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<br /> �� 'POQ$TI�R WITH all the impmvementa nuw ar her�ft�erected on the pmperty.and sll easementa,eppurteaaace�,astd
<br /> ti�tures now or hereaftc�a part af the property.All replsioements and addiflans shall also be covered by this SecurIty Iastrumen�
<br /> All of the foregoiag is referceA to In ihis Sec�try Inswment es the"Praperqr."
<br /> � �ORROWBR COVBNAIVI'S thnt Aorrower is lawfully seised of tha estate hereby conveyed and has the rlght w gr.�nt and
<br /> coavey tho Pcopesty and U�at tho �rope:ty is unencumbered.excePt for eacumbsauoes of record. Homower warrants and wiU
<br /> � " . defead generfilly the title cm thie Prop�rrty ageinst aU claims and denaands.subjece to eny eacnmbrances of reoord.
<br /> � Ti�IIS SECfJRTI'Y IIV5IRUN�NT combines uniform oovenanta far nadonal use and non-unifonn wvenents wIth ldnitod ,
<br />. �-�.�'�.' varla�ens by Jurtsdic,tFon to oonsdwtw a unifaim securiry instrument covering real propaty.
<br /> °w...��_:•�• UMFORM COVBN/ANfS.B�oaower and Lender wvenant and agree as followa:
<br />__'�_�_—_! 1.�aymen4 ot Prtncfnal and Interesti��'ePs�►ment aad l.Ate Chs�rgra Bomower shaU promP�Y PaY when due tha
<br /> �; r p�inc[pal of and interest on 4ie debt evIdenoed by the Note aAd eaY F�PaY�t and late charges due�nder the Note. -
<br /> " ;� ` a.F�ads tor Taxes and Ynsur�tnoe. Snbjoct to appHcable laa+ or m a arluen waiver by Lender. Bomnwer shall pay to
<br /> LeAdcr on the day raanthly paycaeab ane due�md�the Note.untll th$Nore is paid in fWj,a sum("F�mds")for:(a)yearly ta�ces =
<br /> . , and agse.csmeats ahic6 c�axy auain prtorlty over this Sec�rity Insuument av a lien on the Prope:ty:N)Yearly leasehold paymeatta
<br /> �' ar gmund reats on the Frnpr�ty�if any;(c)Yearly haxa�d or prope�ty ins�rance praatams:(�Yeatty flood insureuce p�aiwis.if :
<br /> . ;� aal►:(e)Y�Y�o�8a iasuraace prear►iums,if aay;and(�snY�PaY�e by Borrower to Leader,in accardaace w�b �he � '''�'
<br /> _ ' �. provisIons of paragraph 8,ia lieu of the payment of mangage insurance pmmiwns. 1ltese itcros ara callod"Ssc�+ow Uems.' :
<br /> `'A` I.eader may.at any time, eAUect and kold Fnnds in an amount not to euoaed the ma�cUnum amount a lender for a fede�ally celaLed -
<br /> .. . �i� mortgage loan may�equ�e far Boaower's esaow axount nnder the federel Real Bs�La Senlemeat Pmcediues Act of 1974 as =
<br /> . , ameadad from tame w d�xee,12 U.S.C.Seqion 2601 u seq. {"RBSPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser .
<br />_ ' � amoimt If so.LEader may,at eay dma,�ollect and dald Funds in en emount aot to aceeed the le�er amoun�Leader may %�
<br /> �� ,;,t estimate dte anaoant of Funds d¢e oA dte basls of cutrent dafa and reasonable esdmates of e�cpettdihutes of fuWre Hscanw Items or
<br /> � otherwlse In ac�aordanoe wit4 applkx�ble 1aw. �;�V
<br /> � 11ie Funds shall be held ia an insdmdon whose deposits are Insu�ed by a fede�al agency.insaumea�ity,or endty(iucluding 6"-
<br /> L�actrr.if Lend�!s aucta aa �tlon)or in eny Federal Home Loan Bank.Leuder sball apply the Funds to pay the �scrow �-
<br /> ; Items.Lender aaay aot cha�ge Borrower far holding and applying the Funds.annually a�allyzing the�crow a000un�or veiitying =—
<br />. . • the Bscrnw Items.udess Ieader paya Boaowa interest an the F�utds and app9kable 1aw pesmita Leader tn malccs such a c6arge. _�
<br />:,_. �. _ �,:' �', However.I�endei ma,y re4uine Horrower w DaY a oao-t�me c6a�8e for au Indepeadent nal es��reponing service usoid by =-
<br />;�„�--;`.� :. :�, I�e�cder in aonnecdon with tbis losm,unless applic�able laav provides othe�wLse.Unless en ag�oemeut is made or appllcabk 1aa► �
<br />- . requ�Ces iaterest w be paid,Leader shall noi be required to pay Baaower any interest or eamings on the Fnnds.Bonovvrt and =
<br /> _�`;�..,: :�, .'_�. I.ender may egree in wrtdng.however.that intexest s6aU be paId on the Funds.Leader shall glve to Homower.wlthoutch�ga,an
<br /> '`" �. >:��,. , annual aacoow�ing of the Funds,showing credtts and debits w the Funds and the putpose for which each debit to the PVwds was
<br /> �"•�. ;_.,.,�"., mada.The Ptwds are pledgod as addidonal securIry for a11 susas secured by this Securlty InsOn�meat �
<br /> --:°_��� �.:��� If dte Funds held by Lemda exceed tbe affioitats pesmiued to be held by appHc�bb law,Leadet shall e000unt w Bouowrr fa - -
<br /> �_."�-_��_��, ths e�wes.s Fhads ia aocordanoe wtth the zoqu�remeats ofpp�lic�ble law.If the a�nount of the Fluids held by I�e�nder at eay t�ne is �
<br /> ,:.�y:i.ri�"a '�c "l'r t
<br /> ,.��.;,�,�,�. � not eugideat oo pay the�scrow Itema whea due.Lead�may so nodfy Bormwer ia writIag�and,in s¢ch case Boaower s�all pay =.
