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<br /> . ., g 5-» �0°�2�'9
<br /> � 16.Burrowu's Copy. Bomower shall be Siven one canfozmcd ccpy of the Note and af this Security Insmumen�
<br /> �� 17.Teanster a!the Prope�or n Beaefic�al InteresE in Borrowu. If aIl ar eay part of the Ptopeaty ar any l�terest in it is
<br /> � sold ar aansfeaed (or if a be�►aficial iaterest ln Bomower is sold or uansferred and Hamower is aot a nsWialpe�son)wIthout
<br /> Lender's prtor wrieten oonsent,Lendcr may.ut ita optto�n�re4uire immediate paymenc in full of all sume secund 6y Nls Security
<br /> „ inswme,nt However,t�sis oyztto�shell aot Q�e exerciscd by L�dc�s if exercLsE is�mhibited by fedenal l�cr ns o8 t�e c!a!e af this
<br /> Secutity lnstiwna�t
<br /> .. ' If Lender�er�ises tbiaoadon,Lendea shell give Bo:rowet aoti�e of eoceleratioA.lhcs aotice st�ell provide aa�iod of not tess
<br /> ,�..� d�en 30 days from the aate tbe aot�ce is deuvaod or maUal within which Borrower musc pay ali suzns securad by�hia Security
<br /> Iustcument.If Botrow�r feita�o��SY lhe�e'euiaa�ridi tio ttte expiratlon of this petlod�Leatder atay invoYe any temod�es peanivad
<br /> . � - by this Securlty L�strurn�t w+�ttlout furQ�lr ndlica�de�nand on Honowea.
<br /> 1S.Borrowv's Rfg6t to�teinsWte.`�If Borrower'd�ts cenain ooadidune. Borrowei shall have the rIgP►t to dave
<br /> °-- -_-- ��;° L,a-�t�t d�as�rtud st an t�te Frlar tn ths e�3ter a� {a� � da�(oz � otk�� as -
<br /> '�—— QLLW{X'�il1Gt�Vl tl y �
<br /> s p plicable ktw mayspeclfy or reinstatement)befo�e sale of the Pic�epaty pnrsnant m auy power of sate oontalnad in d�is S ,
<br /> L�umeu�er(b)en1ry o f a judgmp►t enff�ng this Security Instcumea4 1 1 t o s e aou d(t I o n s are t b a t Boxrower:(a)�ays I.e n�
<br /> � sums whicb thea would be due uader this SeasrIty Ia.strumeat and the Note as if ao aa�leration dad oc,cuaed;(b)cuns any +.
<br /> defnult of any other coveaanta ar agreements;�c)PaY�all exPe�ses iacu�red in eafo�ag tLis Se�uity Instrumeat,IncWding.but
<br /> �__ .• � not Umited to,reasonable etmmeys'fees:and(a)talces such actton es Le�eder ma reasonably require to assure thai the llea of tbls
<br /> ' Socu:ity Instmraent,L�ender's rlghts ict the Pmpeety and Bomuwes's obl�oa t� paY dte sums soctued by tWs 3ecurIry ';,:
<br /> - Inst�uuu�t shall oondnus unct+anged.Upon re3nstetemeat by Botrower. this S lnsonuaeat az►d tbe obligations s�rrad
<br /> _ ha�eby si�nll eei;�fuily e�ectiv8 as if no s�cettxadan bsd ecaured.Horiever.d�is��t to m.ir�siatc alr�ll not e�ly in the c�se of .
<br /> acoeletadon und�cr patagrnph 17.
<br /> • 19.SAIe o�Note�Ch�age o!Lo�n Servioer. The Note or a narttal int�st ia the Nota (tngether wltb this Seandry
<br /> � inst�unaeat)may be sold oae or more times wtthout prlar nottce to Bomnwer.A sale may resutt in ac�nqe ia the eatity(knoan
<br /> - as tbe"L�oan Seiv�tt�t oollocts auontWy ts due ander the Note sud tLis Socurity Iasaumeat lficraeLso maybe one or _
<br /> � more changes of the I.oan Seivlcer to a sale of the Note.If d�e is a chanage of d1e Loan 3e�vioc�Homowea ar�ll be -�._
<br /> . . givea aritteu aoibce of the e4ange ip aocoMance wIth b 14 above andapp]ic�ble law.'Itie notIce wlll state the name and ��.�
<br /> ` s�',. addresv of the new Loan Sezvicer and the add�+ess tn wh li paymeuts shoWd be mada.11ie nodoo wIU also conta3n any other —
<br /> � inf�aaatloa reqnined by appliceble Iaw. °—
<br /> 20.Rapardons Sabsmnoa�. Boraowe,r ehall noi cevse orpenn�the pmseace, use, di.spossl, store8e,�release of�y �_�
<br /> Ha�dovs Subs�nas on�in the Propeity.Botmwer s6all not do.aor allow aayane elsa tn do.eayd�ing affactiag the Pmpeny •�°S
<br /> : ��f that is ia vloladnn of an�!•Bavironmeaml Isw.Tbe preceding two senunoes st�all not�1y to the presemoe.usa,o:swrnge on the ----
<br /> PIOpPi[y Of SR1811 QUBA�UG4 OY H8T8[d6US SI1bS�8A0C.41b8L 8Ii8$CAC[811y[aC0$[I�ZOQ LO[18�O�LC W ROlTOFl1 fCS�f1PA1181 I15CS
<br /> _, - ,, � � a�d ffi iu�ii�af!hc Plog�ly. �
<br /> BOn1DWQ SbBU PfOA1�IlY SiVC I�CII�l WfIltCit ItO1�C8 Of 8Ay IDVl3t�$8$Olt.C�8�(Il.�18Ad. 18WSUIt O!Ot�l�i BC�QA Iiy 811y
<br /> � . #. goverameatal a regutawryagencY�P�P�Y involving the R�aperty and any Hazerdavs Substanee or Bavh�enmeatal Law -
<br /> ,:•}� of ahich Botraaer has ac�ml imoavle�ga,If B�onower lescns.or is noti£ed by mry govanmenml or regnlamiy au�that�y
<br /> removal a�otha�iadon of any Ha�d Snbstsnoa affa�ing the Pm�ty is nooessary.Bo�rowu sl�alt�tta�up �ice all
<br /> • nooes�y m�nedial actions iu a000rd�nce with Euvironm�aml Law.
