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_ - --- _- ---- - <br /> , _ _ __ <br /> 'r-„ .,,..:�. 'r7rr---[�... _� _T'�c�"`� r t "�}s,- . .._'.�;-�.�., `_'". }- ,"—.�.rt..`-_'�`_^rAPyfitl�--�`�r��. .. <br /> f ��x� (1 Y 3! t�i1�n F� ��f�i'1 ��- s4' ('!1� t� t� - <br /> ' $'�'` ��"�' f '�� ,� $' ���'�41 ���t111,.�r ' �,., ,t,7 <br /> . . � . ,t��..-} � ,b � r�_.-�.z`� �i ��q< <��qq t aG�rf�, �+� <br /> ���.r.: ;,._ i . e.�;r....��� 5tr�i..i�;tut : ;��+) <br /> i � , . � . . . i � • ,(�;.{�. ., '! ' <br /> �.�it.'- J <br /> i . � . , ._. . . ,;�.++�,- _ <br /> l�' , . i�.:-... _. <br /> rr�i• . _ .�� . � .. . . ._ _ � . ' .• .. . ,.��-.�;��-��..r..� <br /> „ ' - -..�N������ti.�..... � .. � l) ' � �w_ _.... n rt�'--. <br /> . �_..,...._•___.... �. . <br /> - �.:��,J.a.,.ata��:��• _ _ -._.te�- —_- -- <br /> ;� <br /> L-- �9 b--��'73i9 _ <br /> � . <br />�"cY',.. .-..� <br /> �., payments may ao longer be requised,at the apScn af L$nder�iY mong�ge insura�ace covcrnge pn tha amannt end for tha perlod _ <br />. . �.,,. .. that Lender requi�es)gmvided by an insurer approved by Lender qQnin be,comes avnlinitle and 3s obtained.Ho:rower shall pay the _ <br /> . premiums required w maintain mongage lasurence in a�'ect,or w pmvide a loss reser+e,undl iha requirement fos mortgago � <br /> , insuranoe enda ia�aoc�danoe with eny wriucn a�n�emeut betwaen Borrower and L�dec ar app�Cebls laa. F <br /> � 9-I�patton. Lend�ar Its agent�y make r�sonable eatries upon and laspacttons oi tlne Pto�ty.LEnder sbafl Bive � <br /> Bc�ruwer nodx at the ttma of or pdor to an inspecdoa speclfying reasonable cause for dee insp�cdon. � <br /> -,'�� � lO.Condsmnatlon. The pmoceda of eny awarct or claim for damaigcs.diroct or cannecdon with any =- <br /> . o. condeaas�ation ar ot�es takLag of eny part of tba gtaps:�iyr OY f6Y COAYCyai1C@�il uE11 OY C�A�AIl��OA.CtE�tESCb}I L�1�t tCd ATtA <br /> n •:� 8h8U b0�tA IrCildG[. <br /> - ;1 Y°'', Ia tUs eveat of a total tal3ng of the Propaty.the pmceeda ehall be applisd to the e�uns seGUeil by this Securlty inswment� <br /> _ Q <br />_�.:�4 whethc a�r tat thea dua.with any exc�ess paW w Homower.ln We avent of a partial mkin8 of the Pra�aty jn wtdch tho feir market <br /> -_ = �..�:, vaute af the Property immediately befam the taldug is eqnal to or gceater tdait tdo etaount of the swns secutetl by this Sflcwdty �; <br />_. `.. <br /> �_=�.mwt irnmodiatclY befom the midng. nnless Boimwer and Lender otheavvlse a�roe ln writing�d�suma soc�rtd by thls ��_. <br /> a ' '� Security Irtst�aieat shall be reduced by ttte amaunt Of the prac�ls mutppriea by ma ioitocrimg ur�cdon:(a)ino ivin.i n,;i:,u�d vi _ <br /> ' ' the sumv secu�d Immodiately before the tatdng.divided bY N)dle f83T metkEt velue of dte PiOpeTly im�nail oteiy befOle dt0 � <br /> ' � '. �aldag.pnry ba4anco shaaU b�paid to Bomnwer.In tha evatt of a partial tatdng of the Propeaty in ahich the fatr markei veUte of the " <br />��,,:•... � U <br /> . .>„`�" pm�ty immediately befom the takmg is less ttmn the amount of the snms sacuccd imnaediately before tha taldAg, unless � <br />�.�.�j.,_��. f __. <br /> ' Boaower and Leader otheravlse a�ee in wruiag or unless applicable]aw othawLse provides,the psoceads s1�aU be appl3ed ro the _ <br />,�r:;��,�` sums s�ocurad by diis Se�uritY Ins�t whether or not the sums aro tt�a due. � <br /> � �. ' � If the Pmperty is�nwd by Bomowes.or if.aftes aodse by Leader to Bormwer thas tt�se condemnor offera to aeake en _ <br /> r;:�'`���`'�, awe�a settlo a claim for damages.Boaowu fails ro respond to Leuder aruhin 30 deys afier tho�ate the notice is glvea,Lcuc3� _ <br />:�f,;�,;:'::`� 3s eu�ed to oollect and apply tha prnooeds,ai its opdon,eid�er ta restoiatton ar�air of d�e Property or to deo s�ms securod <br /> � ...�� by this Secauity Instruraeat,whr,ma ar nat tbea due. - <br /> 1. ., Unless I.enda and Bormwer othrradse ag�oe in wiidn8.eaY ePPlie�en of pmcceds bo prineipal shall apt e�ctraed a postpone <br />=�,�'�;�^�l , w n <br />^= .-•.