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<br /> � � Leader's prlor wriucn corucn� Lender mny,at Ita optloa.requiro immediate payaient in f4U of nll sum�eecured by thte _
<br /> ' Sscurity Inetrumen� However.Wie opdon ehall not be eaercised by Leader ff exadao is prohlbited by t�deral !aw ne oF the �.
<br />,��'��'-..�'�:fv-�k date of tbis 8tcutity Iaetrument =
<br /> It Leneler exerciec�this op8on,Lendcr eheU P,ivd Borrower nodce of ucccleradon.'iho aotice ehati provide a perlod of not Ica�
<br /> '-:""i'"" m ' thaa 30 dn 8'om ttto dau the ao@oe ia dellvend or mailM arithin v,rhieh Borrower must pay ell eum4 accurcd bgt sdia Secutlry
<br /> h
<br />�,:;'��:�'��,�,x �It Ho:rawet f a i l s w pay these sw�ns prior w the espiradon of thi�period. Lrnder may iawoke aay remsdies �-
<br /> � �,,�; Inatrwaea :
<br />:__..��`_'•"' permitted by tliis Securlty luatnuaent adthoutRuWer notico or demand on Borrower. F
<br />'��'-� 18. Borcawels ItfgL�t to Reinst�tta If Borcoaer mests �x�staia condltiona. 8orrower ehall have We right w have �-,
<br /> :-"� lnatrument discoatlaued at auy t3ma prtor w ehe earller ofl(a)S day�(or eueh other period a� '
<br /> • = eafotcemeat of th�s Securtty �-
<br /> . ePPHeable laa may speeiiy ior reinsmc«nen�) oeiore ea16 vi iu'v :::q'..�:y �'.x:.:�ti L4°!t�rslqr ._c est�r,�ntalned in tlils _
<br /> �'�' :'��: of a ud mt enfor ttds Securlty IaetrumeA�Those coudidoru aro that Borrouar: (a) -
<br /> - sewrtty laan,unrnrn�o=ro)eu�i► I s� �s -
<br />�;r,:,w�� paya Leader all suma wUich @►m aould b°due uader thia Ssc�ulty Iastrumes►t dnd the Note as if ao aeeeleradoa had occurred: _
<br />�::.r,,, .� (b)cures any defautt ofaay other covenanta or agreemeata:(e)Pa3re all e�tPenses incurred W enfordng tbi�Secut'Ity luetnunent _
<br /> �''�� inctudlag,but not limlccd to.cwsoaablo attomeys'fees;end(d)taka euch actlon aa Lcnder may ceaeonnbly requiro m ee�ure
<br /> that the lien of tbis Securlty lasuumeat,Lmder'a eighta ia the Property ead Borroaer'e obligatloa to pay ttso eums aecured by
<br /> -,j i.;w^ tWs Secueity Instru�eat shnll contlaue uncdanged. Upon reinatatement by Borrowa. this Security Ineut�mt aad the
<br /> ��''�� obltgatioas seeured heceby ehaU reaeaia fi�IIy effective aa if ao ascelaatioa had occurred.Hovrever.et3s rig,ht to nBuute aLisll
<br />`°-=`s� not apply in tho case of aooetcration uaaes paeagraph 17. _
<br /> .:.s�;;r�:•��
<br /> 19. Sale o!Notr Cl�e of I�aau Se�Ioa•'Ihe Nou or a parttal iaurat ia the Note (togetha aWi this Sec�u�iry
<br /> `'�'�'�� . Inativmmt)tnay be sold oae or more tima+avithout psior nottoo to Borrowet. A sale may resulc la a ch�nge ia the mtiry
<br /> •Y•:
<br />- -___ (knovPn as the'Loan Servloe�'I that collats a�onthty paymenb due uuder the Note and tbis Securltq Ia�truateat'IUere o _
<br /> ;'`;;t``.-;�',.o�� may bo one or moro changes of the Loan Savlcer unrdated to a sate of the Note.If thae is a chat�ge of the I.ou►Savlar. -
<br />°_'�� = Borroarer will bo givea ariuen aotice of the cd�an,gr:in accordaace vv�W paragraph 14 above as�d eppllcable IaW.'17te audcx
<br />�'°;"�'�•!�� atU atate tha asn�e and addreaa of ihe near Loan Strvlar aad die addras w which payments�hoyld be mada.7he noflae aW
<br /> �•_„
<br />-_Y "-"" also conWa aaq otha informsdon required by applieable lsw.
<br />;_';+3►�s
<br />-:a"�z-�� •ZO.Harardats Su6atauaes. Borr�aer ahail aot cauae or perm�t the praaac0. asa�D��+8LOm8e. or release of auy
<br /> -°"°�`"`°- Harardoua 3ubataaca on or in tha Propeet�t. Borroaa shntl aot do.aor allow aayone etse to do.anY�B��E du
<br />___-�-_<�*'�"�al �P�Y Wat is ia violafloa of aay Eavironmmtal Laa.'Ihe preaediag two seauaces shsll aot apply to the pramee�use.ur
<br /> --— sLOrage oa the Propertq of smeti qusuatia of Ha�.iir�au;outs�a�i3sst��'a11�s�'-=r!r.,he appmnslate w noimal ,
<br /> ..:�=���s:� raidea.dal uaa aad to malaunance of the Properiy.
<br />