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____� � �.. � . _. . � <br /> - -- -•.. , C _-- - --- __ <br /> y�:..:T'ay�`e4p6'¢�rii�i+f'�� ..- ir.ry""*"_" . .�.T i ..-._,t.` �i)�t"lT�k'f�".t s S: �..1�L -• . � . <br /> 1 ax • }� ) • <br /> ., . ,; , , . i ut<'!t}` Y �•1:A 1 <br /> ' ^.if�:l:�if�" <� 1 <br /> . . - .LiC.•:` • <br /> 1' �� . •F . , + �, . - ' . <br /> � . .. • 1 , .. .. � .j.,^� .. . <br /> :�/+��4.. . . .. .. .. .� � !U41►�Y1�44�4A:, <br /> ' , ..u�a a •� . .. ., � �. , , . �,,,....,�y-,. <br /> •> •7.r 4 "�. . . ., �. " /� .. •� , ' . . . _ .i... _ <br /> ., " .. o ' .. .. , o� - � - - � , . . ;-�t;;-`� <br /> - . ., . �- o - .. . „ . . • -- -_ <br />. .. .� � - , :i � a ''-. <br /> . , �• . .. � .. - i,..:.:_� <br /> _ on. . . . _ - n .. . <br /> .. � . �-'ti r? <br /> _ ., „ <br /> „ " ... _ <br /> . o ..° . .� _._......._... ---•--�------• . <br /> , <br /> . .. _._. __.-•---- ., ...::.$ �� <br /> ..--- __.. .. _.. <br /> .._.....�.__.�_ ....__.._..._._ . __ _.._.. _.._.....__... <br /> , .. � �..__ .._ . .---�-----.. ._ .. _. 9�_ �.0�� ��. <br /> � ' {iaaym�eata mey no longcr be rcqulrcid�at tho opdon of Lectder�if mortgogo insamnce coverage(in the amount and for tke period <br /> � ,. that Lender nquir�)Providcd by an insurcr appmved by LEnder egain bocomcs available and is obminod.Bairower shall pay the ° <br /> ° , p�.,ruiu�ns rc�uin:d W maiataia s�nat�a Ins��mnce in eft'ect� or to pmvide o lacs reserve.untll the rcquireaaent fcr anoitgoge ° <br /> � . insuranco cnds in eccordanca wbh any wriuen agrcement betwesn Hormwer end Leader or appllcablo law. . <br /> . ,; 9.InspECNon. Le�tder ar Its agent muy mak�rEasonabie eaMes upon end inspocHans of the Pi+npeny. Leada stwll gFvc <br /> :�^�,� Bomowa aottce ai Wo drae of ar{Mor to en inspecdon epxtfying reasonat+le caiese for We inspacdon. . <br /> . ,�•����.; 10.CondemnAtbn. 'iha pt+oceeds of any awatd or claim for darnages�direct or consoqusndel�in ca�ecuon with any n <br /> �-. � condemnatton or other mldng of any part of the Pcoperty.or for conveyanoe ia lien of oondemna�oa aze h�aeby a�signed und <br /> __ _---=-T shall bs pai�w Le�eder. ___ <br /> .. � In tLe evatt of a Wta1 taldng of the Fcope�ty.the proce�s s6all tse applled to t'�e sums secu�d by this Securlty Inswaagnt� <br /> ' . = �• whether ar noi thea due.with any e�ccess paW to Bonower.In Wa eveat of a partial taidng of die Property in which the fair markei ``�,,: <br /> value of the Pmperty immediauly before tke taking is equal w or gi+eater than t&e a�nount of the surns secured by this Securiry - <br /> , . �> Instrumeat immediately befere the talcing.�mless Samnwer and Lender otheiwLse agree 1n a�iting�the smns secured by tLis �. <br /> :� Secauity Instr�ment ahall ba rc�uced by the araotwt of the pmc�eda multiplied by the following fiacdon:(a)We toml amount of :.