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<br /> . � S.Hc�sd or Property InsnrFanae. Borro�r�r sbaU keep Wa improvements aow existing or hereaftea ct�ected on tke PioperiY
<br /> ,.'„ ' insiuzd ageinst loss by fu�,hararcis inctuded wltbin the term"entet�ded covemge"end any other ha�uds,including flcods or
<br /> ° Aooding.for whiah Lender requires ins�uance.'lb3s iusurance shull be mainmined in the emaunts and for tke perlods ihat Lender
<br /> � nquires.'ll�e insurauca c�nier provIding the lnsuiance shall be chosen by Batrower subject ta L,erida's appmvsl ahich shall not
<br /> __ be unreasonably wi�held. If BoFiowe� fei�s w einnaintain covcr.�gc dc,�crih�d u�ta��e. Lender may.at Le�der's opt�on� obt?in _.
<br /> . • coverage to protect Lender'srigbts in tka Property in ecx�dance wlth pnragraph 7.
<br /> AU�asurance policies an�reneaals shaU ba sr.ceptabla w Lauda and shall inslude a s�edard mortgage clause.Lender shall
<br /> ���„�� kave the rlgbt to daId the polides mtd renewels.If Leadei t�eq�s,Borrower shaall promptly give to Lender all cecetpta of paid
<br /> _. °° :�.. premiums and renewal Aoi�aes.la We event of loss.Bomower shall gtve prompt aotice to the L�surance csniea and Lender.Lend�
<br /> ; " , ma►y make pronf of loss if not made prnmptly by Bomower. ..
<br />_=—�-- iTu�ess ixndet eud bairowa uiuerwwiw+� iu wriiui�.iu�nu� u-.,tc�ds�alt tu�pllcd m�ar"�ass or re�r Of!ka
<br /> ' pro�ty da�maged.if the rnsteradon or r�air ia economically feasible aiW Leader's seauity is not Icssenec7.If dre��n�
<br /> . • tt�atr is aot economic�ally fea4161e or Lcndrr's sec�nity wouid be 1e�eaed.the insmance p�a shall be appllod m tbe snms ..
<br /> tt
<br /> sacured 1�y this Seciuity Inso�ument,whethea or not thea due. aIth any �s.s paid to Hoaower.If Borrowa abandons the
<br /> . Fropeity.or dces not answer althin 30 days a aodce firom Leader thsit die lnsurenoe c�aier hes o�'ered�a se�tle a claim.iheri '
<br /> � ` ," Lendrr may collect the insurance p:oceede.Lender may uso tha prooaeda�o repair ar reswre the Pronerty or to pay swns secured
<br /> . .:. �, '��:
<br /> ° '�,� yy this Scattity Instrwneat,whether or not thea dcee.lt►e 30-day perpod wW begin whea the notfce is glveu. ei:_
<br /> . Uuless Ixa�det end Barmwa otiterwise agree i�t wrlttng.BaY$PP��of prace;.ifs to gsjnclpai shall te�t eatOrad or gost�one °.,,;,.:
<br /> . ' � � the due dete of the manthlY PaYQ►ents refeczed w ia pare�s 1 and 2 or cdange the amount of the paymeats.If under paragi�Ph �.`_
<br /> ;� 21 the Rope:ty is acqair�d by L�ader.Bonnwer's cigt�t w any insw�ance poltcies and prooeeds cesul�ag fram damage w the ,;�',
<br />_� � , �h,� p�y prl�to t�e acqwis3tton sliall pmss to IRUder to the eueat of dee s�secured by this Secnrity 1ns�nmeat immediately � -
<br /> pr�i�r to the acqnisltIan. _�
<br /> . }� �• 6.OocaPana9.PreservatTion�Maintenance and ProtaKton of the Propertyi Bono�er's Lvpn Aypli�ttion;Leaseholds. �_'.�
<br /> . Hoirower shari oeeupy.esmblis6,and ase the Propesty as Bormwer's principal resideace wltbin sbcty days after the execudon of —=
<br /> _ � this SesauIty Instrunaant and sl�all oonttnus to occupy the Ptcpaty as Bomowet's prIucfpal ne,stdeace fos et least ane year aftes tbe ��;`-
<br /> � :� dat,e of oocapency.uule,ss I.eader othezwlsa ag�ee.g in wdtin8. whict►consent shall not be mueasonably withheld,or ualess �w�
<br /> . � � � mc�eauating dnatmstances oxLst rvhicb are beyond Boaowe�'s oonuoL Borrower s�all not d�sroy.damaSa o:impair the Pmpeny. ��_
<br /> _ �., allow the Pmpe:ey ou detedo�cata. or oornwit waste on t6e Propeaty. Bo:mwez st�all be in defauit if any forfe[uua acdan or =_
<br /> pnoaedtng,wLether dvtl or crlminal,is began thai ia l.aides's gaod fiwi►jndginea�t conid r�atc iu forfeif;uo af ii�fi��•'"tY ar
<br /> . . . :;�, _ n �
<br /> , .."� othawi.se ma�aUY iwPair the lien created by this SectulK► 1ns�ument or I�eudet's sec�ttlty►inte�est Bom�wer may aue such a �,.._
<br /> default and reinstate.as pmvidrA in pamgirapb 18�1yY cauxin8 the acdon or psot�odinB to be diamissW witb a tuliag tliat.in
<br /> so 0
<br />_'- �.� Leader's good faid►detamination.Precindes forfeinue of the Boimwer's in�est ln the Pmperty or otha matarisl iir►Peinneat of
<br /> . .. . ;�{�.� . the llsa created by this Sectui3y Insmuaent or I.eader's�ecurIry inte�st.Boaower aha11 also be in ddavit if Bosower,daring tbe
<br /> ~. . . ���;��'� ^ 1o�u►aPP�P�8�'a m�Y felse a inaxurate info�utlon or stateznenta to L�eader(or feiled to provide Lender witt�
<br /> �' ��' ��:��:'
<br />;-�_;::';,;,,xr,,, any maurlpl infoimatlon)ln cannec0ion wUb the loan evldeaced by tha Note. includIng.bnt not limitsd oo,�epn.se�►t�Ons
<br />_::•�,:,,�';�,'.,,.: � �n;ng Borrower's ocrnp�nc�►of the Pmpetty es s piiocipal t�esidence.lf this Seauiry Insmuneat is oa a leasehold�Bomowei
<br /> - � �"`�-;�' sh�U oompty with ell tbe provist�ons of the kase.If Boamwer eoqnines foe tttle to tha Ycopeity.the leacehold and the fee titia sLail °�—
<br /> ='-��: t+_ v�
<br /> ��:::
<br />_-y�;.,.,,•�.�: aotmergo unless Leader agreesto the mcrge�h►wr�ing.
<br />-_;:Q=�c:.�,N�.��; : 7.Protec8on.of Y.eader's Wghta in tbe Praperiy. If Bom�aer fe�s w prrforat the covaiants ead e�counea�s contained in
<br /> _=_--.�:ti��.� pus Sec�uItjr Inst�um�nb or tttae is a 1ega1 yroc�eding diat maY�t1y affect Leader's rights in the Aroperty(such ag a
<br />�';,�``Y---�:�� p�din8 ia b�lauP�Y.P�1�ata.fa conde�ar fwfeiwre ar to eaforca lawa or regulations)�@een Lender may do and PaY
<br />--�:-."�-.,_�°'�'�� [ar wh�sver ia neassmcy to pcot�ect tde valua of the Pcopa�ty end Lader's rlghts in We Propaty.Leada's�ctia�s may iaclude
<br />__=--r�..:��.��
<br /> -v.-�—•s Pa]�8 any s�ms secured by a liw which hes pr[ority over this Sean�iry Inson�meat,appearin8 in cau:t,I�Y�B�nable
<br /> __,'=`�:�� empncya�fees and eam3ng on the P�apeny to make repairs.AlWaugh Leader m$y teke acdon uader this paragra�ph 7�Lender
<br /> °�:�:�:�f'_�� doesnothavetocbso.
<br /> - �"'._�'�� My amom►ts dfsbursed by Ixader tutder this p�ragiaph 7 s6ell beootne addlttonat debt of Brnmwu sec�ued bl►this 5ecudty -
<br /> =� Insuumeat Unkss Homowu and Lrada a�ee tn other te�ns of payment,these amonnts sba11 b�r iater�t from the date of _.
<br /> -'°��� disb��sea�eat at the NoYe rato anct sLall be payable.wIth inta�t,npon notice fmm Latder to BamQiver re4uesdn8 DaY�� -
<br /> _-___ __ g�Mort�aga Insm�aa. If I�er roquirod tnortgage insuta�e as a oondition of making t6e loan securod by dds Sec�ty
<br /> -=�`�W InsCnaz�at, �Owa shall FeY t��iums m�luired to ma�t�in eho u�tgage insurance in effect.If.for aay re�ason.d►e —
<br /> --- nwrtgage ins�uanae oovaage nquired by LEader lapses ar oeases w be in effoct,Bomnwu ahau pay the pr�mtums requ�red w -
<br /> =-=`'r��`� obWa caverage subslantlaUy equ�veient to the mortgage insurence pneviously ia effect,at a oost substendally oquivaleat ta the =-
<br /> �----._.. --_
<br /> =��,�`�': .. cost to Ba�rrowes of tt� mo�gsge insucaaoe previously ia effect�from�aliernate mortgage ensu�ec approved bY Leaider.If -_-
<br /> --_ '„!',�'- sub�antially equivafant mort�age insuremce cov�age is not availablo.�o.�wer shaII pay t�I�der each month a�m equal to =_
<br /> _.. .,:� " •� oaertw e l ft h o f t n o Y�Y�Se���P���8 P�by B o n o w e r a h c n t h e i n s u r a n c a cov e s a ge l a p s e d ar oe�se�d to f_W`-
<br /> be in ef[ect.Lendes wlll aooe�p� use and rem�n these paymeats a4 a toss rese�ve in lieu of mortge,ge insuram�. Loss rese�ve �`�-�
<br /> �., oo �._.
<br /> " �-°s FormSOZ811lo0 ����-�
<br /> , . . .�-
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