<br /> -ti.�� to Leader the amount neassacy to make up the defcleacy. Bmrower shail make up tQe defideacy i�no mom then twelve
<br /> '``'.i�-- ,ry� IDOAtbly p8jttl1CAi9.AL I.�idPt�9 5018 d1SCDC1I0A.
<br />-..-�;;'�'�.3.�,, �� .
<br /> �..'`"�:.�• . UPon PaYaaeut in fi�tl of all suma secnred by this Secauiry Ins�ameat.Leader shali
<br /> -„��.�.�.. P�P�Y refuaa o�9osrower any Fhnds
<br /> __�T=���-,�--��'--� haW by Leader.If►undei petagraph 21.Leadet shall aoq�ite or seU ibe Pcope�ty.Lender.Inior w the acqnisId4n or sale of tLa
<br /> _:_-1;r�,.� �'P�Y.shall apply eny F�nds held by Leader et the dme of acqufisIdon or saks as a c�odit e�tha wms secumd by d�is
<br /> --_----- Secuciry Insr�umedt
<br /> ----- 3.Applkatton otPaymenta Unles�applicable law provldes otherwlse.ail paymeats rcceivad by I.ender iwdac para�aphs
<br /> - 1 and 2 shail be appliod:S�st�w anY�Ymont chmrges due under the Note;seoond.to amounts payable under pareg,�ph 2; -
<br /> _--�.`�`:�� thiid.to inte.cost due;fourth,m Princ3pal due;and 1ast.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> _.�'�.=L�°.� 4.Charges3 Lkris. Bo�roaer s6all pay ait taxes,ass�nea�.char8es. 6aes and imposittons spri'butable oo the Pmperty �
<br /> --=� whicb may aitaln prlorlty ov�r d�is Socu�Ity Liswmau.and leasetiold payments or g�onnd reat�.if eny.Baaower sLall pay daese _
<br /> "°'°a'�°i� obligations in the manner provided ia pawpapb 2.or if aot patd in that manner.Borroarei shall pay the�a on time directly� the -
<br /> _� pQSOn owed paymeat Harrowea shaIl promptly fumish to iRadu all no8oes of arnaunts to be paid under ttis ga�seph.If _:
<br /> _--.��:—� Borrower makes these paymcnts dinectly.Boirower sha11 pramptly fuenish to Leadee r�pts evjdencjn8�PaYm�- -
<br /> -�-:�-��� Bomower shatl P�p�Y�Se any lien which hag prIority over this Securityr Inswment unlesa Borrower:(a)a�ees ia `
<br /> °----�-=�' arIting W We paymeat of the obligadon se�aued by th$lien in a manuer axeptable to Leader.(b)cantesta in good faith tba liea --
<br /> � by, or defeads egainst ea[orceaeeat of the llen in, legal Pmc�din8s ahtch in tho Leadet's opinioa opetate to prsvt�t the = ,-
<br /> �� --
<br /> _:-�'`'��.,:,' � enfonemeat of the liea: or(c)sec�u�es 5rom the hold�af the liet►an egreen►ent salidacto�y to Lertder subordinating the Ilen W _.
<br /> :���;,.� ihis Secauity Instmment If Leader dete�nines thsxt any part of the Property is sub,�ect to a llen which may atmin prlc�rity over tbis
<br /> � ' SeauIty Iasonimeat,Leaela may give Boaower a aotice tdeaUfyying the Hen.Boa�ower shatl setisfy t�e liea ar taioa one or aaam `�:.
<br /> 'f en
<br /> : �•.� . ':�"� af the acHons set forih sbove wlthin 10 days of the glving of notioe. ..
<br /> ; `'� Form E02!�I80 u�"
<br /> ., .. :,�j ' ��6R(NE�(ost�l Pap�zote tnttlat�:
<br /> ,�
<br />- -_s���� .
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