t s l ar regWatory an t boriry,that any
<br /> -;r��,r��r cetnovai a o'sita�}� tf I���x affeciiug!3x Pr�tt!'���.B�za�z sts�!�y�r_.nit
<br /> V .T�n,�, .' ' pC0C�8l�►I�B�8C�11l 8�W�EIIVII�DD1CQ1�LSW�
<br />,�'•°•c",a •i' AS lISGQ �A(�3�h'��"�OUB.SI1t1S�OC.9°8fC �lOSB 811�QC�IGd 89 W� Ot�18�O1L4 SI1bS'18ROC9�
<br /> ��.,':��.w; Bnvhonmeatal Iaw and the followjng s�tb� ga5o1mo. kesosene. otbet fletnmable os toxic petcoletmt�od�ts, W�tic
<br /> ;.�,�;,; ;:r pes�3ss and habiddes��olaWe solveats,ma�ciels o�taining asbestns�Fonnai�ehyd�e.ead radioac�ve mata�la As ussd ia
<br /> ' >�;�,• t�is p�20."Bavimmneutal Iaw"means fedesal laws end laws of the j�nisdicoion aha�a the Piopaty is located tbat relate
<br />-�-�: ` tecvon.
<br />__- `,�;: to health, or eavtronma►tat pao
<br /> u�t,.��o:�`,��.1 NON•UNIPQRM COVSNAN'IS.Boaowa aud Lenckr facther ooveAant and a�nee ac fotlews
<br /> '�'"�'�-':�l ZL Aaoe�erationf Rea►�.I.ends*��no8oe to Bozeow�prior to aeo�tlun!ollanving B�o�v�'s bratch af
<br /> _-_ `��� a�y ooveeant or agrameat in t1� Secarity InsGrnment (but not prbr to aooela�6nn under pangraph 17 mtless
<br />__-:�,��j aPpUa�bk t�w pmvidea ot6ernis�).T1�e nodoe shAtl�r(o)tho deti�nit:@?the actlon requirad b�cQre t�e ddanlQi(c?
<br />��__��'� a daty�ot fea�tLan 30 daya fbom the d�t4e the notloe ts�to Boremn�.Dy whicli fhe defrtnit m�t be�i�(�
<br /> ,-w}�� that lailure to care t6e defiatt on or bdon ti�e date specUied in the noltoe may res�it tn aooek�atio�oi the e�ms sec�ar�d
<br /> -==_-.-,:_� 6y tht�3a�urHy sns�roment aad sale of tDe Propart�The notioe ahaII farther intorm Bo�n+a�rer of the rt�Lt to ra�atate --
<br /> __�__.__:..� af¢er aoodeiat6nn end tbe rlght to bnd� A cowt�ction to�sser!the non�moe d a dKsalt or an�ot�a dde+�te of
<br /> - Bon+ovoes to aooekration aud s�le.It tbe defanit is not�ed on or befo�re the d�te spe¢[Pied tn tbe notio�i,er+der.:t ils
<br /> oP�4�sy�4�immediate p�yment in toII of a8 sama aecored b�thie Secarity Imtrnment wIthont fYa�tF�de�tad
<br /> _ -=--- - sad ma�invoke the power of sale s�d any ot�er naediea per�ttted by Apalic�bk lna.I.ender sba0 be mtiticd to ao0ect
<br /> ---_— ap e:pe�pes �rn�in pmaat�ng the remedies pmvided in tbis�aragzxpb 21,i�dta8,bnt eot limitcd tu,rasoaabk
<br /> -- --- attmneys'��and costs of tHl�s evidenoa �
<br /> ------- — It the poweY'd esei�ts tnvokcd. 11v.stee shaU reoa��a notia 6t ddault in eadi county in wbicb�part ot fhe
<br /> ...._ Propaiy b ioated a�d sball mafl oopies of aacl�natiae in the manner P�b9�APltmble la�v to Bona�er snd b the
<br /> - ___��� �,P��P��bY aPPliabk law After tLe time reqaired by applk�bk law�Trustee s6�U give pu6lic notioe of
<br /> _�'�� s�k to tbe pasuaa and in the manner pnesa�ibcd by applicabk iaw Trost��vithoet de�and on Borrower,aha0 sdi t6e
<br /> - �-";�' Proparty at pnblic auctton to tlze 6igbeat bldder at the time wnA pinee and onder tl�tams desigoated in tRe nutioe ots�e
<br /> - -_=:�=`-:�
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