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<br /> . TppBTE�R V1RTH all ttus impmvemenis rtow ar hereafu;r erectr.d on tho praperty.and•oll eu�ments�eppuitenanccs.and �"_
<br /> �cWres tww or hrr�tier u psrt of Ih�p�perty.I!U tcpIt�ccmt�tts ans oddtdons shall alsa be covered by this Security Instrument �'�.:
<br /> � All af tha fongoing is rcfe.►se�to in this Socurlry Insaummnt a�tha"Prapecty." •s-�
<br /> <� BORROWBR COVENANTS that�ortower!s lawfulJy seis�d ot the estats hereby c�nveyed and has ths dght to gmnt end . _
<br /> � � convey the�Properiy and that tha�lmpc�ty i�unencuml�end.oxcepi far encumbmnces of cecard.Borrower wanonts and wIU
<br /> �� defend genaaity tha title w tho Property egei��st all claims and dunands.sub�ect to any encumbrances af record. .:;
<br /> ; � TH1S SBCURITY IIV9TRUMBIVT cambines anifosm�vw�ant�for nnti�onal use and rton•unifo:m covenenta wItb llmited -�'
<br /> vr.riattons by jurLsdfcdon w cansddioe a unlform secudty in�unent covering ieal{uoperty.
<br /> � UN�pRM COVBNANT�.Borrowerand Lcada covaiant ead agree es followa: •�:-�.:
<br /> +''' ; 1.Payment of I�eiudpat and pnteresk Preps�ymemt Aad LAte Char�es. Bormwer shaU m d whea► duo the �.
<br /> .u��: �, P� P Y PaY
<br /> v��. princip�ll of end inmest on the debt evld�noed by ttise Nota and eny prepayment and Isu cbarges due unda the Nou.
<br /> c
<br /> ..;�w. 2.P�n d s!ar Taxcs and Is�rana. Sub j x t to e p plkable law or w a wtIGeu weivet b y L�dct.Bormwer sba11 pay W ,
<br /> Le�edes on tho day manthl9 P�Y�eats am du�undet tlise Note.undl tUe Note fs pald in fu11.u sum("P�nds")for.(a)yarly taxes .�...
<br /> :_ � and asse�nts whicd may att�grFority m►er this Securlry IasWmenY av a ifen on tUa FtaP�Y:N)Yesrty ieaseltald payrttcats :`r
<br /> ease
<br /> •� - or ground ra�ts on tha Propeity.if eny:(c)Y�arly bawrd�propaty inson�na pnmiwna;(�Y�Y���P��.� �`:}-�
<br /> •:� � �__%
<br /> �; .. 'r �Y:(a)Y�IY�0�88���P�ums.if any:and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Leader►in aa;ordance wIth the ----
<br /> �.. - . :� provlsions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage��preaaiwma'14►ese iums are calkd"Bscrow Items." "'-
<br /> I.eader may,st any time.collect and hold Funds in an emouat not to e�cAaed d�ma�cimum anaount a k,�da foa a faksally relaf�ed �;:�
<br /> '�''�.,.;.��� moitgage loan qaay requi�e fcr Boimwer's e.9aow axount under the fodaal Real�ne SeWeaaent P[oocdnres Act af 1974 as '__
<br /> amendcd fronu dme to time.l2 U.S.G Seqton 2601 u saq. ("RBSPA'�.�anotha law thai c�pplIes�o the�nds sps a l�ser
<br /> � BipOUdL If SO.I,EJIdl1'I�SY.8t BIIji dAl6,OO11ECt 8Ad h�ld P17Adt3�Il 8A 8iIIO11IIt AOI t0 l�CBCd Ih0 1G4SC 8IIL611At.L�JIdll JABy �s
<br /> h
<br /> . ;�'-;�. estimate the amo�mt of Fands dua on the 6ads of cuaent deta and reasonab3e es�mates of axpeadiWres of fuwn Bsa�w Imns oa �'.
<br /> olheiwlse in atxordsnce vvlth sppliceble Iaw. `�.:"
<br /> - 'IUe Fitnds ehall be tteld in an insdtutba whose deposits ae�insured by a fodaal agency.instrunaattality.or enHtY(��S ��-?"
<br />-:��� LeAder.if Lender is such an inst�wdonj or in m►y Fode:al Home Loan BeNc.I.eude�s6all apply the Funds ou pay the�scrow =`_.
