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<br /> ��;: 9.Inapection.LrnGer or Its ogeat mny meko reasonnble entrles upor►and inepectlona of the Property. Lender slull glve v
<br /> ' ' [iortower aotica as�hc+Wne of or prlor to an faspccdmn dpceityln8 re�oaable cuuao for the inspes8oa. �
<br />-�'`� � 10. Cae�emn�ltlaie�'iT►e praceed� cf any awud or claim for dunages� G1r�ct or conscquentlal. In con�ectloa �uNt► any �
<br /> ��� condcmna8on or othcr taking of uny part of tho Ftoperty.or for a�avqrance in llau of condemnadon.uro hereby a�signM end �
<br />'»:_� ehW be p�3d to Le7►0ec. r_.
<br />'~�,::v. in the everst of a toml taktag of the Propcny.tho ptoceedo she11 be applled to!he eume aecured by thi�Sesurlqr InatNmcnt� _
<br /> �� whether or not then due,with aay exee�a paid to Bottovier. Ia the event of a perdal taking of the Property ia wi�tcli Ute fair _
<br /> merket value of the Property immediately baton the t�cinE la�elual to ar greaur than tIle aa►ount of Ne sunu eecve+ed by this
<br /> _::''..°� gecuriry Iaswment immediauly before the taici�►g.unlaa Botrowa aad Leada ottte�also egroo M wdtlag�the eu:as ucurcd �
<br /> `:���� by tbls gecuriry Instru�tent ehall be reducxd by the amouat of the proexeds mulBpIIed by the followlag fracdoa:(a) the toW -
<br /> '�..', atuount of the 4uc�u acc�rea immcQia�eiy baora iue ieaing.ai�iucu u� r j w'v f:.:�.~'r:::l:�t�€�!D�w�ey im�,ncdlstd,v
<br /> ��s:�� brfore the taktna. Ar►y balence sAaB 0e pdd to Bonowrs. Ia We eveat of n pardal talcing of the Property ia wfiicla IDe fiU
<br /> --� market value of the Peoperty Immediauly before tho Wcing ia las t�aan tho amount af the a�uaa eec�uea iaamed�auly before the
<br />-•i�� taking,uatess Borrower and Lendx otherwlso agree�a weitiag or uatas appllcable laa ot�eeaiae provldes.the pm�s1u11
<br />�-;��� be applied to the sums seeured by Wia Security Wtrumeat a1lutha or aoc the suuu are then duo. _
<br /> --�� U ttce Aroperty is abandon�d by Borrowa.or U.afta notice by Lender to Borroa�a that the condamaor o8'en w aulce an
<br /> --- award or seule e ddm ter damaga�Borrower fsils to rapoad w Leader within 30 dsya after the Gue the aodce L gi�►en.
<br />-- == LFader is a�thoriaed to eollax and apply the prooads.at iu optfon.dthcr to rawsaflon or�epalr of the Propaq� or to the `
<br /> v�.���a eums eeoured by t�i�SaurIty Insvument�ahethv or aot thea due.
<br />-'_- Unla�Lender awd Bosrowu otheraiae ng�eo ia arlda8•�Y+�lPP�caBon of procads w priadpal eAaU aot e=teAd or postpone
<br /> -�'��� the due dste of the r�ont}ily paymenta refaTed to in Pua�aPh+1 ead 2 or chauga the amouat of nuch payte�ads. _
<br />:�;�„� 11.Barawa Na�etnaed;Fabes�ranee By I.eadv Na a Wii.e.Biter�sioa of the d�uo for payiamt or modi6catioa q
<br /> -= of amord�ation of the ewns secured by tWs Secue�Iry Ina�r�aae�►t 8�anud bY l.eada'�°aaY°°°°as°=�°1�►�t of Borrowa
<br /> - ahall aot operate to rdeaao the Uab�iit�r of the orlgiaal Borrovrer er Borrower e suooaams ia iatcrat Leader�hsll aot be
<br /> - �y����mce proceedingp aga�at as�y�wxpsoz ia iaLapt or refi�ae to oit,ead dme for psyaaent or otlte�aise modii�►
<br /> ----� araori3zetton ot t:�e 6ums s�md by thIs fiscwity lnstrueaeat by reaaon of any d�artd made by the ori�ad Borrowet or �
<br /> Borrower'e auar.ssors in laterest Aay forbearance by Latde*i�►eiet+d�b$as�Y ttSht or ma�dY�aot be a aaiva of or
<br /> _ ptcclude the e:a�cite�f any tight or natcdy.