-ti:;� d►a duad�te of 1he mondilY PaY��refa:ed to fa pa�agraphs 1 snd 2 or chauge the amountof snch paymeats. <br /> ;,�:;;�;°= l�.Bono�wer Not ReMasal;Forbwrancs By Lend�Not a Waiver. B�of th� dme for paymeat or m�i8c�on <br /> of emor�don of the sums sec�od by tbis Secudty Instn�mmt�anood by Lender w aay sac�oessor in intaest af Borrowu st�all <br />'V;:';;, nat ona�te m m]esse tha liab�ity of the osiginal Bozrow�r or Borrawer's snooessors in int�st.I.eader shall aot be required to <br />= -{ �P�Bg��►Y���T tn inmesc or refusa to�ad dcte fa paymeat or othenvlsa modify nmo:d�bn of - <br /> `-Ly:M�; '' the suma secnred by this Sflauiiy Insuument by�n of eny daaand made by the originel Baroaer a�Boaower's�o�ors <br />_,�„;;;�-�� in In�eces�Any furbea�anoe by Lendar in exercising eay nlght as remody s6sll not he n waives af or preclnda d�e eocercise of aay <br />_--;-.�" righx�canady. _ <br /> �Y::,:;�� 12.�uaassore and As�igns Boundi Joint and Several Liabii�tyi Co-signers.The cov�ants end ag�n�eats of diis . <br /> -=;::"��;: ' Sequity anstrumeat s6all bind aad bea�fit the su�rs and assigns af I.eader and Baarower.snbjxt to the piovisions of <br /> ��;:;�i;�: pp�ag�aph 17. Baamwer's coveaants and a�t4 sball be joint aad sevelaL Any Ba�srrawez who arsigns this Secwdty <br />__�-�'"`� Insdu�meat but does noi racaute the Nots: (a)!s oo-s�gaing t6is Soauity Ins�ua�ent oNy t+o mo�ge,8rant aad cenvey d�at <br />�i:��l��. ' <br />__��=� Eorrower•s Inun,sc in me Propacy undu me ce�ms of d�is seautty L�unea�ro)is aot pe�neur obligatqa to pay tho sums � <br /> --�� secuhd by this Sxuriry Insteumen�and(c)ag��eec that Leader and eay other Bamwer may agroe to extead.modlt��bear� <br /> -.�='='"i5�.� m�k+e smy a��aar�dattons a�tb c�e�ard w the t�xms of this Sacurlty�nsuumwt or d�e Nate a�eout efiat Bom�wer's canseat <br /> _�.�z,..-�-,� <br /> _-_ _'°�.� 13.I.oas Char6�s. If tbe baa secur�d by this Saurtty Jnsaumwt is subject Lo a iaw wfdch sets ma�cimum loaa ct�arges. <br /> _ --= mid that law is finally intupreted so that the inte�st or other laan charges aolla�ed or to be eaUected in connxdon wlth the loan <br /> " e�oeed tb�a pe�itted luaits.thea:(a)any such laea charge sbaIt ba reduoed by the amount aea�asaTy+m raduae tha charge to tbo <br /> --- pamitud 1imi�and N)�Y��Y collected trom Boimwa which accaodcd patntued limits will be refunded oo Ba�mwa. <br /> --.__.� Leader may chouse to maka this refi�nd by redudng the principal owed under the Note or by maidng a direct payw�at�o <br /> - Bamnwer.If a refimd mdoces prlacipol.the reduction wlll be lreasrd as a pac�al PrePaYmeat wittwnt anY P�Y�►t cbatge <br /> --._ anderd�eNote. <br /> 14.Notioes. Aay nMice t�Boimmr ptovided for in this Socurlry IasWmeut s�all beglven by delivaing it or by ma�ling It <br /> �_:=�� by S�rst class mail un3ess apP]3cabb 1aw roquires use of another method.'if►e nofloe sbail be dirocud to d�e ProPeriy Address� <br /> -- _�.= aay other addnss Borrowes deslgpates by notke ro Leader.Any notfoe to Latda shall be givai by fust class mail w�.eader's <br /> -- -- addr�ess statad 6u+ein ot any W6a addc�s Leuda des�aus by noitoe to Bomower.Any amioe prov�ded far in this Socurity <br /> ----- I�nrrat shall be dcedied to have be�n glvaa w Bon�owa a Laidet ahta givea as pmvidod fi this p�h. <br /> --- - _ � 1S.Gov�nin�Lsw;SeverabINt�. 11iis Seauity► Insaumeat shait be govecned by fedaal law aad the law of the <br /> . ._......—:,' jwis�idion in whicL t6o Pcapaty is Ioc�aLad.In the event that eny provFslon or cl�se af tbis Seciuity Inst�umeat a the Note <br /> _._._-.�_ �ds vrhh a�plicabfe law.such o�at�all nnt effact ot�provisians of ehia Secan�iry Insuumeat or the Note whieh caa be <br /> �_ _-_= givea ei�Ct withoitt t1�oonttk�ng provL�iaa.To diis atd the prov�islons of this Soauity Inst�ument t�td the Note aoa doclared to <br /> --..�:,�_, be sevetabla <br /> - �-_� <br /> �°-'-�� Foren soZe srlo - <br />��'�.s�;�4'�,�: �.�R(Nqt��� ry�ot e �nau►�• <br /> - -�-' •_� Q � ��t; �: <br />_ ::a=t�ix.$'..;.4 , . . ., <br /> _--_•��. . <br />=.i�.'��:,, - <br /> - ._ _ — -r= �___ - <br /> , -"""'�'-":-.: <br /> _ . 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