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<br />�""��:�' THIS SBCUEtITY INSTRUMENT combines unfl'orm covenanU fcr na8onal uae aad non•uni}'orm covenaata wlth Qmltcd
<br />" '�'�"� varledone by j�riadicdon�to conedtut�e unitcrm iecuritS►inrwmcnt covering real propesty. -
<br />:-'-_� UNIRORM COYENANT3. Horrower aud Lender covenant aad agrce a�foAowa: -
<br /> � � 1. Pc�ymant of Friadbnl and Intarest= Preps�ymmt a�d Latc CharQes. Borrower eheil prompdy pay whc�► due the _
<br /> � principal of and Wtere�t oa the debt ovidenccd by the Nota aad aay prepeyment and lat�s chaFg�duo uadcr 1ha Motc.
<br />:.,,�'��
<br /> ,,,., Z. funds far Taxea and Insuraaoc. SubJect to appUeablo law or to o wdaen waiver by Lenda. Borrower ehnil pry to
<br />'��_ Lender on tho day montbly paymaab sre due uader We Nute.until�do Noto te p�td ia tWl�a eum('Funda')for.(u)yearly
<br /> ._�...o.=7� te�ca aad aneumenn which msy aunin prtorIty ova tl�is Securlty Imtrument es a flen oa the Propertyt N)Yearly leasehoid
<br /> paymcau or ground renb on We Property. If aay; (c) Yearly hazard ot pmperty insurance pn�aiume: (d) Yearly flood
<br />��_ inswanae premiiuxna,if auY: (e) Yeariy mortgage taeurence pmnivau. tf anyt and (�a�►Y auc�P�Yable by Borrower to
<br />--'=� Leadar.ia accoMauoe witb the provuions of paragraph o.iR.u� w�.�t���=.�«=�"S:`�0r��F•�s3:�°.T4sas
<br />�""' itapw are�a11ed'Eaaow Itezne.'Latda�amy.at aay Hu�e.colle�t isnd hold Fands in aa a�aount aot tA excsed the ma�dmuaa
<br />-i'�� amouat a lender for a federally nlated mortg�e loaa way requlre tor Borrowes'�esaow accowtt under tho federal Real
<br /> �'-:�_� F.state Settleraent Proxdura Act of 1974 as emended droia dme to time.l2 U.S.C.Seetioa 2601 et aeq.('RESPA').unless
<br />::_�,� aaothcr law Wat applld to tke Fuad�seta a te�aer amoua�Il so. Leada may. at any dme�collcet and hold Funa ia an
<br /> �=---°� amount aot w excxsd the la�er amount l.endar a�ay est[snate the eaiowit of Fuads due on the basi�of curnat data ead
<br /> --- reaaoaable caHmnus of eYpeadituree of Nuero F.ecrow Iumi ar oWerwite in aecordaace wlth appllcable laa.
<br /> '°��'� '1'he Fur►ds shall tsa he2d ia aa iasttNflon afiose deposits are ipsured by a fedt7al agenry�iaawmmtaliry.os eaaity tiacluding
<br />=`:,=-�.'�� Lender.if Leridcr is such an instituttonj or in any Fedesal Home Loaa Sank. l.eada alWl apply tha Fuada W pay the�crow
<br /> - Itaaa. Leader may aot�harge Borrower for boldiag and applylrig the Fund�.annuattyy enslyrlr►8 the aaow account,or
<br /> =�-���� veeitj�}ag Wa Eserow Itcma.unleas Leadcr paya Horrower iata�t on the Funds ead applicablo Iaw peemits Leada w metce
<br />=�'�°''�' auch a charga Hoaraver.Lender utay rcquire Bonoaer to pay a one�irao ctiarga for an iadependeat real ataYe tes repordu8
<br />-�-�"-� aervlce uaed by L�nder in conaaHoa with tbid loan.unlas applicable Inw prowides otheraise.Unlas an agraanmt!e mada or
<br /> °' apPllcablo law requires iaterest w be psW.Lendec e6a11 aot bo requirtd to pay Borrower any iatixest or eardngs oa the Fuada.
<br /> -- Borrower and Lenda msy agne in weidug�howcsver.t2ist interesc sh�l be patd on the Fuads.Leader shall giva w Borrower.