<br /> . �� c�.� .g� � Rguud; Jaint and Se�eral Li6WtY:C��i�1as.1]te wveannts and ag+eaneata of this
<br /> = SccurIty lnstr�meat slaell bind and isateRt the�ueassore aad asaigns af Leader aad Hostoaa.subject to ffie provuton�of
<br /> .�� P�Ph 17.BorroWer'a coveaaau aad ag�eaaeata ehell be jofat and saveral. Aay Boreowar avho co-sigins tdf�Sxauiry
<br /> {nsuummt bnt doa not a=ecuu th�Nota(y i�oo3igpiag this Seeurity Iaanrummt�mly to mortgaga�and conry ttit _
<br /> --� Bonowa's lnmest in the Properiy uader the teems of t1il��Caudty�tn�mm�(b?is not pasonally obligatsd w payv the aums
<br /> `"" exurcd by tt�fa Seau�ity Instnunae�ead(e)agirees thet I.enda and aay other Boisoaer may agree t�o e�cuad.modi!'3r�for�e�r
<br /> — or make any aocommodetiona alth eegard to the term� of this Stcttelty Inatrument or the Nota a[thout ttu�t Bortoara's
<br /> conaeat.
<br /> :'"'� 13.Loan Chfugsd.It'the loaa savred by tLis 6ee9ttity Inatrument!s aubicd to a Iaa whlch seb ma:tmum losn cb�es.and
<br /> -- `��� that law Is Snelly iaterptated so t6at the lntaest or othet loan chasges oolix�or to be oollectod iu oonae�don Witb the laaa
<br /> = eaaad the pennitud limita�ihaa:(a)aay euch loaa charge shall be reduad by the amo�at neaaaary to reduce th� ch�rge w
<br /> the pa�mimed ihnik�d N)any aums elreaGy wlleded from Boirowar coh£ds e=ceeded pamtucd tSmits wIil be rel�nd�d ta
<br /> - Bozroarcr. I.mder msy choose w analce this idi:nd by tedudag the pr8te�pal oAed wtder tbe iYote az by mtidaa�dicect
<br /> payaneat w Borro�e.s. If a rdimd nduca p�ind�t. the ecducdoa aW bo treated as a psNd prcp�ymmt aitDout tny
<br /> - prepaytaeat cherge uader the Note.
<br /> -- 14.Noti�as.Aay notioe w BonovPa provided fo:iu tbis Securiry Iastrumart sHs116e 8ivm by ddivainE tt or by m�iling tt
<br /> by&st class mail uuless appHcable taw requira use of another method.'I]�e ae�x�hall be d�rccted W the Proper�y Addtas
<br /> = or any othar add.�es5 Borrower daignaUes by aoflae W Lender.Aay nodce to Leadet ahail be gtvat by Ssst cisss m,all w
<br /> i,eader'�a�Ldras�d hcntn or any otha addn.ss Leader desigantes by notiee to Borroaa.Any noflce provlLod for iu t6�s
<br /> — SecurHy Instn�m�ct sbeU be deemed w have baa given to Borrower ot Latdar ahea gtven�s Prov[ded ia thia�azag�np�-
<br /> _- 1S.Gure1'1�io�Lw;Se�aabWty.Thfs Scpuity iastiromeAt s}�a116e goveraed by federat iaw and the laa of the jwlsdicdon
<br /> ia which the PropeRy is loeatid.In We evmt tLat any provialon or daiue of thia Sec�ulty Lu3tummt or t4ia Note confliaa ahh
<br /> � appllca6le laa.auch a�nflict ahall not effect otlm proviaions of tl�is Securlqr Inenumeat or the Note a�4ch can ba gtven�8'ed
<br /> aithout the coafllctIag provlsion.To tLis end the providons of t63s Sa�rlty Iastrwamt and the Note are dxland to be
<br /> sevu�able.
<br /> —= d6.'Ban+aw�s Copy.Borrowu sl�all be giv�tt oae ooaforma8 copy of the Note and of tms Seauity Inatrumeat
<br /> = 17.Traa�sf'et of the PraQeety ar a Beseftcial IaM+G+t 4n Borrowa'.V a11 or any part of the Propert�r or�r iatecest in it
<br />-.--_� ia sold or traa�rre�t(or ifa Bme8dal tntetai�Bosovm ia eold or uansferned mmnd Bon+oaes ls not e:lat�ral persoa)althout _
<br /> -..�"`I
<br /> - •�.
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