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<br /> S.ii�zard or Property Iasur�oe. Bon�ow�r aha11 kcep dte icapmvemsnts aow eaisdng ar h�e,re�ted on tke Property �"-:
<br /> ... _.. , n s. insured agaiast loss by Y'ire.i�eds Includesl wlthin the rr.rm °oxr�ded coveiuge"ond eeny o12�er ha�ards,irtcIuding tloods or
<br /> d
<br /> tlooding.fa:which Lender requires insurauoe.'I1�ie ins�ran�ce shall be c�ainteiiud in the amo�nts and far Wa perIods that Ler�er _.
<br /> " � rcquires.'IT►e insuaenco carrler providlug tho insnrance shall ba chosen by Hormwer subject to Lender's epproval which shall noi
<br /> be unreasonehly wlthheIQ If Borrowor fails to maintain coverege descrlbes!above� Lender may� at L�rtder's optEon.obiain �
<br /> � :> ,. , cove�ge to protect Lender's rlghta in the Prope:ty in ecoord�tca with pata�ag�7.
<br /> " � . Atl insura�►ce paltcias and rencsswels ahAll be acceptable w L�ender a�d shell include a s�admM moitgage clause.Lender shaU s�.;
<br /> r
<br /> dave che dgtu w hoW�ha polkies end reAewals.If LeY�drz frqulr�.Bazrorrer r.l�ll prumptl�give to Leted��!I c�ei�ts�f gaid
<br /> � � premiums and ienewal aotioes.In the uvc�t of bss.Borroavu ehall gtve prompi notice w dte�naurence ca�cr�er aAd I.ende.r.Leader
<br /> y�_.:-. � may make p�of of lnss if aot anade pmmptly by Borrowa.
<br /> UWass Leader and Borrowa othecwtse agroe ia wridng,ins�uancc Pmcceds sha11 be appjied to reswmdon or rapair of the
<br /> 1''� P►'oP�Y�8�•if the rasmtation or mpatr Ia economisaUy fesstble and Leader's securIty is aot lesseued if tde resWrndon or '-
<br /> ���`., s eepair is not eoonomically feasIble or Leade:'s secuiity wo�ld be tesse�ed.the iussurance prcoee�la s1�1 be applied tn the s�nas
<br /> --, � � soc�d by thia Secmity Ins�cumeat, whether oY noi tA�► dn0.��Y eatoess gaid w Botsov�. u n�nuw�a r�nuune inv �.:
<br /> � +x Propeny,or das sot anawer aIthin 30 cl�ys a cotice from I�eader tbat the insurance c�erter das offeied to scule a cdaim�then _
<br /> . 3 LEader may collxt tke insuranoe pmceeda Lemder may use the�s to repafr or restore the Propeny or to gay snms secured �-}..
<br />-- �� ..� by d�s 5e�ncity IusWmeat,whethei ar aat dtCA due.'Rte 30-day perlod wW beg�n aPten We notice is givea. �°f�'
<br /> r.�_..
<br /> '' ' ... � Unlesa Leador and Bomuwer oih�cvlse�ae in arrldng�enY ePP�O�of prviceads w prindpnl st�aU aat�d or postpone g�'-
<br /> " ! �'` tbe tlue date of the montWY FaY�► P�
<br />��,,,.....,:.� eats refeacd to la 1 and 2 or cdange the amovnt af tbe paymeats.If under paragcnph ____-
<br />-';� r�: , . . 21 the Propaty in ecquirefl by Lreuder.Bomower's right ta any insurenoe poIIdes and prmcaeds res�iltWg from dama,ge oo Ihe ---
<br /> .,. . ,. '� �Y P�w the acqalsWon ahall pasg to I.eadet to the extent t�f the sums socured by t�ia Sacuriry lGnstcument imm�uty =-
<br /> _ ; �"a,r�': puior�d�e acquist�on. �-
<br /> .. �.:�� g�pccupaac9.Preservatlon.Mstintenanoa aad p'rotecdon ot the Piropertyi Bom�ver's i.uan AppUcatbn=I.easeholds. ��.;
<br /> ,=':: '� '�"• � � Barowrr shall oocupy.establisb.sud use the Pmpecty a9 Bomowes's p�Indpal resideaoe aldlia s3xty days atter the exeaidon of �-:�`
<br /> _ ;�`���;• tt�s Seaudty Inson�meat and sbaU conWne w occupy ehe P�nparty av Banowa's princlpal resideace for ai least oaa year af�r the =_
<br /> ns
<br /> •`:•�''`V date of occupancy, wde.cs L�eadu athe�wlsa egi�es 1n v�id�8�wlilch aonseat stiaU noi be�uueascnably wlthheld.or unkss �^
<br /> :_�_:��3."` eueauedng�ces exist which are beyond Banoarer's cont[ol.Hoaowet shaU aot dcslroy.detnage or in►I���P�7+.
<br /> .. �`�:;�• alloev the Property to deterlorate,or commit aaste on dae P�+cpe�tY. Horrowa sball be ia default if a:, forfeiaua acdon� �_
<br /> �-,�::-`. pmceaitng,whetha dvil or ccjminal,is begun d�at ia l�da's good feith judgmeat cuvld result in f�ftidue of the Pronesty or
<br />?-�-z�;�:,::� otherwt9e aiawially iaapafir the licn created by tbis Secucity Insuameat a I�eada'e sec�rity int�sl:.Bomower may cure such a
<br /> .��J �„,
<br /> '�`'�`s`t':�'�' '�L�8U�L�[�AS18�6�8S pl01/j��II]18T8�[FIQ�1 i8r�7����30�OA��$tO bC��&SEd W�1�1 S II1�A���Il
<br /> -•c,'+'`pE� I�eadet'8 g0ad faith detecmineti0n.Pt�ocludCS fOrfeiQR�e Of f�a BarOVYes'e mteaest 1u tbe Fiope�ty a o#ficr m�i�i vi °
<br />"';'1���>:_ ,- ...�
<br /> �,_:;.�;:+�,� •� the lieu cceated fsy dus SecurIty Iasuument or I.ender's socudty interest Bon+ower sha11 also be in defanit if Bomnwu�during t6e
<br /> `�°�',•f•,.c�� losa applic�bn Proass.Save mat�ia�9 false or inaxurate infocmatIon or st�ments tn Le�►�ia(or feiled W�ovlde I�der with
<br /> .,V.,r�.
<br />----� �. any mat4rlal infoimatlon) in oonnecdon with the loan evldenad by t6e Nota, including. bnt not Umiud tn.repres��ions
<br /> ---�`K:= couoe�niag B�o�ver's�ncy of the Pcope=ty as a prjncfpat c�tdeaoe.If this Sec�rity Insuumeat is on a kaseholcl,Boaowa
<br /> r}_��'�'�;. shall aanply wIth all tho pmvisions of the lease.If Borrowe�c�cqu3res fa dtls w tha P�ope�ty.the leaseliold end the fee titb shaU
<br />