�. <br /> � •_�", the suma secured immediaiely befo�the taking.divIdetl bY N) the feir marlcet value of dae Propeity immedtetely before the = <br /> .. � ° d�i t�1Cin8-My baiaace shali be paid to&u�wer.In tha evcat of a partisat mking of the Pmgsrty jn e�bich the fair ma�lcet value of the =�:; <br /> . .. �s. piropeaty immediately before tlte t�king �s less thaa Ehs am�unt of the sums secural imtrtediat,ety before the taldng�unless �:�• <br /> s <br /> � � Bomower eud Lender otherwise agree ia wddng or ualess appllcable Iaw otherajse provides.the pi000eds shell be applied to the ��°�:�; <br /> •�.•t',. sums socurc�by tdis Securiry Inst�ument whethci or not the suma ere thea due. __s; <br /> ��'" � ... r If�he Propeity ia ubandanod by Bonower.or if.attet notloe by Latder to Bomnwer that the condemnor offete to m�lce an =__ <br /> .. award a seule a cl�im for damages.Bomower feiis w respond w Leader wW►in 30 days aRer the dau;tfis neHce is givem.Leader � <br /> -"'�`� ' is authoc(z�d to collect end apply the proc�eoels,at its optIon.eid�er to restoianton or regair of the Pmpeaiy Qr o�tke s�uns secured �:W� <br /> . �.'.• by this Sccutity Insuu�t,whether or not thea due. �`�.. <br /> `j 1{cetion of m rIn sha]I not e�ctered or ne �.__ <br /> UNess Lender and Hoimwer ottte�vise agree in wrlt�ug,anY$PP F�s F � P�� ��_ <br /> _' ' tha due data of t6e aaontWY PBY�ta refened w in para�apha 1 and 2 or change the amnunt of such paya�eata _. <br /> � `', 11.Borrower Not Rekssed;Forbearanoe By�er No!a Wafver. BateASion of the tLne far paymeat os modiflcation = <br />:;:��:k':••yY`..' . of eiR�1�fitis$ti�ii8�'�i2 tiji i�S°�tj��iAtE�t�bS'�i?PIlY Si����ntn.�t�f�nR�r3 E� � <br /> ,_�': ..w, � not aprreta to retea�e the lisbiuty of the orlgtnai Boirower or Bosower's succe�sois ia iva�esc Lender sf�ll not ba requ�red to <br /> .,..�, <br /> �'`�`r'' commez�oe pm000dings ageinst anY sumoessor in iuteoest or rcfiise to e�nd ti�me for payment or otheravLse modify amorti�atlon of <br />:-_`'-`•:';�:r�: `� — <br /> `.;.. , the sntps sacurEd by this Seauiry Inst�meat by reason of eay deaaand made by d�e orIginal Bonowe�r or B�s+avver's successors <br /> `� ��Y� , <br /> `_;=,;�;.if,th�;�. in in�est.Aay fozbeataaoe by Leader in exercisin8 anY rlght or�+eemedy shall not be a waiver oi or precluda the exacisa of any <br />.�"_,�-..-�� <br /> __�-,,,y+-z^.;:`: '. I�lt O!IlitlEd�l. <br /> =:.,�,.;r':=�, �: 1Z.Suaoessors and Assi�na Boundi Joint aad Severai Liabflityi���es. 'Ihe wvenaat4 and agmee�ents of d�is <br />-;`���,:�. . Security Instrummt shall bind end 6eneSt the suc�ssore aad asslgns of L�nder and Bomower. subject to the provisions of <br />- --�- ---- '� — pamgrapb 1T. Homo�wer's cov�anm and agroe,�eats shaU be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this SecurIry -- <br /> -�=".._4'Y�Y <br />---��,�,.