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<br /> , ., f* 5.�ard or Proge�rty Iosuennae. Bmrower ehall keap the fmpmvemeat�now aaisdng dM��;altet�,'��6fr'�1�'Pcop�tY �-�?�.-
<br /> . • tnsured agsinst Ioss by 8re�ha�ds incWdcd wi.*,hin tt�e term"exteaded covuaga"and any otkes h�ze�ds�Wcluding Aoods ot ;�.,:�
<br /> .. . ' tiooding.for ahlch I.ender re�luires tasuiaace.7t�is insuranca shall be maintained in tbe amounrs and for the pertods that LEnder
<br /> � . requires.ltte ins�rrenoe c�rrier prnvtding the insuranoe s6a11 be choscn by Borrower subject tp Leitdet's epproval wfdch shall not
<br /> ,;;„.�, � ba mueasonably wlthhetd. If Bomower fails w malntsin coverage described abova.Lender maY�ai Lender's opdon,obtaln _ _'
<br /> ccv�rage to pro�ct Lender's r[ghts In the P[opetty in accardsace wtth patagraph 7.
<br /> ,._ pu i�CUrance po�eud renuwaia si�sU�raxepluble to l�adxr r:ztd slil2 irtci���e a smndnrd moNgege clause.Lender atu�ll
<br /> - ° hava the rlght to hold the polic�es end resewals.If Ixnda reAuires,Boirower st�all gmmptly give to Leader all receipts of paW
<br /> . " premiwns and reaewal aotices.In the event of loss,Harnuwer sh�il giva pmmpt aottce to the inswnnoe c�rrler and L�tder.Leader .
<br /> ��.=�" ',� may make proof of bss if not made�p11Y by Bomnwu. �_
<br /> :.���
<br /> Uaksc Leader and Homnwa etherwlse agroe in w�inB�insuranca Prac�d�shall be applled to e+�toradon or repair of the
<br />_ ' P�opesiy►demaSed�if the cegWiatton or�sir is ecoaomically feagtble and I�der's sxaultY is not lessa►ed.If the mstaradon or
<br /> c�. eha11 be gpplied to the sums -
<br />__� . :. �is aot ecaaomiceliy feasible ae I.eader's sesauity GauW be l�.ssens�.ths finsurance ptaceeds `� �=
<br /> ;`• . �..; �� secured by thia Sec►uItY I�stinm�aR whe�er or aot dtw due. wlth aay exeess paid w Botrower. If Bo�rower eb�[tdons the °:,t_
<br /> ": � � Propaty.or daes not enaover wId�in 30 days a aodce fmm Leuder that the insursnce c�cter has offered oo settle a clabn.theA �°.'.�;
<br />_rk,��;r: I+ender maY aolloct the insiaaaoa graoeeds.Leader may use the pmce,eds to repair or�re the Pfcopetty or w pay sums secured �
<br /> m
<br /> - � - b y this S e c�u i ty�asuumea�whethei or aot thea due.The 30-day pe�tod wIll begln whea the nodce is gtveu. ``
<br />`-�;;'%'x y� Unless L�eader and Barower othawlse�in aridng.en9 BPP�n of p m c e e d s to p�I n�p a l
<br /> s h a l l n o t e u t e a d o r p o s q w n e ���:-
<br /> -�T�t;'< = WO d��IBtE Of 1�iC mOAt111y pSylilCnb ICYCRCd IO�11 p'dt�1h818Ad 2 0!C11811$C ih8&fAOUAt Of ftt8 QSyQiCilffi.If flIId!!j18t0$[8p�1 �_.:
<br />-_•'«��'"'� 21 tha Pmpeacy is acquired by Ixmder,Boaowet's right oo any insu�noa poltctes and prooeeda cesul�ng from dmna�e to lt�e =-_
<br />"•�'`r�'�a�?� �Y P�to dte ac9nisitfon sbaU pass to I�der to the qcteut of the sutas socured by this 3ecuritY Ins�ume�►t iuzmeddately =_
<br /> ��` m dte n.
<br />- ��-='.:Rs.'��-- �6.pcqt�Pres�rvatbn,Mofnt�nanoe and Protectiun�the Properiy: Bonower's Y.onn Appl�atbn;I.e�sebolds. �
<br /> -_��`:.�-%°=��' r�udence wlthia sixt�►days afEer the exeardoa of
<br /> . • . ' Ho�mwer shall oa�pY,establish.and nse the Propeity as Boaoaa's priuc3pal �cs for at least ane year afuz the --
<br />-�--°�;�.�k d�is SaauitY�t and shall condnno m aoc�pY thc proPatY as Bomuwec's prindpal
<br /> r nt��� . �
<br /> date of oxupaacy.imle,ss LeAder atherarLse e�rees in wdtiaS,ahicfi cot�sent shaD aot be anreasonably avithheld. ar �mkss
<br />;�-�;:�. exte�►uatu►g e�umstsaoes exist rrhich are beyond Bomowes's c�nuoL Borrower shall not destroY,damaBe or iinpair the Propect�►, ___
<br /> ,.:�:�?,:. altow the Aropaty w deDe�oiate.or aommit waste on the Prope�ty. Houower shall be in defanit if any forfeiwre actton ar
<br />""�" pioopeding,whethu dvlt or criminal�is begim t�wt ia l�da's gaod faith judBnent conW resWt i�forfeit�u�a of the Pcupe:ty or
<br /> s.�� � otkaa►Lsa maw4ally impair the 1[ea area�t�d by Wis Sacatity Instiumeat oc Latdei s soauity intelest Bos[owet tnay Cure sucb a
<br /> __,��,'�y,�"�_ � de£enit end ninsteu.as provIdod ia pm�3� t8.i�y c�usiug�he a�oou or��a8�G 1�tt�si�°a!r�s a ml�g�har,in .