<br /> — whhout charge�aa anaisel accouatin8 of the Fuada�ehowtng credita aad debita w the Fuads ead the pwpose fo:ahich eacb
<br /> - -- debit W the Fuada aea made.'Ilte Fnada are plMged aa addidonal aaurlty for aIt swas aecured by d�Li&xinity laa7nmen�
<br /> �� If the Funds hdd by Leader a:aed We amuunta Pamiw.d w be held by applicable taw.Lender ehall account to Borsovra for
<br /> -�:;� the eacaa Fuads�n acoordaace aith the seqtdtemmta of applicable Iaw.If the amount of the Fuads held by Laida at any
<br /> :�� timo is aot au�iiii�ui ia pa�tits�rars:tettss r�t dsst.!.�-s�2!�a notif�r Bosrower!a arlWut.utd:in atch cate Bortoarer
<br /> ._...�,_;�
<br /> -.s r,.�,,, ehall pay w Lender the emouni aaxsaary w make up the defldeary.Bo�ower ehall make up the de8deary ia no more thut
<br /> ----= twelve monthty paymeate.at L.eader's sole discrottoa.
<br /> ---- Upoa payment in itilt of all eums eecund!►y thia Security Ianrum�t,Leader aball promptly rdhnd w Horrowat eay Funda
<br /> - held by Leader.If.uadec paragaph al.I.ender ahajl acqu�re or sell the Propa�►�Lmder.lnEor w tha acquisition or eale of
<br /> ��::9i the Property.sLall apply aay Funds held by Lenda at the dcno of aequialdoa or aale as a credit agafast We aums secured by
<br /> -"- thi�Securlry Iastsument
<br /> -�--° 3.AppUa�tiaa of Psymeata Ualas applicable laa provldes otherabw all PaYmeam seceived by Leuda under PseagraPhs 1
<br /> - ead 2 ahe11 be applled:fltst,to any prepayment cl�arges due nader the Note:sxond.eo amount�payable under paragraph 2:
<br /> _� th;rct,W lnierest du�fourth.W prInclpal due;artd Iaat.W aay tate charaes due under tt}e Noto.
<br /> 4.Clne�e� Leas.Borroaer aheU pay elt taus.essaunents.c�er8es�Saa end imposlttons atWbutable to the Pro�ertY
<br /> ahich may attaln pdority over thia Secudty Inetrwaeat.aad lesaehdd payma�or geouad rean.lf aqy.8orrower shatl pay
<br /> - thaa obligattons ia ths manner prcvlded ia ParagraPh 2.or if aot paid in that maaaer.8orto�ra e1�e11 pay than on dmo
<br /> - directly w the person oaed paymeat Borroaer shall pmmptly fi►rdsh t,o Laader a11 aoticea of amouata w ba paid uader thts
<br /> P��Ph. It Borsower makes Wae paymmto directly.Borrower rhaU prorapdy Nrnish w Leader resxipta evldandng the
<br /> paymenta.
<br /> - Borrower ehatl promptly dischaT�a eny liea which hes prlorlry over tbis 5ea�rlty Iastiument wilas Borrowar.(a)agreGS in
<br /> - ---- Writ�ag W the psyment of the obUgadon secared by the IIea ia a maa�aer aoaepteblo w I.eader:(b)oontesu M good fyid►the llen
<br />_ ____ by�or defeada agataat enforcemcat of the lim in.1e8a1 Proceedin�wldch�n the Lmda'e opinion operate w proveat the
<br /> enfor¢aaeat of the llen;or(c)secures from the holdar of the lim aa a�ceemant aatlefactory W Leader eubordintWug the llea w
<br /> --- tbis Securlty Iaitrumaat If Leader deDermiaa thnt any part of the Ptopaty�s tubf ect to a lim ahich may ntzaia priorl�r over
<br /> - • tM�8avrity Jn�uummA I.enda nnay glve Boreower a aoHce ident�ing the lien.Boreoatn shall aadai�i the liea or take one or
<br /> - - more of the acdo�set forth above wlthin 10 dsye of the givlag of aodoo.
<br /> S.Ha�rd ar P[�opdrty Inautaua.Borrower ahall keep the ImproveaQeata aow e�sting or hereatter ereeted on the ProP�Y
<br /> ' tus�ued agaiant loae by Sre,haaards iaduda!adtHin the tesm'e��oeaded aoverage'and any other harartt�.iadudiag floods os
<br /> = floodfng,for afiioh Lendar require+iaauranca 7'bis insuranee shaU bo maiatained ia t�a a�aouata aad for the pertods that
<br /> =; Lender requi[a.Tho insweace carrier providlag We iasurancx s4ull be choaen by Boaovra subJea w Leada's approvnl
<br /> �
<br /> ,.�:,�'"_;;� S1nSZ��asBhl F1�liWF!{LIRC YMIFORY ItlSTRUTAQIT PORY� OQ�I00(Pay�4 o}d Rayq)
<br /> --=.«ist� KEORAlKA ECeel�R.v.0�91
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