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<br /> 17.Transfer of thc Pmperty ar u Rencf9ctol I�tcrc.wt tn Borrowcr.If ull��r uny pnn of thc Pmpccty or any intcrest in it —
<br /> is sold or trnnsfcrred(or if a beneficlal intemst in Borrowcr ia sold or trunafcrrc,�l urtd Borrowcr is nut u naturul parxan)without
<br /> [.ende�'s prfor written cc►nsent, I.ender mny. nt ite option, requirc immaliute puyment in fuU i�f ull �ums sccureef by thia
<br /> Security Instrument.Howcver.thin a�tinn r+hull not bc exercixed by Lendcr if exercixe is prohibited by fedeml law uw uf tice dute '
<br /> of this Security Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lendet shull givc Borrower nat(ce of accelerntion.The notice shall provtde u period of not
<br /> less than 3Q duys fram tlte date tho notice is delivered or mailed withln which Honower must puy ull sums secured by this
<br /> Securlty Instrument.If Borrower fuils ta pay these sums prIor to the eapiratian of this period,I..ender muy invoke uny remalies
<br /> permitted by tht4 Security Instrument without further notice or demand an Bonawer.
<br /> 1R. Mrrower'a Rloht to RoindaEP, If ��►a+P* me�tc orrtnin conditt�na. Bonower shell hHVe the i'iQht to have
<br /> enforcement of this Securlry Instrument discontinued at any time prlor to the earlier of: (u) S days (or such ather perl�xl tiv
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to uny power of sele contalned in this
<br /> Securlty Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Serurlry Instrument.Those conditions are that Borcower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under thia Securiry Instrument end the Nate as if no acceleratton had occurred;(b)
<br /> cures any default of any other wvenants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcin� this Security Instrument,
<br /> Inclu�ing,but not limited to. reasonable attorne�ys' fees; and(d)takes such action es Lender may masonably require to assure
<br /> that the Ilen of this Secudry Instntment, Lender s r�ghts in the Property and Borrawer's obligation to pay the sums sexured by
<br /> this Seeurtty Instrurnent shall contim�e unchanged. Upoa reinstatement by Borrower, th[s Securlty Instrument and the
<br /> obligsttons secnred hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleratton had occurred. However.this dght to reinstate shail -
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleradon under patagraph 17. -
<br /> 19. 3ale of IVote; Change of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together wlth thls Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale muy msult ln a change in the enttty(known
<br /> as the"Loan ServIcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instcnment.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a safe of the Note.If thers is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wili be
<br /> given wdtten not[ce of the change in accArdence with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notIce witl state the name and
<br /> address af the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenu should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> information require�by applicabte law.
<br /> 7A. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shali not cause or per�uit the presence, use, disposal, storage. or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or ln the Pcoperty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow enyone else to do. anythin� affecting the
<br /> Properry that is in violatIon of any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use. or
<br /> sinrag�Qn ih�ProgPrty�f sm�ll���AnNriec of Hazardous Substaaces that are generally recognized to be approprlate to normal
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly give Lender w�3tten nodce of ai►y investigation.claim, demand. lawsuit or other acdon by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or prlvate party involving the Property and any Hazerdow+Substance or Envimnmental Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authorlty,that
<br /> any removal or other remedIation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property ia necessary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> a11 necessary remedIal acdons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hezardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or haTardous aubstances by
<br /> Envlronmental Law and the foltowmg substances: gesoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum products. wxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,voladle solvents,materials containing esbestos ar formaldehyde.and radloact�ve materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Envimnmental Law" means federal laws ead laws of the jurisdicdon where the Pmperty is located that
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fwther oovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.AoceleratIoa;Remedies.Lender sl�ail gtve aottce to Borrower prtor to aoceleration foltowing Borrnwer's breach
<br /> of any covenant or agrcement in this Security Instrument (but noi prtor w aoceleratfon uttder paragraph 17 unless
<br /> applicable law provtdes otheralse).The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the acHon requirPd to cure the default;
<br /> (c)a dnte,not less thun 30 days fmm the date the aatice is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> (d) that fatlure to cute the default on or before the date specified in the notice ma� resWt in acceleraHon of the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instnunent and sale of We Property. The ao4ice shall f�rther infot�n Borrower of the right to
<br /> reie�tate after acceleration and the rtght W bring a contt artion ta assert the non-cadstence of a defaWt or any other
<br /> defense of Boirower to acoeleration and sale. If the default ts noi curnd on or before the date speclfled dn the aoNce,
<br /> I.ender, at iGs opNon,may require immediate payment In full of all sums secured by this Securlty Iastrumeat wiWout
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.L�ader shall be
<br /> entitlecl to wlied all expenses tncarred in pursuing the temedles provided in this paragreph 21,tncluding,but aot limlted
<br /> to,rensonable auAraeys'fees and costs of Ntle evidence.
<br /> U thepower ot sale is invoked,Trustee shall reoord a notice of default in each county in which any part of tae
<br /> Froperty is I�cated and shall mall cepies of such noUoe tn the manner prescribed by appttcable Iaw to Borrower aad to
<br /> the other pe�sons pmscribed by applicabte Iaw.Atter the time reqaired by applicable law,Trustee shall give public notice
<br />- of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by appltcable law.Trustee,wtthout demand on Borrower,shell se11
<br /> the Proy�erty at pnblic sucHan to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the tesms desigoated in the aotice ot
<br /> snle in one or more parcels end in any order Tn�stee determines.Trustee may postpoae sale of alt or any panel of the
<br />= Property by pubitc annowecement st the time nnd place o!any previously scheduled sale. Lender or it�designee may
<br />_ purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 8/90
<br />�- Pego 6 ot 6
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