<br />-�'Y����s'S�� �'8$COd�1h dCL�81IDA.WCC1UdCS fOTfC{WI�B Of ih0 BOIIOWCS�B�IIt�C.4[IA ihC PTOPEttY 0[O�I1CT a18tCiL�1�t�
<br /> �C
<br /> J`��'�' th0�Cdl CnBtOd bJi t�9$CCtII'Itji IDSG�EAL OI I.CII�2�S S0C11�i�IS�C3�'�OftOWQ 8f1&�81S011C�E1�E����OWR.�$ -
<br /> -''�r°_"�'�`_-'�� Zpap 8�1�pD 11i00CSS�$SVB Q181�y►f81SE 0!1A80Ci1T8LB�OIQ98I�OII OI S�iGIffi IO LCR�l1(O!f8�ICd LO�DVIdC LCQ�R�th
<br /> -'-�`�',.-•�. any matainl infonnation) ia connxaon wlth the loan evldencid bY the Nots.iaclnding,but not ll�i� 00. ���
<br /> --�`�� re�aoe.If t6is SecurIty Inst�nmatt is on a kasehold.Borrowet
<br /> --—;� canoe�aing 8acr�wer's aocapaacy uf t�ha Pt�npe�ty as a pnineIpal
<br /> - sha11 oon►P17►wlt6 ari the pcavisiena of du leasa.If B�rowa ec�laic�es foe title to the Prope�ty�the leasehold aad the fee tltle shall
<br />-,.�-.,�"�`� not a�uSe nniess Unda a�oes to the mager ia wdt�ng.
<br /> �-°'""-,_.-� If Bormwer fails m the ooveoants and a�meuts conmiaed in
<br /> --.;��-� 7.ih�alc�on ot I.endaPs Rights in t�Pe+uparty. �� �,e��in th�Propaty(such as a
<br /> _-�-__=v�_� d�is Soquity List�oment,or tha�e is a leg�l proae�in8 deat maY� Y
<br /> � peooeaSpg in banlauptcy.Probate.for aonde�nation or forfdWre ar to enforoe laws or regWadons).thea La�der may do and P�Y
<br /> - far whatava fi�nexs.s�y►w�OLect tbe value of the Fropetty aad Lendet's righss in the Pr�iy.Leader��g�b
<br /> -___--- PaY�B enY a�ms sec�rod by a lien which has ptialty over tbis SecurltY Inswment,8pP�8 �
<br /> .= atmmeYs� fees aad eater�g on dte Pcopucy oo tuAke cepairs.Aldwu�gl►Leudet may taire aaron nader this paregraph 7.Leader
<br /> does notdave 0�da so.
<br /> Any amonn�s disbutst�by Laulet nadet this�b 7 shatl bxome additional debt of Boaowu socarod bY ttiis SeauitY
<br /> L�umeat Unksg Bormwer mtd L�da agiee to other te�ms of paymeat,these amouatg shall bear inurest fmm t4e dau of
<br />--- _--�� dicbuzsune�t at tbe Nou tate and shall be payable.w►Ith inte�est.upon eot�e Er�n i�endei to Batmw�er nqnesdn8 F$Y��- -
<br /> '� 8.Mort�a�e I�antanoe. If Leader nqntr�d mo�age insutanoe as a condidon of malcing the loan sxured by this SacucitY
<br /> --- Instn�matt, Bomnwer shall paY �P�� �4u�od to maintaia the mottgage insurence ia effect. I�for any re�son,d�e
<br /> - moitga,ge insur�e covaage nqa�ed by LRnder Ispses or ceases tn be in et�ea.Bauower shall pay the prea►iums requi�od to
<br /> --__.�- o�.�v�e,rage substantielly e4alvaleat to the moitgage insuranoe prevtonsly in effect.at a oQSt substm►tiallY e�dvak�t w the
<br /> - __ _�,�-� oosi�Bcnmwa of the m�gaga ins�uana pnvi�naly in effxt, fc�n an altuaata mortgage insura appmved by Ltnda.If
<br /> --_�--�-�.� substantially eqtdvaleat mottgage ina�uance aovetago is not mra�labl0.Boaewec st�all pay to Leader each month a snm equal to
<br /> -:-:,-:�;M� �� oao-twelRh of the yearly mongage ins�anca gremium bedn8 P�ti7►Srnrnwer ahea the ins�wvrlage lapsad or oeasod to
<br /><- ���: ..�
<br /> -`;���:�`; ba in effact Lead�er wlll ac��use ead m,tain deese payments as a loss rese�ve in lieu of m�e instuaaoe. re�sve
<br /> -.-•."���` Rorm 9048 a1O0
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