:.,� - �-� ...5. + ..- ,. t^:t�..t-I -I-•Tr _.i _ -a' xv.....��.• . - . ..__ _.. __-.-_� _____._ _ . . ' ._._ —
<br /> -"u; -!�jnt•i" i�t'f�te . t"�!{�s r1��'�;�1�,.� .'�l,rJ' 1!�' SY',; t�i^v.. ..ra-ZHCy �A�lvt���i{�7�;a�i.':tj�lj�`� t� ,•'i .
<br /> .of.<� "1 . . 'r '���-,��. I
<br /> , �
<br /> � .�
<br /> { •� l . _ „ .. " , .,
<br /> 1 s <z
<br /> . •L.,���ey�,.
<br /> ,.,���..� '`� , � .. . .rti,.�.ti.-- _.
<br /> . „ -.-,;...._.,^,�� rr��r"""`..,...; � �..�_����.�°:-_'=--.�_.. �.____. •. �� '� �.
<br /> _ . . �6 �L,=
<br /> . . . . ° ��r��� -�.Y.._:
<br /> 16.Borro�ru s Coy Bo:cower ahall be g,ven ono confarmed copY ef the Nors and ot thls Secnrity trumen�
<br /> 17.Tranater ot the Peo ar a Benettcis+l Interest tn Bonower. If ali or any part of tho Prapaty or eny Inuzest in it is
<br /> � ' sold or tranafared(or it a ne cial inte�est in Batrowec is sold ar ttenefe�red and Boreower la not a nawralp�o n)wlthout .,
<br /> � L�endu's pstor wrltteJ►consent�Le�ader may at its optio�n�reiiuire lauaedis�a pa ent in full of nll anma secured by thla Sec�ulcy
<br /> tt ►
<br /> . Inst�ument Howevu.thfs apdon sho11 not�e euersfsed by I.ender if eaercise �rohibited by federril!aw as of tl�date of tbls
<br /> -� 8t�tulty Inswment
<br /> " u I�nder euc�rcfses thieop�on,i�ender atiel!gtvo Hamowu noiice of exeleredon.'11ie nodce shall provlde ap�iod of aoi less
<br /> .� ttutn 30 daya frcm the date Jse not3oa is Qellvered pr mailed within ahich Smrower muat pay all sums secuced hy this Socurlty �-
<br /> - I�steurnc:��If T3onarrcz ft�ito to�q tl��c:u�r�sto1[�elwenpim4knn of this period.Lerider may Invake any remed�es penaitted
<br /> by this Secuttry Instrumer►t without ELrtl��er aatice ec dem�nd an Borrowet. .
<br /> 18.Borrower'a Rl�ht to Reinhtate. u B�W� �� �n ��d�� B°�OWa 8�� �ve the right w have
<br /> �--- enfommant oi tbis Securdty InstmmeM dlsoondnued et any dme prlor Lo the eatlfet of(a)5 days(ar such other peYtod as
<br /> �`"� appi�Cabb law may far ninatau�t)before sale oi tlee prope�ty pursuant to any power nf sale cantained ia this 5�
<br /> •�:..Y°"""• Insaumen or(b)ea�trya Jua�nem encorcing wts securtcy tnsuumea�.7lioso condidons ara tdat Hoirower.(a) ya Lender
<br /> co ,,
<br /> "• " sums w�then wauld ba dua under thls Securtry tlIns�wm�t�d tha N�o�as�f ao �hacceler�on�Qu�d� t(6)�aues any
<br /> .•-- --- G�IAtil{ot 8ny ot(tCi wreucwta an qywnav."ie�� Ci r•a�-�-�-r-�---j-----�-'_._•t"►*t_'�= - �.�LR�..�.--�-o �Y_'
<br /> - , aoi limtted t��rea�onabla mtaaeys'fees:and(�lakes such actloa ag L,euder mayI reasonably require Lo assure that the lien of this
<br /> Securiry Lis�umatt, Letedet�8 II$hi8 IA t110 PIOj1lZiy 8AQ BOtIOWCt�B Obligat� to pay tha sams sec�u�d by this Secudty
<br /> , + InsUUnteut s6aU contiaue unch�nged.Upon reinsmtuaent by Bonower.this Seauity Instnunent and the obUgadans secared -
<br /> . •� hereby shaU cematn tuUy effative as if no aaseleretion had occwred.However�tbis rlgat to reinstate shsll aot apply in tlise casa of
<br /> � ��� acxelusiioa underps�ag�h 17. . .
<br /> , � 19.Sak of Note=Chan�e ot LoAn Servioer. ltte NoLa or a pattial lntenst in dte Note (tngatut wltb thla Secutity �*t�.
<br /> Iasuument)may be sold ona or mon dmes without prlor notice W Boimwer.A sale may res�lt in a�e in the eWity(lmown ;;�-.
<br /> �•�` ss td�"I�u�"�d�st�moatblyg�yment�d�.�i ender tl�e Note and this Security Insuumew�'l�e�e atso maY be one or ':ri�i
<br /> more ChBtt$es Of fhe Loan SetvIoet muel8t�ed W a sele Of the Nole.lf thete is S change of dte LAaa Seivlcet.BomDwea wlll be �at:
<br /> ° � .� gtven arIttea notioe of the cdange ia accoidar�ce wUh�14 ebove andapp]icable law.lhe noti�oe vvlll slato tbe naaue and _:Y�-,.
