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<br /> " • whlcb ehall aot be unser+aanebly adthhdd.!f Borrower feiis w mnintaln coverage dascribed above,Leadcr may,nt Lendcr'a
<br /> � � � opdon,obtaln coverngo to pmtcci Lend�r'e dghta la the Froperty ia aceordance wIW P�8f8Ph�•
<br /> ...,,_,: 2:
<br />•�_;r; . �� qU i�uurance polida aad raiewal�ahsil be acceptable to Lenddr and eha11 iadude a etandard mortgage clause.Leader eh f
<br /> � Lave tha dght to hold the pollcia end renewale. If Lendcr require�. Borrowu ehaU pmmpUy gtva to Lendor all cecelpta uf
<br /> • ; �, � pald pnmiuma aad raae�val aotias. In tho eveat of loaa. Borrower eheU giva proenpt aotFce to Rho inawduce carrier nad �
<br /> �� �� ; lmder.Lender mey meke proof of lou if not medo prompdy by Borroe�er.
<br /> ;i���._�}e tr Unless Leader and Borrowee oWeravise agree ta arldng.iaauraace procxda aheU bo applied w restoraflon or repaSr of We �.
<br />;.�.�f� property damaged,if We reswradoa or rapair is eeonomically feasible and Leader'a aecurity ia aat lesaened.If the restoradon
<br /> �'!'.��r�•W� or ropair ia not ecoaomic811y feaeible or Lender'e sec�Mty aould be laaened.ttte iasuranca proceeda ehail be appllat to the �
<br /> -�4�' ' =
<br /> . ._.E� sums acuesil by ihis Seeuriry tneavmens,ahuher or aot�hea dua wiW any e�ccaa peid co Borroarer.If Horraaer abandone
<br /> LL—.t . the Peopezry.or does aot aaswer wfthia 30 daya a aoflce from Lender that the inewance carder haa oltese0 to seme a aaim. �:
<br /> :_•: . �>. .j, thea Lender may collect the inaurance proaede. Lender may use the procada w repair or reswn the Propaty or to pay -
<br />_'�'.. .� . aums seaured by this Saurlry Wawateat,arheWer or aot then dua'[he 30�day gerlod wW begin avhen the notice b givea. -
<br />_::,t•,�.;'..„ .'.
<br />` `''"`� •' Ualaa Lmdu aad Borroavet otherv�iae a ia arI aa a llcation of to riad al shall aot estead or gostpoao
<br /> ...,�,.,r•r • vet $� dAB+ Y PP P� P P -.
<br />:'�',• , .�- the due date of the taonthly paymenta refemd to!�►pata8raphs 1 and 2 or�hange the amount of the pa�aenta. If under _
<br /> :;:,�ao�'r' P�B�Ph Zl the Propercy►is acqidred by Leader.Borrower'e rlght to aay insuraace polida aad procads rauldug from
<br /> .�';�k damage w tDe PcoPerty Prtor W the acqnisidoa shaU paas w l.enda w tbe ertent of the suma aecured by thie Securtty -
<br /> `. -,�'�; L�at�uuteat i�aedlatetq p�tar to tha acq�dsi8on. •
<br />:.-�- . �,.+.i
<br /> �:�,a '' 6. OccnP�ne!'. Fre�atim� MaWtenuna aad Protectlan o! the Propaty; Ba�eowet's Ima AppUcatiaat
<br /> ? Lea�lhalds.Borrower ehell occupy.estebltah.aad utd the Property as Borrowar's principal residatce wIthin ei:ty daya aRet
<br /> .;r,_�,�' � tho execwioa of tMs Securtty Iastrument and eha11 condaue to oocupy the Pcogerty ea Borroaror's prindpal raidenoe for at =
<br /> ::=�,: leaat one year atta the date of occupancy.ualess Leader othe+alae agrea in artdag.at�ich�sent shall not be uareanonably
<br /> _';.�,� althheld,or ualesa extmuadng c9rcumstauca eaiat which ete beyond Borrower's conttul.Bonowa ahall not ddtroy.damaSe
<br /> ar iin pair the Pro p e r q►.allow tho Property W detmdorate.or wmaiit weete oa the Property.Borroaa ehdi be in dd'ault if any
<br />:`1_r�R � forfdNre aedon or proceediag�ahether dvil or criminal� ia begun tLat ia Lendere good faiW Judg�eat could result ln
<br /> forfeiwn of the Propaty or othera�lse matesialiy impair the licn created by ttds Saauiry Inatrument oi L�nder e aeciu�iry
<br />�.�=.�_� i�terat.BorrovPer may eure euch a default and reiastate.aa provided ln P�S�Ph 18.by cau�ing the ac1£on or p;+��ig w `
<br />�-�"'� be dtemissed wtth a rullng that�la Lender's gaod faith deteradnaflun,precludes forfeIweo of We Bono�ra'a iatere�t ia We
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