�� Insavs�nent but does aot execute the Note: (u)is co-si�niag dils Security Insst�uuma►t oNy to mortgage. �ant and convey tLat <br /> ---_ Barrower s lataest in the Propeity uader the tezms of this Secarity Iastcumen�(b)is not personally obligeted to p�y t6a sums <br />_- ,..._,.,;�� <br />-'`"°_�`" :"�:� sequ�d yy,this Sacarlry lnsltutnea�end(e)e8rees thet Leader and eny oth�a Bo�rower may agcee w oxtead.a�odifp.foibear or <br /> . _��'� malce any ac�ommodattons with regard w the te�ms of this Secudty►Ins�nment or the NoLe wlthout dmt Boimwer's conserit ' — <br />_ =�.4�r�.r,�;,� 13.Loan Charges. 1f tha Iean secnted by tt�is Security Liswment is subjact to a law whicti sets aoa�Imwn ic�an chacgrs, _ <br /> T -- --�°--�' and tLat law is i3nally intetp�tod so that We iataest or o@ur loan chatges aollacLed or to be collocted ip conaecdon alfh the Wan _ <br /> ���"�" exaed the parmitted 13�its.thea:(a)a�►Y such loan c�harge sh,ati be redaced by the amount neasseiy w reduce the charge to the — <br /> _"i;;�:'��� lxaa�itted�imi�and(b)any sums already collected fmm Borrowrr which e�coeeded permitoed limits will be nfunded to Bomnwer. <br /> _�:`:A�7 Lender may choose to enelce tdis refimd by n�ducin8 the prineipal owed uader the Note or by maldng a dic�ect paymau t�n _- <br /> ---= Barowa. 1t a refund nduces principai.the reducdoa wUl be u�aLed ss a paitial ps�p3yment without anY P�Ya►eat charge <br /> -_��--.�� ut�dar the Nate. — <br /> - ��' p4.Notioe7. Any aotica to Bomnwer provldod for in this Security Instrumeat shatl be givea by delive�g it ar by mailiag it <br /> ���� by first cla9s m�il unkss appllc�ble law roquires use of mwther me'fiod.�e noHce shaU 6e dir�ted ta the Pmpe:ty Addross or <br /> _����:, ---�= any,other addmss Honowv d�by nodce m Leader.Any nodce w Laidet shall bo giveu by fusi class maiD to Lender's - - <br /> �:.":- t°a =_ <br /> . address stated hetein or atty other address Leadet des�ates bY notIoe Oo Bflmoaer.My nodoe provFded for in this Ses�n�iry _.. - <br /> ''��►.�i�� Insbrumeat s6a11 be dxa'ied tfl have Goen g�tven to liaaowe�or I,eader when gtvea as pmvided in this paua�aph. — <br /> '�",;'���,"Y:� 1S.Governtng i.a�vi SeYeraDflily. 'Ails Sec�ritY Insuument shail be govemed by federal laa end the Iaw of the -- <br /> ?.�_,.,.. `-_ <br /> � • �'. � , juesaicdon tn which the Pmpeity fs loc�ced.ln me evem chaS any prov;ston or c.lause of this -- <br /> S�curity �nsotumeat or the NoOe � <br /> ,-'�_..'..��.._:�� �- <br /> cunfliqs wIth applk�able law.sucd confl�ct shatl not a�'oct odur prov�stons of thts Securlry Insnumeat or the YVotc ahich can be <br /> a,_ <br /> � given eit'ect artthout die oonflicdng proviston.Tb this ead the provisions of this Secusity TnsOnunent m►d the Nore are declared to �=, <br /> . He sevaable. � _ <br /> --_-- <br /> ._ � ....•6 , Form 30II0 9/a0 �. <br /> . . �•6R(NE�tos12� PIcp�4 ot6 InRlab• <br /> �� <br /> � � �_.e <br /> _ _�n '�'- . .� ..�__ �_ . <br /> .. , �.�_.T-�.��.Y .. " „ .�� _ . . . , � <br /> . . . �. <br /> . " ,. . . .� . <br /> � . '. � ' ., .,, ._ ., <br /> .. " . .. �i l ., , , u .. �� V . y , _ ._ <br /> .� ' . .. ' . .. . . � .. I <br /> , � .. 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