<br /> address of the naw Loan Savlcer end th6 addresv oo w payma►ts ehould be made.'ltie notioe wW al�cantaia any otber �:�
<br /> . . ry ,.� infomiationrequirod by epplicable law. ��isposa1, �rago. or rekase of an y �•_"=
<br /> � ?A.Har�edons SubstAn�ces. Emmwer s6all not c�nse or pamit the preseuoe. --
<br /> •y `; Hazardous Su6staaoes on ar Ia Wo Pcoperty.Banower s6a11 aot do.aor allow anyone else to�o.anytt�ing a�'eqing the Prnpaty �.=-_
<br /> - tbat is in vlolaflon ofa�yr Bavjmnmcaml Laa.'Ihe p�eoedjng two seateaces st�all aot apply to the prenaoe.�se.or st�aBe on tbe --
<br /> . . _-� Prope�yr of small quandt�es of�Ta�dous Substances d�at are geue�eltS►reco8nized to bs appmp�iate to aaamal restd�nt�al�ses �_
<br /> . tutd to m�lnt�utnoe of the Propetty. --
<br /> ° " Bosmwer st�aal!P�P�Y S�ve Leader wriueu aotics of any iav�on. claim.demand, lawsuit or other ecdon by any �-
<br /> , , 3,,' � govann�eatel ar nguiamryageacy or prtvate garty involving the P,roperiy and any HffieMous Sabstanoe�Havlronmeatal Iaw
<br /> � of which�Oaower has ecpiai imowkdges 1f Borroau leams.or is nmi�od by eny gov�tal ar reguiatory antharity.that euy
<br />_�_, --- --._<., .- . �yP!��rn�,�of any Hazallous Suh4tance affo�►A the Pn�P�Y�nooe�cy.Botrowca shall psomptlY tato all
<br /> °�' - ;T . no�ry r�i�al acdous in a000tdance wIth Sav�[onraeatal Lew. '
<br /> ' As nsed in tfi�s p�a�ph Z0. "Ha�acdons S�bs�tces° are those substanoes de6ned ss to�c or ha�ardous subs�aces by
<br /> - � Baviro�aeatal I.aw and tbe follewing � gaso1�ae, �a other flamrnable ar mxIc pemol�aas► toxic
<br /> - "� :�. pesdcides and 6abicldes.volatile solvents.matrrlals cantsining asbacws or foimaldehyde,and redbactive As nsod in
<br /> '�� ,,���,�°.,- this g m�20,"Bnvha�nmental Lsw"means fedcral laws and laws of ttte jmrisdiedon aheoe the Propesty Is located d�at relat�e
<br />- ;u� oa he�lth, or eavlronmeuml protsction.
<br />===�,��'��•, NON-UNII�QRM(JOVBNANTS.Bormwer and L�ender fu�her oovemnt and a�ee as follows:
<br /> � ;.v��:~:�:x ZI.Aea�krationi R�e�ies.I.endv sbaU give notioe to Bomawer prbr to a�oeteratbn foDoWi�g Borrower's breach oi
<br /> - ----==�— � 6 17 anksv
<br />-������°;�-;, Aay wven�nt or mt In thk Sa:urtty L�str�eat (bnt nat prbr W aooela�ioa aader paragrAP
<br />-_- �:-�_;�:.;.:�� aPPlieab�e law pr�vWes other�vt�e).'ftie notioe shaa epecif�:(a)th�e detantk N)t�ac�Cn re9uircd to cmrs tl�e�diWtS(�)
<br /> -•�°_a.�_� a date.uot leas t6an 3�da�a itom the dxte the notioe is given�o Borrnwer.by w6ich ihe ddadt aiost fre caored:and(tn
<br /> ..--._T_i.:�.� t4at taDore to�+e tLe defaug on or bdon the date�tied In t6e notioe mxy resai!im aac¢ler�tbn d the sams aecae+ed
<br /> ---�.�`=+��'�
<br /> �:�;�;�^ �� b�t6b Seca�k!Ioslrameat and eak of the Property.The aotloe rAwll tY�rther inform Bora ow�r of We eJ�ht to reSn�ta4e
<br /> —�:,�." t�rr aoodaratba and tlu dght to bring a aomt action to assert t6e non�adsteaoe at te de�antt ar aqy ofher dd'mse o!
<br /> - -_-f=v�= Borro�rar to aooeleratbn aad stiG It the dedaauit ta not cnral on or befors ttie dste�fn the notia.Lmd�r.at�
<br /> -= option,may reqa6a immtdiate payment in thiU of'All s�ms�ecmr�d 6y thia Secarity Iffitrumentwithont tarther demand
<br /> --„::��;m�� and my involce the paw�ot sale and any othar nematies permitted by applkable i�a.Lender ehaD be mHtkd to oollxt
<br /> -"�� ap e�peases tncosred in pursuin�the remediea provtde�in tLb Papa�aDh 21,iaclnding, bnt not Itmi4ed to,x�bk —.
<br /> --�;::�a attarae�s'fas and aasts of tttle evidenoe.
<br /> U t6e poaer of eal�s ta involud, Trn�ta sL� a+co�rd a aotloe o!defautt in each oounty in wLicL aqy psuf ot the
<br /> �_;;�..s�::,;.�� Property ie bcahd and sbaD m�it oopks of sach noliee in tDe mAaner pxescrlbed by Applkabb law�o Borrawez and to the
<br /> �
<br />