<br /> ` As used in this p�rag�aph 20, "Hazendnus Subsmnces"ana 1�ose sutostances defined av Waic or hs�rdous subsmnces by �
<br /> � Favh�on�aeatal Iaw and the following enbslance� �soline. kaosen0. Wi�r tlama�sble or to�cfc peu+oleu�m�. to�dc ;,�_-
<br />-°- •• �•;�� pesdcIdes and habicldes.voletile sohrmts.ma�ials rAn�nB s�or fommldehyd4 and tadbac6ve As usad in --
<br /> ',� � . _� d�fs 20, "Bnvimnmeatal Law"�neans fede:al laws end laws of We jacisd�cdon ahere We Pirope�ty is lacated diaz telate �--
<br /> �•:-��^ �� to 6�hety ar wvimnmealal pmfecdon. ��_`�
<br />��...,�.,.-�� __
<br /> ,:,-�"� NON•UNffQRM COVBNAIVTS.Bomawer and Leader futd�r vcveaaut and a�ee as followa
<br /> -;_�,,���_,�I 21.Aaoe{aatloni Remediea.I.endar sh�II give aotice to Bore+a�wer prbr to aooekratbn folfa�ving Bmra�wv's breacb ot
<br />_ �'_'�'-k�3 any oov�aant or �grament in thts Socurity Iostramm4 (b� not prior to aoodaratlon under pangnpl� 17 unkss
<br /> '�..�,, applicable IaW pruvides ot6erwise).The notioe sha11 spccit'y:(a)the d�taWti(b)the a�fun reqotr�d to cur�t�e ddadt:dc)
<br />_,,-��._,:,.�=._.:��
<br />-:"'�"'�:�'.�' tt dater�t Iese tl�n 3�N�firom the ditte the notioe b g[vea to Bon+uwer�by which th�ddanh ma�t be auedi and(d) --
<br />-_=-�`_�� ti�at iaitmre to cmre the detanit on or betan t!u date sp�dfied In tte notioe map resWt in aaode�atbn ott�e sums samtid
<br /> .-TM-:-�.`;' by this St�urlty L�ument and sWe of t1M Plrope�ty.T6e notioe sb�aa�uWer intorm�ore+o�vei of the riaht to reinsbte
<br /> -::�;s;:4'`! �aooelerntbn and We right tn D�ing a aomt nctRnn to a�sserS tlee non�na o!a ddaultt or any athtr dei�ot m.
<br /> --'.,�W Borwwer 6�aooelaatbn and eak.U the dd'ault is not wnd on or bdore the date specif'�ed in the noHoe�i.ender,at ila =
<br />:_�� `' _--
<br /> :-: i.._ _ � O��r 111�Z+EIj�i!�mtd�ilt!!�IAj�lIIL�II fU110'T Y01 WOts S�L'Y!!d 11��S.�l�t�IR5�19�lIIt lijthOtlt���Dd -
<br /> ` ���� __
<br /> ,s,�..��.��� asd ma�iavo�e t6e paaeer at sxk nnd any other remediea parmttt�by applkable la�v.L�dar s1wII be entitled to eolkd �LL
<br />-'�'�"'�� ap rspeases incaned in pmsaing the rimedks provtded in thi9 puaBruPh 21�inclading,6ut not ifmit�d to,e+easoasEk --
<br /> !��.�s..,.. "
<br /> ,�,�:,ga�.•,. � a�neys•tedandcoslaottkt�tvEdena. F=
<br />_:,�,.._ -, . ..
<br /> :-.:�..:.�... ., It tLe powcr ot sale is isvolc�d,'�tee s1�D reoor�!a notice of defiWt in eac6 ao�ty in abich a� put o!tl� ��,;,.�
<br /> . ... . �`"^5. { Propa�ly is bcated and shsII mait oopks ot sach notioe ia the m►�naer presceibcd by applicabk law Lo Bon�owa and t4 the L:;:.
<br />- ' " ,.'..�.�; ot�v�pre�tbtd by applica6le!aw Afhr tlu ttme r�qa�d by applkabk 1aw,75rastce s1�U five pnblic notioe ot -
<br /> } s�k tQ We pereons wad En fhe manner px�IDcd bY aA�1iCa6fe law 7Yastee,�ithont demand on Bormwer,s6aU sel�the
<br />' �� Piroperiy at pnblic aucdon to ttte highest bidd�At the Wne and ptaoe and ander t6e terma des�gn�Led tn ths notioe ot�ale
<br /> .«
<br /> Form 802E 018D �
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