<br /> °'r,';;° . Items.Leades may aot charge Bomower for holdin8�ePP�B��►ds.annually aoalyzing the escrow aceoun�or vecffyIng r'°-
<br /> - :: ' ` the�scraw Items,uNess Lender paya Boaowa intarest on the Pltnds and appllc�bLe law�mits Leadet oo make sueh a charge. =�-
<br /> - ; �'"� However,L�der may require Boxmwer to pay a ono�tLne chacge for nn independ�t zeal esma��c repuninB s�avlce used by =
<br /> ''�� Lendea in oonnecLton wIth this losn.unless applic�ble law�ovldes otheswlse. Unless an agra�r�eut Is made or applic�le law � -
<br /> � .`�` , req�ires interest tu ba paid.�.ender sdaU noi be required tu pay Barnwer eny iater�t or eacaings on t�Fmtds.Baimwa and
<br />._:�,��;;��. Leader may s�gree in ariting.howevar�tbat interest sl�all be pai�d on tka Funds,Leader shari glve t�Boaower.wItttont chsrgq,an
<br /> 'i 5�-� annutil acaounl3ng of tha Fanda,showing credits an0 debits W tbe Ftu�ds and the ptupose far whish escD debit to tde t�ds wa4 ,
<br /> t�E4::� made.The Fnnds am pledged a4 eddidonal eeGUlry for all snms sec�ed by this Serauity 1ast�oraeat
<br />-�.:�:;a�. ' �f tha Funds h e l d by I,r n d a e x c e e d t h e amo�ants p e n n i u e d tn t+e he l d b y a�i i c a b l e l aw.L�ender shall accovnt to Boaawa far
<br />.-::�::,�T,�,
<br /> ::•��._r•�. tha exoess Funds in acaosdanae alth the require�eats of appllcable 1aw.If the tut�unt of the F1�nds keld by I+endei at my dme I�
<br />`;���'•`, not sa�icleat io pay the Bscmw Items wtxn da►o.Lender may so aotify Boanwer in wddng�end,ia svch case Bomowes edall PaY
<br />�����"- to Lender ttie amount nooessery tn malce up the defick,ncy. Boa�nwer s6all make up tha deSeiern.y in no�e ttm� twrlve =
<br />-�zu T'_`;��;,�� montblY P�Y�►Is.atLeadet's eale discer�don.
<br />-,�o;`4Sf'�•� UP�PaY�t in fi�ll of all smns se�aued by this Secauity Iast�ameat Latdet s1�a11 pmmp8y refimd to B�sqwer�►y Punds _
<br /> -��;;� hcld by Leader.I�under parag�aph 21,Lrada sf�slt acq�or selt the Propaty.Leada.Prlor to the aequis�on or sele of tLe
<br /> -�_,M��� � propcny.shall apply any Funds held by Laader at the dme of acquisIdon or sale�s a c�dii agaiaat tho sums socured by this
<br /> --.-�`"�i Secudty Loauummt
<br /> = 3.AppLtsatbn at P�lmenta Unl�s a�pllcable law pr�vid+es oth�artse,ari paymeats ra�eived by I,eatler unda�
<br /> _--_�y 1 and 2 sf�all be applied:6rst.to snY PnPsY�t charges dtu under dte Note:seoond,to amouats p�Y��P��:
<br /> -- -- d�d,co inta�est dae:fouah,t��I due:and last.to any late ct�arges dne aadax d�e Idote.
<br /> -------- 4.Char�eai Liees. Boirowrr shaU pay eil ta�ces. a�cessau;ats�ebarges.Snes and Impositions atm'butsbh to the Piopetty
<br /> �---� - whid►may atlain p�Oricp over tbis sa�nmy�nsteumeat,aodt I�hold pa,ymeats a�ouna r�nts,if aay.Bo�rewa sba11 Qay meso
<br /> - = obligadons in the maruia provider3�n�h 2�or if mt paid'm thst manner,Aoaowa sball pay them on dme dinoctty to die
<br /> _= person owrd paya�ent Boaower shall promptly furaish w I.wda all aoLiocs of amouats Lo be paid:u�er this p�a�a�aph. If -
<br /> - Bormwa mala�thesc p�ym�nts directly.Bosroa�r s4aD prompliy fumish L�Yxader reocipts evi�Cing tao paym�ats.
<br /> ---.,,�- Bamwer s6a11 P�P�Y�any lica which has prtoiity over th�s Security Insanmeat unless Bottowa:(a)�gcees in
<br /> --_-- writing to the payrpeat of the cbldgaation sxured by the liea ia a mauner axeptabl$to L�ada;(b)aontests in good f�th We lien
<br />-_-�-�-,�; by, a�efa�ds a�ast eafo�emeut of the liea in.legal�m8s which in the Lendar's opinion opaate to pmveat the .
<br /> =-;�; . eaforeemeat of the 3ien;or(cj sec�urs hom the holder of tha liea aa�t sa�factory t�Lenda subadmadng the liea to -
<br /> -- -- -_-- this Soctuity Tnst�umeat If Leitder detecm�aes that any part of t6e Aope�ty�S subject to a liea which may almin prIaity ovu this —
<br /> _��� ' Sacurily InstNmea�,Leader may give Soaowa a nodce ldeatIfying the liea.Boaowa shall setisfy the Ues►or take one or more � -
<br /> �--°,--�;. of the ac�ons set forth above arlthin 10 days of the glvlag of aotice. --
<br /> _:.r�;-;�2.s._ _
<br /> �; Fomn90Z8 9/90 _--
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