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<br /> -~.. „ '� im vaaenis now ar�ereatter e�cted on the psoperty.end all easem�'i��i�f�h�,and --
<br /> r '1�00Et'[�R WlTH ell tho pso � �;
<br /> . . . .... � fkwres now or he�eafter a part oi the property.All repLacements and addittans sha11 c�1so be covered by thls Secarity Ins�uaent �
<br /> �� AU of tha foregoing is referred to�n thia Secueity Instnunent as the"Pmputy." _
<br /> � � �ORROWB�t COVS�IAIV'TS thut Bormnrer is lawfully seised of the estata hereby conveyed snd has the right w grant end
<br /> canvey the Rogaty and lbat the Praperty is unencumUered�except for encumbrances of recard.Borrower wamints and wlll
<br /> :� defend geaeeaUy tIIe¢tale w tbe Propezty against aU claims and demands.subjoct w any encumisrances of recard. _
<br /> . THIS SECURITY IIdS7RiJNffi�iT oombines w�form covenants for netional use and non-unifoma o�venents adth limited -
<br /> vadatlans by jurL4dtction to oonstiwta a w�iform securiry�nsit�u'ueat eov�ir►g ecal pzop�ztY•
<br /> :�� U1V�QRM COVID�TAIVTS.Bouowa and Laidercaveaant end egi�eo as followa:
<br /> . �� ��: l.Paytaart of Prindpal nnd Interest;PrepAymsnt and Ls�te C6arBea Bomower shall pro�nP�Y PsY when due tho
<br />-�;-'���= ent and late charges due underthe Note.
<br /> grlucipat of and inurest an the debievIdrACtd by the Note and anY P�l'm
<br /> .. 2.Faads for T�es and Insurxna. Subjoct m applic�ble law ar to a wruten aaiver by L,ender�Bouower shall pay to
<br /> Lead�r oa tho dav monthlY RaYu�eats ate due under the Note,untll the Note is pa�d in fult.a s�m("F�nds°)far.(a)yearly�ces _
<br /> ..��.� � aud�ents wtdch may att�n priodty ovet thia SeCUrIty InsirumeAt es a uea ott tde l�mpesty:Coi re�iy ia�,viu�rny��:a 6;_,
<br /> � � '- � or�round rents on the Aroputy.if a�►Y:(�)Y����'ProP�Y insu�anx premiums;(�Year1Y Aood insurance preaaiums.if ��
<br />, .,. °`� anY:(e)Y�19��Sg�P'��•�aar and(�enY svms FaYable by Hornnwer to Lea►dea�tn aocoidannoe with the `��
<br /> "�." � �t pmvLdons of p�re�aph 8, in lieu of the paymeat of moltgage insurance pmmiums. 'I]�itenns ere celled"Bsc�nw Itema." .-
<br /> .� ,,,� ,. ��:
<br /> �'. ;;;.:� LEader may.�t suy tim�,collect and hold Fuuda in an anaount not to exceed the maxLanm aacount a lenda for a fed�sslly related �t
<br />�';{•,.>,;; �r,: , raa:tgage loan may reqniee for Bon+ower•s esaow aawuat ander the federal Real Bstate Settlement Ps+ucedures Act of 197A as
<br /> _ '#.., ameaded from dme to dmeo 12 U.S C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA'�.anless aaother law that applies ro the Fuuds sets a les�t
<br />� � ' ' � ; amoimt If se.Ixader maY,ai auy time. collect and hold Funda in an amoum not to exceed�he less�amoun�E�a►dcr auty _
<br /> `- : `� ��� esdmate the amomit of Funds due on the basls of c�ureat data end reasona6le estlamates of expeaditures oi fnwre Sscmw Itans or =
<br /> othetaLse in aocnrdanoe wlth appHc�ble law.
<br /> ,`...'�.�. Zhe F�mds s6nll be held in en insdmtion wdose depostts are insured by a fede:al ABa►aY.insuumeatallty.or eatity(including
<br /> '` ��»- � Leader.if Lemder is sucb en insdtution)or iu any Fedesal Home IAan�anh.Lender sball apply the Phads to pay tUe 8scmw --
<br /> �,�v :�' . It�ns.Lenda may aoi charge Bonower fa holdin8�d aP'P�Y�B the Funa9s,a�nally analyzin8 the c�scmw acoormt.or verIfying
<br /> � �he E�mw I�as,unless Leader PaYs Bormwa interest an die Funda mtt�app]iceble law penaits Leadea to roake such a chazge.
<br /> . Iioweve.r.I�ender may roquim Barower to pay a one�ime char8e for an indepeadent rea!es�te tex repo�tiag suvke usad by .
