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<br /> _ Upon recetpt of payment aP the price bld, Trustee shull deliver to the pu�ccha���er�l'ustc�deesD cun�veY�� the _.
<br /> Pcoperty. The�recjtalg In the Trustee'A deed�hall be prima fscie evtdense of the truth of the stutemes�te made t6ereln.
<br /> 7 n�ex shail npgly the pr�eeQ�q of the�Ee In the follo�ving opder:(u)ta nll costs aatd expenses oP exerc(sing the powaer of
<br /> sule.und the�sule.Including the puyment of the Tevstee's fees uccualiy Incurred, not to exceQd A
<br /> of the principul amount of the nate at the Nmc ot the decl�tian of defnult,und reasonabie attorneys'[ees a9 permitted
<br /> by law;(b)to gll sums secumd 6Y thts Securlty Instrument;and(c)nny excess to the person or person.4legully er�tttled to
<br /> It.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payttte�tt of nll sums secured by this Sscurity Instrument. I.ender shall request Trustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property artd shull surnender this Security Instrument and all notes evtdenc[n$ debt secured by this Secur�ry
<br /> Instrument to Troates.'Crustee shatt reconvey che Froperiy wiueunt wa�e�-�ty and�thaut ch�e to!he genon�r�.+?r��nc Ieonity
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any rernrdation costs.
<br /> 23.Substitute Trnstee.Lender. at�its optIon, may fram time to dme remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> any Tr�stee nppainted hereunder by an iastrument recorded in the county in which this 3ecurity Instrument is re�ordetl.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Property,the auocessor trustee shall succeed to all the title. power and dutIes conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by appItcable law.
<br /> 24.Request for Notices. BoTCOwer requests that copies of the not[ces of default and sale be sent to Horrower's address
<br /> which is the Properiy Address.
<br /> 25.Rtders to thL��ecuFity Ins4eument.If one or more rlders are executed hy Borrowcr and m�corded togetheT�+�th this
<br /> the ooveaants and agreeme es of thls Secu�dty Instnunent as if the dder(s�were,a pa�rt of t�his Secudry In t ment�d supplement
<br /> [�Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> []Ad,justable Rute Rlder 0 Condominium Rider � 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> (�C3raduated Payment Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider 0 BIweekly Payment Rider
<br /> [�Balloon Rid�r 0 Rate Tmprovement Rider �Seoond Home Rider
<br /> (.J V.A.Rlder ��er(s)[specifyl
<br /> BY 3IONIN(i BEIAW,Bocrower accepts and agrces to the cerms aud covenants contained in this Seeurity Instrument and
<br /> jn any rider(s)executed by Bornower and recorded with it. ' � ,
<br /> wiu►esses: �
<br /> (�seal)
<br /> .&,rrowcr
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> .Bormwer
<br /> �S�� ae f� �a cs�►�
<br /> Jerome P. Sokoi) 'B°`t°"'e� (Carla A. Sokol) �$O71°"`� '
<br /> 3TATE�ii�1VEBItA6KA, Hell County ss:
<br /> The faregoing instiument was acknowledged before me this 2�th �Y of OCtObee' � 1995 •
<br /> by Jereme P. Sokal anci Carla A. Sokoi, husband end wife •
<br /> Wimess my hand and notacial seal at Gt'attd lsland, Neb ska in said Conntq.the dace aforesaid.
<br /> My Commission fixpires: '����M��
<br /> '. �������1� Notnry Pubitc
<br /> veoo e m s Form 8028 8f80
<br /> . , . . f:
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