<br />, L4ader ia catnecdoa wilh this loan.unless apglicable law ptovIdes otheswlse.Ualess an agreement is taade ar applimble law
<br />``_;='J,��' reqnires interest to b�paid►Lender shall not be recl��P�Y�amwer any iater�st or eamiags on the Funds.Boirower and
<br />_�=_�:;.;:�.._ Lender ma�►ag�ee in wddag.however�that intrrest sba11 be patd on the Feaa�ds.I.a►der s6a11 gtve to Bormwer.wtthout charge,an
<br />-�;`�r`.�::'�•��" aanual axounting of the F�tmds�shovvin8 ccecHts and debita to the FunAs and t�e pnrposa for which e�l►dcbii w i��6s wss °
<br /> ,. K�;'.�e..
<br /> � taade.Tha Fmtds aro pladged as addiflonal socudiy for ell swns soauod bY this Sectn'Ity Tnstnuneat _
<br />-_.��_','_"�.' ' If t&e FuQds held by Leader ext�ed the amounts pezmit�ed W be 6eld by applk�ble Iaw.I.eader shaU e000unt m 8o�rower for
<br /> ��� ,; ':�` the e�ccass Funds in accardanoe with the req�irements of upplicable law.If the amouut of tbe Funds held by Leader pt any tim�e is
<br />-�?`� not su�cient o� the Bscrow Items ahea duo,LEader may so noi�Bonowa in wrldng,and.in snc�case Bonower sha11 p�y
<br /> a!��I .. . �� � �
<br /> ;;•�,_;�� to I�ead�s the amount neoe�ry to mei�e ttp the de�cfeucy. Borrower �hall makes up the dsftcieacy!n no more d�an twelve
<br />_=;�.�=--r�� ��Y PaY��•at Leadrt's sole di�tion.
<br /> -,�_;,��°;.= Upon p�aeat in fiill of eIL sums sacured by Wis Securlry�nslnunett�Leitder shall prompdy rafuad to Bamnwa Fmy Funds
<br /> --.��,.:,��� held by Luida:if.anda pa�h 21.Leada shall aa�uire or sell the Property.Leader.Prbr to the acquis�ion or sale of the
<br /> -��4 Pmperiy.shaa apply any Faads held by I.endet at the tlme af acqnisidon or sole as a cce�it against the sums savnd by diiss
<br /> _.�,��'�
<br /> - --- $xurity InstrumeaL
<br /> .. �`�"� 3.Applicadoa ot Yaymenfs. Ualess applicable law p�ovldas othera►lse.all paymeats rooeived by Leada imdar paragraphs
<br /> =°�-��� I�sid 2 sbafl be appliai: �rst.to ariy prepaymmt charges dtxs under the Nota;second�to amonnts payable tutder parng[aph 2:
<br /> --- - t1�d,to intaest du�fo�h.to princ3p�l�aad 1a4t,to any lat�cha�ges due nnda the Nota.
<br /> --- - - a.C�e$;Lkns. Aotrowcr shen pay all taxes►e�1s.char8es. �nes and impos�astrfbutebla to the�mpelty
<br />_ `- which may attaia pci�oQit�►over this Saa�rity Instcumant,end lc�sehold pnymeuts or gronnd raits.if any.Bozrower shall pay tLase
<br /> -:r�� oblig�ions in the marmer qtavidad in�h 2.or if aat paid in dwt matma�Botrowa s6all pay them an dme dinctly to dte
<br /> _-�'� pelson owcd payment Boaowu sbalt gromptly fumish tc Leadu all aodces of a�aounts m be pa�d aackr dds p�erag�aph.If _
<br /> - _�:�.;� Barowa makes these paymeats dic�ediy,Bemowu s4s11 piompdy fivaish to L�eadc rea3�ts evide�8 the PaYmeats.
<br /> - Baaawa sfiail Pma►P�Y�He siny liea whidi has prloiity ovar this Sec�city Inst�umeat wl�ss Bozmwer.(a)a�ees is
<br /> --- __==- • writI�ng w tbe payruent of the obllga�aa secured by the lieu in a manner aoceptabla w Leadel;(b)oa�cater�ia gaod f�iNh the lisu
<br /> ��—�� by.a defeads a�ainst eaforaanent of the Itea �n. legal pmooedInBs wtuch ia the i�enda's opfai+oa o�ete w preveut the
<br /> '�-_w==_�� enforcement di the tien;or(c)socuns Enom the holder of the lien on agc�eemeat s�'acLOry to L�ecder subordinatia,g�te liea to
<br /> -_���� this Soc�icy Insuumeat If Leader detarnines tUsi aay part of the Propeity is sabjeet to a lieu which may aVain ptiorlty over this
<br />�__��.:.�:�`.�'1 Sociaity lnstrument,���5'8;ve Bonower a notloe ideaBfyIng the 2fea.Bo�sower shall�Y the Hen or take one or mo�e _
<br />-"';'��;'�r'�`:�� of the aculans set forth above wItbia 10 days of the giving of notice. -
<br /> ..:°.°,--° fv�m 902a �!!0 •
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